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Looking at O for our Anniversary


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Hello! I have been haunting the O boards for the last week. My DH and I are considering doing a cruise to celebrate 20 happy years of marriage.:p


I have a few dilema's, and want some opinions! My dh and I are in our mid 40's, active, and have never done a med cruise. We have spent time in Paris, but that is all for the continent, (well, DH hasent, I backpacked through it all in my 20's, but that was many years ago, and spent a week in italy with my sisterin law a few years back)


First off - which cruise? We are looking at spring/summer of 2011. I have somewhat narrowed it down to two particular favorites-- Med Mosaic on the Marina April 26th or Taste of Europe Aug 10 on Marina.


Pros for the Med Mosaic - tons of Italy - I know my DH will love it. Departure port is Rome, so we could do a few days pretrip dedicated to Rome, a real hilight.

However, its over Easter, and I am going to assume that it will be very busy in Rome the weekend before the cruise. BUT we would love to participate in some of the Easter celebrations, that would be a highlight (cant decide if Easter is pro or con).

Pro- I put room 7130 (PH#3 aft portside) on hold - this I think is the best room for us! I love aft, and I believe the balcony will be phenominal. I also would love to have butler service (hey-its our dream vacation, why not?)

So, itinerary great, ship great, room perfect,, just the Easter thing. Also, we are doing a kid cruise with our teenagers in March, so the two trips are not so spread out, which is a con.


Taste of Europe Pro's- I dont know if I can go further then just saying, what a freakin awesome itinerary! I would love it! My husband, who is a closet chef, would love to attend lessons and seminars by Jaque's Pepin. (A reason we first fell in love with the Marina, the chance to learn to cook from pros! and not just lectures, but hands on stuff!)


Con's I cant get a ph3# on this cruise, (and its getting pricey too). I can get a nice portside A2 though - so not the deal breaker. But, 16 days in the summer is hard for my DH to do, there would be no pre or post cruise days - we would have to hammer down both there and back. (not loving that). And worse, we end in rome, so close to the vatican, and would not have time to do it. Argh. Easier to take 2-3 weeks off in April.


And then I look at the shiney brochure, and see other cruises with fab ports of call, get all confused again, check out the prices and the cabins available for dates, think they could be the one,,, but then I circle back to these two cruises.


Any opinions??

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We like to travel slightly off season if we can. The weather is more temperate and the crowds are fewer.


I think Easter in Rome would be special and I am not even Catholic.


We did our first cruise in the Med for our 25th anniversary 5 years ago and had a great time. We started in Lisbon and ended in Venice, in May, so a little later, but we have been in Europe in November twice and loved it. I suspect the weather then would be similar to April.


Whenever you go, I'm sure it will be wonderful.



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We also prefer to travel off season. To answer your question my first inclination was to go for the second cruise you mentioned but if time is of the essence -- nope. You want to have the time to do the ports before and after, definitely. And I also agree that you don't have to be R.C. to appreciate Rome at Easter. (And I'm one who likes to avoid crowds at any time!)


Also, I've learned (having returned to an "A" cabin on our most recent cruise) but if you can have a PH, and the price is right, I'd go for it.


As Lyn says, check out other itineraries for future cruises.


(I also should tell you to ignore my comment about the "A" cabin because I was talking about the "R" ships, not MARINA. Since the MARINA cabins are generally larger than those on the "R" ships, this may be fine. I tried searching the webpage for a description of an "A" and failed ...)


Have a wonderful anniversary!



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-Another thing to consider about being in Rome over the Easter Holidays is that many of the historic churches in Rome are still active houses of worship.


During services and vigils, sightseeing won't be permitted, and unless you are touring with a competent local guide,that kind of information would be hard to come by.

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The Marina veranda cabins (Categories A and B) are approximately 50% larger than those on the other 3 ships, at 242 sq ft plus balcony. Much of the additional space is included in a truly large bathroom with separate shower and tub. They will be among the nicest standard cabins anywhere except perhaps the luxury ships of Regent.


While there is no physical separation between sleeping and sitting areas like in the curtain in the Penthouse suites, there is a visual separation due to the wall treatment behind the bed.

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Thank you for your replies, they have been very helpful. I am leaning towards Rome.


StanandJim - I know! this is a concern! We do hope to hook up with some nuns from the Canada house while in Rome, and observe Easter with them, with maybe one or two touristy things in between.(It may be too late to organize this, I am not sure) I think, but am not sure, that most tourist sites would be closed on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. Easter monday would have been the day I would have liked to seen the old city and ruins, so that would be a bit of a bummer. I think all things are open during Easter Saturday, including Vatican. Anyone on this board been in Rome during Easter? I am having a hard time getting 'facts' on this.


Potterhill - I was hoping late April early May would be decent weather, warm but not super hot. What are your experiences in Italy at this time of year? The itinerary goes down south around greece, so I imagine it should be quite warm?


Mura and Lht28- I agree, the Tastes of Europe cruise can wait. Its too long of a cruise for DH to take time off, and I would want to explore both London and Rome! I guess its the classic case of wanting to do it ALL on the first cruise. I keep telling myself this, and then I look at the itinerary, and am drawn back in!


NofussTravel- I thought about age demographics when taking luxury cruise. We are a very easy going couple, and have many friends both much younger and much older then us. The reason I leaned towards O rather then any cruiselines.-- I think the 'country casual' is the right fit for us, the itinerary is port intensive (and what great ports they are!) and the excellence of the food are important to us. Also, DH and I dont get away by ourselves too often, without kids, and we always appear to be on the run in opposite directions during the year. We dont intend to stay up late at night partying (our partying days were over when kid number 3 was born!) so the lack of nightime entertainment that has been noted on other O ships is not a huge drawback. I figure by the time we do the ports, hopefully take in some cooking seminars, have a fabulous dinner at night, perhaps a nightcap in one of the bars -- well then, quality entertainment in our cabin wil be more then enough:o


Thanks again everyone for your imput!

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`I agree with all the people that say that April would be a good choice since it won't be as rushed for you and you can spend days pre and post cruise. We've been on 4 Oceania cruises and loved them all, all to different locations. I just booked the Marina for Christmas week, 2011. We will be celebrating an anniversary also, our 44th, on Christmas Eve and my husbands Birthday on Jan 1. Have a wonderful cruise and a great anniversary.


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I am far from an expert on Italian weather since as it turns out this is one country we have hardly visited. Very odd, that, since we do travel a LOT.


But we were in Tuscany (not Rome, I know) in early May five years ago and it was warm but not unpleasantly so. I know that summer time in Rome would be far hotter than what we encountered in Tuscany in May. That year it had rained quite a lot in much of Italy throughout April which I seem to remember being told was rather unusual.


But weather doesn't like to be predictable, does it?



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I hope you are making the right choice because for an anniversary I am booked on the same cruise in October--my first cruise ever. Because of work the April cruise was not possible, and the April itinerary is actually a tad more attractive given the hours that the ship is scheduled to be in certain ports. I also thought about the Easter issue with Rome, but the main reason I opted for going in October rather than April was my work schedule.

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If it's the Majestic Mosaic cruise you're speaking of, we did it in mid August this year.


We had PH2 on the port side. This was the absolute best side to be on for this itinerary.


We loved it and although it's a busy cruise (12 ports in 12 days) we had a wonderful time.


The wine tasting in Livorno was very good (Hills of Lucca & Wine Tasting).

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Either sounds great...

But, you are missing one "pro" in favor of the August 10 Marina: You would be cruising with ME!!!


I saw the itinerary and immediately knew we had to do that one...a lot of charming ports that we had not yet visited (and a few we have)...I've been to all of the ports on the Med Mosaic, save Portofino...


For me, 16 nights beats 10 nights...and you get Monte Carlo, Livorno and Rome on either...


Since the cruise ends on a Friday in Rome, it is not hard...at least for me...to extend the trip another couple of nights in Rome and fly home on Sunday...


For us, we are celebrating my wife's birthday onboard...and a slightly delayed 30th Anniversary (we were married in July)...


I'm sure whichever you choose, it will be great...

Happy Anniversary!

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lol Steve! Your right, thats an asset I did not figure in the equasion!


The itinerary on the Aug 10 looks so amazing. Not much England, but some, and then tons of France, Spain, Portuego, around the rock of Gibraltor (thats on my bucketlist!) Casablanca (just saying it gives me the chills!) then French Riveria, and my Italy. Seriously, what a fab itinerary.


Its just at a problematic time, and 3 weeks off in the height of season is not in the cards (lets face it, I cant go to London or Rome and not spend at least a day or two at these destinations - my whole mind revolts at the idea!)


And, on further investigation, its really tight timing wise to do the April sailing. Too close to our other cruise, and DH has a convention early april for a week too. And, too busy maybe to visit the Pope, hes got a lot to do over Easter :)


However, for some reason, I failed to notice the Aug 26 12 day sailing on the Marina. Lovely Italian Itinerary, even better then the April one, with two extra days. Its over Labour day weekend, so I can squeeze out 15 days - gives us 3 days in Rome pre cruise. Cabin 7130 was available (PH3 deck seven port and aft- glad portside is the best side for this cruise Aohkay!). Price was somewhat more, but not too bad then the april itinerary...


Logistically, the time works with some effort, there is good space between vacations, the itinerary, ship, and room are all fantastic.


Con-- Rome in late august- going to be very hot. But, we have done Disney in August, so I think we can deal with the heat for 3 days.


Are there any other cons to this cruise? I notice that there is no roll call for this cruise, and because of the availability, I am going to assume its not a popular cruise. Is there something I am overlooking??


If the price drops, do we get OBCs? I think not for some reason, read it somewhere on the boards...


And Steve, do you think the Marina will have music post 1920's? Can we hope? :p

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However, for some reason, I failed to notice the Aug 26 12 day sailing on the Marina.


Are there any other cons to this cruise? I notice that there is no roll call for this cruise, and because of the availability, I am going to assume its not a popular cruise. Is there something I am overlooking??


That looks like a pretty nice cruise to me...no idea why it's not selling that fast, except, maybe that it's still ten months away...


Traditionally, cruise business drops off AFTER Labor Day...mostly due to school vacations and such (I know, fewer kids with no kids program on Oceania anyway--except some of us--like us--still have to work around school calendars--my wife works for a school district)...This one might cut it too close for some...For us, we ruled it out since Beth has to "report for work" the week BEFORE the kids come back...So, that's why we fly home Sunday August 28...Beth needs to be back at work on Monday morning...


The other thing, as you noted, is the weather...some people avoid the Med in August...For us, it is no big deal--we live in Southern California and the climate in the Med is nearly identical to the climate here--so, we get the same weather either way--except, on vacation, I can dress for it!


Sounds like the timing works out really well for you...


I'm just keeping my fingers crossed regarding the entertainment on Marina...Maybe they'll learn that "80s Music" means music from the 1980s, NOT music remembered by people in their 80s...

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I notice that there is no roll call for this cruise, and because of the availability, I am going to assume its not a popular cruise. Is there something I am overlooking??


If the price drops, do we get OBCs? I think not for some reason, read it somewhere on the boards...



There is a small roll call



But not everyone that cruises knows about Cruise Critic & the itinerary is sort of standard for the area & maybe many people have done it before


Do not worry though it will fill up


The prices on O do not usually drop but if they do you will get the new price



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I notice that there is no roll call for this cruise, and because of the availability, I am going to assume its not a popular cruise. Is there something I am overlooking??


If the price drops, do we get OBCs? I think not for some reason, read it somewhere on the boards...



There is a small roll call



But not everyone that cruises knows about Cruise Critic & the itinerary is sort of standard for the area & maybe many people have done it before


Do not worry though it will fill up


The prices on O do not usually drop but if they do you will get the new price



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Con-- Rome in late august- going to be very hot. But, we have done Disney in August, so I think we can deal with the heat for 3 days.


Are there any other cons to this cruise? I notice that there is no roll call for this cruise, and because of the availability, I am going to assume its not a popular cruise. Is there something I am overlooking??


Rome in late Aug will be warm, but I have faith in you; you'll find a way to suck it up :D


There are absolutely NO cons to this cruise! All of the ports are interesting; I found Portofino and Livorno especially interesting. We didn't have time on our tour, but there's some good shopping to be had in Livorno of all places:p Don't worry, in another few months this cruise will be completely booked.


Book the PH3 and have a wonderful time. You won't regret anything.

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If you've done Disney in August, you can handle Rome in August. We've lived in Florida for 38 years and took our granddaughter to Disney in late June. We've never done a summer visit to Disney before and now I know why. You'll have a wonderful cruise. Have fun!


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LHT28- Thanks for the link to the roll call, somehow I missed it.


Ahokay (right, whenever I look at user names, I wonder if I am pronouncing them correctly in my mind --your from Canada right? Is it like EHoKay?:p) thanks for the shopping info-I will have to check it out.


joan24- Thanks for the encouragement, I figured it can't be worse then Disney for heat and crowds in Rome, but I shudder to think of the traffic and probably smog-- but - rather be hot then cold, so its all good.


Steve - I hope you and Beth have a wonderful 30th anniversary! You will be warming up the ship for us so take good care of it - We are booked for Aug 26th! (I will forward you 20 usd if you can teach the band Bohemian Rhapsody before I get there - or 20 Canadian, which ever is worth more :p - who thought that day would come??)

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