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Just back of Carnival Dream and the alcohol confiscating IS WAY UP!!!


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Carnival makes the "anti-smuggling" rules to benefit them and smugglers smuggle booze to benefit themselves. Is Carnival any more moral than the smuggler?


Also, as has been mentioned by many smugglers, they spend quite a lot of money onboard still and I believe them..why, because when I cruise I drink a lot also and I know once you get that buzz you want to keep it and there is no way you're going to keep running back to your cabin everytime you want a drink. I know that I tend to drink more when I don't have to worry about driving or getting up to go to work the next day or chase after my little ones. Most drinkers will drink more when they are on vacation and don't have to worry about the everyday life responsibilities.


I have a problem with the anti-smugglers period but I have more of a problem with the ones arguing that smuggling causes them to "foot the bill" for the smugglers. I'd bet overwhelmingly that the smugglers will spend more money on the boat than those that are whining about having to "foot the bill." Why, because smugglers tend to be people that like to drink alot and there is no way they are able to smuggle on enough booze to satisfy their entire drinking quota while on vacation. They are going to still buy drinks at the bar.


Also, for the "rules are rules" group: If you hog chairs, wear shorts in the MDR, bring on more soda than Carnival allows, or smoke in non-smoking area you really need to look at those 4 fingers pointing right back at you when you're pointing that finger at the smugglers!


Well said.

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and we shouldn't have to pay for the ones that don't buy soda cards and bring on their own. Or the ones that book shore excursions from independents and not through Carnival. Or the ones that purchase items in port and don't spend a dime in the ships shops. Or the ones who get a massage in port and not on the ship...........etc, etc, '



That's exactly right! :)

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Maybe if they combine the NO flat iron/no curling iron it will raise the revenue for the (overpriced) salon


but...what about the cheap beach massages ???


Perhaps we will be tested for body lotion/coconut oils as we re enter the ship....

buzzzz.....they will see that we purchased an "off boat" massage for a buck a minute and we will be charged the appropriate "spa" price so they can make more money??

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As one who spends little time gambling, unfortunately I have to pay for my drinks a good portion of the time. I spend my money on food and drinks when I go and that will not get you any hotel comps.



Bummer! Although I don't get the whole Vegas for non gamblers either;)

But even so there are ways of getting around to having to pay for drinks......


Not that I really care if someone smuggles booze on or not, it's a personal choice, but are any of those things you mention above breaking any of Carnival rules, or do their rules state that you can't do any of the above except through Carnival.


LOL! I'm pretty sure most people that smuggle know it is against Carnivals rules:p But that has nothing to do with the argument that non smugglers pay more because of it:rolleyes:

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Just an FYI, my husband and I are not normally booze smugglers, in fact we have never bothered. This is our sixth cruise and we have never carried on more than allowed of anything. However my son and his girlfriend are not well off at the moment so they wanted to carry on beer. They asked us to put a case in our luggage so we went ahead and split it between my husbands luggage and mine. He also had a case is his in a container. Ours was loose in large plastic bags. We embarked around 11:30 so we were among the first on board. They got mine and my sons right away out of our luggage and left us a note that it would be redelived to our room on the last day of the cruise, which they did. My husband unfortunately locked his bag so he had to do the walk of shame down to the baggage area and unlock his bag to get it out. I was pretty mortified for him. :eek: For some reason my sons girlfriends plastic bottle of Jack Daniels that was in his bag also was left. I guess they just saw the beer and pulled that out.


Needless to say I will never be bothered to do this again no matter what I am asked. Having to drag all that back off the ship including all our stuff we bought was no fun. Cheating never pays!!!:)


You should have tried hiding the beer inside a twelve outlet power strip and a fan. :rolleyes:

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Ok I lied... however this was to hard to pass up.


Carnival makes the "anti-smuggling" rules to benefit them and smugglers smuggle booze to benefit themselves. Is Carnival any more moral than the smuggler?

Quite simple. It is Carnivals SHIP. They make the rules. If you do not like their rules you have a few options open to you. They could impose a wear all white day and there is nothing you could do about it.


Also, as has been mentioned by many smugglers, they spend quite a lot of money onboard still and I believe them..why, because when I cruise I drink a lot also and I know once you get that buzz you want to keep it and there is no way you're going to keep running back to your cabin everytime you want a drink. I know that I tend to drink more when I don't have to worry about driving or getting up to go to work the next day or chase after my little ones. Most drinkers will drink more when they are on vacation and don't have to worry about the everyday life responsibilities.

Ok then drink more and pay for it... lets say you smuggle 6 beers on and buy 6 are you saying if you didnt smuggle 6 on you wouldn't buy 6?


I have a problem with the anti-smugglers period but I have more of a problem with the ones arguing that smuggling causes them to "foot the bill" for the smugglers. I'd bet overwhelmingly that the smugglers will spend more money on the boat than those that are whining about having to "foot the bill." Why, because smugglers tend to be people that like to drink alot and there is no way they are able to smuggle on enough booze to satisfy their entire drinking quota while on vacation. They are going to still buy drinks at the bar.

So you would still buy if you hadnt smuggled. Just to get your buzz on.


Also, for the "rules are rules" group: If you hog chairs, wear shorts in the MDR, bring on more soda than Carnival allows, or smoke in non-smoking area you really need to look at those 4 fingers pointing right back at you when you're pointing that finger at the smugglers!

I concur. Two wrongs dont make a right. Just because everyone else jumps off a bridge will you?


So there in summary it is Carnivals ship their rules regardless of how much you pay or how "special" you think you are.


If you "drink" a lot you will STILL drink a lot. If you cant afford to drink at your expected level maybe you should rethink your drinking plans to include loosing weight, not eating as much etc. That way you can get your "buzz on" for a lesser cost. Try straws.


And finally yes breaking rules is breaking rules. Regardless if it is smoking in certain areas, dress code, etc. I smoke and the first time I see someone in an area specifically not for smoking I will complain about it to someone. Same goes for kids in areas where kids are not supposed to be etc.


At the rate people justify a reasoning for doing something against the rules is astounding.


What is wrong with just following the rules?


Sorry..... Its like dealing with a bunch of kids.

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Why follow the rules if you can get by without following the rules? Why would I spend more of my money on buying alcohol from Carnival when I don't have to? If I didn't smuggle my own on, I wouldn't drink as much on Carnival. It's been said over and over, if Carnival would lower their alchohol prices, less people would smuggle.

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Why follow the rules if you can get by without following the rules? Why would I spend more of my money on buying alcohol from Carnival when I don't have to? If I didn't smuggle my own on, I wouldn't drink as much on Carnival. It's been said over and over, if Carnival would lower their alchohol prices, less people would smuggle.


So your justification is as long as you can get away with doing something against the rule it is ok to do.


So (if you work in an office) I could take your lunch out of the fridge eat it cause lunch was to expensive for me?


I could walk up to your table on a cruise and take your dessert as you didnt pay for it anyway and I wanted to eat dessert now.


that makes no sense. If you think prices are to high then complain. Find another cruise line that does not charge as much. Dont cruise.


However it appears people are STILL cruising even though prices are so high for things.

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Quite simple. It is Carnivals SHIP. They make the rules. If you do not like their rules you have a few options open to you. They could impose a wear all white day and there is nothing you could do about it.


And one of many options is to smuggle:D



Ok then drink more and pay for it... lets say you smuggle 6 beers on and buy 6 are you saying if you didnt smuggle 6 on you wouldn't buy 6?


These kind of comments really bug me. Nobody on here knows peoples spending habits.......regardless of smuggling. How would you:confused: Maybe I bring 6 beers on and buy rounds for people all night:confused:




If you "drink" a lot you will STILL drink a lot. If you cant afford to drink at your expected level maybe you should rethink your drinking plans to include loosing weight, not eating as much etc. That way you can get your "buzz on" for a lesser cost. Try straws.


The lame can't afford argument is really getting old:rolleyes: Who doesn't like to save a few pennies while they grocery shop with coupons? Is it just because they can't afford to buy groceries:confused::rolleyes:





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So your justification is as long as you can get away with doing something against the rule it is ok to do.


So (if you work in an office) I could take your lunch out of the fridge eat it cause lunch was to expensive for me?


I could walk up to your table on a cruise and take your dessert as you didnt pay for it anyway and I wanted to eat dessert now.


that makes no sense. If you think prices are to high then complain. Find another cruise line that does not charge as much. Dont cruise.


However it appears people are STILL cruising even though prices are so high for things.


Nobody needs to justify anything......and these examples are lame:rolleyes:

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Quite simple. It is Carnivals SHIP. They make the rules. If you do not like their rules you have a few options open to you. They could impose a wear all white day and there is nothing you could do about it.


And one of many options is to smuggle:D



Ok then drink more and pay for it... lets say you smuggle 6 beers on and buy 6 are you saying if you didnt smuggle 6 on you wouldn't buy 6?


These kind of comments really bug me. Nobody on here knows peoples spending habits.......regardless of smuggling. How would you:confused: Maybe I bring 6 beers on and buy rounds for people all night:confused:




If you "drink" a lot you will STILL drink a lot. If you cant afford to drink at your expected level maybe you should rethink your drinking plans to include loosing weight, not eating as much etc. That way you can get your "buzz on" for a lesser cost. Try straws.


The lame can't afford argument is really getting old:rolleyes: Who doesn't like to save a few pennies while they grocery shop with coupons? Is it just because they can't afford to buy groceries:confused::rolleyes:






And the by product of that is you get caught. The more people that get caught the more checks and balances they put in to catch more.


Sorry if it bugs you. However you dont know either. You get loose with your money when drunk? Even more of a reason for you not to get drunk. But hey its your money if you are spending it like that then it shouldn't really matter.


I cant afford a Benz... doesnt mean I will go out and steal one. I really wanted a nice camera for my first cruise so I took the time did some research and saved up for it. I now have a nice camera that is mine. So if you expect to spend money (or need to spend money) to apsire to your level of a vacation then save for it. Dont break the rules. If you cant then it is quite simple dont do it or change your level of expectation. It reminds me of the person that had a warrant and instead of paying the warrant they went on a cruise.. (paraphrase)


However teaching morals, responsibilites, integrity, common sense and a few other things is almost impossible online. That is something that should have been ingrained while the person was raised.


I blame the new math.

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Nobody needs to justify anything......and these examples are lame:rolleyes:


"Why follow the rules if you can get by without following the rules?"


Is a justification which my response was to.


Im glad im not here to get your approval on my examples. Otherwise I may have had my feelings hurt.

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Ok I lied... however this was to hard to pass up.



Quite simple. It is Carnivals SHIP. They make the rules. If you do not like their rules you have a few options open to you. They could impose a wear all white day and there is nothing you could do about it.



Ok then drink more and pay for it... lets say you smuggle 6 beers on and buy 6 are you saying if you didnt smuggle 6 on you wouldn't buy 6?



So you would still buy if you hadnt smuggled. Just to get your buzz on.



I concur. Two wrongs dont make a right. Just because everyone else jumps off a bridge will you?


So there in summary it is Carnivals ship their rules regardless of how much you pay or how "special" you think you are.


If you "drink" a lot you will STILL drink a lot. If you cant afford to drink at your expected level maybe you should rethink your drinking plans to include loosing weight, not eating as much etc. That way you can get your "buzz on" for a lesser cost. Try straws.


And finally yes breaking rules is breaking rules. Regardless if it is smoking in certain areas, dress code, etc. I smoke and the first time I see someone in an area specifically not for smoking I will complain about it to someone. Same goes for kids in areas where kids are not supposed to be etc.


At the rate people justify a reasoning for doing something against the rules is astounding.


What is wrong with just following the rules?


Sorry..... Its like dealing with a bunch of kids.


A bunch of kids? I mean is it really that serious to you that others follow the rules? Will your cruise be ruined if people smuggle on booze? If that's the case I really feel sorry for you.


From your rant I take it that you NEVER, EVER knowingly do anything that is against any rule. Is that what you're saying? Because if you do ever break any rule, you're being a hypocrite. Going 1 mile over the posted speed limit is against the law..that's worst than breaking a rule from a cruiseline. Do you ever knowingly go over the speed limit? I mean since you're soooo emphatically against the "evils" of breaking rules.

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And the by product of that is you get caught. The more people that get caught the more checks and balances they put in to catch more.


Sorry if it bugs you. However you dont know either. You get loose with your money when drunk? Even more of a reason for you not to get drunk. But hey its your money if you are spending it like that then it shouldn't really matter.


I cant afford a Benz... doesnt mean I will go out and steal one. I really wanted a nice camera for my first cruise so I took the time did some research and saved up for it. I now have a nice camera that is mine. So if you expect to spend money (or need to spend money) to apsire to your level of a vacation then save for it. Dont break the rules. If you cant then it is quite simple dont do it or change your level of expectation. It reminds me of the person that had a warrant and instead of paying the warrant they went on a cruise.. (paraphrase)


However teaching morals, responsibilites, integrity, common sense and a few other things is almost impossible online. That is something that should have been ingrained while the person was raised.


I blame the new math.


Oh.....so now people who smuggle can't afford a cruise? And they get drunk and get loose with their money? And they are prone to steal a mercedes and cruise with warrants....ROFLMAO!!! BTW.....I prefer my vette.........

My point which you greatly missed was you and nobody else on this board knows anyones spending habits or what they can afford or not afford......regardless if one smuggles........and yet you continue to throw out all these accusations:confused:




"Why follow the rules if you can get by without following the rules?"


Is a justification which my response was to.


Im glad im not here to get your approval on my examples. Otherwise I may have had my feelings hurt.


Not sure where to go with this:confused: Has nothing to do with approval.......

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Hey ya'll, JESUS posts on CC. The omniscient, omnipotent one himself/herself has come to CC to judge others and preach against the evils of breaking rules! Let us bow in his/her presence! :eek:


Hilarious! There are several others like him/her, so will the real "Jesus" please stand up/out!

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Hilarious! There are several others like him/her, so will the real "Jesus" please stand up/out!


Some people act like they don't EVER do ANYTHING against the rules. If that's the case good for them but I doubt that is true!

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A bunch of kids? I mean is it really that serious to you that others follow the rules? Will your cruise be ruined if people smuggle on booze? If that's the case I really feel sorry for you.


From your rant I take it that you NEVER, EVER knowingly do anything that is against any rule. Is that what you're saying? Because if you do ever break any rule, you're being a hypocrite. Going 1 mile over the posted speed limit is against the law..that's worst than breaking a rule from a cruiseline. Do you ever knowingly go over the speed limit? I mean since you're soooo emphatically against the "evils" of breaking rules.


If I said I didnt would you believe me? See the difference between me and say someone like you is even if I did break the rules I would not try to justify it.


I would keep my mouth shut. I dont think it is "cool" to break the rules. If I do find myself breaking a rule I would hope to learn from that and attempt to not do it again. Not blatantly go out of my way to break it some more.


See the difference? Probably not as evident by your comment.


so far the only reasoning for smuggling is:


I can or drinks are to expensive. Pretty childish....if you think about it.

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Oh.....so now people who smuggle can't afford a cruise? And they get drunk and get loose with their money? And they are prone to steal a mercedes and cruise with warrants....ROFLMAO!!! BTW.....I prefer my vette.........

My point which you greatly missed was you and nobody else on this board knows anyones spending habits or what they can afford or not afford......regardless if one smuggles........and yet you continue to throw out all these accusations:confused:






Not sure where to go with this:confused: Has nothing to do with approval.......


See what you do is what other great forum trolls do. You take bits and pieces from OTHER conversations then place them into your own.


Dont take my context from another response and place it in your own conversation.


I do believe someone stated drinks are to expensive. So I addressed that. If they are to expensive dont buy them.


Dont take things so personal just because you choose to clump yourself into the conversation at hand that is pointed to a general group.


As you said no one knows so you can only speak to the general "group" not people specific.


If you want me to speak directly about you I would need to know more about you... and based on what I know about you here I think I will pass on that.


Hopefully that clears that up. However I dont think it will.

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If I said I didnt would you believe me? See the difference between me and say someone like you is even if I did break the rules I would not try to justify it.


I would keep my mouth shut. I dont think it is "cool" to break the rules. If I do find myself breaking a rule I would hope to learn from that and attempt to not do it again. Not blatantly go out of my way to break it some more.


See the difference? Probably not as evident by your comment.


so far the only reasoning for smuggling is:


I can or drinks are to expensive. Pretty childish....if you think about it.


It seems like you are looking for justification of why some people smuggle.......sounds rather childish to me.....if you think about it;)

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40 Posts, no cruising history, first cruise in September of this year and you've already made some CC enemies.


Nice! Must be record...


Really they take stuff THAT serious? Cruising history has no relation on the way people should act in any given situation. Just becasue it is a cruise it should make no difference.


Thats pretty shallow if that is the way people think. If they give advice on something else I would take it as advice and this conversation here would have no bearing on it.

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