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Breakfast in the Pinnacle

Crazy Gramps

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As far as your "yadda, yadda, yadda" comment - please do not demean what I, or anyone else on CC has to say.

We're all here to give our opinion - and listening to another's opinion in a graceful manner - and responding likewise - is appreciated.


it wasn't meant to demean .. it was meant to be humor .. nothing more


that said, no one has to agree with what someone else says .. I don't agree with your perspective ..


then again, you don't agree with mine


how bout coffee in Pinnacle


as long of course as it's not day 1 2 or 3:D:D

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How can HAL give you a "refund" based on the price of the suite - when suite pricing is all over the board?


They could do that very easily if they wanted to, but they don't, so they won't. As to suite pricing being all over the board, all cabin pricing is "all over the board" but the prices for suites eligible for Neptune & breakfast in the Pinnacle are almost always quite significantly higher than prices for other suites and cabins precisely because of the promised additional services and other preferences. Judging by some of the comments here (not yours), it sounds like some people would have no problem with booking a cabin with verandah only to learn that the verandah will not be unlocked until day 3 of their seven day cruise because the ship has other more important priorities. After all, the verandah is still out there, it is just an "amenity," and they can see it through their door.


Better for HAL to put a disclaimer on its website when it lists the suite amenities and explain that due to the new protocol, the PG is closed for breakfasts for the first three days.

That sounds like a fine idea. Once they decide to make the new protocol permanent, perhaps they will.


I think you are comparing apples to oranges - a dining venue with actual accommodations.


Who is going to put a price on three days of eating breakfast in the PG?

Is it a percentage of what each passenger paid for his/her suite? What percentage?

Would you be happy if HAL handed you a letter granting you $50 OBC to make up for it?

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it wasn't meant to demean .. it was meant to be humor .. nothing more


that said, no one has to agree with what someone else says .. I don't agree with your perspective ..


then again, you don't agree with mine


how bout coffee in Pinnacle


as long of course as it's not day 1 2 or 3:D:D



Actually - and ironically - I have found that the only coffee I can tolerate on a HAL ship is in the Neptune Lounge! A happy discovery I made last fall. But I still *chose* to book an SY on the Eurodam last winter.

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We very recently booked our first "real" suite on the Eurodam for summer 2011. The vacation planner who handled our booking told us that we would receive a complimentary Pinnacle dinner. For those of you who have suited before, is this typical? After reading this thread, I'm wondering if that's being offered as a sort of compensation for missing breakfasts?


A free pinnacle dinner is not a standard thing for suites. Your vacation planner may be giving this to you, or there may be a special and Hal is adding this. The Pinnacle is fantastic and you will enjoy it. And the suites are wonderful. You will have a great time.


We can all hope that this is a new thing HAL is adding, but i wouldn't count on it. Enjoy your dinner!! and your cruise.

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Obviously you have not read the entire thread.


I am one of those "HAVE" and always book an SA or PS.


Back quite a few posts I mentioned how the breakfasts were stopped back in 2004 for the Suite passengers -- we were among the last to have this perk before it was stopped -- guess you missed my post.


The it was resummed about 4 years ago.


So it has not always been around for 10 - 12 years.


nope .. I read your comments


just don't agree


like you, I've sailed in Suites for years


and that includes 2004


my memory is that breakfast in Pinnacle wasn't stopped .. though, can't remember when the "fight" between the then current staff and the newcomers took place .. if that was 2004, it's possible service might have been suspended or down sized until the "family feud" got resolved


then again, maybe we were on different ships


then again, my memory "ain't" what it used to be


just last week I remember thinking you always got what you paid for:)

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It was in 2004 -- May to be exact -- Maasdam -- repositioning cruise when the announcement was made.

And yes we had a few years with no Marco Polo, Odysey or Pinnacle Grill for breakfast and until recently we took 3 - 5 cruises a year averaging 65 - 70 days a year.

I do keep track of those things -- mainly because we did call Seattle over this at that time..

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I use all the stationary they put in our cabin and sometimes request additional sheets.


I use it for thank you notes if someone does something special for us and to communicate in writing if I wish to send a note to someone on board.


It takes the Concierge 30 seconds or less to run off more for us. Same as lots of people stopped buying letterhead paper from stationary companies and print their own off their computers.


I also find uses for the envelopes they provide. I save any shopping receipts in one of the envelopes to make it easy for preparation of our customs declaration.


We rarely go to the shows, DH rarely uses his robe, we rarely borrow a DVD, bring our own netbook so don't use HAL's computers...... any refunds for these things?


Suit yourself, of course, but seems to me this is getting a bit silly. Some real points were made here by people who have sincere feelings on the subject.


I don't wish to diminish the quality of those comments with what I consider to be nonesense of this sort.


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After all, I paid for it in the price of the suite.

It seems to me that there is more than a slight difference between choosing not to use something that was provided as promised and failing to receive services as promised. As with almost everything in life, YMMV. Sounds like it does.


Who is going to put a price on three days of eating breakfast in the PG?

Is it a percentage of what each passenger paid for his/her suite? What percentage?

Would you be happy if HAL handed you a letter granting you $50 OBC to make up for it?


Not up to me, but I'm sure HAL can figure something out if they want to. (BTW, as I haven't booked a suite on any of my upcoming cruises, my personal happiness doesn't enter into it. ;-)


As to comparing apples and oranges: I'm not so sure. The accommodation is the stateroom. It is still usable.

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Obviously you have not read the entire thread.


I am one of those "HAVE" and always book an SA or PS.


Back quite a few posts I mentioned how the breakfasts were stopped back in 2004 for the Suite passengers -- we were among the last to have this perk before it was stopped -- guess you missed my post.


The it was resummed about 4 years ago.


So it has not always been around for 10 - 12 years.


About 6 hyears ago when we did South america, we did not eat in the Pinnacle, we ate in the Queen's/King's room instead and for both breakfast and lunch. It was fantastic (on the Rotterdam). Same idea as the pinnacle, in fact i nearly liked it better. A bit more intimate. But we still got a breakfast and lunch in a separate venue with atmosphere, quiet and excellent service.


I think the key here though is not whether there has always been a breakfast or not, but whether it was posted as an amenity. I would assume the years you didn't get it, it was not? If the breakfast is not shown as an amenity then it is not expected. If it is, then it is expected.

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I think the key here though is not whether there has always been a breakfast or not, but whether it was posted as an amenity. I would assume the years you didn't get it, it was not? If the breakfast is not shown as an amenity then it is not expected. If it is, then it is expected.



That is the point I have been making.

If they advertise it as an included amenity, it has to be offered.

If they sell it, they must provide it.

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That is the point I have been making.

If they advertise it as an included amenity, it has to be offered.

If they sell it, they must provide it.


Apparently Seattle doesn't share your sentiment.

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About 6 hyears ago when we did South america, we did not eat in the Pinnacle, we ate in the Queen's/King's room instead and for both breakfast and lunch. It was fantastic (on the Rotterdam). Same idea as the pinnacle, in fact i nearly liked it better. A bit more intimate. But we still got a breakfast and lunch in a separate venue with atmosphere, quiet and excellent service.


I think the key here though is not whether there has always been a breakfast or not, but whether it was posted as an amenity. I would assume the years you didn't get it, it was not? If the breakfast is not shown as an amenity then it is not expected. If it is, then it is expected.


And we also took advantage of the lunches in the King's, Queen's Room whenever it was offered to the Suite passangers.

If it is listed as a suite perk -- then I expect it for the entire cruise.

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That is the point I have been making.

If they advertise it as an included amenity, it has to be offered.

If they sell it, they must provide it.


and that is the whole point.

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I misspoke.......


It is not usually an orchid on Pinnacle tables. More often than not, it is alstroemeria.

(Just for the sake of being as accurate as possible. )


Ohmigosh!!!! Well, that makes all the difference then.:D. Sorry, I just couldn't resist. It's just too funny ... all of it.


yep, you're wrong:D


Pinnacle is not a relatively new perk for suite passengers .. Pinnacle has been up and around for at least 10-12 years or more (remember: there was Marco Polo on the R Class which pre-dated Pinnacle on the S and then the Vista Class)


as for it being a perk, sure is


and why not


it's not free .. laundry isn't free for suite Pax .. they're both built into the price of the full suite


when I read most of the criticism, it seems to come from the "have nots" who want to satirize those with the perks ..


why not .. it's human nature to want more .. especially if it's "free"


but the point is, or at least should be IMHO, that Pinnacle breakfast is something offered to suite pax that should not be taken away .. period, paragraph, end of sentence


it is pure foolishness IMO to listen to the "for the convenience of our passengers" spiel and attempt to make believe it's anything but PR run amok .. there is absolutely, positively no justifiable reason why Pinnacle should be closed for breakfast ..


and by the by, and for what it's worth, if someone prefers to dine on the balcony for breakfast, that's absolutely wonderful .. for that person ..


if however someone is in a suite, they have a absolute right to expect HAL to live up to what's promised ..


how bout a refund Seattle:eek:


yeah, ok .. bottle house "red" instead:D


Sails has this down to its most simple bottom line: I paid for it, now deliver


and what's wrong with that


Nope, not wrong. And secondly I'm obviously a whole lot older than you because for me 10 years is "new". I've been cruising for 28 years ... anything since we retired to FL in 2000 is definitely "new" in my book. So I stand by my statement. Further, KK proves my point that it also disappeared for a time. The point is, I don't think suite prices increased or went down when you had/didn't have the Pinnacle.


Somehow the point has been missed. HAL took away this so called perk for just 3 mornings for a very good reason and without having to raise prices yet again in order to try to keep Noro at bay.


And I sure would think anyone who has ever had Noro would "get" that more than the rest of us.


Further on the comment about the "haves" and the "have nots" .... a 98 year old woman died recently in the state of WA. She was frugal, careful with her money, never got a haircut (cut her own hair). Silently and with no formal education she invested wisely and when she died she left her town $4.5 million so they could build a swimming pool for the children of the town.


So don't talk to me about who "has it" and who doesn't. It comes down to how we spend, what we think is important to make our lives better. I don't begrudge anyone the joy of the "suite" life, if you want it and can afford it, you should enjoy it absolutely. Some of us just choose not to spend our money that way (and some of us have husbands who could simply care less: "a cabin is a cabin is a cabin":D.


But to worry about not having breakfast in the Pinnacle because somehow you think you've paid for it and you're being deprived is about the furthest extreme I've ever seen on Cruise Critic.


Obviously you have not read the entire thread.


I am one of those "HAVE" and always book an SA or PS.


Back quite a few posts I mentioned how the breakfasts were stopped back in 2004 for the Suite passengers -- we were among the last to have this perk before it was stopped -- guess you missed my post.


The it was resummed about 4 years ago.


So it has not always been around for 10 - 12 years.


Thank you, KK, for your good memory on this point.

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I totally agree, but we cruise far less often in order to afford a suite, and the primary reason we do that is because we enjoy the leisurely breakfast in the Pinnacle. I suppose the only way I could equate its value to us is to inquire how people would feel if all passengers were excluded from the MDR for 30% of their cruise. Everybody paid for the use of the dining room, but suddenly it is not available?


Taking away two days from our usual seven day cruises is a deal breaker for us, and we will have to rethink our options.


(OT: Heather, I LOVE your new avatar pic! Great hat!)

i agree 100 % when we pay exta $$ it is for having extra option where to dine in the morning away for large crouds , there must be a compensations if the perks we are paying for is not beein provided ?

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... But to worry about not having breakfast in the Pinnacle because somehow you think you've paid for it and you're being deprived is about the furthest extreme I've ever seen on Cruise Critic....


You know how I feel about breakfast in the Pinnacle. It is the only reason we are willing to pay extra for a suite. Take it away, and the suite is not so important to us anymore.


Like the previous post about not having the use of your balcony, even though you thought it was included in your fare? Or, having the dining room closed for dinner until Wednesday, even though you can still get a meal in the Lido? Those are things you expected. You aren't getting them. How would you feel? Like me, you would probably deal with it, but you might have appreciated knowing ahead of time so you could decide if the cruise fare was still a good value to you.


The Pinnacle breakfast is my "something." Whatever your "something" is, I would never negate your feelings about it as "the furthest extreme I've ever seen on Cruise Critic."


(Gee, we were doin' ok, you and me, until now... so I hope your comment was a bit stronger than you intended.)

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HAL needs to make a decision, is this "soft Code Red" a permanent fixture? If so, then they need to staff up to accommodate it so that promised services can be provided. If unwilling or unable to do so then remove the service from the list of perks.


I understand the frustration with the "Bait and Switch" of the current (I hesitate to use the word "policy") situation and though it would not be a deal breaker for me, it would sadly be added to the list of overall slippage in the cruise experience.

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You know how I feel about breakfast in the Pinnacle. It is the only reason we are willing to pay extra for a suite. Take it away, and the suite is not so important to us anymore.




I believe you are most likely in the minority if you only book a suite to have breakfast in the Pinnacle Grill. The space isn't even that great on many of the ships.


I am one that believes that Suite passengers should be paying extra for the Real Estate mostly. That is the only reason we would ever book one. Note that we have never been in a Suite on HAL but have been on other cruise lines and were in a PH on a cruise this past February.


Even if we had the option my DH would go to the buffet. There's a big deal on Celebrity where the Elite passengers can have a continental breakfast in Michael's Club (which has no windows, etc.). I don't get it.

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Uhm, let's see, this could be a tough one:

Puking your guts out/saying hi to Ralph plus simultaneously having the uncontrolled runs from your lowest orifice and being confined to quarters for 48 hrs


Not having the ability to partake in breakfast in the PG (but still having three other breakfast options, four for some, if you count the Neptune) for 48 hrs

Decisions, decisions:cool:

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Uhm, let's see, this could be a tough one:

Puking your guts out/saying hi to Ralph plus simultaneously having the uncontrolled runs from your lowest orifice and being confined to quarters for 48 hrs


Not having the ability to partake in breakfast in the PG (but still having three other breakfast options, four for some, if you count the Neptune) for 48 hrs

Decisions, decisions:cool:


John your point is well taken an given those options I believe the choice is obvious :D :eek: But if HAL had and/or redirected other staff to cover the LIDO if this "policy" is going to continue then the perk could also be given as advertised.


It's not a question of either one or the other, passenger/crew safety would not be compromised if sufficient staff was available. If not then modify the perk list to say "breakfast in the Pinnacle for Deluxe suite pax when staffing levels allow" there that will go over like a fart in church... :D :p ;)

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John your point is well taken an given those options I believe the choice is obvious :D :eek: But if HAL had and/or redirected other staff to cover the LIDO if this "policy" is going to continue then the perk could also be given as advertised.


It's not a question of either one or the other, passenger/crew safety would not be compromised if sufficient staff was available. If not then modify the perk list to say "breakfast in the Pinnacle for Deluxe suite pax when staffing levels allow" there that will go over like a fart in church... :D :p ;)



It's just a matter of honesty and principle. that's all. state the facts.

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