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So how old is too old?


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I think it depends on the age of the basher as to what is too old :D.


When I was 17 anyone over 30 was old to me, when I was 30 it went to 45 and now I'm 45, well I'm game if you are :D


I'd love to have half the energy that some of the more senior travelers have and I find some of them quite inspirational and something to aspire to,

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My Mom started cruising when she was 75 and has continued doing so ever since. Her last cruise was this past October and she has two planned for this year already. She is now 95 years old. She has enjoyed each and every cruise.



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I'd MUCH rather socialize and be sailing with a ship full of 50-60-70-year olds than people my age...


I have a really hard time with the ME-ME-ME generation and have much more in common with, and deep appreciation for, the baby-boomers...

How about us from "the greatest generation"WWII vets?LOL We still have fun on cruises, really enjoy all ages.
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Personally, I don't understand the whole issue with the age of Celebrity cruisers... I am 30, and never even noticed onboard that the age group was older. These boards are the only place that I've heard any complaints. Any cruise will be as fun as you make it... I don't really get why it matters how old everyone else is... I would rather be on board with a fun "older" crowd than a crowd of 18-year-olds. But maybe that's just me.

This voices my thoughts exactly! I just turned 29, have been cruising since I was 23, and have never noticed that I was much younger than anybody else. Sure, there are older folks on board, but I never really noticed it, you know?

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How about us from "the greatest generation"WWII vets?LOL We still have fun on cruises, really enjoy all ages.


Sir, I could sit and listen for hours to the WW II vets that are willing to share their stories. And, I thank you sir for your service. :)

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I'd MUCH rather socialize and be sailing with a ship full of 50-60-70-year olds than people my age...


I have a really hard time with the ME-ME-ME generation and have much more in common with, and deep appreciation for, the baby-boomers...


Hi Rick, maybe one of these days our paths will cross on the high seas:)

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My husband and I once remained aboard in Victoria as we had late arrival and we had been there on land travel as well as cruises. We were alone in the dining room when we were joined by an older woman. She had recently applied for her new passport and waited as long as possible to be able to travel past her 90th birthday. What a delightful person she was and told us stories about her cruises which began in her college years when her father sent her and her room mate to Europe on the grand tour. We can learn from "older people"!

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Sir, I could sit and listen for hours to the WW II vets that are willing to share their stories. And, I thank you sir for your service. :)
Sorry I misled you, I will gladly give my DH your message as he is a WWII Navy vet." A lot of good stories out there, thanks for caring.
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How about us from "the greatest generation"WWII vets?LOL We still have fun on cruises, really enjoy all ages.


Oh....you're absolutely right..... they are, indeed, the "greatest generation"... there is no match for their integrity, hard work ethics, manners, morals and character.


I too would never grow tired of socializing/interacting with them, and hearing their interesting stories of life "back then". They are a dying breed - moreso as time goes on - and should be revered and respected as a National treasure... IMO.



Hi Rick, maybe one of these days our paths will cross on the high seas:)


Hi Lois... yes, for sure!! Something tells me that it will happen one day. Your bright cheerfulness and positive posts have been a staple of these Celebrity boards for many years.. :)


(we actually came close, once, when you started a Rollcall on the Solstice 3rd sailing in Dec 2008... I was on that sailing (and Rollcall)... but then you decided to take a different cruise.... so yes, it is just a matter of time...).


- Rick

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My adult children and I went on a 14 day PC cruise last year. The children (ages 26 and 32) were very worried that the ship would be full of *old* people, and that there would be nothing for them to do onboard. The ship was not full of *old* people,and the children in fact had a wonderful time. (We also only had 5 children on board olf which we only saw two of them).

As for *old* people bashing... give it up folks. Many of us *oldsters* could likely out do you!

When I was younger I liked hanging out with the *older* crowd a you gained so much knowledge from them. Maybe that is a thing of the past now.:(

<------ A senior citzen acording to cruise lines but not to SSI <G>



Well said. I'm a young 51, but when I started cruising at 35, I always enjoyed hanging with an older crowd. I've always enjoyed talking to someone with more wisdom and life experience than I have.



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I just took my dad, 85 years young, on Millennium's Southern Caribbean itinerary and he had a great time. He enjoyed the whole trip, even though he has a hard time keeping up with my "power vacations". He even went snorkeling at Buck Island, something he taught me to do...42 years ago.


In WWII, he was in the Merchant Marine before becoming a paratrooper, and sailed all over the Caribbean supplying our bases there, so this trip was kind of an "old home week". There was a cruise maybe two years back, from Sydney to Tokyo, that was billed as a WWII Remembrance Cruise - I wish I could have talked him into that one as I know he would have had a good time and perhaps even met someone he served with there.


I can only hope I'm that active at 85...

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I have never noticed senior bashing on the X board - maybe others but not on here. We have always enjoyed the demographics of Celebrity on our trips and we are in our 40's with a child.



PS) Both my mom and dad are gone now and they were world travelers who enjoyed life very much. Anyone would have been very lucky to be sharing a table with them in the MDR. It's all what you make of the journey.

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I like the nostalgia and insights 'the Greatest Generation' offers (esp. 80+ yo). Although age doesn't necessarily improve things...


But I also feel that a great amount of deference is due the younger generation especially children. After all, over the past 30 years, the USA has been bankrupted by the policies and 'ethics' of the 50-80 yo age group (nat. debt <$1T 1980, today >$11T; whereas 1950-'80 saw less than a 4 fold increase) I'm part of the culpable 'crew'. Since far fewer of the children seen on cruises today will likely be able to afford them as adults, I think they deserve a cheer too!!

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Not sure what the point is here. Being an active 'lurker'/poster and enjoying this forum for all the info I get, and sometimes share, I don't see any of the supposed 'age bashing'. Where? When? What is the issue?


The only time I've ever seen age come up is when some people discuss age averages for various cruise lines, specific cruise itineraries, and some people ask, usually looking for those in their own 'bracket', not complaining about us 'aged ones'.


There are generalized complaints that are aimed at some group and those complaints that reference age are the same as any general complaint of a group: general enought we can identify a bit with it, but too general to really add anything constructive to any discussion. Examples: 'Those monster kids running through the hall screaming....', 'those middle-aged me-me-me people demanding and complaining everything isn't perfect.....', 'those San Juan people who like 'that music' and dare speak Spanish....', 'those old people knocking us over with their walkers pressing into the elevators and clogging up the hall outside the MDR before it even opens.....' Yup, enough truth in each line. But personally, I think it says more about the complainer than the group they are complaning about.


I enjoy listening to each person's story, young, old, middle. Whatever. I don't enjoy listening to the 'it was so much better back when....' or 'its so much better where I'm from....' and so on. When I hear the 'good old days' stories, I'd love to be able to send that person back to when they thought it was so great, but I get to pick who they would be and where they'd be living. Maybe not so 'good old days'. And so what?


Enough, I'm starting to generalize about pointless threads.



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Sorry, but I haven't noticed such a problem. I'm 60 and I would have picked up on this alleged trend if there was one. I think Celebrity forum members are quite civil on the age issue. But don't get them started on the topic of religious services, dress code, tipping, pre-payments, etc. :)


LOL :p

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I don't know that it is so much "old" bashing as there seems to be a bias that X skews "old" -- since the X line doesn't pride itself on flowriders, bowling alleys, climbing walls, ice skating rinks, water slides and other high activity venues, and since the entertainment tends to be a bit more sedate (no wet t-shirt type contests); I suppose there are some of the Party-Hardy set that see it as a line for old fogies.


But for those of us who can have fun without needing vular entertainment, cheap thrills or chug-a-lug contests, X suits us just fine.


All of the cc boards seem to have a couple of what I call GOF posters (grumpy old farts) -- but the "OLD" part is more of a state of mind than anything to do with chronological age!

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As an official "geezer" who will turn 70 this year, I'd like to chime in here.I've been cruising regularly since the mid-70's,when I was a lot younger and a lot prettier; some as part of my business, some just for the pleasure of it. I've well over 250 cruises under my belt...all have been fantastic.


The only thing that has changed is the "style" of cruising...meaning what I enjoy while on a cruise. When I was younger, I was a "stay up and party all night" kinda gal, dancing the night away --- and sleeping the clock around. In port, I'd be on the go all the time...or would spend the entire day sunning my then-firm bod and snorkeling the nearest reef...drinking huge tropical concoctions....served in half a watermelon or a coconut shell.......


Now, I'm usually in bed around midnight and up early enough to watch the sun rise. I walk everyday on the ship and enjoy the quiet of the early morning hours. I spend hours on my balcony purely enjoying the sea or a good book..... Maybe a show in the evening...or a few hours at the card tables.


I still get excited about cruising and the first sight of the vessel waiting for me at the pier fills me with energy and anticipation.


I know that some people my age can be old harpies or curmudgeons...but those folks are the minority. Our faces fall and our bodies betray us as we age. Sometimes, it's not a pretty sight....growing old is NOT for sissies. But, don't write us off. Inside, we are young, growing and seeking adventures...with the wisdom of age being our guide.

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As an official "geezer" who will turn 70 this year' date=' I'd like to chime in here.I've been cruising regularly since the mid-70's,when I was a lot younger and a lot prettier; some as part of my business, some just for the pleasure of it. I've well over 250 cruises under my belt...all have been fantastic.


The only thing that has changed is the "style" of cruising...meaning what I enjoy while on a cruise. When I was younger, I was a "stay up and party all night" kinda gal, dancing the night away --- and sleeping the clock around. In port, I'd be on the go all the time...or would spend the entire day sunning my then-firm bod and snorkeling the nearest reef...drinking huge tropical concoctions....served in half a watermelon or a coconut shell.......


Now, I'm usually in bed around midnight and up early enough to watch the sun rise. I walk everyday on the ship and enjoy the quiet of the early morning hours. I spend hours on my balcony purely enjoying the sea or a good book..... Maybe a show in the evening...or a few hours at the card tables.


I still get excited about cruising and the first sight of the vessel waiting for me at the pier fills me with energy and anticipation.


I know that some people my age can be old harpies or curmudgeons...but those folks are the minority. Our faces fall and our bodies betray us as we age. Sometimes, it's not a pretty sight....growing old is NOT for sissies. But, don't write us off. Inside, we are young, growing and seeking adventures...with the wisdom of age being our guide.[/quote']


WOW.... now how was THAT for perfectly written?? :)


G'ma, you could be my cruise pal any day..

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Old is a state of mind not age.

I finally retired and can draw social security and do not consider myself old. Sure, I have a few more aches and pains than I did when I was younger, but I am also have more time free to do what I want and what I enjoy. We cruise, go to Disney several times a year, travel, dance, do glasswork, and many other activities.

I know people that I would consider old that are in their 30's or 40's because of their outlook on life.

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Oh....you're absolutely right..... they are, indeed, the "greatest generation"... there is no match for their integrity, hard work ethics, manners, morals and character.


I too would never grow tired of socializing/interacting with them, and hearing their interesting stories of life "back then". They are a dying breed - moreso as time goes on - and should be revered and respected as a National treasure... IMO.





Hi Lois... yes, for sure!! Something tells me that it will happen one day. Your bright cheerfulness and positive posts have been a staple of these Celebrity boards for many years.. :)


(we actually came close, once, when you started a Rollcall on the Solstice 3rd sailing in Dec 2008... I was on that sailing (and Rollcall)... but then you decided to take a different cruise.... so yes, it is just a matter of time...).


- Rick


Hi Rick:)..I didn't realize you went on that Solstice sailing. Yes, I ended up sailing 10 nights on GALAXY. I still have not sailed Solstice for a

"regular cruise".

One day...as you say, its just a matter of time....oh, thanks for the kind words:)

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Oh....you're absolutely right..... they are, indeed, the "greatest generation"... there is no match for their integrity, hard work ethics, manners, morals and character.


I too would never grow tired of socializing/interacting with them, and hearing their interesting stories of life "back then". They are a dying breed - moreso as time goes on - and should be revered and respected as a National treasure... IM


- Rick


I completely agree with your sentiments.

On several past cruises I had the opportunity to talk at length with some of the members of the "greatest generation" and found them to be absolutely awe inspiring. Their life stories read like movie scripts but even the most talented screenplay writer could never match the impressive true life stories of love, sacrifice and courage that those people had lived during the most trying of times. We would do very well indeed to pay heed to their voices before those voices are stilled by passing time.

If we only idolized our elders as much as we idolize the youth we might be able to gain some very valuable insight and we certainly need it now more than ever.

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My parents are 78 & my mom is still waiting to grow up before she joins the Red Hat Society! She sings & dances & my dad does karaoke Sinatra & Darren. Neither of t hem are "old farts!" We love to cruise & get involved in all kinds of activities. We can't wait to explore the Millie.

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There seems to be a trend toward senior bashing (or disparaging, at least) on Cruise Critic. What gives? I'll say up front that I'm 64 and blessed with good health. Not everyone, younger or older, is in that category. I'm glad, too, when I see others in the position to enjoy cruising. I've marveled at some of the people, with many years on me, who take in every element of cruising, hardly the types with one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. I can understand younger cruises' wanting to be among similarly-aged people. Some cruises clearly aren't going to offer that, so that means checking on the typical clientele before booking. On our last cruise, an 80-year-old woman was the life of our shore outing, and an 82-year-old woman in the spa illustrated her jumping-jack routine. She let us in on a secret, though: She dies her hair. There's a lot to be admired here.


Sorry. You have to go on HAL.


I don't make the rules but it's a rule.


Over 65 - HAL.....

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