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Vineyard View

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Everything posted by Vineyard View

  1. I just perused EJ, again, and it sure looks to be an attractive addition to the cruise industry. Our TA informed us that they have great discounts through qtr1 of 2024. Unfortunately there are no itineraries that would work for us with their one ship. Maybe when their next ships launch it will be worth another look, as I have read on several forums how impressed people were with their recent sailings. I would add though that unless the attractive discounts remain in play, their pp/pd cost is quite a bit higher than we budget.
  2. Noon reports work. Incessant unnecessary broadcasts don’t. I guess the real question is, why? Is this a new trend with Oceania?
  3. When we were on Quest in May/June it was full both times we dined there. We really did enjoy our experience - food and service.
  4. Well, I guess I was in a positive state of mind when I posted that! It seriously does give one pause as to why Oceania would think that this piped in music and loud frequent announcements everywhere elevates the experience
  5. Very good points. I cannot disagree with you! Thank you for pointing out the difference in pre Simply More WiFi that was experienced by OP. I am also always suspicious of an only positives review. I tend to discount them. I just felt that there were more negatives on the experience than positives, so that was where I was making the comment. I haven’t yet been on a trip, via land or sea, where there were unexpected frustrating situations.
  6. We had the chance to visit Barcelona on three occasions, and stayed there a number of nights.. the city center was very convenient. Because of that, I would not mind at all visiting Tarragona. I have heard the same thing…that it is a treasure n For others, having time in Barcelona is important as it is a wonderful city and experience. I would just want to know in advance, and it sounds as if that will happen But as has been said before on this thread, embarkation ports are more secure, so likely it will be Barcelona.
  7. I would suggest that from reading this blog, that it sounds like VO is a better fit for both of you, particularly when you travel with others. With all the issues you had I am surprised that you rebooked O again. I am thinking your major concerns will not have changed when you sail again. It is good to hear different perspectives. Thank you for sharing yours. If I remember correctly, your blog when you travelled on VO voiced a good number of concerns as well. I think there are likely no perfect cruises, and no travels without their blips and mishaps. It sounds as if the food was your major winner with Oceania, but the issues (elevators and WiFi) will likely follow you on the next one that you booked, so it is good to know that going in.
  8. I wish you the best. We loved the experiences on our safaris and I hope that you are able to do the same.
  9. Great thread. Thank you PinonNoir. I enjoyed following along. Love that the food overall was mostly at your expectations, crew exceeded it, and you thoroughly enjoyed your trip. Loud announcement and a CD who talks too much was a flashback from decades ago on Carnival. No thank you. Hopefully that will be addressed as it really should gem an easy fix. The coffee difference between ships baffles me. If Oceania cannot bring on wines in different ports, as I have been told, and corporate drives that, why would coffee be different between ships…. Being told that the ship was being held for me when I was 25 min prior to last boarding….wwll, I agree completely with your response. Interesting that you were early on so many ports, but I guess better than late. Safe travels
  10. I have to agree with ak1004. I’ve done so many price comparisons between VO, SB, and O that it’s overload at some point. Each and every time, VO comes out more expensive than either SB or O. I have added in every single amenity between the three, every single extra or included charge, and dollar for dollar that is how it plays. We also sailed in PV, so I can see where you are coming from in the cabin comparisons. But a really significant difference, as ak1004 points out, is that any VO cruise marketed as ‘x’ days is not the same as SB or O. Example is VO markets a 15 day, that is actually 14 nights (pattern repeats on their offerings with various lengths) whereas on O or SB that is a 14 day cruise. That changes the math on a per person per day cost basis quite a bit. Are there services, venues, cabin lay out, ship lay out etc. differences between them. Yes. Absolutely and that has to come into play in making decisions. But total cost per person per night…those are hard dollar comparisons if that is what your decision is based upon. For us, that is not everything. Itinerary, time of year, etc factor in….but side by side….For us, the product on VO didn’t measure up to SB….looking forward to our first on Oceania. Would we sail VO again…for the right itinerary and price, yes. I just haven’t found that post Covid.
  11. Uganda is “level 3…reconsider travel” according to the same body in the govt.
  12. Totally agree. The Baja and Hawaii cruises that go from SFO on other lines, and the Western Coastal that stop are non starters for us. That said, port days in SFO are certainly not what they used to be so it may be a tough sell. No offense intended kej1.
  13. I believe you. We were given a good bit of misinformation when we booked onboard. It has been addressed with Seabourn. cruiseej, you are sharing what our TA explained to us on one of the particulars so thank you. My takeaway is always get in writing what was verbally promised. This is not just a Seabourn issue by any means, but it can be one.
  14. Well that is what I thought would happen. But when I had my TA check, she was told that the additional 5% for returning customers was not applicable on all cruises. Out of curiosity, which ship were you on? Thank you for responding to my questions
  15. We were given 5% when we booked on board using the purchased FCC. They would not also give 5% as a returning customer. If I understand correctly, the 5% returning customer discount is not offered on all cruises? Is the Purchased FCC ever combinable with the 5%……or am I just way off track here? I admit to being confused around this!
  16. After reading updated news reports, I would venture to say that Turkey may become be a troublesome area again for those from the West for a while. We have a port in Turkey next Spring that I would anticipate a change…..the current situation is extremely volatile and worrisome. We visited Egypt, directly after the conflict in 2014. We were the second ship to visit Cairo. It was a big lesson to us after being surrounded by guns, even with an armed guard. We very much enjoyed all the ports we spent time in on that trip in Turkey. Our guides were highly educated and gracious. I a, grateful we had that opportunity. In the current environment, visiting Turkey would not be one I would be comfortable with.
  17. Didn’t I read just recently that there were some concerns with the caviar being different on a recent sailing? If I remember correctly it was ‘geeen’ rather than ‘black’, and of a lesser quality. I hope this isn’t a portent of things to come with this change…..that could carry over into other food items. I hope as some have suggested that the savings will be translated into different and more carries offerings, and not just a bottom line savings. I also agree that the 32 oz tomahawk steak for two is a tough choice for your main steak offering…for a variety of reasons that others have mentioned. Personally, we loved the Napa burger, and our meals in TK, but the change is happening regardless so hopefully this new offering will be a great success and received well.
  18. I am really glad that it all worked out to your complete satisfaction. I agree. $27k IS a lot of money. That was a class move that Oceania made. We spent time in Alexandrea (unknowingly a day some of what we wanted to see was closed, including their amazing Library). I am not sure what one would do for two days, but maybe there is a lot. I never researched that much. I will add that an armed guard does not necessarily take away the possible dangerous encounter. I know this first hand from an experience in Cairo in 2014 when Egypt had just opened back up. I have not heard of such a situation since, but I do not follow. Fast forward to the present situation, and I would feel like you. Uncomfortable and not safe. Again, glad it all worked out for you, and sounds like it will for others who feel similarly. And kudos to O
  19. I think maybe the key is ‘the loyalty discount’.
  20. You bring up such a valid and important point. In the States, for the most part Medicare does not follow your coverage once you leave the country. So insurance specifics can be very different. For us, once we no longer had insurance we paid through our employers, we needed to be sure we had coverage once we left the country. We have Chase and Amex, and depending on CC levels the insurance coverage is different. We do not know what OP has. Regardless, we need pre-existing and want emergency evac coverage. Based on that we purchase an additional policy. Maybe I am missing something, but after reading this thread, there are great annual policy companies recommended. We generally only travel internationally 1-2x year, so not sure how that pencils out, but I will sure take a look. There is actually a lot of good info in this thread. I hope the OP is silently checking in to realize that.
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