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Liquor Taken!


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they dont care if you fall of the ship or not,, all they care about is protecting their inflated liquor prices.. its all about money...


I think that was in their business plan...to make money.

Can't think of any business that's not in it for the money...;)

And they do care if you fall off or jump. In that event they are required to backtrack for several hours to find the body and that costs a lot of money.:cool:

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Sorry, I will probably get some angry posts back, but if people would stop trying to fool the system they would not have anything to complain about. If the rule is 2 bottles of wine per stateroom, which, by the way, is very generous and liberal, it is 2 bottles of wine per stateroon, not 2 bottles of snuck on vodka. It is people who try to sneak on extra booze that will ruin it for everyone.


I am not in favor of smuggling, but to say a 2 bottle per stateroom allowance is liberal and generous is a stretch. It might be OK for a 4 night cruise, but not for a 14 night cruise, which is why I believe the allowance should be based on cruise length.

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I can't believe I forgot to share this.. My DH and I brought 2 bottles of smart water bottles filled with vodka. Mine went through, his got taken and replaced with an orange note, saying sorry, we took it. :eek: So it seems to be like a totally random check.


Oh and to all those who thinks this is breaking the rules.. Trust me, I know and I usually obey rules of all kinds, although.. We still spent $400 on liquor for 4 days.. so they didn't miss out on our $. :p


(Oh this was on the Celebrity Century Western Carribean)

If you knew the rules choose to break them then accept the consequencies without complaining.

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Well I was a very bad boy. I took two bottles of sparkling wine...in each carry-on. lol


Just incase they found one, I also had different size rum runners scattered throughout the luggage.


Not one item was confiscated. So I had more than I needed and brought some home. I also bought drinks in the lounges and shows. Didn't carry there.


I believe it depends upon the port whether you get caught or not. Apparently the port we went out of didn't care.

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...Getting caught.


If everyone would read cruise critic message boards, the answer is right here. I know, because I did it and my alcohol was delivered to my room without incident. I also met other people that just put alcohol in water bottles, placed it in their luggage and it was confiscated. :eek:


I won't say how and I won't say where, but it is here.


Now if they were to conduct a random search, you might get caught, but then again, you might not.


Now I have a question... Just how much are the "daily drinks" on Celebrity? $10? $12?


I recently cruised on NCL and they were 8.50 plus 15% and a line for whatever additional you may want to add for a tip.


I usually added .22 or 1.22 to make it an even amount of $10 or $11.



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I really could care less about the people who have to preach about not bringing stuff on board. We like it for the veranda bottom line. Actually I took the advice of the the people suggesting the Rum Runners. Ordered (2) 32oz ones (fits an entire handle of vodka) went to ft Lauderdale total wine for some kettle one. Filled both and put one in each of our bags that went with the porter...Worked like a charm. Emmm passion fruit & vodka all week!!! I also brough on two magnum bottles of wine since the policy does not state the size of the bottle. The lady working the xray machine said to me don't drink to much tonight and winked at me. Went to the martini bar one night...12.95 for one martini...

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When you cruise X there is a contract you agree to. If you want to try to bring any contraband on board, it's your business. No one here really cares. It's when people complain when it is removed from their bags and not returned that some might have a problem with. There is nothing to complain about. The message is clear. All passengers have signed the paperwork to abide by the contract.



Prices on X aren't anymore than a nice resort or restaurant. To pay 6.50 or 7.00 for a mixed drink is normal where we live. Martinis tend to run more. We don't need to drink more than a few a day, so I guess we don't see the cost as prohibitive.


For those that drink more than a few a day, like the above poster, and smuggle in your booze, perhaps the new drink program will appeal to you. ;)

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Now I have a question... Just how much are the "daily drinks" on Celebrity? $10? $12?


I recently cruised on NCL and they were 8.50 plus 15% and a line for whatever additional you may want to add for a tip.





The drinks on X will cost close to the same as on NCL. All cruises run pretty close. You can get a simple mixed drink for 6.50-7.00. Premium drinks, martinis,cocktails etc. will run more. Very typical for a restaurant or bar where we live.

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When you cruise X there is a contract you agree to. If you want to try to bring any contraband on board, it's your business. No one here really cares. It's when people complain when it is removed from their bags and not returned that some might have a problem with. There is nothing to complain about. The message is clear. All passengers have signed the paperwork to abide by the contract.



Prices on X aren't anymore than a nice resort or restaurant. To pay 6.50 or 7.00 for a mixed drink is normal where we live. Martinis tend to run more. We don't need to drink more than a few a day, so I guess we don't see the cost as prohibitive.


For those that drink more than a few a day, like the above poster, and smuggle in your booze, perhaps the new drink program will appeal to you. ;)


We still purchased a bottle of wine at dinner every night, had a few beers and a few Martini's. This was for my room consumption and i was not going to pay $80.00 for a bottle. And no i don't need to drink more than a few a day but I'm on vacation. Did you ever look at the prices for the drink pkg? You have to be out of your mind to spend that. If the booze pkg was all inclusive (like it should be) probably a different story.

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I can't believe I forgot to share this.. My DH and I brought 2 bottles of smart water bottles filled with vodka. Mine went through, his got taken and replaced with an orange note, saying sorry, we took it. :eek: So it seems to be like a totally random check.


Oh and to all those who thinks this is breaking the rules.. Trust me, I know and I usually obey rules of all kinds, although.. We still spent $400 on liquor for 4 days.. so they didn't miss out on our $. :p


(Oh this was on the Celebrity Century Western Carribean)


you were very fortunate that they did not deny you boarding the ship .The contract clearly states that you can be denied boarding .Here is a post from the Royal Caribbean roll Call & he was denied boarding :


I was due to sail on the Independence OTS today, after we had checked in and was on the ship I got a phone call to my room asking me to go down to the security regarding my bags.


When I arrived we were met with 3 security officers and 2 of the ship officers, we were asked to open my cases and I had 1 bottle Vodka and 1 bottle of Rum inside, I was then asked if I understood the terms and conditions and I had agreed to (which they had a printed copy of) I said yes.


I was asked to leave the ship and was escorted back to my room to collect my belonging and then put of the ship.


I was told that I cannot claim any insurance for this trip as I had broke the rules


No more RCL for me



Michael (Scotland UK)


Imo this is harsh treatment ,yet the cruise line has the legal rights to not alllow you to sail on the ship .


It is far too risky & it is definitely unadviseable to try & smuggle booze onto any cruise ship . Live within the contract limitations & enjoy the cruise . If one lives on the edge then they deserve the consequences ;which in this case above was quite severe .

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I've just been a lurker on the liquor discussions for a while. So, now I'm going to air my thoughts, then get back to packing. If I bring two bottles of spirits on board instead of the allowed two bottles of wine, how is that a threat to the safety and security of the cruise line or other passengers? I have no problem with having my luggage x-rayed for security - no explosives, no fire arms, but not to confiscate my perfectly legal personal property. If the cruise line liquor packages were anywhere in the realm of a reasonable price, I would not blink at paying for it. They charge approximately FOUR TIMES what my local liquor store does. Why aren't passengers screaming about extortion? I know, I know, take it or leave it, but as someone pointed out early in this thread, we ARE on vacation.

How about a metaphor? The cruise lines decide to make a rule that you may not bring your own underwear aboard. You must purchase your underwear from the cruise line - you may even do so in advance, if you'd like some clean waiting in your cabin. Oh, by the way, the cruise line's preferred brand is Fruit of the Loom (can't stock everybody's favorite, you know) and the price is a modest $20.00/pair, whitey tighties only. They will of course, for safety and security, be inspecting baggage for contraband unmentionables, which will be confiscated for crew use.

OK - it was fun writing this. Yes, we will undoubtedly pop for $160 worth of our favorite booze next week. Yes, I love to cruise. Yes, the cruise lines could use a reality check.

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We still purchased a bottle of wine at dinner every night, had a few beers and a few Martini's. This was for my room consumption and i was not going to pay $80.00 for a bottle. And no i don't need to drink more than a few a day but I'm on vacation. Did you ever look at the prices for the drink pkg? You have to be out of your mind to spend that. If the booze pkg was all inclusive (like it should be) probably a different story.



Have you looked at the new drink package? It is much more common sense for a drinker that wants a variety and more than one or two a day.

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If the cruise line liquor packages were anywhere in the realm of a reasonable price, I would not blink at paying for it. They charge approximately FOUR TIMES what my local liquor store does. Why aren't passengers screaming about extortion? I know, I know, take it or leave it, but as someone pointed out early in this thread, we ARE on vacation.




If you go into a restaurant, do you carry in your beer or mixed drink? It is no argument to say you can get the liquor cheaper at the store. Obviously. :rolleyes: I can get my steak cheaper, my cup of coffee cheaper, my coke cheaper....you get the point. If you prefer not to spend money for those items on a cruise ship, hotel, resort etc. then the answer is easy, isn't it?

You feel you are on vacation so everything should be cheaper? I don't get it. :rolleyes:You can book an all incluseive cruise or resort and the cost of that amenity will be included in the daily rate. Or rent a condo somewhere and fill it with the foods and drinks that you purchase yourself at the local store.


I don't understand why people complain about something they chose to participate in. Find something that better suits you if you don't like it. Don't just sit and b^&^%;)

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I did NOT say that I expected prices to be cheaper than at retail; a $40 or $50 package for a $20 bottle of liquor (probably much less than that at the quantities the lines deal with) might be tolerable. A 400% markup is uncalled for and unproductive.

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you were very fortunate that they did not deny you boarding the ship .The contract clearly states that you can be denied boarding .Here is a post from the Royal Caribbean roll Call & he was denied boarding :


I was due to sail on the Independence OTS today, after we had checked in and was on the ship I got a phone call to my room asking me to go down to the security regarding my bags.


When I arrived we were met with 3 security officers and 2 of the ship officers, we were asked to open my cases and I had 1 bottle Vodka and 1 bottle of Rum inside, I was then asked if I understood the terms and conditions and I had agreed to (which they had a printed copy of) I said yes.


I was asked to leave the ship and was escorted back to my room to collect my belonging and then put of the ship.


I was told that I cannot claim any insurance for this trip as I had broke the rules


No more RCL for me



Michael (Scotland UK)


Imo this is harsh treatment ,yet the cruise line has the legal rights to not alllow you to sail on the ship .


It is far too risky & it is definitely unadviseable to try & smuggle booze onto any cruise ship . Live within the contract limitations & enjoy the cruise . If one lives on the edge then they deserve the consequences ;which in this case above was quite severe .


I don't believe it.

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I did NOT say that I expected prices to be cheaper than at retail; a $40 or $50 package for a $20 bottle of liquor (probably much less than that at the quantities the lines deal with) might be tolerable. A 400% markup is uncalled for and unproductive.


Nor did I. :confused:


We buy coke for less than 50 cents a can from our stores. At a restaurant or hotel I have paid easily $2.50 or more. Over 400% over basic retail. The choice is the consumers'. Most customers count it in the cost of the dinner or in this case, the cost of vacationing on a cruise ship. Nothing "uncalled for unproductive" about supply and demand.


Now let's talk about paying for carry on bags on airlines.:rolleyes:

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Really who would believe that crap??? Do you really think the cruise line is going to miss out on 1 extra dollar of additional revenue??? They need every dollar they can get so to toss people off the ship would just be dumb.

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We have just returned from a 14 night trip on the Equinox. During our initial boarding in Fort Lauderdale, we did witness two separate couples get called aside for bringing alcohol in their luggage. In addition, we did hear of very creditable stories of many more people not able to get their luggage until going to security and seeing their alcohol being confiscated until the end of the cruise. Celebrity are just not fooling around. Remember, you agreed that you abide by the rules in the cruise ticket contract.


I just have no sympathy for people that break the rules. It does two things. First, it can, and has made things very uncomfortable for fellow cruisers due to people intoxicated from what they smuggle on board, and second it is bound to make everyone's cruise prices increase due to reduced income from legitimate liquor sales.


For you people out there that continue to do this, time you showed a bit of consideration, not only for the cruise line but your fellow passengers.

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Don't know if this woman smuggled her liquor on, but we did observe one woman on a RCL cruise escorted off the ship a few years ago. The first night onboard she got quite drunk in the early evening and "entertained" the crowds in the foyer with singing and off color jokes. Harmless, some would say. She was escorted back to her stateroom by an officer. Two days later she did the same thing before dinner hour. Again escorted to her room and the following morning escorted with her suitcase off the ship when we docked.


If a passenger puts up a fight or argument, whether it be in regards to smoking rules, smuggling booze, or over drinking..yep they will be gone after being warned. Has nothing to do with losing money. There's a reputation for cruiselines at stake.

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you were very fortunate that they did not deny you boarding the ship .The contract clearly states that you can be denied boarding .Here is a post from the Royal Caribbean roll Call & he was denied boarding :


I was due to sail on the Independence OTS today, after we had checked in and was on the ship I got a phone call to my room asking me to go down to the security regarding my bags.


When I arrived we were met with 3 security officers and 2 of the ship officers, we were asked to open my cases and I had 1 bottle Vodka and 1 bottle of Rum inside, I was then asked if I understood the terms and conditions and I had agreed to (which they had a printed copy of) I said yes.


I was asked to leave the ship and was escorted back to my room to collect my belonging and then put of the ship.


I was told that I cannot claim any insurance for this trip as I had broke the rules


No more RCL for me



Michael (Scotland UK)


Imo this is harsh treatment ,yet the cruise line has the legal rights to not alllow you to sail on the ship .


It is far too risky & it is definitely unadviseable to try & smuggle booze onto any cruise ship . Live within the contract limitations & enjoy the cruise . If one lives on the edge then they deserve the consequences ;which in this case above was quite severe .

I don't believe this either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The way some people talk about the prices of drinks you would think they never have stayed at a resort hotel or just a convention hotel. I have paid way more than what Celebrity asks for their drinks. Its just wasn't for 16 nights in a row.:confused:

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I always pack a bottle of a reasonably priced scotch or vodka in one of my large bags. I try to find some brand brand they don't have onboard (pretty easy). I don't try to camoflage it by pouring it into something else....it is what it is. On one trip, I took 20 airplane sized bottles because it was cheaper than buying a liter of the same scotch.


If they take it, that's ok. If not, I'll have a drink at night before dinner on our balcony. We've done 9 cruises on various lines including four on celebrity and I've never had the liquor removed or been ask to the "naughty room".

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