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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Hi gals,


We are spending Thanksgiving with DS in New Orleans, haven't seen him for almost a year :(


I'm going to get some photos, hopefully.


Debbie, loved your report and a coming photos! You know how we all love to see visuals :)


Happy Thanksgiving.

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Hi, Melody!


I apologize if I've got the colors all wrong; it's just a bit difficult to see a small picture with my monitor. To me, the sweater looks to be a pewter color with maybe just a tiny bit of a silver sparkle thread woven within... definitely not a FIRE. I would venture that the sweater, itself, might be an AIR... just because it's muted a bit on my monitor screen. Of course, the black dress underneath is more than likely ICE. In any event, you have a very cool temperature outfit there.


It's difficult (for me, virtually impossible) to give any thought to the effect of the sweater upon your skin tone... because you're beautifully made up! So, of course, you look very elegant. And your surroundings also make for a gorgeous picture; it looks like you're in a romantically lit bar or restaurant?


One hint that we've used over the years to figure out if something is warm versus cool temperature (FIRE/EARTH vs AIR/ICE) is to look at the jewelry that could be worn with the outfit to its greatest effect; for example, a bright gold would be FIRE whereas a muted gold or copper or bronze would be EARTH and a bright silver/diamond would be ICE whereas a muted silver, pewter, brushed nickel would be AIR. Us bright gals just don't have the same range and versatility in jewelry, gosh darn it. :eek: So, if the necklace that you're wearing has a muted nature, I would say that the sweater leans more AIR than ICE.


And, keep in mind... this is only my opinion and formed from a very small picture!


Happy Holidays! That's an outfit that just screams you're ready to have some FUN.

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Hey Melody!


It's so nice to put a face to a name. :)


Black is ICE. Your sweater is likely AIR. Like Mom said, if it's more Pewter-like...then it is more AIR-like....if it's more Silver-like (polished silver, like chrome), then it is more ICE-like. Regardless, your outfit is very cool...and it appears to look very good on you.


If I were to have to venture to guess, I'd say you were ICE. Comparing you and your DH in that photo...your DH appears to have the "thick skin" that we associate with needing to wear muted colors. That would be the EARTHs/AIRs of the world. His hair appears to be very cool, so I would venture to say that DH is an AIR...that gray sweater is a good look on him!


For you, your skin seems a bit brighter. I think you can stand up to and need the brighter, clearer colors of either ICE or FIRE. In this photo, your hair appears to be very cool. I can't see a hint of golden coloring in it at all. I think the black dress looks like it might be better on you than the sweater...and the necklace looks very ICEy to me.


If you were an ICE, then you would look fabulous in Black and White and silver jewelry. You would look great in what we typically call "Jewel Tones" like emerald green, ruby red, sapphire blue, etc. Yellow is hard color for you to find because it needs to be very Lemony AND clear...not pastel. Orange looks terrible on you. You can also wear colors that are like sherbet...not pastel, but that almost neon-like frosty kind of green and pink, etc. Ah yes, bright pink is a good color on you. This somewhat defines ICE.


It could just be the flash...but I do think there is a difference between you and DH...and I think he's muted and you are clear. This is all just conjecture based on this one photo...but it is actually helpful to have another face in the photo for comparison purposes...and the photo is fairly small...etc.


So understand that I am not passing judgement here on what YOU are, just what your outfit is and how I interpret this photo.


I think you look pretty fabulous! ;)

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Anita, the colors I wear most now (since my hair is no longer chestnut red) are black, jewels & neon, bright pink. Hate yellow & Orange on me. So, I guess I'm ice. I never wear silver/pewter, first time I wore the sweater, only did because it was freezing. FYI. Very romantic setting, high school gym for the Jazz band dinner/dance!



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Such is my life Anita! One of our daughters inherited my complexion. The other (a PE teacher & lifeguard) got DHs darker Swedish skin than tans perfectly. Son got a mix. I'm always looking for the perfect sun hat with SPF in it ;). Melody



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Curt once said that with many colors, there is a version for each of the color categories. Gray is one of them. That being said, I think that gray is air, Melody. Curt also said once that although rare, there is a certain shade of red hair, when combined with a skin tone, is not warm. I believe the lady had a Celtic background to her? I think it would take quite some time to find the post, but I recall no pictures.


That being said, I tend to think of gray as cool almost automatically. That isn't true, of course, but I do think it's hard to almost see the warmth in gray sometimes. I found a gray jacket once before I began experimenting with color and looking back now I would say it was a warm gray. However, it just didn't work well with my skin tone. (I wore it anyway...remember, we're told black looks good on everyone even though it doesn't? Well, gray is a business color so it is good to wear to work....)


I go back to a description I made a while back on the earth thread. It's like we have that setting for volume where it says low on one side, high on the other. We can set the volume anywhere in between. I can look at the browns in my closet, and some are warmer than others. I have to remind myself to decide if it is warm or not first; then I can ask myself which shades work better for me.


I honestly think that deep, saturated colors work best for me. But they still need to be muted. Melody, I'd love to see you experiment and take pictures in natural light. Even use different color scarves and take the pictures outside or near a window...

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So, so quiet around here... everyone must be talking with Santa and decorating!


We are one day away from our flight to San Juan! I'm gobsmacked. Well, I would be if I were British. But I will borrow from Anita's British lady friends and just truthfully say that I'm gobsmacked.


I still haven't finished my packing list! It just feels... sort of... weird to be thinking of warm, tropical breezes at this time of year. Although I don't have the abrupt season change that Melody is enjoying right now, I still feel like there's a chunk of the holidays that I'm kind of putting on back burner because of this celebratory cruise. Does everyone know? We are celebrating DH's birthday and it's the reason that we're cruising right now. He just said that he'd like to celebrate his birthday with his feet on a ship! So... wish granted.


I will take pictures of a tropical Christmas, if it feels appropriate. I hope that all you lovely ladies have the best of holidays and that we enter into the New Year with love and laughter. Just popping on here to send everyone a virtual hug.


Christmas Blessings to All.

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Pam, I hope I'm not too late to wish you a safe and happy cruise. Please wish your DH happy birthday wishes from me.



I'd love to see a tropical Christmas! I've cruised in January more than once, but not during the holiday season. I'd never thought about how packing would be different even though it is still leaving cold and going to a warmer climate. It is still Christmas. I understand your quandry. My packing list wouldn't be finished either!



Since Kim hasn't been around lately, I'll say it for her. PICTODIARY!!!



Merry Christmas!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone! I know, it's been ages since I posted!:eek:

Just too much going on with me and some not good. Won't bore you with the details, but life really sucked the last 2 months! Lost my aunt, who lived in FL; and a dear next-door neighbor of 43 years to cancer right before Thanksgiving. So, I wasn't in a very thankfull mood.


Life goes on....


Debbie- absolutely loved your pictodiary!!!! You look possitively smashing! That place is so beautiful! I would love to visit it.


Pam- hope you're having a marvelous time! Thanks for the heads up on the polish. I had been on the fence and had gotten it sev months ago, but haven't tried it yet. Now my nails are so short I don't know if I really want to or not. Maybe it will put me in a better mood if I go red-short nails or not!


Kim- so glad you got to go to NOLO! DD lived there for a few years. I was able to visit her and bring home a very unique heart shaped mirror that hangs in my dining room to remind me of her. Hope you had a great time! Did you get pics? hint...hint...


I finally did get some Christmas decorating done. The tree is up and decorated. I haven't been able to decorate in the past few year, so this feels weird. DH is asking me if I feel ok! IDK!

I Started baking last night. Will try to get it all done by Wednesday. I don't know why ...I can't have ANY of it!!!

My brother, neice and nephew will be at my Mom's Thursday for Christmas. We will be celebrating Sunday as they go back to Knoxville, TN Tuesday. I will be taking food out to her because she can't do stairs and my one and only bathroom is upstairs. But, that also means I don't have to cook for Christmas!!! First time in 40 years! I usually end up with 15 at my house that day. There will just be the three of us. DH, DS and me. What will I do?

This has really been a weird year.

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Hi all, back from a great cruise & trip to Galveston, cruise, then Carlsbad Caverns, Roswell NM & Santa Fe. Haven't wrapped a thing...no cookies made, just finished candies tho. Here's a couple of pictures if they'll load



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Hi all, back from a great cruise & trip to Galveston, cruise, then Carlsbad Caverns, Roswell NM & Santa Fe. Haven't wrapped a thing...no cookies made, just finished candies tho. Here's a couple of pictures if they'll load



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Let me try that again ImageUploadedByForums1418769767.717390.jpg.904a09441262231192548cfe00b61d97.jpg. The tree was in Roatan, Honduras. Melody



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I've been off the board for such a long time. Happy Holidays, I guess. It looks like I'm not the only one MIA.


Melody, I love the pics you posted. It looks like you had a fun time. I didn't get into the discussion about FIRE vs. anything else, because, well, I'm never certain I've got it right even after all this time. So, maybe for the ONLY time, I try to keep my mouth shut!


If I haven't said it, and I think I haven't, it's good to have you join our conversation. We've been a little quiet lately haven't we?


My Thanksgiving was hectic. Only eight of us, but cooking as if 16 were coming. That's typical for our family though. It was a fun time, but exhausting.


One cold after another ever since. DGD spends the night every Friday night with us and sleeps with me. I think she has brought me a different cold to try out every week. I'm soo worn out that I didn't send Christmas cards this year. I go to work and come home. Veg out and go to bed to wake up and do it all again the next day. I put up the tree and the nativity scene, but all other decorations remained in their boxes this year. I finished wrapping presents Sunday night because our immediate family, 11 of the possible 17, opened our presents and had our big Christmas meal. I took off work so I could prepare at my leisure and it was a pleasant night.


I leave from work this afternoon, DH and I travel (100 miles approx.) to his step-mom's for a meal and presents. We traditionally play board games until 8-9 p.m. and drive across the county to my parents house. DD, DSIL, DGD, and DGS, DH and I will spend the night with my folks. The next morning DB, DSIL, DN, and DNIL arrive from their nearby homes. DS and DDIL will be driving in from our hometown. The most-loved tradition of a big Christmas breakfast will be cooked after presents are opened. Picture an 18-20 lb. country ham being fried; we run two skillets to speed up the process. Biscuits and sausage gravy, homemade jams and jellies, and eggs, fried and scrambled. My family shows love with food, and Boy Howdy, do we show the love at Christmas!


Merry Christmas, Everybody!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, Linda! Where is everybody?


Work was...well, work today. My boss played catch-up over the weekend, so I really worked today. Hopefully, I can devote a little more time talking here soon.


Bad news: I'm a little bummed out because we had to release our hold on our late February cruise. Boo-hoo. Sounds like no escape from the winter cold this year unless we take a last minute deal.


Good news: We got our #1 pick of campsites on Saturday at the annual lottery drawing. (The spot DB and DSIL had last year. It was also the spot we had in 2013)


More Bad News: DB and DSIL's ticket was not drawn and did not receive a spot for the upcoming year. It will be strange for them to not be camping nearby after 5 years.


Pam, do you have anything to share about your recent trip?


Anyone else?

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Hi, Ladies.


So, we've turned the corner into a New Year. It seems like it just happened… and yet it's already midway through the first month! I just can't believe how days can fly by so incredibly fast. Of course, the fastest days in the whole world are the ones that are onboard a cruise ship, right?!?


This last cruise that we took was really quite wonderful, but for some reason I just didn't get a bunch of pictures taken. I think that I'm kind of feeling a bit burned out on that, mainly because I really don't have anything new to share. Everyone has seen just about my entire closet, and maybe even multiple times!


My heart feels a bit heavy at the moment because of the attacks in Paris. I think it's especially horrifying because I had such a wonderful visit there and I love so much about the area and the people and the history. It makes me so sad that there exists this evil in the world and maybe I haven't been posting because I didn't want to bring that feeling onto the board.


So, trying to turn the corner and think about some of the positive things I've been doing.


I have a renewed energy to get back to Zumba, at least three times a week. I really want to try to increase my flexibility and work on my balance so I am adding yoga to my routine. (that hasn't started yet… I'm basically a yoga procrastinator!)…


I went to several of the infomercials onboard. Has everyone else realized that all those wonderful seminars in the Spa, Salon, Fitness areas are infomercials? I went to a few because I was interested in how they could spin the title into a sales pitch… like "How to Grab Onto and Maintain Your Fitness Goals"… can anyone take a stab at what THAT one was?!? OK. Suspense over. Heart Rate Monitor!!!


Anyway, since so many people have figured out the infomercial angle, I have to tell you that I found myself as the ONLY ONE in attendance for the seminar talks. And, as such… I really got quite an extraordinary benefit from attending. It was like having a personal session! The first one was an introduction to the entire product line from Moroccanoil. Wow. I got Gareth, a hairdresser in the Salon, to spend a half hour with me and discuss my hair's issues, quirks, needs, etc. Would you believe that I sunburned my hair? I DID! In San Juan! I got all the details on the products and I was amazed at how my hair responded to some of them. I bought a bit when I got home.


THEN, I went to a seminar about having happy feet. OMG. This was quite an eye opener. I got to have a personalized analysis of my gait and an analysis of how my foot struck when walking. Bottom line is that I found out that I'm a supinator. Yes, I know that I could have gone to some athletic shoe stores here and found out the same thing, but it was way, way, way more fun on board the ship!


THEN, I went to a seminar on how to do a Tea Detox; a simple, natural way to help your body get rid of environmental toxins. I have to preface this information by letting everyone know that I'm a bit of a Canyon Ranch groupie. As a matter of fact, a spa lifestyle is pretty much a lot of what I enjoy, so grin and bear it when I tell you that I was sold on this product. It's a tea from Ireland that you simply drink three times a day: in the morning, it's a peppermint infused flavor; midday it's a fennel infusion; and, of course, evening it's a chamomile. There's a bit of powdered seaweed involved; I won't go into the dire details. Suffice though, that I've been drinking the tea for a few weeks now and my tummy is losing its beach ball. Kind of amazing.


Anyway, that's pretty much it. I'm not doing anything that is super exciting. I don't want to be marking my days off of a calendar, but I am excitedly looking forward to our cruise with family over Spring Break and the TransAtlantic with our Anita. So, in the meantime… just reading cookbooks, trying out a few new dishes, thinking about the world.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say I can't wait for spring to get here! I need a get away! So far I have escaped the flu bug, but not the bronchitis! Been sick since New Year and missed a week and half of work. Cough is still hanging on....snow and cold not helping things!


Debbie- Sorry you had to cancel your cruise. I sure could have used your trip review to cheer me up!:D Glad you got your camping spot though!


Pam - You do know that we never get tired of your travel wardrobe! I only wish mine was as great as yours.


I was looking through my closet last week and decided I have to go

shopping a little since I haven't got much to wear for our up coming Bermuda cruise. Everything is to big!

Priority #1 is to find a dress. I don't want anything too fancy as it may never be worn again (at least I hope it won't be because I am trying to get down in size again for another cruise) I ordered one and should have it by this weekend. Navy lace sheath...just hope it fits and the color is good. I'm really having a hard time finding something I like in our colors. Hopefully things will look up when more spring clothes start showing up in stores.

I think I may have enough tops, shorts and Capris to get me through 7 days. I have to try on this weekend to see.

I'm still seeing my nutritionist who is now treating me for Lymes..who woulda thunk? I've had a few set backs with gluten free diet over the holidays, but am trying really hard to get back on that horse. As well as detoxing every day for this or that!


Pam, I see a reflexologist every 2 weeks for my feet and feel so great after my sessions! I have missed this month and can't wait to go tomorrow and get my tootsies relaxed again.

I'm also starting a light sauna treatment this week to help get my body temp up as it is below normal and I'm not able to fight the bad bugs...Ewwwwww!:eek:

That's it for me right now...

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I'm just recovering from what I thought was bronchitis & turned out to be pneumonia. Dragging a bit. Our middle daughter fell in a running race last weekend (her screw shoes caught in the ice) & broke her ankle in 3 places & tore ligaments, surgery (plate & 22 screws) was Tuesday so DH & I have been running a 6yr old around to different activities & school. Daughter is a competitive runner & was just picked up by Pearl Izumi for sponsorship (so she's really bummed).


DH said, you know we leave in 30 days, have you decided what I'm wearing yet (love this guy). His try on day is Monday, he made sure his tux is all set while I was doing the last kiddo run. I'm still looking for metallic (gun metal) slacks for two of my formal outfits, no luck yet. Guess I'd better get on the stick on packing! More snow tomorrow, maybe then. Melody



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awhfy: Sorry to hear about your daughters injury. Sounds like she has a rough road to recovery. Hope it all turns out well!

Hope you are on the mend! I too am susceptible to pneumonia so I didn't hesitate when I started to feel ill, and got to dr. to catch the bronchitis before it went into my lungs. I have had too many episodes to want "P" back again.


Well, my dress came and it is going back! The color was a darker navy than I liked and it was waaay to short for me. My granny panties showed when I sat down! :eek: Well not quite, but it sure wasn't a pretty picture!


I really don't understand what is in designer's heads anymore. They are idiots!!! Who the heck wears half the stuff they design? I never see anyone buying the crap they have hanging on the store racks around here. It just hangs and goes on clearance and hangs some more! What gives?

All I want is a simple classic dress in a color other than BLACK!!! Why is every single style I like in black only? Can't we get some color in our world?

I have hit a brick wall with shopping....How I wish I could see to sew my own clothes. I used to, but with my eyesight now, I can't see to thread a needle. It's the fine details I can't see so sewing is out for me. I miss sewing so much... My Mom and I designed and made my wedding gown and veil. I made prom gowns, bridesmaid dresses, flower girl dresses, suits, shorts, skirts, tops for myself and others, and clothes and costumes for my children. And loved doing it!

I don't like what I see in stores, it's cheap, not made well, the stripes don't even match up! I'd just like to wring the designer's and manufacture's necks!! Gee I could have been a millionaire if I had charged what they want for the crap we HAVE to buy! OK rant over!:p


Anyway, I have orderd a few more dresses and hope at least one works out.


DH and I are getting excited for our cruise in May. I sure would like to have one scheduled before then, but it's not gonna happen. I know we live in a state that has all four seasons and I do like my seasons, but I'm getting older and I DON'T LIKE the cold, snow and ice- anymore! How dare that "big rat" (Punxy Phil) that lives 20 miles north of me to see his shadow! :D

I'm day dreaming of warm tropical breezes!!!


Has anyone seen the new OPI colors yet? Hawaii this year.. I need to check these out.

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Linda, I know what you mean about designers and what they are putting in stores. I pretty much shop every store online that I can think of, and painstaking go through the options.


You know how you can select colors sometimes in your search? I wish they had an exclude option. If we could select anything but black, it would show us way less options. I think it could open their eyes too. I was in Lord and Taylor the other day in the formal wear section, and I asked my husband what he saw. His reply was "a whole lot of black" and I then said, "if we remove all the black, what do we have left?" The answer to that was "not much".


I've been fortunate in that I have found a few things lately in not only good colors, but for good prices.


Hang in there, and keep looking!


I'm really over this weather. For me, the biggest drawback is the driving. I just hate those white knuckle rides to work in the morning where I feel so tense that it takes me an hour or two after arriving to feel like I'm settling down.


I hope you don't mind me lurking here. Us earth and fire ladies have such good conversations!!

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