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Lusitanica's EPIC REVIEW with pics, videos, comments, etc.


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According to your post you have already included your impressions along with your facts.


"It includes objective facts and subjective impressions."


... but I asked you what your favorite ship was you want to say that subjective impressions???

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I was just having a hard time knowing what was fact & what was your subjective impressions about your experience, It would surely help me understand your review better if I had an idea what your favorite ship was.


I thought people post here to help one another.

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I was just having a hard time knowing what was fact & what was your subjective impressions about your experience, It would surely help me understand your review better if I had an idea what your favorite ship was.


I thought people post here to help one another.


Unfortunately you chose the wrong thread to read for help. In the over 275 posts, there isn't much help, but plenty of bickering.


The OP showed video and still pictures, and his OPINION of the Epic. I was able to read it, look over the pics and video and realize that the design of the Epic was not for me. I then moved on to other reviews. Since some CC members can't stop berating the OP over his OPINION all I can say is that I'd be happy to never have to sail with any of them. I chose the Gem for next year and am looking into the Oasis for that huge ship experience.


Continue looking through the NCL threads and I'm sure you'll find more information and preferences of their ships from other CC members.

I wouldn't book or cancel a cruise only by reviews read on this site. I like the pictures and diagrams some members contribute and use those to help in my decision.

Good luck.

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From Lusitanica's Review:



This review is about a cruise ship.

This is not about someone having fun or someone not having fun.

This is about the ship.

This is about how it looks and how it works.

It includes objective facts and subjective impressions.

A cruise is what you make of it. This mantra is being repeated over and over.

May be we should stop reading reviews then?

People have fun on every cruise ship.

But everyone makes fun his/her own way.

And cruise ships are different.

That is why we read Cruise Critic.

This review is about the Norwegian Epic.

It is entirely up to you whether to have fun here, there or elsewhere.


I think the above explains it very well, at least to me.


I also think some people are trying to pin the OP down on certain things as a means to expose some sort of agenda. Can't wait for your "gotcha moment" huh?


As far as the cabins are concerned, as shown by some of the pictures, Epic cabins appear to be smaller and maybe they feel smaller to some that have sailed. I haven't booked this ship, so I don't know. Yes, the Spirit cabins are small. That has been mentioned in reviews for that ship for awhile now. We know this. Spirit = smaller cabins.


With some of the Epic cabins, they look narrower and some that have sailed mentioned a "closed-in" feel to them. Whether actual or perceived, I don't think that's the feeling the folks at NCL were shooting for. Innovation is fine, but there are also risks involved. If you like the cabins fine, but I think there are many who would not.


When do we start making the "Free Lusitanica" shirts?:)

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I was just having a hard time knowing what was fact & what was your subjective impressions about your experience, It would surely help me understand your review better if I had an idea what your favorite ship was.


I thought people post here to help one another.

What possible bearing would that have on L's "OPINION" of the Epic. He was not doing a comparative review.


I could almost guarantee that it would be just another source of contention between L and his detractors in this thread.

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Hi Lusitanic


I was hoping to get your opinion on my questions, but you seem to reply to only certain posters.


Maybe you missed them ... Here is my post again ...




Hi Lusitanica,


Great pictures, interesting review, to say the least (I have no idea why the attackson you) it's just your opinion ...


I'm really new to these boards and I'm just wondering why you only respond to select special reviewers.


... others have asked questions, that have gone unanswered (although you may have answered them, I may have missed it, many replies have been removed).


Here are my questions to you ...


Why did you want to go on the Epic? (for me, I was looking for the biggest casino at sea)


What did you like the most on the trip?


Was your room comp'ed & you just didn't like it? (I can't figure out why you went on a ship you appeared to be skeptical of ... CAS gives me my room, so the room is no issue)


Did you go on the Pud Crawl??? (I incorrectly responded to the ping-pong table picture ... if that was part of the pud crawl I'm in)


How was Howl at the Moon??? (I can't wait to spend late nights there)


Did you go to the ice bar??? (Only a few in the world, another reason why I wanted to go)


Did you go to the art auctions??? Do you buy art???


What was your favorite cruise ship ever???


I hope your answers will help me justify why I talked 10 other family members into cruising this ship.


Thanks in advance for your answers.



What the heck is a pud crawl?

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What possible bearing would that have on L's "OPINION" of the Epic. He was not doing a comparative review.


I could almost guarantee that it would be just another source of contention between L and his detractors in this thread.




I have my own agenda ... I said that before ... I am trying to justify to my other family members why they will like the ship. They have read this post & they ARE Concerned (and I picked the ship, for the reason I already gave). I have nothing against L's posts. I thought they were very objective, but it did appear to me that they did not like the ship. So that was the only reason I asked it.


I think the ships people LIKE reflex their own interests, so it was a simple question. That question is asked if you fill out your BIO section. L's answer would give me a better idea of where they are coming from against what I/we like for a ship and help me sell my pick to the fam ...



Just as an example:


If L would say RCL or nicer ships, IMO they would like dressing up, more quiteness, bigger decks, soft music ... (but those are just my impressions of that ship customer).


Ernie sent out picture link for a new ship. What a beautiful ship, but I would never go on it, to me it looked boring.


RCL ... on them 4 times (cause that was the type of cruise my mother liked, before she passed away) IMO too quite for me not much going on, seemed to be an older crowd.


My favorite vacation is Mardi Gras ... 5 days on Bourbon Street ... that send you could guess what I like in a cruise ship.

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RCL ... on them 4 times (cause that was the type of cruise my mother liked, before she passed away) IMO too quite for me not much going on, seemed to be an older crowd.


My favorite vacation is Mardi Gras ... 5 days on Bourbon Street ... that send you could guess what I like in a cruise ship.


Personally, I wouldn't consider RCI an older crowd. To me their target demographic seems to be families and active adults, though the line certainly has aspects that appeal to the older crowd as well.


As far as Lusitanica's take on this ship, please don't let it influence your decision. It is one person's opinion and if you read all the posts, you would see there are some that agree with some things and some that don't.


By the way, your description of your favorite vacation seems to tell me that you and your family would be perfectly happy on the Epic.


Enjoy your cruise!

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My last RCI cruise was 10 years ago ... and it went to Canada in October ... I called it the dead leaf tour ... maybe that was why I remember an older crowd ... I need to try another RCI cruise to maybe change my opinion ...

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What I find amazing is the fact that anyone would not go on a ship based on any one review.


I booked my cruise through my NCL CC without knowing anything about the Epic other than what I had seen on their web page. I was excited to go on a this new huge ship and an "innovative" one.


I read all the reviews prior to my sailing and read a lot of negative things. This did not make me call my CC and cancel my cruise.


However, because I read these boards, I learned things that I never even dreamed of!


I did a full review of our trip on here and it included some positive and negative things which was my OPINION.




I think anyone who posts on here is certainly entitled to their opinion and I would never attack them regardless based on their opinions. An opinion is just that....an opinion.


What I do find very strange though, is that Lusitanica's review, (which I found amusing and I did agree with some points) was quite vague as to whether or not he had a good time. I believe that is all one poster had asked and he continues to be quite evasive. I'm totally confused as to the reasoning behind it.


I believe if someone asks a straight question....give a straight answer.


Anyway.......please do not let any of these reviews make your decision on whether you sail the Epic or NCL for that matter. If you have or had the desire to sail her, don't hesitate.


As I stated in my review, I would not sail the Epic again, but I am grateful for the experience and we had a fabulous time.



Happy Sailing!!

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I have my own agenda ... I said that before ... I am trying to justify to my other family members why they will like the ship. They have read this post & they ARE Concerned (and I picked the ship, for the reason I already gave). I have nothing against L's posts. I thought they were very objective, but it did appear to me that they did not like the ship. So that was the only reason I asked it.


I think the ships people LIKE reflex their own interests, so it was a simple question. That question is asked if you fill out your BIO section. L's answer would give me a better idea of where they are coming from against what I/we like for a ship and help me sell my pick to the fam ...



Just as an example:


If L would say RCL or nicer ships, IMO they would like dressing up, more quiteness, bigger decks, soft music ... (but those are just my impressions of that ship customer).


Ernie sent out picture link for a new ship. What a beautiful ship, but I would never go on it, to me it looked boring.


RCL ... on them 4 times (cause that was the type of cruise my mother liked, before she passed away) IMO too quite for me not much going on, seemed to be an older crowd.


My favorite vacation is Mardi Gras ... 5 days on Bourbon Street ... that send you could guess what I like in a cruise ship.


OK casinome. Thanks for that explanation. I am just not sure that I can understand how


L's answer would give me a better idea of where they are coming from against what I/we like for a ship and help me sell my pick to the fam ...


Your family has read his review, and if they haven't already, I would have them read some of the glowing reports filed in this NCL forum by sdmike and even sjbdtz. Combining all three of these will give them some idea to base their thoughts on.


There is too much information available on these threads and in the reviews (section), that L's favorite ship/line shouldn't make a whit of difference in your family's view.


As you said, his review was objective. Would his telling you Oasis or HAL were his favorite make it any more or any less objective?


As an aside, having resided in N'Awlins for a couple of years, I understand exactly how you feel about the Epic. I think it probably "outfuns" the fun ships (and I mean that in a positive way).


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What I think is fascinating is that L comments repeatedly on the size of the cabins, yet when presented with photographic evidence that the cabins appear as big as those on Spirit, has no comment.


Others chime in and say...yes, it's well known that Sprit's cabins are small.



Spirit is considered by MANY to be their favorite NCL ship.



It would stand to reason therefore, that cabin size is not directly correlated to enjoyment, appreciation, or fondness for a particular ship.



YET, that is implicit in L's review. Everything hinges on how horrible a decision it was to focus on putting-in as many cabins as possible (while de-emphasizing the vast amount of public space which results...).

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About Industry Standards.


Standard balcony cabins (even smallest ones) normally include some "living space" ("marked" by a coffee table) and a proper bathroom that does not put restrictions on the normal use of the cabin (no privacy issues, you can go in/out any time, you can accept visitiors any time, etc.).


Epic "standard" balcony cabins (in fact studios) are designed in the opposite way.

The "living space" is eliminated as such.

Epic "bathroom" puts restrictions on the normal use of the cabin.


That's why Epic "standard" balcony cabins are below industry standards.









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What I think is fascinating is that L comments repeatedly on the size of the cabins, yet when presented with photographic evidence that the cabins appear as big as those on Spirit, has no comment.


Others chime in and say...yes, it's well known that Sprit's cabins are small.



Spirit is considered by MANY to be their favorite NCL ship.



It would stand to reason therefore, that cabin size is not directly correlated to enjoyment, appreciation, or fondness for a particular ship.



YET, that is implicit in L's review. Everything hinges on how horrible a decision it was to focus on putting-in as many cabins as possible (while de-emphasizing the vast amount of public space which results...).


Running down one NCL ship's accommodations to try and condone the cabins on another seems like a bit of circular logic to me. I'm not sure this is the best argument to be made here.

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Why anyone would select that room in the lower left of lusitanica's oft reposted picture is beyond me. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make by reposting them over and over. The lower left one is ugly and small, and god only knows what the rest of that upper room looks like.


How about a well lit picture that doesn't make the room look like a cave? This is a deluxe which is a few feet longer than a standard, but the same width and very similar. The FACT is these rooms are not smaller than normal, just narrower and laid out differently. They are very comfortable, tastefully appointed, not lacking at all in amenities, and include a balcony unlike a typical "entry level" outside stateroom.



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Lusitanica: Please accept my very belated WELL DONE on your review. I thought it was amusing in spots, serious in others, but always informative and enlightening.


There was SO MUCH I wanted to like about this ship, but after reading review after review (after review), I've decided that it's just not for me. I have been on many cruises, have visited the islands over and over again, and have all the restaurants/theater I care to visit in Boston or New York.


Now it comes down (to a large degree) to the ship, and the Epic seems to have removed everything I love about cruising -- the connection with the sea, big open vistas to explore, quiet places to find, wonderful food included in the price, people dressing up A BIT for dinner, a cabin where I can't touch the walls on both sides (and I'm 4'11"), and heaven knows, a proper bathroom.


Too bad! NCL needs to stop trying to be everything to everyone - it just doesn't work. I absolutely loved the initial press on this ship and it's a shame that it fell flat (at least to me - OPINION, people, calm down).


To those who love it - good for you. Just don't totally dismiss other ships/lines before trying them - you might be very pleasantly surprised.


Happy cruising everyone!

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One thing NCL could do to add a bit more pizzazz to the standard cabin is shorten the bed and install a retractable one lane bowling alley in the narrow corridor between the sink and couch/bed area.


That would be multi-functional and definitely vegas-like.

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Lusitanica: Please accept my very belated WELL DONE on your review. I thought it was amusing in spots, serious in others, but always informative and enlightening.


There was SO MUCH I wanted to like about this ship, but after reading review after review (after review), I've decided that it's just not for me. I have been on many cruises, have visited the islands over and over again, and have all the restaurants/theater I care to visit in Boston or New York.


Now it comes down (to a large degree) to the ship, and the Epic seems to have removed everything I love about cruising -- the connection with the sea, big open vistas to explore, quiet places to find, wonderful food included in the price, people dressing up A BIT for dinner, a cabin where I can't touch the walls on both sides (and I'm 4'11"), and heaven knows, a proper bathroom.


Too bad! NCL needs to stop trying to be everything to everyone - it just doesn't work. I absolutely loved the initial press on this ship and it's a shame that it fell flat (at least to me - OPINION, people, calm down).


To those who love it - good for you. Just don't totally dismiss other ships/lines before trying them - you might be very pleasantly surprised.


Happy cruising everyone!


I hope you enjoy your cruises! Rest assured you can't touch the walls at 4'11" :) What's funny is that I thought the included food was great and I found plenty of quiet places. No disagreement on the bathroom though. If it's not your cup of tea and would bother you, then you know what you'd be getting and you should avoid this ship. Our big group loved the layout, but that's just us. Again, enjoy your cruises! I don't dismiss other ships. I've loved every one I've been on. :)

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One thing NCL could do to add a bit more pizzazz to the standard cabin is shorten the bed and install a retractable one lane bowling alley in the narrow corridor between the sink and couch/bed area.


That would be multi-functional and definitely vegas-like.


Haven't you heard the bed is already too short for anyone taller than a 9 year old? :) Maybe we remove the couch all-together and put in a poker table! :)

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Why anyone would select that room in the lower left of lusitanica's oft reposted picture is beyond me. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make by reposting them over and over. The lower left one is ugly and small, and god only knows what the rest of that upper room looks like.



I love it!

Why I repost?

Because some one is "quoting" my posts deliberately putting everything upside down. Don't you see it?


To photos.

Mike, both pictures are from the same ship. Same cabins (just opposite layout)......


I can post it your way.



Note: I am giving two views, not one.











Mike, distant objects look small.


Now an "ugly and small" (L) in the same scale (door dimentions) with a "tastefully appointed" ®:


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FYI those cabin photos are from QM2, and having sailed on the ship a few times I can attest they are quite nice, well laid out, and very comfortable. The old fashioned TV has to go though, and Cunard disabled the interactive network as well (bad decision!). This being said, QM2's cabins are not as interesting as those on EPIC, and they certainly haven't evoked any controversy. Whether that is good or bad depends on you. Personally I know I can enjoy EPIC's cabins just as easily as QM2, but not everyone will feel the same way.


I think the only thing I don't care for on EPIC's balcony cabins is the green decking on the balcony. Just looks cheap to me, while the inside of the cabin is finished so tastefully.



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