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Everything posted by Txcotn

  1. Dancing was a huge draw on Crystal, what's the point of eliminating it?
  2. That's fine. DH has a business and when they have a "roll out" it better be right day 1 minute 1, a carryover from his corporate days! And he's just a small business person, you would think that with the vast resources of A&K they could figure this out. Maybe their resource aren't so vast after all.πŸ™„
  3. Why is it so difficult to get it right on day 1?
  4. Interesting because Manfredi bought Crystal because he loved it (or so we were told). If he loved it so much, why so many changes or omissions? Why not give Crystal cruisers what they want, what he "loved" about Crystal? We're getting more turned off by the day...
  5. I looked at a few itineraries last night and found that now they do indeed show a price difference within categories. Maybe not for all itins, but they do show prices for mid ship, forward, and aft, the mid and aft being higher than forward. Just FYI. Still a work in progress that should have been ready to go on day one.πŸ™„
  6. Txcotn


    Then it was β€˜08. We were on board both years. Nobu was there to crack the sake bottle! The space was renovated between LA and HK and the ceremony was right after we left HK.
  7. Txcotn


    Around '07 or '08
  8. The reason we need walk in closets on a ship is that we always bring too much stuff!🀣 We've scaled down every time we cruise, we're down from 4 suitcases plus 2 carry-ons to 2 suitcases and 1 carry-on, and we still go home with clothes we never wore!
  9. Never assume, especially with a new company, which Crystal is.😎
  10. I believe you are mistaken, both ships show a walk-in closet on their aquamarine floor plans.
  11. Those rooms used to have wonderful storage, we used to stay in those and even for 2 months we have enough room for all our clothes and all our "stuff" and the books we used to bring with us. Shame that they took them out.
  12. Sorry to say, but wouldn't it be appropriate for Crystal to post ACCURATE stateroom info? We were told there are no bathtubs below Jr CP yet renderings show tubs in some PH/PS (Aquamarine/Sapphire) but the floor plans do not. It takes a TA hours on the phone to sort this out with inexperienced/not knowledgeable reservation agents; simply posting the correct information on their web site would save TAs and their reservations people hundred of hours of time on hold and asking questions to which no one seems to have an answer. Kind of like going to a nice restaurant and asking the source of the seafood or if it is fresh or frozen, the servers tend to be just that, servers, not people knowledgable of any detail, there to sell food and that's all. And my pet peeve, "it's fresh frozen" - it can't be both! But I digress, sorry. We wouldn't have to consider former room numbers if the actual and correct room info was on the web. It's very frustrating and if your TA has not been on the ships, it makes it doubly hard for them to get the right answer. We are withholding any reservations until this is all sorted out. We thought A&K would be on top of the game but apparently they are not, IMO.
  13. Keith, so you also have the identifying color codes? That would be very helpful!
  14. Sounds like my dear mother in law!🀣
  15. Wow those are huge segments! Guess they don't want short segmenters...we usually take 2, but the breaks are not where we want to go. 😰
  16. The Sapphire is clearly larger than the Aquamarine. Seebreeze suites were the same square footage as the standard PH but felt much tighter for some reason. That wall with the TV on both sides makes the Aquamarine suites feel very tight. And yes, I see the bathtubs in the pictures - is someone being lazy and just doing a cut and paste? The floor plans don't show tubs, just showers in both Aquamarine and Sapphire suites.
  17. Do you ever have anything nice or positive to say about a cruise line you have never sailed?
  18. I'm hoping for some theme cruises like Film&Theatre, Jazz, etc.
  19. No overnight in Bora Bora? Such a nice place and lots of Motu also for a unique stay - not that we would do it again but it would be nice to have more than 7 hours. Too much time in Papeete for my taste.
  20. Interesting different tastes - ones we were interested in had to FEW sea days!😎
  21. More than likely frosted glass, it lets in some light.
  22. It's the door in. Look at the actual "photos".
  23. That looks like the door in from the hallway that can't open all the way. And why put the walk in closet ACROSS the hall from the bathroom? Somebody didn't think about that very hard.
  24. They have me as 2 different people.πŸ™„
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