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Article: Pax on UK-based ships tip poorly


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Wow, thanks for slamming me and my fellow Americans. Nice.


Well than I guess that cabin steward was lucky he didn't have you as one of his customers.


He missed one day of cleaning because he was having some personal problems. He came to my husband and told him about it. The rest of the time he did his job just fine. He was a very nice man and we gave him the benefit of the doubt. I guess I don't just assume he was pulling at my heartstrings (glad I have a heart) we took him at his word.


I do not assume the worst about people I tend to take people at their word and hope they are honest. Of course some are not, but I believe most people are honest. If that is what you refer to as an "American Attitude" well then, what a great attitude that is to have. I knew there was a reason that I love being an American.


And I didn't reward him I gave him the minimum tip, I always have given the cabin stewards we have more than the minimum.


But thanks for showing your true colors about how you feel about Americans. Funny, all the Canadians I have ever met have been very nice. Just goes to show you.




Canadians are nice,, but we are not suckers.


PS My hubby just lost his job, our dog just got hit by a truck, , and my kid needs a lifesaving operation,, I can't help because my wheelchair broke and I am bedridden,, could you please help us out??? I mean,, I 'm honest..... honestly.,.LOL

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Canadians are nice,, but we are not suckers.


PS My hubby just lost his job, our dog just got hit by a truck, , and my kid needs a lifesaving operation,, I can't help because my wheelchair broke and I am bedridden,, could you please help us out??? I mean,, I 'm honest..... honestly.,.LOL


If it makes you feel better to call me a sucker than I certainly hope you do feel better.

Some people need to put others down to feel better about themselves. I hope that works out for you.

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Now, now ladies. Reading it all again, I don't think any offence was meant on either side. We recently had a sailaway when an American said he wouldn't attend because it was all Brits. Well, we are, more often than not, the only Brits to attend and its all Americans - and we are very happy with this. Have many American friends and lived there for a long time. There are just a few strange people in all countries.


As far as empty tables on the last night - well, these people had sat in the MDR every night and made no mention of not attending 'the last supper':D They had said they would not pay to go to the alternatives and there were loads of empty tables in the MDR. The buffet was full. Some will have prepaid, but its well-known that people avoid the tips in the MDR on the last night. Americans as well as Europeans etc.


However, I will say yet again, if the cruiseline was not guaranteeing a proper base salary in Europe, there would be no staff.


As far as an 'immersion' cruise is concerned - seems a bit strange to me considering that we don't see any difference between hotel chains in the UK and USA. Oh yes, UK hotels don't have ice machines:D:D

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As far as empty tables on the last night - well, these people had sat in the MDR every night and made no mention of not attending 'the last supper':D They had said they would not pay to go to the alternatives and there were loads of empty tables in the MDR. The buffet was full. Some will have prepaid, but its well-known that people avoid the tips in the MDR on the last night. Americans as well as Europeans etc.



Just because someone goes to the WJ and doesn't want to pay for an alternative restaurant still does not lead to the conclusion that they don't tip. I'm still not following the logic. Who is this "well known" amongst?


Again, if Americans are so terrible, why are so many people traveling with us? We seem to be suckers who don't tip. Or do we overtip? I can't follow it anymore...

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In this case, perhaps RCCL should consider mandatory automatic tips for that market.


On a side note, I seem to remember Brilliance of the Seas doing something a little different when she came out since she was labeled as an RCI/UK ship. Did this have to do with tipping? Anyone remember?

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Just because someone goes to the WJ and doesn't want to pay for an alternative restaurant still does not lead to the conclusion that they don't tip. I'm still not following the logic. Who is this "well known" amongst?


Again, if Americans are so terrible, why are so many people traveling with us? We seem to be suckers who don't tip. Or do we overtip? I can't follow it anymore...


Why do all the threads regarding tipping lead to a slanging match between different nationalities?


I'm from the UK and I always go on Carribean cruises so most of the cruisers are american - which I actually like because I love the states and the people.


There are bad eggs in all nationalities. If you don't like the people - move and find someone else to talk to - it's not as if we are sailing in a dinghy and can't!!


Money is such an emotional subject that it is impossible to be subjective. This is my last post on any of these tipping boards because, quite frankly, it's boring. I will continue to tip as I have on each of my previous cruises.


As my late mother told me - you should never discuss two things - religion and politics. As she never went on a cruise she obviously didn't know about tipping!!:)

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If it makes you feel better to call me a sucker than I certainly hope you do feel better.

Some people need to put others down to feel better about themselves. I hope that works out for you.


Some people are such sensitive Sallys,, well at least I know now not to banter with you,, you have no sense of humor and are too sensitive for me.. good bye. boo hoo. Ps.. if I cry will you still send me money?? LOL

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Some people are such sensitive Sallys,, well at least I know now not to banter with you,, you have no sense of humor and are too sensitive for me.. good bye. boo hoo. Ps.. if I cry will you still send me money?? LOL


Well sorry, your sense of humor makes no sense to me. (Pun intentional) But you seem to have the name calling thing down pat.

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You can give but you can't take it,, the worst sort I say.. you were never directly called a "sucker" anymore then you never directly told Lynnees she wasn't "nice"( but you insinuated it,, didn't you dear?)... see how it works..


Don't pretend to be all nicey if you are just like everyone else.


PS I love being a Canadian too.. just like French love being French and Italians love being Italian,, see loving being ones nationality is NORMAL,, not special..

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You can give but you can't take it,, the worst sort I say.. you were never directly called a "sucker" anymore then you never directly told Lynnees she wasn't "nice"( but you insinuated it,, didn't you dear?)... see how it works..


Don't pretend to be all nicey if you are just like everyone else.


PS I love being a Canadian too.. just like French love being French and Italians love being Italian,, see loving being ones nationality is NORMAL,, not special..


I am not pretending to be anything.


You are obviously bothered by my responses to you, so I will stop responding.



Have a nice day.

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Wow, thanks for slamming me and my fellow Americans. Nice.


Well than I guess that cabin steward was lucky he didn't have you as one of his customers.


He missed one day of cleaning because he was having some personal problems. He came to my husband and told him about it. The rest of the time he did his job just fine. He was a very nice man and we gave him the benefit of the doubt. I guess I don't just assume he was pulling at my heartstrings (glad I have a heart) we took him at his word.


I do not assume the worst about people I tend to take people at their word and hope they are honest. Of course some are not, but I believe most people are honest. If that is what you refer to as an "American Attitude" well then, what a great attitude that is to have. I knew there was a reason that I love being an American.


And I didn't reward him I gave him the minimum tip, I always have given the cabin stewards we have more than the minimum.


But thanks for showing your true colors about how you feel about Americans. Funny, all the Canadians I have ever met have been very nice. Just goes to show you.




Colleen, that was not a slam and you know it. It was how I react to rewarding bad behaviour. I see it done every day. The child that whines and carries on in the store because they arn't getting what they want - parents then give in just to shut them up. Staff that give their same heart tugging stories to cruisers to make excuses for not doing their job and then get a reward by receiving a tip at the end. That makes them think they can do that every time and service gets worse.


As for the remark about Americans we have found that one at least one occassion, when all introductions were done at the dinner table, "oh - your Canadian" from a couple of Floridians caused them to get up and leave the table.


I think that says it all.

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As for the remark about Americans we have found that one at least one occassion, when all introductions were done at the dinner table, "oh - your Canadian" from a couple of Floridians caused them to get up and leave the table.


I don't get it.


Someone is going to have to explain this one to this American. Why would a Floridian couple leave the table due to Canadians sitting there? :confused:


There has got to be more to it.

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I don't get it.


Someone is going to have to explain this one to this American. Why would a Floridian couple leave the table due to Canadians sitting there? :confused:


There has got to be more to it.



In this case very simple - they were school teachers and didn't like Canadians - in this particular case because it seems they had it in their head that we were the cause of 9/11 (true statement).

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In this case very simple - they were school teachers and didn't like Canadians - in this particular case because it seems they had it in their head that we were the cause of 9/11 (true statement).


Marilyn, please tell me that you know those people are stupid, and not representative of most of us! :o

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In this case very simple - they were school teachers and didn't like Canadians - in this particular case because it seems they had it in their head that we were the cause of 9/11 (true statement).

What?? Were they simpletons? I can't imagine the stupidity needed to even hold that idea!:eek:

I'm sure you realize that there are stupid people in all countries. Sorry you had to meet a couple of ours!:( But this is how discrimination starts, isn't it? (not talking about you now, just talking in general) One bad experience leaves you with such a bad taste in your mouth that you have to actually work on not carrying over that bad feeling to everyone that the bad people represent.... I remember a friend saying she 'didn't like black people' :eek: because she had been mugged by an African American. She was a smart, nice girl but it actually took some time to get her to realize that ONE African American mugged her - not ALL of them.

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So this thread just went from tipping squabbles to Canadian terrorists. :rolleyes:


Come on. Every country has stupid people. Every country has cheap people. Really. If someone doesn't know that, then they fall into one of those 2 categories (not the cheap one).

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Colleen, that was not a slam and you know it. It was how I react to rewarding bad behaviour. I see it done every day. The child that whines and carries on in the store because they arn't getting what they want - parents then give in just to shut them up. Staff that give their same heart tugging stories to cruisers to make excuses for not doing their job and then get a reward by receiving a tip at the end. That makes them think they can do that every time and service gets worse.


As for the remark about Americans we have found that one at least one occassion, when all introductions were done at the dinner table, "oh - your Canadian" from a couple of Floridians caused them to get up and leave the table.


I think that says it all.



It felt like a slam to me. I wasn't rewarding bad behaviour in my eyes. We did not feel that his was a heart tugging story. What he told us seemed to be sincere. I am not naive and I have cruised many times and traveled all over the place. I think I have already explained that.


But you and a couple others jumped to the conclusion that I was rewarding the guy and I was being naive and a sucker or whatever.(You didn't say sucker) And the "American Attitude" coment did seem like a slam. How else should it be taken? As a compliment?


Why was it necessary for anyone to make any personal comment about the situation I described? One could comment that they think in that situation they wouldn't have believed the guy. But being called naive, a sucker having an "American Attitude", not cool. It has nothing to do with having a sense of humour or not because it is not funny.


I don't lump nationalities together and make general comments about them. I don't think it is a good idea to do so because it is never true. Just because someone is American or Canadian doesn't make them a certain way or have a certain attitude.


And the other poster, well, she was just being pretty silly with the name calling and asking me for money and pretending to cry. Why post things like that? That isn't humour.


As for Canadians, my story is different from yours. When my husband and I sailed the Serenade in Alaska it was our first ever cruise alone (without the kids). The first night in the dining room we were placed at a table for 10. One American honeymoon couple (very young) and my husband and I and 3 Canadian bothers and their wives.


I could tell at first that the Canadian family were a little uncomfortable and I suppose they figured they were going to be seated alone at a table for 6. They had never cruised before and maybe it hadn't ocurred to them that they would be seated with strangers.


Well, we ended up having a great time at that table. The young couple only ate with us @ 3 nights, they just brought very casual clothes and ate in the WJ on formal and some other nights. But the brothers and their wives and DH and I really had fun, several nights being one of the last tables to leave the MDR. We had a lot of laughs and would see them around the ship and have fun then too.


We have been seated with folks from England on other cruises and had cabin neighbors from England we met out on our aft balcony one other time that we became friends with. On our cruise on NCL in May out of Southampton, we were two of only about 300 Americans on board. The vast majority were from the U.K. We met many fun people and had a great time.


I just don't think any of us should be lumping together Nationalities has having certain attitudes or being cheap or suckers or whatever.


I am sorry about those folks from Florida. The 9/11 comment was ridiculous and certainly not what most Americans think. I remember that many planes full of Americans were diverted to Eastern Canada on 9/11 and those travellers were treated with kindness and hospitality by their Canadian hosts.


You really should not let them cloud your view of Americans. We are more similar with Canadians than different, I think.


And I certainly don't want to continue a negative back and forth about this. It really isn't necessary.



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In this case very simple - they were school teachers and didn't like Canadians - in this particular case because it seems they had it in their head that we were the cause of 9/11 (true statement).


This is why we eat at a table for two. You just avoid issues like this, and people wondering if you tip, and all this ridiculousness.

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In this case very simple - they were school teachers and didn't like Canadians - in this particular case because it seems they had it in their head that we were the cause of 9/11 (true statement).


I'm really curious. Why do (some at least) Floridians blame Canadians for 9/11?

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I'm really curious. Why do (some at least) Floridians blame Canadians for 9/11?


I live in Florida and have never heard of 9/11 being blamed on Canadians.


The only thing remotely close was the American government's scrutinizing of Canada's mostly liberal border policies. Since we have such a long, unguarded, friendly border with Canada, our government wanted to see more control on the Canadians part ref foreigners in their country.


But that's all political government stuff. Actually blaming Canada? No way.

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