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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Yesterday's Zumba class was the most fun I've had in a long while, and it's not like I don't have a great time every class!


I've been terribly stressed at work with a major project (replacing a Mail Server at a client with approx 100 users). Lots of weekend work, troubleshooting and tweaking.


I couldn't wait until 5pm yesterday to get out of work and head to Zumba...I really needed to let loose and stop thinking about work (or else get really drunk:p but Zumba was the healthier option). The Tuesday instructor (Pauline) is the more energetic one anyway, so I knew it would be good.


Well, we had 3 new women new to Zumba, and rather than the usual newbie hiding in the back and getting confused, they went at it with great gusto and enthusiasm, laughing loud while putting their all into figuring it out. Pauline reacted to them by playing around with them and making the 'party' even more fun and energetic. So I was dripping wet after 60 minutes but laughed and smiled through the whole class. SO good!!!


After class we've been getting a lot of people asking her to stay and do one more dance - and she's been obliging with either the Cupid Shuffle or the Wobble. I stayed to 'Wobble' - I think I'm finally getting my own 'groove' to it! We walk out of that classroom into the regular gym with people not breaking a sweat at 2mph on the treadmill, or holding phone conversations without breathing heavy slowly peddling a bicycle, and feel like we just did something really great for ourselves and feel sorry that they didn't have as much fun as we just did!


I keep threatening my daughters that when my oldest (25) gets married next year I'm going to do a Zumba Flash Mob or the Wobble, but they tell me one person can't be a Flash Mob ;). Hopefully I won't embarrass them TOO much!


One more thing while I'm finally in a better mood and loving Zumba for helping - it's probably been about a year since I started Zumba, and I forget what song we did yesterday where we have to shimmy....A LOT! I remember last year being so stiff and thinking there was no way my body wanted to jiggle like that. I noticed yesterday that once the shaking starting I just kept it going and no longer felt insecure. So glad to have you guys to share the enthusiasm with!

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I love newbies in Zumba classes...especially ones that are so excited to be there...and usually when there are a couple that have come together...I love the way they bounce off each other...it can really boost the atmosphere!


I've finalized my playlist for subbing Monday night...should be a good class. I'm going to kick it for the first half and then there is the fake rest of the second half which focuses more on significant arm movement, especially above heart level...I call this fake rest because the heart rate is sustained through the arm movement but the brain thinks you are getting a break because the footwork is so easy. Should be a great class...since I already posted the songs...I'll just post my new order:


Back In Time (warm up)

Follow the Leader (second warm up)

Waka Waka (calypso cardio kick)

Zoomer (African inspired)

La Despedida (merengue)

Bailando Por el Mundo (merengue/mambo/chacha)

Baila Esta Cumbia (cumbia)

Que Te Pica (reggaeton)

Que Buena Tu Ta (merengue/arms)

Take You to Rio (salsa moves)

Ven a Cumbiar (cumbia)

Hola My Friend (hot hula fitness inspired)

Boro Boro (Bhangra)

Cuando Me Enamoro (Bachata)

I Need to Know (cool down/cha cha)

Caminando Por la Calle (stretch)


This list should be between 56-57 minutes. I cut out all the dead air. The longest song in the Hula song, which is well over 4 minutes...the second warm up, the arm song, the cool down, and the stretch are around 4 minutes, give or take...the other 11 songs are between 3:15 to 3:30 minutes...so this class should FLY. I've been listening to this playlist in the car and all around the house and it has a great flow...I'm excited for Monday night.

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I recently took a photo and I was very unhappy with the way my skin looked in the photo. It was the first time that I looked at myself and thought that I actually LOOKED 40. So I've determined to do something about it.


Without going into great detail explaining WHY...I will simply state that I'm doing research into what I am thinking of as Skin Care from the Kitchen. It all makes perfect sense...your skin is our largest organ...and most things that are recommended to eat to nourish your body is recommended topically to nourish and care for your skin:











Olive oil

Almond oil

Jojoba oil (which technically isn't oil)



I KNOW that I need to exfoliate...there are 3 different kinds of exfoliants:


1. Chemical

2. Physical

3. Enzymatic


Since I am interested in kitchen solutions...I'm not interested in what are classified as chemical exfoliants. For physical, there are several options...but when I was in high school, I learned from a skin care professional that in her opinion, the ONLY acceptable physical exfoliant was corn meal. Everything else...ground seeds, nuts, etc...had sharp, hard edges and while they were effective at removing the dead skin layer, they also scratched the layer of skin that was revealed...CORN MEAL, however, was perfectly round...and thus it was excellent at sloughing off the dead skin layer while polishing without scratching the revealed skin.


Enzymatic is so very interesting...papaya, pineapple, and pumpkin are the big three, written about all over.


I'm thinking that I will do an enzymatic facial mask type treatment 2X weekly. It's impractical to do this as an all over body treatment...so I think I'll do a corn meal body treatment also 2X weekly. And see how that goes.


Moisture is very important.


First, and foremost...I KNOW I'm dehydrated. OMG...how many times has this come up in our thread? I tried this...I cut up a lime and put the lime wedges in an open bowl in my fridge...and every time I got water, I squeezed in some lime...it was SO NICE! So...need to hydrate from the inside out...


But some regular moisturizing is also necessary...


So I'm thinking that I can do a deep moisturizing mask treatment 2X weekly. This is the avocado and banana.


One thing that I have been amazed to read about are the skin care benefits associated with the topical use of a banana peel. SERIOUSLY...rub the inside portion of a banana peel to treat severe dry skin, including eczema and psoriasis, mosquito bites, etc etc. I read that banana peel can absorb the heavy metals in water to purify it...and the same banana peel can be used 11X for this purpose because it has the ability to absorb so much metal. There was talk about laying and rubbing the banana peel across the top of your forehead to help with headaches!


For daily moisturizing, honey, yogurt, cucumber, olive oil, almond oil, and jojoba oil are all recommended. Jojoba oil is not really oil...it's a wax ester (I think this means liquid at room temperature).


For dealing with breakouts...jojoba oil, honey, turmeric, and tea tree oil are all recommended.


For lightening skin...lemon as well as others that I can't remember. The thing that I was reading about lemon was a caution as it can be drying to skin.


Figuring out a cleanser is what I am getting a bit hung up on...many of the daily moisturizing ingredients are considered cleansing as well...I'm still researching this one...


Does anyone else make their own skin care products?

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It's been a while since we talked about recipe ideas!


I really enjoy the Near East brand of boxed rice. I noticed recently that they have a list of variations where they have different recommendations for what to add to the prepared rice. I can't recall the exact one that we did...but I had the tomatoes and something else available to stir in...and it was SO GOOD.


We recently tried the Whole Grain variety with roasted pecans. I happened to have spinach and red onions...so I added that for our side dish with dinner (I left the raw red onions out of DS's). There was enough leftover for one serving...trying to figure out what to do for myself for lunch the next day...I decided to beef up the single serving to make an amazing one dish meal. I added:


Leftover grilled chicken (seasoned with lemon, garlic, oregano, thyme)

More chopped spinach

Chopped fresh cilantro

Leftover steamed green beans (from the previous evenings' dinner, the bag had 4 servings)

Chopped fresh yellow bell peppers


It was a little dry, so I dressed it with a touch more olive oil...and squirted fresh lime (from my bowl in the fridge) all over...and had an amazing grain salad for lunch. I took a picture to share because it was so good:




Hope this inspires you!

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I often use meat, veggies and brown rice to create a skillet dinner. Sometimes I use Mexican seasonings and add black beans. I try to use fresh spices to cut down on sodium. We end up with a healthy meal that isn't just boring meat and veggies. Your pic looks delish!


Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

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Hey hi there,

I know this is very old thread to reply but I am telling you I am the big fan of Zumba. I enjoy Latin music and I think anyone can join it. It is fun with effective workout especially when I forgot steps.

Welcome! Zumba IS for everyone...the key is to know how to modify the moves for your personal fitness level...ability...AND for whatever you want to really work that night or that song!


So I taught my first class in GA tonight...and it was AHHHHH-Summmmmmmm! I had a good...it was confirmation for me...the ladies had a good time. I could tell that they were getting pushed...maybe pushed further than they are used to being pushed...and the transition time in class hit at just the right time. You see, the first half of my class is stacked...lots of footwork AND armwork...intervals to a peak and then the second half of the class FEELS like it's easier...


but it isn't. LOL!!!


Songs like my arm song really get you...if your heart rate is up...all that arm movement at and above heart level really sustains that heart rate, even though the footwork for the majority of the song is simply the basic merengue march...and the beat is slow-er, not necessarily slow...but it feels like a break...even as you feel your arms wanting to fall off...BUT...it really isn't.


But that's my second half of the class...it's a bit like the reward side...and I culminate in a decent length for a cool down sequence with a nice stretch at the end...the goal of which is to give you that Ahhh feeling...that feeling that you did your body good.


You know it's a good class when the first comment at the end is...


So where do YOU teach?




I'm working on it....etc.


So how will we know when you start teaching?




DH thought I should have had business cards...yeah...NO...that's not really the Kosher thing to do when you sub someone else's class. But the class confirmed that I can put together a good class...and that it's a likable class...ladies want to repeat it. And that feels very good to me tonight. I'm excited for the future...I'll get there.


Not sure if I'm going to class tomorrow morning. I have a hair appointment a half hour after class...and I'm SO excited for that...I haven't had a hair cut since last year...so I'm thinking that I don't want to go to my appt feeling like a wet rag...and I dont' think I'd have time enough to shower and change...


We'll see what happens tomorrow.


How is everyone else?

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I missed my Zumba class last week, we were on a mini-vaca locally since DH wanted to burn some vacation days in anticipation of some lay-offs this week. Sure enough, Monday he was riffed.


I'm excited for Zumba tonight! I miss my class! At the end of September the boat will go in storage and I'll go back to 2x a week. I wish I could do more but all the classes around here are at night.


I've been using the Lose It! app on my phone to track calories and exercise. In five weeks I've lost six pounds, which is a little ahead of my goal of 1 lb. per week. :) All my clothes are fitting a little loose, which is nice. I've decided there are three things that are real killers for me, that I have to budget for all week though I'm getting to where I just avoid them altogether: alcohol, chocolate, and baked goods. The biggest drag is having to plan ahead for a nice glass of wine with dinner. :(


Also, I recently read a book from the library (simply because I liked the title) called Working Out Sucks. It's not necessarily well-written, but it is motivating to read about health and fitness. My take-away is this:


1. water intake - take your weight, divide in half, subtract 20%, and that's how many ounces of fluid you need in a day (the old 8 glasses rule was completely made up in the 1950s). My nutritionist adds that in the summer when we sweat more, it is important to replenish electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium for proper cell function and muscle recovery. I do this with supplements rather than sports drinks, though that is why they exist.


2. NEAT - non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or how active is your day? The author stresses that there is not enough time in the day to burn off extra calories in the gym, we must have an active, non-sedentary lifestyle. Whether it's washing the car, cleaning house, having sex, taking a walk during lunch break... they are all an important part of weight loss and health.


3. build in success - careful planning ahead can help you meet your fitness goals. For me this included the following things: taking a class, because I like to exercise with others; starting my weight loss plan during a school break, when I could focus on shopping for and preparing healthy meals; having a good breakfast, so I don't want to snack all day; starting my plan the week after my period, so I wouldn't have to fight cravings and water-weight gain; weighing myself once a week on Wednesdays, not every day; and sharing my plan with my husband, so he can pat me on the back and cheer me on when I tell him "I've lost a pound." I notice he is eating less too.


4. attitude, and variety - there are certain things I HAVE TO do, in terms of weight training for my knees, so I tend to look at my gym time like going to the dentist: it's good for me in the long haul but I don't like it. Now on my non-gym days I try to do something fun like Zumba. Sometimes I just go for a walk. But I've decided to look at fitness time as enjoyable rather than a duty, and I'm working on creating more cross-training to keep it interesting. Mind over matter.




I also caught a brief bit of the Dr. Oz show on hypnosis. The main story was on virtual gastric bypass, however, the following bit on self-hypnosis I've found very motivating. Sometimes when I'm sitting around trying to figure out what to do next, it helps me get up and go do something:



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Welcome! Zumba IS for everyone...the key is to know how to modify the moves for your personal fitness level...ability...AND for whatever you want to really work that night or that song!


So I taught my first class in GA tonight...and it was AHHHHH-Summmmmmmm!

I just found this thread. May I ask where in GA are you? I tried zumba for the first time several months ago and I love it. It's an excellent (and fun) way to workout.

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Okay, all you Zumba fans. I have a question. Last night I was told that Zumba is not the way to loose weight. That it builds muscle as fast and the weight comes off. I sure don't want to be a 200 pound muscle. I want to loose at least 50 pounds then I don't mind building muscle. Am I causing myself problems loosing weight by doing this? I need to be down for my cruise so I can go on the helicopter.

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Okay, all you Zumba fans. I have a question. Last night I was told that Zumba is not the way to loose weight. That it builds muscle as fast and the weight comes off. I sure don't want to be a 200 pound muscle. I want to loose at least 50 pounds then I don't mind building muscle. Am I causing myself problems loosing weight by doing this? I need to be down for my cruise so I can go on the helicopter.


Who told you this information?


Zumba Fitness is an aerobic exercise with great cardio benefit and some muscle strengthening benefit. However, it is NOT a muscle BUILDING exercise. Other than gravity, there is no resistance movement in a basic Zumba classes. While your body may increase in muscle strength, the likelihood that you are increasing muscle mass is slim...especially in the beginning.


There are several other factors that contribute the whether or not you will be loosing weight as opposed to maintaining a steady weight whenever you start a new exercise program. Hormones are a huge factor for women...but I'm not really an expert on them. I'm not talking about only menstrual cycle related hormones, I'm talking about stress hormones, etc. Starting any type of new activity can be stressful, especially emotional, with consequences that are hard to measure. As crazy as it sounds, the fact that you are doing something new probably creates some heightened emotions...I have heard that people are worried about how they look when they move in a Zumba class, how they compare to others, what others think of them, what to wear, about whether or not they are doing it "right," about whether or not they can keep up, about how they look if they can't, etc etc....there is a plethora of emotions that result from the class alone.


Not to mention what happens outside of class because you are taking a class...depending on time of day...how it effects your dinner schedule...your driving schedule...etc etc.


This is not Zumba alone...this emotional roller coaster can be associated with ANYthing new.


Whenever you start doing something more vigorous...your need for water increases...it's possible that you will retain water until your body understands that you will give it enough water to compensate for the increased activity...most people are chronically dehydrated so this can be especially difficult to overcome if you aren't already a good water drinker...something we have discussed on this thread over and over again.


ALSO...doing increased activity can actually increase your appetite. It's possible to completely overeat whenever you increase your activity level...IF you don't have a plan and stick to that plan...really paying attention to your caloric intake.


These factors can all slow the impact of the start of ANY exercise program.


Meanwhile...back to Zumba...


One of the greatest benefits of Zumba...depending on your instructor and the class that you attend...is the possibility of interval training...or actually, what Zumba calls INTERMITTENT training. This is the idea that you do NOT maintain a steady heart rate throughout the given time of the class. You will have times of faster and slower paces...this can change from song to song or even within a song...the times that your heart beats faster and slower is not a regular interval, and so, Zumba calls this idea the intermittent training that relates to interval. I always relate this idea to miles per gallon achieved in city driving (stop and go) versus highway driving. City driving relates to interval training whereas highway driving relates to a sustained pace and heart rate. Which burns more fuel? We all know that generally highway driving yields a better MPG...so you burn more fuel driving in town...so you burn more fuel in intermittent/interval training. The principle is the same...all the adjustments needed for all the systems in order to constantly change your pace/speed burns more fuel that having those systems be at rest while you/the car operates on cruise control.


The result is what has been termed METABOLIC CONFUSION. Your body is an efficient machine...it constantly seeks to be more efficient...this literally means that it seeks to do the same work using less energy (calories/fuel). The body can remember what you do...muscle memory anyone?...and it can figure out how to cut out the body functions/operations/systems that don't really have to participate in an activity. OR the body works to make the same thing more effective...It's like this...The body says to itself, Are you going to keep lifting this same 20 pound over and over again? Well, we'll just have to make these muscles a bit stronger so that it is easy to lift this 20 pounds. And in weight training, you have to keep increasing your reps and weight in order to continue to build muscle. For cardio, your heart muscle is what gets stronger. This is why you can't keep getting the same result from the same activity over time. This is why you have to change up your routines.


Zumba, and other interval type exercises, are harder for your body to recognize...therefore, it is harder for you body to streamline it's processes in response to the exercise. And this is especially true for the post exercise routines your body goes through.


There is a post exercise period that can be especially helpful for those that are trying to lose weight. Your body has to WORK (use energy/calories) to return to "normal"...the state of being that it maintains in a non-exercising time. You can think of it as a system check...all the different body functions and systems need to have a "check" and some effort applied to recover from your activity. If your body can't recognize what you are doing, it can't streamline the recovery process either. Some people refer to this time as an "exercise afterburn" in a common way...a more technical description is Post-Exrecise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), which some use to estimate the caloric consumption that occurs after a period of exercise.


Here's what can be thought of as a confusing diet aspect of any exercise. You HAVE to eat right after you exercise...ideally within 15 minutes of the end of your exercise. One body function in the recovery period is the restoration of glycogen in your muscles. Glycogen is the energy stored within your muscles in the form of a complex sugar. The source for this stored sugar/carbohydrate is carbs from your DIET. Your body will NOT convert fat into this stored energy...the production of glycogen is stimulated by carbs entering your bloodstream. If you do not refuel with carbs and provide your body with a source for this energy storage...you will not perform as well the next time you do physical activity, because you won't have the energy to do it. You will feel weak and tired. It has been found that eating protein helps the glycogen restoration process as well as helps any muscle repairwork that is needed after physical activity.


Now it takes energy to digest the carbs, to recognize the sugar in the bloodstream, to respond and convert that sugar into glycogen, move the glycogen to the proper muscles, and store the glycogen. It takes energy to digest the protein...to make use of the amino acids for the necessary muscle repairs. And the preferred source of energy to support these functions is FAT.


This is just one thing to take about in recovery. The fact is that exercise like Zumba has a big body effect and so many other systems need attention...your body can be at work in the recovery process for HOURS. And it is this time period that actually results in the greatest fat burn. The more you confuse and shake up your body (METABOLIC CONFUSION), the more your body has to work to deal with what you have put it through...and the more you can expect to burn fat as a result of the chaos.


Zumba is especially effective at confusing the body. And the better you get at it...the more you can confuse your body. It's not a matter of faster or higher impact...it's a matter of more effective movement, more range of movement, more arms, more core...the result is more overall body movement. I'll give an example:


Let's talk about what makes an effective calorie burn. Let's compare two different routines to the same song. I do the song in these videos:





Which one would be the better burn? Without a doubt...it's the slower routine. The arms are in almost constant motion and at a level above heart level. Meanwhile...the footwork may be fast on the faster routine...but the arms aren't working. And there are things you can do to even increase the effectiveness of the slower routine beyond what is already is, because there is time to make bigger movements. In the faster routine...the movement is so fast...you can barely keep up with the pace as is...let alone make the movement bigger or exaggerated. To increase the burn on the slower routine, do the chorus travel movement to the side like the Que Te Mueve step in this video (it's the first step in the video, you don't have to watch the whole thing):




This is what I mean by "better" at Zumba. You learn how to do moves in a bigger, engage more muscles kind of way.


Back on topic though...I've tried to talk all around the issue so that I can make the following statement:


ZUMBA is a cardio workout that can affect your muscles' strength...but the claim that you will BUILD muscle as fast as you LOSE fat with a Zumba workout is absurd. When incorporated into a proper eating regimen...Zumba is a very effective way to lose fat weight. The effectiveness of the Zumba workout will vary based on the routines that you do in your Zumba class...how many muscle groups you use and how the playlist affects your heart rate. Ideally...you will use all muscle groups...and be able to work at a varying pace throughout the class.


One thing that we are talking about here is NOT working out at a sustained FAT BURNING pace, whereas there was a belief that if you worked out at a certain level, you would finally deplete the stored energy in your muscles and then your body may access its fat stores to sustain your movement...IF you didn't work too hard...it's like you had to work out at a pace that let your body think it had time to convert fat into energy?




It's all questionable and debatable, I suppose...


What we are talking about is a class with the emotions like...okay, warming up...we're moving...we're grooving...sweet tunes...nice beat...okay...taking it up a notch and building to the equivalent of hitting it hard for a period of time so that you feel you are working out at your absolute max...then having a period of time where you can more easily sustain your movement...then gradually work it again to the point of OMG...I can't do this for longer than this 3 minute song...YAY! that song is OVER!!...and now you are working hard but not feeling too pushed...now you may even have it easier during this more toning routine...OH...picking up the pace again...OMG...one last push!!...ahhh...going to take it down a notch...whew...sustaining...enjoying...slowing heart rate...stretching...done.


Now the body is like :confused:...what in world just happened to me?


And it recovers...


And there is some other version of the class...a new order even of the same songs...and your body is all confused...


Maybe a new song gets thrown in...


Your body is confused...


And you continue to get good results from your Zumba classes.


Can your body get used to it?




Especially if your instructor has a style...favorite movement...and doesn't really change it up too often...if you go to more than one instructor...then you are less likely to get in a rut.


I've talked so much...I don't really know if I've sufficiently addressed your concern...but I'm going to stop now...:cool: If this raises more questions...ask away.

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Okay, all you Zumba fans. I have a question. Last night I was told that Zumba is not the way to loose weight. That it builds muscle as fast and the weight comes off. I sure don't want to be a 200 pound muscle. I want to loose at least 50 pounds then I don't mind building muscle. Am I causing myself problems loosing weight by doing this? I need to be down for my cruise so I can go on the helicopter.


I am so glad that you found this thread! I almost posted on your other thread, but decided that my voice over there might not be appropriate since you posted about your difficulty in recovering from the spider bite and how much you've overcome. First let me tell you that I absolutely admire your strong will and obvious fortitude. I think you have a very disciplined mind and that you will be able to meet your goal.


And, you have found Zumba! Rock on!


There are so many health opinions out there; it can get to be mind-boggling. The only thing that I can say about the information that you were given is that I hope it didn't come from someone who thinks they know what they are talking about. That seems to be pretty blunt (maybe I'm channeling Gathina!), but... seriously...


Zumba is a cardio fitness exercise program... first and foremost. It is NOT a strength building program. Even the class that is called Zumba Toning is not really a strength building (muscle) program because the weights just aren't big enough. Toning in Zumba is done with 1 to 2-lb weights and is really a method for people to learn to engage their muscles rather than build up anything that is remotely close to a bulked (cut) muscle.


Yes, your muscles will become stronger... sleeker... and more toned by doing Zumba... especially your calves and quads (big thigh muscles). If you do it right, you will see some toning in your arms (triceps and biceps) and shoulders (especially rhomboids). This happens with the over-the-head movements... which (by the way) are also designed to make your heart beat faster and, therefore, burn more calories.


Zumba is a calorie burn. A significant calorie burn. You will, absolutely, lose weight by doing Zumba... especially if you push yourself to really perform. You will not lose weight by doing aerobic, calorie burning exercise, if you don't get to the point where you are making your heart beat faster and breaking a sweat. No amount of walking on the treadmill so slowly that you can read a book is going to give you the same amount of weight loss as moving your body against gravity and WORKING your cardio system... your heart and your lungs.


I know that you are most interested in the scale because of your goal to get into that helicopter. I hear that you might be concerned because you've probably heard the following: muscle weighs more than fat. The reason that muscle weighs more than fat is because of the amount of liquid that it can contain. That's beside the point for you... because you need to reach that goal of being able to get into the helicopter.


In my opinion. Based upon my own experience. You will lose a significant amount of weight by doing Zumba. When you first get started, the weight will come off of you because of your cardio fitness burn; it will just happen. Yes, you might see a period of time where the scale seems not to budge; and you might become disheartened by that fact. Don't. Let. That. Happen. Your body will be changing and will be adjusting to get rid of the fat that is currently clinging to it. The weight will come off... probably when you least expect it!


Anyway, others can jump in here and tell you their experience with Zumba. I had a few issues when I started doing Zumba: menopause and thyroid. I've been doing Zumba for almost 2 years! That's an amazing fact for me since I've always hated cardio! My first Zumba exercise log is dated December 2010! I didn't have a bunch of weight to lose, but what I had to lose... is gone... I'm the same weight that I was in my early 30's!


True weight loss is a three-pronged assault on the fat on your body. (1) Diet.. no amount of exercise can make up for putting caloric overload into your body... (2) Hydration... you've GOT to give your body the water that it needs in order to do the thermal burn that you want it to do to get rid of the stored fat ... (3) exercise... calorie burn over and above what you have given your body in food and what you normally burn throughout the day.


So tell us how you felt at Zumba. Was it fun? Did you enjoy yourself? Do you like to move your body to music? Was the instructor engaging? Did you like the exercise personality on display? Did you enjoy other people in the class? Most importantly... are you going back?

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Anita, I really appreciate getting the 'behind the scenes' info from you as to what goes on in the thought process of the song selection, choreography, interval training, etc. It's a real testimony to a good Zumba instructor that you can have a 1 hr party with a great time dancing yet getting such great benefits to your health.


Linda, ignore the misinformation you heard about turning into a mass of muscle and weighing more from doing Zumba. When I have a great food plan day, burn a few hundred calories doing Zumba and complain the next day that I gained weight - the helpful people around me tell me it's because muscle weighs more than fat....NO, it's because I sabotage myself with boredom eating at night!:eek:


After seeing a photo of myself in a swimsuit on a cruise when my weight started approaching the 200 mark I joined Weight Watchers. I did very well with it, got to within 10 lbs of my goal (realistically the top of the healthy range), and was at a standstill. Part of it was that I began to feel very happy with how I looked and felt, partly I started 'cheating' and partly I was in a rut on the treadmill. I could speedwalk (bad ankles - can't run) easily at 4mph at a good incline for 1/2 hr on the treadmill but not break a sweat, and I knew I needed to do something more effective - I wanted to get to my goal BEFORE our cruise 2 months later.


When I started taking Zumba I hid in the back of the class because I was afraid I was too dorky and wouldn't catch on. Quickly I realized that if I just moved in the right direction and did what I could, I was already getting a better workout. I was disappointed that the scale didn't appear to move, but when I went shopping for a new formal dress a few weeks later, I ended up buying a size smaller than I thought i was. Then FINALLY the last few lbs came off and I made WW lifetime.


Now, I have to admit, I haven't kept my eating in check as well as I should - but even tho my weight hasn't come back down, the more I do Zumba, the more people ask me if I've lost more weight. Now that I'm not afraid to go 'all out' with shimmying, shaking, thinking I'm Shakira, :p I've gotten curvier - in a good way!


Personally I find I HAVE to do this in a class environment - I have the Wii game and videos, but without the interaction of the teacher and class I don't go all out and keep going. And I've yet to get bored...I'm almost as addicted to Zumba as I am to cruising!

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Wow, Anita. Thanks so much. I read your answer to my husband and then re-read it and looked at your examples and then one more time I savored it. So encouraging.


And yes, I am enjoying the movement and can see how it can become addictive. Much more fun than other excerises. And right now I feel old, clumsy and like a lump of "fat" but know that the only way out of that way of thinking is to get better, feel better and keep with it. I still can not go the full hour but soon. I do hope that they have Zumba classes on my cruise.


I do watch my calorie count and the part about the after burn is so enlightening. Today I had skipped breakfast but after zumba I ate my favorite power bar and I almost had a high for about an hour afterwards. What a great feeling. If working out can make you feel that way, why would anyone stop?

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Just of few more encouraging words...


First...the main one. NO ONE is born coordinated. NO ONE. Coordination is a learned activity. Depending on when you have been exposed to different things in your life...you may FEEL more or less coordinated because the time it takes for you to "catch on" may be less or more...however...this does not negate the fact that you have to LEARN coordination. I have several routines where the arms and the legs are moving...sometimes the same arm and same leg move...sometimes it's the opposite arm and leg...I always tell my class...pick an arm...pick a leg!...MOVE...doesn't matter which ones you are moving...MOVE. The ONLY time it really matters in a Zumba class that you distinguish between the right and the left is when you TRAVEL...and then, by golly...you better MOVE...and move in the right direction...even if you are doing different steps...TRAVEL. But that's it...the only time. Stop feeling clumsy...remember that you are in a CLASS...you are a STUDENT...you are LEARNING...frame the event in a more positive mindset...the fact that you are DOING is a success in an of itself...do not take away from this success.


One of my students gifted herself with taking my class for her 61 birthday. She is from England but has lived in the states for many years. Boy was she a hoot though. ANYWAY...she was the most uncoordinated person. Her movements were generally awkward...slightly offbeat...but her SMILE...her fun factor was HIGH. You see, she had had a brain aneurysm and it had a horrible effect on her depth of perception. She said she couldn't walk through a doorway without hitting the jams as she walked through. She's my shining example of NOT CARING and HAVING FUN. And you know...she lost SO MUCH taking my classes. I won't go into detail...but she and Mom would commiserate before class about all the trials/effects that you have to deal with...that no one talks about...when you lose weight.


Second...I'm a chesty girl. My instructor would do shoulder shimmies. It's a great move. If you lift your arms out to the side so that your hands are parallel to the floor and at the same level as your shoulders...you can engage all the muscles in your arms as well as your upper back and upper chest with a shoulder shimmy move. I HATED the way my whole upper body would shake when we shimmied. Seriously. It was almost embarrassing to me that I would shake so much...but I thought to myself...got to shake it to lose it...and I would look toward the ceiling and shimmy for all I was worth. So I know all about feeling like a lump of fat as well.


I'm watching Masterchef...I really enjoy that show. One of the contestants is blind. Can you imagine? She just made it to the final two...the season finale is next Monday...anyway...I was watching the episode On Demand yesterday morning and I remember thinking to myself that in competition, in some ways, this blind woman has an advantage. She can't be bothered with what the competition is doing and letting it affect HER performance. She is entirely focused on herself and getting the job done to the best of her ability without having the distraction of comparing herself by what she sees others doing.


And I thought to myself that in some respects...there's a fabulous lesson there. Like a racing horse that has shields around their eyes so that they lose their peripheral vision...we need to be focused on our course...our own performance...ourselves...and not concerned with what others are doing.


Now I understand that it can be helpful to look at others for help...I know that before I became an instructor...there were some students that followed me in the class...they could see me better than Kelly (I'm like 3-4 inches taller than Kelly)...and sometimes, Kelly was moving SO MUCH of her body...it could be difficult to figure out the basic move she was doing from a distance...I'm not talking about that...I'm talking about letting others have a negative impact on your journey because you LET them by wondering what others are thinking or by your own thoughts that find yourself wanting because of how you perceive you compare to others.


That is fabulous that you had an "exercise high!" There IS an endorphin release that occurs after exercise. I read somewhere that this is all part and parcel of the reward your body gives you for doing something healthy like exercise. I would take this as a very positive sign that your body is really LIKING what is happening to it with what you are doing in Zumba! WTG!!!

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Here's what can be thought of as a confusing diet aspect of any exercise. You HAVE to eat right after you exercise...ideally within 15 minutes of the end of your exercise. One body function in the recovery period is the restoration of glycogen in your muscles. Glycogen is the energy stored within your muscles in the form of a complex sugar. The source for this stored sugar/carbohydrate is carbs from your DIET. Your body will NOT convert fat into this stored energy...the production of glycogen is stimulated by carbs entering your bloodstream. If you do not refuel with carbs and provide your body with a source for this energy storage...you will not perform as well the next time you do physical activity, because you won't have the energy to do it. You will feel weak and tired. It has been found that eating protein helps the glycogen restoration process as well as helps any muscle repairwork that is needed after physical activity.


Now it takes energy to digest the carbs, to recognize the sugar in the bloodstream, to respond and convert that sugar into glycogen, move the glycogen to the proper muscles, and store the glycogen. It takes energy to digest the protein...to make use of the amino acids for the necessary muscle repairs. And the preferred source of energy to support these functions is FAT.


Anita, thank you for this information. I get home late from Zumba and we always eat dinner right away. I've been wondering if this is a mistake, even though after exercising I just feel like eating less (which is a good thing).


Let's talk about what makes an effective calorie burn. Let's compare two different routines to the same song. I do the song in these videos:





Which one would be the better burn? Without a doubt...it's the slower routine. The arms are in almost constant motion and at a level above heart level. Meanwhile...the footwork may be fast on the faster routine...but the arms aren't working.


This is so illuminating. I think it's also interesting to note in the second video that many of the people aren't getting any exercise at all because they aren't able to do the steps. If you take your eyes off the instructor and look at the group, it doesn't look like they're doing much. Also, one of the benefits of doing latin steps is latin motion (the movement of the hips and torso). I love the core work I get from that. They don't seem to be doing that at all.

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Anita, I really appreciate getting the 'behind the scenes' info from you as to what goes on in the thought process of the song selection, choreography, interval training, etc. It's a real testimony to a good Zumba instructor that you can have a 1 hr party with a great time dancing yet getting such great benefits to your health.


Linda, ignore the misinformation you heard about turning into a mass of muscle and weighing more from doing Zumba. When I have a great food plan day, burn a few hundred calories doing Zumba and complain the next day that I gained weight - the helpful people around me tell me it's because muscle weighs more than fat....NO, it's because I sabotage myself with boredom eating at night!:eek:


After seeing a photo of myself in a swimsuit on a cruise when my weight started approaching the 200 mark I joined Weight Watchers. I did very well with it, got to within 10 lbs of my goal (realistically the top of the healthy range), and was at a standstill. Part of it was that I began to feel very happy with how I looked and felt, partly I started 'cheating' and partly I was in a rut on the treadmill. I could speedwalk (bad ankles - can't run) easily at 4mph at a good incline for 1/2 hr on the treadmill but not break a sweat, and I knew I needed to do something more effective - I wanted to get to my goal BEFORE our cruise 2 months later.


When I started taking Zumba I hid in the back of the class because I was afraid I was too dorky and wouldn't catch on. Quickly I realized that if I just moved in the right direction and did what I could, I was already getting a better workout. I was disappointed that the scale didn't appear to move, but when I went shopping for a new formal dress a few weeks later, I ended up buying a size smaller than I thought i was. Then FINALLY the last few lbs came off and I made WW lifetime.


Now, I have to admit, I haven't kept my eating in check as well as I should - but even tho my weight hasn't come back down, the more I do Zumba, the more people ask me if I've lost more weight. Now that I'm not afraid to go 'all out' with shimmying, shaking, thinking I'm Shakira, :p I've gotten curvier - in a good way!


Personally I find I HAVE to do this in a class environment - I have the Wii game and videos, but without the interaction of the teacher and class I don't go all out and keep going. And I've yet to get bored...I'm almost as addicted to Zumba as I am to cruising!


I hear you about the Wii and dvd's. I've got them all but it's so much more fun in a class environment. Same thing with the gym. I'd go faithfully 3 mornings a week and do weights and some cardio but this morning I tried a boot camp class and loved it. Came home wringing wet and exhausted but felt like I got so much more out of it because I had a task master. Doing Zumba tonight too! Hope I can walk in the morning.

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So I just want to share that, Wednesday being "weigh in" day for me, I'm down 8 pounds in 7 weeks. That's one ahead of my goal of 1# per week, using Zumba, the gym, and Lost It! to track my calorie intake. I started back to work yesterday and everyone said "you look great!" What a great motivator!


Linda, when I started Zumba I chose a spot in the room where I couldn't see myself in the mirror, so I wasn't distracted by how I looked and could just focus on having a good time. :) I think we all need strategies for dealing with the insecurities that come with trying something new.


Last week I went to check on my parents so I missed my Zumba class. But in the spirit of getting some exercise every day, I played tag in the yard with my brother's future stepdaughters. What fun! Also a round of golf with my dad, and some time on the recumbent bike, so I kept on target for the week.

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In the spirit with which I began this thread...using it as a sounding board for all kinds of research, encouragement, motivation, etc etc...this post is posted. Because I need to encourage myself today...


Two YEARS ago...two years ago YESTERDAY as a matter of fact...I took the Zumba class that would ultimately change my life forever...that is...it HAS changed my life in so many positive ways...and through me, Zumba has worked its own wonders for many others.




It's been since June 28 since I have performed REGULAR exercise.


Today is September 13.


That is 77 DAYS...11 WEEKS!!




I was lured into a false sense of security in my ability to maintain my progress through the move. Like Margaret said earlier...active lifestyle...only for me...it was more like FRANTIC lifestyle...constantly in motion and working to get the packing done...the moving done...etc etc. I had in fact made MORE progress in the weight loss department during the moving months. I was that busy.


But the moving months ended August 3.


And since then...I've lost the ground gained during the moving months...


And possibly another few pounds...(It's difficult to say...) but regardless...what should have been a blip on the scale...hasn't been...because I did not reestablish a routine of physical activity once the move was over.


So taking stock...I measured myself. It's just too sad. I weighed myself. This is also sad. The new clothes that I bought here in GA with the latest weight loss are uncomfortable...and I am actually feeling uncomfortable because I can actually feel the difference in my body. Don't get me wrong...everything else fits...it's just the absolute latest purchase of 4 new bottoms...


Continuing to take stock...I understand that my teaching schedule was too much. And when that tapered off to the 2X a week...it felt good...especially since I had so much going on...and when I was no longer teaching...I have to admit...that felt good for a while too...like a vacation. And the moving process was very taxing...and I was happy to chill for a while once it was done. I know that I needed a bit of a break from all the pressure that I felt under with everything surrounding the move.


But it's time to get real.


I have got to get back to my Zumba.


Not everyone understands. But I know ya'll do. I love the classes not only for the music, the movement, the sweat, etc etc...but it is one of the few times in the week where I am completely in the moment...I am away for my normal environment...I am not surrounded by my To Do List...it's a major mental break...a major stress reliever. And I've missed it.


I went to another Zumba class on Monday.


It was okay.


I'm a Christian...this class was also in a church...and they played worship music for a first warm up song and the stretch song. I don't mind...but for me...I didn't love it. I think they must do a lot of their own choreo, like the other instructor, because a lot of their moves were alike...not too much variety.


There are super cheap gyms around here. $15 a month. No contract. No joiner fee. All the classes included. They have Zumba. It is making sense now why there are so few independent Zumba classes. I have to decide if I am going to join a gym to take Zumba...or what.


So today. I unpacked my sound system (it was still in my car from subbing)...I set it up...and I did the same class for myself that I did when I subbed.


And I kicked my own butt.


I am a wet rag.


And during a part of it...I thought to myself...:eek:


Because I have definitely lost some cardio. And my "Arms from Hell" was a total killer for me in a way it hasn't been since Kelly first did that routine.


And I have to share.


It wasn't really fun. To Zumba by myself in my family room. It felt like exercise. It was not a party. It FELT like a work out.


And I'm thinking that this is what I need to do to light that fire that will help me get out there and get my own classes going again...one way or another. Keep doing my thing...at home...set a schedule for working on new routines...make my own deadlines...maybe try to video some of my routines...just to add purpose to my at home Zumba...even to just archive them so I don't forget. Get my cardio back...and seriously explore teaching options.


I'm proud of myself.


I understand this...a body in motion is easy to keep in motion. If you lose your routine...it's absolutely a piece of work to get your routine back and/or to make a new one.


This is my first real battle on my journey to health and wellness.


And today, I had a victory.


I'm sharing because this is real. I've been pretty self motivated for a long time...and this is the first real struggle I've had since the holidays right after I first started this new lifestyle. And the holidays are right around the corner!


I have motivated myself today. But I could sure use some more chatter on this thread.


Anyone have a new fav in your class?

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I am so glad you shared, first it made you feel human which in turn gave me hope. Second, you did it, you got back up. It is so easy to make excuses. No one would blame me if I said the pain was too much so I have a built in excuse but I won't let myself use that. Like you I need to self motivate. You are truely inspirational to be so open and honest and willing the share. And you did it.


Since you are home with all your equipment and you have a computer and you have several of us who are writing, (just a crazy suggestion) maybe you could use skype and be our teacher.

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I have motivated myself today. But I could sure use some more chatter on this thread.




Nothing that you said surprises me at all.


We know a few things. The first thing that we know is: the body is a very efficient machine and loves to store energy for future use. If you have allowed yourself to get "out of shape" in the past, then you've taught your body the most efficient method for it to store energy for future use... well, you know that is euphemistic talk.. and in the expression you used to "keep it real," we should just call if what it is. So, in plain speak, if you've taught your body to store fat then it becomes very good at storing fat.


So, when you stopped your physical expenditure of calories, then you just allowed your body to return to a physical state that was a learned response to eating more calories than you needed.


You know what else? I've read that it takes a MONTH to change a habit. If you look at that one way, you say ONLY a MONTH? and if you look at it another way, you say WOW a WHOLE MONTH? The problem was the exercise interruption was that month lapse of time when the packing was going full force and the move was happening. And, so the month... stretched into two months... and began a march into three months... and so... now....


the good news is that you realized what was happening before you reverted completely to square one! You did NOT revert to square one... and that's the good news.


You know... I've been doing Zumba for quite a while. You know that I have periodic interruptions... after all this is a cruise forum! LOL... and I've had a lapse between classes of at least 3 weeks and some days. So that first class back after that lapse of time... OMG... gasping for air.. and it feels like DAY ONE all over again. But, it isn't. That feeling only lasts for one.. maybe two.. classes and then it's full steam ahead and back to normal.


Again, the body is an efficient machine. You've been exercising long enough that your body knows what will be demanded of it... if you return to a schedule. You might feel all wrung out a few more times, and then you'll have to work at it to feel that effort again.


So, today's Zumba class didn't feel like a party either! She put too many new songs into the rotation. I felt like a complete stumble bunny.. and I didn't LOVE it! PLUS, my Tuesday instructor did a song with a routine that just literally killed my quads. They're still sore! Who says you can't tone with Zumba?!? Who says that?!?




Starting over. But, not really. But, revisiting the basics.




As you know, I got hold of Bob Harper's new book. So, in a nutshell he has made this his Number One Rule.


Let me share some information from the book.


Bob wants you to drink a large glass of water before every meal and immediately upon waking up in the morning.


Here's some research.


A group of researchers examined the resting energy expenditure (REE) of twenty-one obese children. REE refers to the rate at which you burn calories when you are sleeping, watching TV, or just simply sitting there and staring into space. (Note: I thought this was called BMR or basal metabolic rate?). The researchers gave the kids a large serving of cold water, then began measuring the REE every 10 minutes. The reaction was more robust than anticipated. Within 24 minutes, REE began increasing. By 57 minutes, REE had increased by 25 percent, and this effect lasted for 40 mintues.


Did you get that? Just by drinking water, your body increases its burning of calories. Drinking water helps in other physical ways as well. When you start conscientiously drinking lots of water, your workouts improve. You get less muscle fatigue; you recuperate faster; and you don't feel groggy in the afternoon.


I put this out there because I know you have an issue with this. As Bob says, "Don't tell me it's hard. Just do it!" Can you hear his voice in that statement?


Do you want to know the Quad Killer Song? I can try to find it, if you do.

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Linda! Have I seemed inhuman? LOL!!! I think I understand what you mean...I've been motivated for a very long time...and that hasn't really waned since I determined to change my life. It is too easy to make excuses...you are doing great in that respect...some excuses are very real...but if anyone truly wants to change, you find a way to overcome...it may not be the ideal...but I have learned that it is generally better to just get started at whatever point you can and then improve...you can't start at the top.


And you aren't the first person to suggest virtual classes to me...many of my students in TX really wanted me to do that.


Yes, Mom, I want that quad song. I have to look at Kisha's Facebook still...


And I agree with everything you wrote...you are such a great Mom!


I've been looking for music...this song isn't super recent...but it is a nice, slower cumbia beat...and I love the words...



" by Ana Isabelle feat. Chino y Nacho


This song makes me happy. I think I would love to be dancing to this in a class. Looking for more...

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