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Does the Negativity Crush You?


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I'm with Pettifogger and some others who differentiated between ship negativity re: something not up to HAL's usual standard of wonderfulness and personal snippy "gotchas". In one of my first posts I timidly answered someone who had a question about some suite amenity (we had lucked out for once in our lives via a last minute at the pier cheap available one due to someone cancelling that afternoon). When I mentioned in my response among all the wonderful things, that some of the bathroom shelves were not large enough for more than medium bottles of shampoo or lotions or whatever I got responses that ranged from "You sound like a person who always sees the glass as half empty" to "Some people who travel at the suite level can always find something wrong"....etc. It took me some time to work up the nerve to respond again to anything. I want to know if they've worked out the kinks in the Lanai cabins. I want to know if the "retreat" pool plasma TV booms out all the time so I can avoid it. I want to know the good fortune of the upgraders (never happened to us again) and worry for those who are running into trouble. It is, after all, just a cruise line while we are all living our lives - some under really hard circumstances - and connecting, usually at night when the house is calm - with others who dream of a coming cruise and all the happiness it brings. Even with short shelves in the bathroom. If there are problems with the ships or the ports or the fact that the Veendam is being tendered to St. George (and now it appears may leave early for Hamilton so good for HAL) I want to know about it and think about and plan. If something good happens to the desert menu let me know so I can drop pounds to prepare for the good times that are coming. But here of all places we should be civil. We see enough rudeness and crummy interpersonal interactions on TV new every night. At least that's what I think. margretha (whose glass is always full, even when it tips over)

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Could they look any happier.:) Thanks for reminding us Shootr, what the joy of cruising can do.


You're welcome.


I practically get tears in my eyes when I look at my pictures. They remind me of why I went, who I was with, why I was with her. But it was the CRUISE that made it special - you're on a magic carpet on the ocean experiencing something so different from any other mode of travel, that how can you help but let little things go and savor the exclusivity, the unique splendor of the moment???


Just my .02...

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Crushed? Not really but crushed probably means some kind of very strong emotion, at least to me, and that points up the very nature of posting on line and the nuances of words to different people. Do I sometimes get tired of negative comments? Sure, sometimes. When a thread spins off to personal attacks, etc., I simply stay away from it. If this or any board gets particularly bad then I just stop going there and take a personal time out until things cool down. I think it's OK that people can come here and air their views. Not all are going to be positive. Heck I'm probably considered a big HAL supporter and certainly consider HAL our cruise line of choice but if you've read my reviews not every HAL cruise has been "fantastic, the best ever". It's not that I look for something wrong but I also think it's OK to point out things that weren't quite right. There's a balance to be had and lucky I've personally never been attacked for being balanced in my reviews or opinions.

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Criticism (not negativity) is an important part of this entire site.

I have been on two cruises, one just recently on Holland America. My partner & I were trying to decide whether or not to go on a cruise with many of our neighbors, who went on a Carnival cruise.

By perusing this site, and reading the reviews and the negative and the highly telling comments from both Carnival and Holland American threads, it was easy to make a choice.

One can really start to understand the differences in culture and behavior in different cruise lines; negative comments, as well as positive ones are very important in deciding which line to spend your hard earned money on.

I guess negativity is very positive to some of us! LOL


We made the right choice too!

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Don't just limit these people to the HAL, Carnival, RCCI, or any other boards. There are some people who HAVE to throw some sort of negativity into EVERYTHING.


My former mother in law couldn't hand out a compliment if you put a gun to her head.


She could pay a compliment but she still had to go on to throw in a bitch or moan about something else in the same sentence.


God forbid she made one feel totally good about themselves.


She passed away 6 weeks after being given a diagnosis of 6 months to a year . I just figured the illness got tired of being around her 24/7 and just wanted to git'er done early. :( Ok that wasn't nice , but if you knew her.


When I see these constantly negative posts by the same people time after time. I can just imagine what they are to live or work with (GOD FORBID) and what they complain about every day in daily life.

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that those who keep complaining about HAL would just move on to another cruise line or just stop beating a dead horse at evry chance they get. Don't keep posting here. We don't need to hear it. Those of us who like HAL live with their policies and see no need to change them to satisfy on grumpy person.

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If you have many things about which you are unpleased, you take your business elsewhere. That is my question..... why do these dissatisified cruisers continue to sail HAL with almost nothing they find agreeable?



Perhaps, they really like HAL. They come here only because they haven't anything better to do, and they 'get off' on starting a hot controversy.

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There is a HUGE difference in what negative was or is -important. "My coffee wasn't hot enough" is a DUH kind of complaint......" The engines failed & we were stuck in port for 4 days" is very different. And, I think, people give credit to one and not the other...

OTOH, unless you know HOW to write very clearly, what you meant to say may come out saying almost the opposite. I'm always impressed when someone explains that they DIDn'T mean XXX and they are sorry, to right a wrong. Of course some people's rudeness is totally acceptable because they are SO important here.......;)

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Plus ca change, plus ca reste la meme chose....The more things change, the more they remain the same.....


I don't think this forum is any more or less divisive and negative than any other human community.


My advice (fwiw): Read what's helpful, ignore what's not, and don't let life in this little virtual village distract you from what is real.


For a trip down memory lane, here's a thread started by EKerr19, almost six years ago. Notice any similarities?





Love it!!!


EVERY message board I've been on has a certain amount of "negativity" - and every once in a while, someone posts a thread like this!!! It never fails!


What makes these message boards interesting is the mix of views - and as someone said, the good, the bad and the ugly.


This board doesn't seem any more negative now than it has in the past, although it does go in cycles ...


But how interesting would it be if there were no rants along with the raves?

[And how realistic would it be?]


The only "negativity" that bothers me are the personal attacks and the "circle the wagons" efforts that cliques indulge in. But again, EVERY board I've ever belonged to has the same type of activity. You get to know the players, and you know how they'll line up ...

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Love it!!!


EVERY message board I've been on has a certain amount of "negativity" - and every once in a while, someone posts a thread like this!!! It never fails!


What makes these message boards interesting is the mix of views - and as someone said, the good, the bad and the ugly.


This board doesn't seem any more negative now than it has in the past, although it does go in cycles ...


But how interesting would it be if there were no rants along with the raves?

[And how realistic would it be?]


The only "negativity" that bothers me are the personal attacks and the "circle the wagons" efforts that cliques indulge in. But again, EVERY board I've ever belonged to has the same type of activity. You get to know the players, and you know how they'll line up ...



This whole post is so true. The cliques that line up and go after someone who posts their feelings is what I find offensive on this board(others too). And I'm not sure i would consider negative reviews about HAL "crushing". That gives way too much credibility to posts that are an individuals expressions of feelings concerning a cruise. I think a better word is disappointing. It's a shame that people are so upset in a cruise that they have to post about it. I have learned from experience that I just don't post anything negative about HAL unless I am up for some bashing and ridicule. :rolleyes: But when several people come on and say basically the same t hing about a particular ship or a particular cruise it should set us all to wondering what is happening and not be so quick to bash the messenger.

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Please tell me it's just me but there has been so much negativity lately, it amazes me.


Compared to some of you, I am a newbie at cruising. When I view these boards I do my best to filter through the posts to glean information that I can actually use that will make my cruising experience more enjoyable.

I have learned a great deal from several regular contributors, and have benefited from their balanced perspective, suggestions and travel tips. I have a few "favorites" that I follow and have sent them emails for even more advice. EVERY single time I have received so much helpful information, above and beyond what I have asked for. THANK YOU to Sail, Pam and Toto. You have been awesome in giving me advice on HAL and Princess.

All of this to say, I have learned to take the good information on these boards and leave the pointless, personal bashing behind.

Happy cruising everyone;)

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Also being a relative newbie, compared to most of the posters here, I have learned a lot from frequenting this board; especially from posters like 'Sail', and her fellow experienced friends. The info garnered has certainly added to my cruise experience ----- noting shortfalls, suggesting alternatives etc., and oftentimes saving me money :o!


I would certainly like to thank all of you for being so thoughtful, and helpful with we newbies!!:)


And as for the occasional whining and incessant complaining from some posters --- I've made a career out of filtering the B S from legitimate complaints!! ;)

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" It’s impossible to complain and be happy at the same time."


This is a good short read on negative thinking.



Ironically, blind optimism is bad too. A balanced attitude is the key.:)

I think 'crushing' may be to strong of a term in relating to these message boards.:o



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Just speaking for myself and using my own vocabulary to describe my own feelings....... there are a few posters who are regularly so negative, I, personally, find them crushing.


For the most part, No. If I found the whole board fit that description, I wouldn't be here.


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Thanks, Sail, for bringing this up! I even quit reading for a while. The constant whining just got me down.


This is such a great board for information and help. Don't know what I would have done sometimes without the good advice.


If someone has a real problem, they should mention it, of course. But no cruise is ever going to be just like another.


As someone put it so well above -- it's what we bring to the situation and what we make of it.


No matter what changes they make to the line, I'm still ...



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There is a difference between trivial negative whining, and the posting of legitimate negative experiences. We cruise on a lot of different cruise lines (11 so far) and find both positive and negative comments are helpful for our future planning. For experienced cruisers it is relatively easy to seperate the whining from truly negative experiences. To be honest, we have found that all the cruise lines (except HA of course :)) have made budget cut-backs which do have an impact on both cuisine and service. It has really effected what we book. As an example, RCI used to be one of our favorite cruise lines for shorter cruises (less then 2 weeks) but recent cut-backs and changes on that line have driven us to book more cruises with Princess and HA. While we respect those that are loyal to a single cruise line, we think that is similar to somebody who only drives a VW and has no idea that there are much better cars on the road... Or, somebody who only eats out at McDonalds and thinks it's the best restaurant in the world. Until you try the competition you do not know what you are missing...which or course may not be much! There is another benefit to posting negative things. These boards are monitored closely by the cruise lines (and influencial TAs) and they can react to negative postings. We know of one situation where negative postings on CC resulted in a major cruise line (RCI) making a major change in policy. Regarding HA, perhaps they will read the comments about their Master Chef Dinner and quickly eliminate that horrid practice :)



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If it wasn't from the information that we have absorbed from this site our cruises to date would not have been as outstanding.


So many times you hear a complaint or review that is just caused from lack of planning and homework or ignorance. Than there are the legitimate complaints which in my case tell me to never cruise after a drydock or new ship sailing.


I wonder if the name "Cruise Critics" is misleading and some feel they have the instant opportunity to become "Critics!" or another "Ebert."


I stayed away for two months recently just to disprove that I was not addicted to this site. I found out I was!!!!!!:p


With maybe the exception of first time cruisers it is obvious that most of us love cruising the open seas or we wouldn't be here.


As Aretha Franklin would say "All we need is a Little Respect"


Great site, great people but you just have to get what you need and take some post with a grain of salt.

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1 a : one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness, beauty, or technique b : one who engages often professionally in the analysis, evaluation, or appreciation of works of art or artistic performances

2 : one given to harsh or captious judgment


I think "Cruise Critic" was named with the first definition in mind.


I never think of a "critic" as being a negative person.

After all, many critics give high praise to movies, restaurants, theatre, etc.

But they also establish their reputations by being able to tell it like it is -- to be truthful in their assessments.

Would you believe a critic who gave every restaurant she reviewed 5 stars?


I don't expect everyone who posts here to talk about how flawless their HAL cruise was, how perfect the food was, how top-notch the entertainment was. It's not always going to be 5 stars ... there are good and bad and mediocre aspects.


Yes, there will be those who are contrary and those who whine about the slightest things. It's only human nature.

There are also those who will talk about some more serious negative experiences they've had - which is their prerogative.


Welcome to the Internet.

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You're welcome.


I practically get tears in my eyes when I look at my pictures. They remind me of why I went, who I was with, why I was with her. But it was the CRUISE that made it special - you're on a magic carpet on the ocean experiencing something so different from any other mode of travel, that how can you help but let little things go and savor the exclusivity, the unique splendor of the moment???


Just my .02...



Way more than 0.02 shootr :) Thanks again.... p.s.loved the wake photo.

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Crushing? No. Annoying? On occasion. One of my personal adages is "don't let things rent space in your head". I think there is confusion between "critic" and "critique" -- they aren't the same word.


It may be too much work for some, but I always try to put feedback in the form of situation / task / action / result and then follow-up with alternate action / alternate result. It's easy to come here as a one post wonder, crap all over the cruise line and then leave. It takes a little more effort to identify issues and propose improvements.



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Not getting it at all. I admit I (thankfully) don't read every corner of this board the way I once did, but I do a quick overview at least once and week and I just haven't noticed any more negativity than in the past (perhaps even a bit less thankfully).


I do see honest criticism and I think that's healthy. No one wants to come to this board and not get a fair cross section of opinions about Holland America. The fact is HAL makes mistakes as does every other cruise line.


Right now you couldn't get me on the Veendam for free. I know it has huge problems. I've received first hand accounts from a few people (including myself) for the past couple of years. I'd like to be able to come here and read about those problems. These are ongoing and for some reason they're not being addressed by HAL. It's good to be able to come here and read about that.


I recently posted a review of our Westerdam cruise and there wasn't one negative comment on it.


This is Cruise Critic .... it's here for all sides to voice their experience. Most everyone who posts here loves HAL. Most everyone goes on a HAL cruise because they believe they're going to have a great time. And most everyone does. But let's have a fair discussion about the plusses and minuses of all cruise lines with getting bent out of shape because one person here or there has a bad experience. It happens.

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Please tell me it's just me but there has been so much negativity lately, it amazes me.


If so many things about HAL displease you or you have so much to complain about being insufficient or unsatisfactory to your standard or desire, why in the world do you continue to book and sail with them? Some people cruise again and again with them and then come here and repeatedly have mostly negative things to say.


New cruisers come here and must wonder what in the world is going on. You don't like this or that but yet you have more cruises booked.


If you can only find negative things to say, repeatedly criticize other people's praise or appreciation, and almost never have a good thing to say about anything on the ships, why keep HAL a part of your life?


Find something that pleases you...... life is too short to waste on things that give you only things to complain about.


Anyone else notice this?

Hi sail7seas and all other positive Ccrs


Just to say that this will be our first ever cruise and we have not let the negativity get to us ,we have just appreciated all the help given for our numerous questions and are looking forward to boarding the ship after our land cruise


Many thanks again to all the CCrs that make this site worth visiting

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