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5-3-18 Thursday Weigh-In...May Day May Day


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May Day May Day use to mean Help Does it now

Well we're all on this board to get help and how


We weigh in each Thursday to keep us accountable each week

To keep on track and try not to be weak


WE know what we should eat and not eat everyday

So on Thursday a loss we can say


But sometimes very hard to eat like we need to

Think a bite here and there we won't gain a pound or two...........Wrong!




P..plain water

L..less portions at meals

A..always get some exercise

N..no sugar


A..always plan your meals ahead

H..healthy foods

E..eat till full not stuffed

A..always get back on track if you get off

D..don't give up

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Good morning guys. Same for me this week. Which is far worse news than last weeks gain, because this week has been the best in a long time. Starting to come to the shootr conclusion, perhaps this is just as good as its going to get.


Have a great Thursday. I'll check back later on to see how you all fared.



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May Day May Day use to mean Help Does it now

Well we're all on this board to get help and how


We weigh in each Thursday to keep us accountable each week

To keep on track and try not to be weak


WE know what we should eat and not eat everyday

So on Thursday a loss we can say


But sometimes very hard to eat like we need to

Think a bite here and there we won't gain a pound or two...........Wrong!




P..plain water

L..less portions at meals

A..always get some exercise

N..no sugar


A..always plan your meals ahead

H..healthy foods

E..eat till full not stuffed

A..always get back on track if you get off

D..don't give up


Great poem & acronyms this week Belle - lots of wisdom there. I was more intentional this week and was better in many areas, unfortunately I found the .2# I'd lost last week:mad:. I think I'm finally mad enough/fed up enough to get off my "blessed assurance":halo: and start tracking calories again - for me I think it's key.


Good morning guys. Same for me this week. Which is far worse news than last weeks gain, because this week has been the best in a long time. Starting to come to the shootr conclusion, perhaps this is just as good as its going to get.


Have a great Thursday. I'll check back later on to see how you all fared.




Try not to get too discouraged Mike. I've had weeks where I did everything right and wouldn't lose, but then the next week even more would come off than I would expect. It's tough overcoming plateaus:(:mad:



This week's plan:

- at least 3 walk/runs

- 2x circuit strength training

- start incorporating more core work - didn't do good at this last week, need to do this for injury prevention too.

- meal plan and at most 1x eating out - my Dad's planning on visiting early next week and we will probably have a lunch out one day

- drink at least 96 oz of water per day (in addition to other beverages)


200.8 SW 3-5-18 (when back from last cruise)

196.6 CW

175.0 GW 9-13-18 (last weigh-in before next cruise)


I registered for a 5K in July and sending the paperwork out today for another in June (I know, I'm out of order:')) so there's some added accountability.

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Belle, great poetic encouragement.


I had a horrible week. Not only did I gain back the 2lbs. I lost last week but found 1 more. Too much eating out, I know, did me in.


Pacruise, sorry you gained. We both did not do well.


Mike, glad your plugging along. It's so hard to keep weight off (don't I know it!).


I must drop the weight I gained because hubby and I are taking another long cruise, 35 days to Asia, in September.


Hope others did well.



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Man what a day! I feel quite justified “checking out” from work and sitting here on my phone the last 20min of the day.


Sorry about your gains. [emoji853] Sounds like a good plan PAcruise.


Doesn’t anyone else here do routine 7day cruises?! Sheesh you guys leave for months at a time! I’m quite envious. But I’m not wishing away my life to get to retirement either, so I guess I’ll just deal with slumming it. [emoji846]






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Man what a day! I feel quite justified “checking out” from work and sitting here on my phone the last 20min of the day.


Sorry about your gains. [emoji853] Sounds like a good plan PAcruise.


Doesn’t anyone else here do routine 7day cruises?! Sheesh you guys leave for months at a time! I’m quite envious. But I’m not wishing away my life to get to retirement either, so I guess I’ll just deal with slumming it. [emoji846]






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We're slumming it with the 7 day cruises too:') - actually our last one was our longest at 7 days (4, 5 or 6, 6, 5 and 7). I think we're looking at a 15 day for our 25th anniversary in a couple years though.

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I went ahead and redid my spreadsheet to try and keep up my step count, track actual calories going in, etc. Between the tinnitus (another Dr. appt next Tuesday to review test results and have a few more done), trouble sleeping, and a bit of recent work frustration (self inflicted) I just kinda have the blahs...so maybe by putting a little daily discipline back into the routine I'll sloooooowly turn a corner. Shooting for 1500 calories/day +/- 200 so I'm not starving, and backed off the 16/8 fast and eat a little all day long starting late morning.


Good to see everyone checking in, still the most helpful thing I do each and every week to pay attention to my health. I've never been on a ship longer than 7 days either - but have put a few land days on the front side to sight see (Disney World). The 2 week Ireland/Scotland/England trip last year taught me I have to be REALLY motivated/interested to do that length of trip again. Missus is heading to Spain in Sept. to see the grandkids - I'm just not up for that long of flight for only a few days. 2019 is our 10 year anniversary - so maybe we'll come up with an idea. Personally, Greenland/Iceland kinda seems interesting - but a warm Caribbean beach would work too...

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I did well yesterday tracking calories: goal 1200 - food 1347 - exercise 93.


Got a 30 minute walk/run in with the son - he's doesn't frustrate me as much as hubby, but also doesn't push me as hard. The heat was brutal despite rain in the afternoon and waiting until after 5. I think this summer we'll do more early morning or early evening runs.


Started day 1 of a 30 day ab program. My core's never been very strong, but I was amazed how much strength I've lost :( .


Have a great weekend everyone!

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I had a short walk outside with the fam yesterday. Then son and I went to the mall for a while. No significant exercise.


I know just what you mean about losing strength. Last fall I was doing 100 push-ups a day. Then quit when I had that rough patch in winter. Started again this week to discover 50 was ridiculously hard! Man, it definitely goes fast. I’ll always walk, but I have a feeling the next phase, between June cruise and Christmas cruise will be much more strength training oriented.


Sounds like you have a good plan in place shootr.






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HI all!


Belle ~ nice poem & words of encouragement!(y)


Diana ~ wow, that will be an interesting cruise! Good for you! Personally I can't take more than 2 weeks. Our longest trip was to Asia 14 nights on land, 14 on sea & that was enough! The longest cruise was an 18 day TA which put me off them!

We all have different tolerance levels for a good time!!;) DH doesn't like to cruise for more than 7 days!


I had a good week, down 1.6 lbs, but nowhere near where I should be. I've put on 20 lbs, up & down since I retired 11 years ago & think it's due to the lack of exercise as I'm not eating any more than I did then. When I had to exercise 3 times a day for my knee replacement therapy I lost 12 lbs but some people said I looked too thin.


Have a nice weekend & see you next week, hopefully a bit down!


~ Jo ~ :)

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I did well yesterday tracking calories: goal 1200 - food 1347 - exercise 93.


Got a 30 minute walk/run in with the son - he's doesn't frustrate me as much as hubby, but also doesn't push me as hard. The heat was brutal despite rain in the afternoon and waiting until after 5. I think this summer we'll do more early morning or early evening runs.


Started day 1 of a 30 day ab program. My core's never been very strong, but I was amazed how much strength I've lost :( .


Have a great weekend everyone!

I could use a good ab program. What is it?

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Jo, good going on the loss.


We were contemplating a world cruise, like at least 100days. This past cruise of 33 days nipped that in the bud. It was almost too much. It was getting old toards the end. We would go crazy over 100 days.


Good reading about everyone's plans/efforts.


Today hubby and I took a walk from our house to a local place that had an antique car show. Of course hubby had to eat while we were there. They had donuts, hot dogs and chips (at 9:30am). Hubby had 1 donut and a bag of chips. I had nothing. Yeah me!


Hope everyone is doing well.



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Good Morning this Sunday. Hope your all are doing well.


I thought I wrote on Thursday, I didn't or I lost the post.

Either could of happen. I stayed the same which is good in

one way but not when I had a gain last week and didn't get it off.


Mike..Since you were good the weight could come off later. Our

bodies does things like that. Any walking is exercise plus you got

time with family, that's a plus.


pacruise..You have a good plan for the week. See that your sticking to it

and even added more exercise. Signing up for two 5k's. (y)


Diana..Know you'll get the weight off. Isn't it nice to eat out. No cooking

or cleaning. Great you have another cruise planned. I could take a 100 day cruise

if didn't cost so much. I would have to pay double, know couldn't get anyone to go

with me.


shootr..Sorry you have the blahs and not feeling well. Glad your getting on track again

for your health. We all want to lose weight to look nice but we really have to do it for our health.

How's your "puppy" doing?


jo..Congrats on losing this week. Think you were the only one. Being home all day makes

it easier to eat and not exercise but being home should make it easier to stay on track.

Trouble is it doesn't that way sometimes. You did something right ..you lost.


cruise42..Good to see you stop by. Please come in more often. Hope you find the exercise you want.


Cruises..Speaking of them. I just booked a last minute(Friday) cruise to Alaska for ten days. Great deal,

great cabin,( mini suite.) Leaves in three weeks. Never booked this close to sailing. Going with a friend.

Alaska is beautiful. Will be cold but one year in May we went and it was warm. So you never know.

Don't mind cold just hope not to much rain.


I have a deposit down on b2b2b2b in Oct. Nov. to Europe and the Caribbean. Forty-five days.

Going solo but a few people on that met on Oct. cruise last year. My longest before was 35 days.

This one will be solo(so inside) have to pay double but got some deals. Just hope I can make it.

Pay for it in August.


Wishing everyone a good Sunday and a good week until weigh-in.

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Belle, your cruises sound great. Glad you are treating yourself to those.


Sorry no loss but that's better than gaining.


I tried to eat well this week but it's difficult. Getting my exercise in. Yesterday hubby and I went to the gym and out for a bike ride (need to do that more).


Beauiful weather here. 85ish. Really nice. We try to enjoy the outdoors now because in another month the heat settles in and it's 100 daily.


Have a good day everyone.



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Did you have a good weekend eating wise? I think I might of ate to much.:eek::(
I KNOW I are too much... Plenty of exercise: moved my son home from college, washed the travel trailer, yard and pool work - and then ate and drank more than prudent.


So, it's Monday, my wedding band is reminding me how horrible I am being by getting tight, and my available wardrobe is doing the same...


I am dusting myself off, started using benches and products in the warehouse as a gym, and committed to try again...


All I can do...

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Good evening all. I'm a little under the weather this week so far, so exercise is down. Can always use a few days rest. Glad to see all the recent activity. The long cruises sound wonderful. We're still planning the Christmas/NY cruise thats 12nts. That'll be my longest yet if we stick to that one. Not worried about me growing tired of it, but I do worry about my son. He doesn't take part in the teen activities and just pals around with us. Which is great with me, I just worry he'll be bored much beyond 7days. Guess we'll find out.

Anyway, keep up the good work everyone.



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I could use a good ab program. What is it?


Sorry for the delay - I had family visiting and been mostly off-line.


I simply did a Google search for ab programs and found one that I thought might be doable. The one I started was from darebee.com and is a combination of sit-ups, flutter kicks, and planks - with increasing reps/time over the 30 days. I honestly did not keep up with it (caused some back discomfort) and need to find something else. I've heard mixed things about how crunches/sit-ups can actually do more harm than good.


Burpees or squat thrusts are a great ab work-out and I think I'm going to try re-incorporating them again. You start standing, squat down and place hands on the floor, kick legs back (thrust) into a plank position, pull back into the squat, and jump up. This is one rep, I'd like to get back to doing a set of 10 - ideally a few sets per day. There are lots of modifications too.


Planks and Burpees are both great and have several variations, but also require some strength to start.

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Sorry for the delay - I had family visiting and been mostly off-line.


I simply did a Google search for ab programs and found one that I thought might be doable. The one I started was from darebee.com and is a combination of sit-ups, flutter kicks, and planks - with increasing reps/time over the 30 days. I honestly did not keep up with it (caused some back discomfort) and need to find something else. I've heard mixed things about how crunches/sit-ups can actually do more harm than good.


Burpees or squat thrusts are a great ab work-out and I think I'm going to try re-incorporating them again. You start standing, squat down and place hands on the floor, kick legs back (thrust) into a plank position, pull back into the squat, and jump up. This is one rep, I'd like to get back to doing a set of 10 - ideally a few sets per day. There are lots of modifications too.


Planks and Burpees are both great and have several variations, but also require some strength to start.

Thanks. I have to do something but I have back, hip, shoulder pain so it's tough to find things I can do. I hate burpees!!

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Thanks. I have to do something but I have back, hip, shoulder pain so it's tough to find things I can do. I hate burpees!!


I think if we are honest, everyone hates burpees:evilsmile: There is a sick, twisted satisfaction though when you can knock out ten of them in a row:D They're tough, but really work.


I tried some this morning and got 3 before I figured I should stop and not push too much. I'll try 3 sets throughout the day and try to add one extra rep to each set every day.


My shoulder pain is usually only soreness after a workout, but I do have some chronic hip and back pain. I need to return to my PT stretches for the hip - it's been flaring up some since starting running again. My back is unfortunately mostly due to weak core, so it's a vicious cycle.


My son got a FitBoard for Christmas this year - the one where you stand on it and twist. I've used it some and it doesn't seem to aggravate the hip or back but still feels like a little bit of a work out.


ETA: K-tape might help your shoulder for workouts. If you have a local sports trainer or orthopedic doc they can probably advise if it is good for you and how to use.

I'm female (not sure if you are) and finding a truly proper fitting bra made a big difference with back pain and shoulder tightness too.

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I think if we are honest, everyone hates burpees:evilsmile: There is a sick, twisted satisfaction though when you can knock out ten of them in a row:D They're tough, but really work.


I tried some this morning and got 3 before I figured I should stop and not push too much. I'll try 3 sets throughout the day and try to add one extra rep to each set every day.


My shoulder pain is usually only soreness after a workout, but I do have some chronic hip and back pain. I need to return to my PT stretches for the hip - it's been flaring up some since starting running again. My back is unfortunately mostly due to weak core, so it's a vicious cycle.


My son got a FitBoard for Christmas this year - the one where you stand on it and twist. I've used it some and it doesn't seem to aggravate the hip or back but still feels like a little bit of a work out.


ETA: K-tape might help your shoulder for workouts. If you have a local sports trainer or orthopedic doc they can probably advise if it is good for you and how to use.

I'm female (not sure if you are) and finding a truly proper fitting bra made a big difference with back pain and shoulder tightness too.

Thanks! I'm doing PT for my knee right now. I fell on my kneecap at the end of January and am still having problems. Both shoulders have bicep tendonitis with impingement and arthritis and my back has several problems. It's really hard to find exercises that don't hurt but I have to basically starve and exercise a lot to lose weight. I too am a female.

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Thanks! I'm doing PT for my knee right now. I fell on my kneecap at the end of January and am still having problems. Both shoulders have bicep tendonitis with impingement and arthritis and my back has several problems. It's really hard to find exercises that don't hurt but I have to basically starve and exercise a lot to lose weight. I too am a female.


My husband has tendonitis issues too, but his present elbow and fore-arm icing helps some. Has your therapist discussed taping options for your knee? I've had some relief with compression sleeves or support tape, but I was also recently shown K-tape. My understanding of the difference is that regular athletic tape supports the tendons and K-tape eases the load on the tendon. I really liked the K-tape when I tried it for my knee - other than being a little warm I barely noticed it was there but also didn't have any knee issues on my run.


Best wishes in finding what works for you.

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My husband has tendonitis issues too, but his present elbow and fore-arm icing helps some. Has your therapist discussed taping options for your knee? I've had some relief with compression sleeves or support tape, but I was also recently shown K-tape. My understanding of the difference is that regular athletic tape supports the tendons and K-tape eases the load on the tendon. I really liked the K-tape when I tried it for my knee - other than being a little warm I barely noticed it was there but also didn't have any knee issues on my run.


Best wishes in finding what works for you.

No she hasn't mentioned it. I'll try to remember to ask her when I go on Wednesday.

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