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what is appropriate dress for kids at dinner in the MDR?


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We are cruising on Royal Carribbean, Oasis during February school vacation week with our two sons, ages 9 and 12. We have not cruised siince our oldest was born. The dress is 4 casual, 1 smart casual, and 2 formal. Can the boys wear ironed, dressy shorts with a polo on the casual nights even though it says "no shorts" or do I need to get pants for those nights? They already have lovely resort wear, but all shorts!


Also, will dress pants, shirt and tie due for them on formal nights, without a jacket?

Lastly, Does my husband need a suit jacket on smart casual night or is a shirt and tie OK?


I want everyone to be dressed nicely, but I don't want to buy things for them that they don't really need for the cruise. Thanks.

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They won't be turned away from the main dining room in shorts, but I prefer to follow the "rules" (even if no one else is!). I suggest purchasing one or two pairs of khaki slacks for the boys. If the only time they are wearing the khaki pants is to dinner, then they probably won't get dirty (okay, with boys, a spare is probably a good idea), so they can rewear throughout the week.


For formal night, no jacket would be acceptable, but personally, I would get them jackets. It just looks nicer.


A shirt and tie is fine for smart casual night, but a blazer would look really sharp.


I realize not wanting to buy unneccessary things, but you can get great prices. I was in Sears, today, and noticed that boys' dress pants and suits are on sale - up to 60% off! Check your local department stores for sales. And there's also stores like Ross, Tj Maxx, and Marshalls, which have discount designer gear. My friend got her son a really nice suit for only $35 at Ross!


This is a great time to teach your boys how to dress appropriately for special occasions (something many young men today are lacking)!

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We are cruising on Royal Carribbean, Oasis during February school vacation week with our two sons, ages 9 and 12. We have not cruised siince our oldest was born.


The dress is 4 casual, 1 smart casual, and 2 formal. Can the boys wear ironed, dressy shorts with a polo on the casual nights even though it says "no shorts" or do I need to get pants for those nights? They already have lovely resort wear, but all shorts!


Nice shorts and collared shirts will be fine for kids this age group on casual nights.


Also, will dress pants, shirt and tie due for them on formal nights, without a jacket?


Yes, If they have jackets, it will be fun for them to join in the dressy night at dinner and around the ship, but I would say most kids in this group come with just a shirt and tie or just nice shirt and no tie. They will not feel out of place in either.


Lastly, Does my husband need a suit jacket on smart casual night or is a shirt and tie OK?


No Jacket or tie is required for smart casual night. Just a nice pant, nice shirt and appropriate shoes. You will see virtually no jackets at any time except formal nights.


I want everyone to be dressed nicely, but I don't want to buy things for them that they don't really need for the cruise. Thanks.


Hope this helps, enjoy your cruise.


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Let me preface this with - this is just my opinion - I think that your sons are old enough that they can't get away with shorts. Men can't wear them, so I'd think any boy over the age of 7 or 8 shouldn't wear them.


I'm sure your husband won't need a jacket for smart casual as long as he's wearing a tie (and a shirt ;).


On formal night, if you plan on dining in the dining room, I strongly believe that formal means formal, otherwise dine somewhere more casual.


Have a wonderful time however you decide to do it!

Happy sails

~ Liz

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It is your vacation and they are your children. If you are happy with how they are dressed then not one single person on the entire ship or in all of internet land has any input on that. Go on your cruise and have a great time and enjoy dinner every night. Jim

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as a grumpy old guy may I suggest the get up they used on Hannibal Lector in silence of the lambs..you know..strapped to a gurney with a muzzle...keeps kids behaved.


seriously, there are great debates on dress...old folks want everybody to dress as they do...seems they can't have a good time unless you dress the same as they do...younger crowd not into formal as much..collared shirt and pants work for me..that being said on formal nights we normally hit the buffet..want to try it out anyways and it makes the crabby types happy


you can also do room service..included in the price of your cruise..just tip the delivery person


hope you enjoy your cruise

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Hi Susie,


There are hundreds of threads concerning the dress code. There are threads about kids and the dress code. There are many who say it absolutely doesn't matter what kids wear, and there are people like myself who will tell you that the RCI website quotes as follows:


"Q: What are the dress codes onboard?


A: There are three distinct types of evenings onboard: casual, smart casual and formal. Suggested guidelines for these nights are:

Casual: Sport shirts and slacks for men, sundresses or pants for women

Smart Casual: Jackets and ties for men, dresses or pantsuits for women

Formal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women

The number of smart casual and formal nights is at the ship's discretion.


We appreciate your usual parental guidance and cooperation in observing these easy guidelines with your children."




Having said that, I don't think it will cost you an arm and a leg to buy an inexpensive pair of pants for your kids. They may need them again, you never know. The older boy can hand his on down; you will get some years of use out of them. Do you have a Target, Wal Mart, or KMart nearby? What about a thrift shop/second hand store? All of these are good options.


Also, they can certainly change back into shorts after dinner if they want to.


Enjoy your cruise.

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It is your vacation and they are your children. If you are happy with how they are dressed then not one single person on the entire ship or in all of internet land has any input on that. Go on your cruise and have a great time and enjoy dinner every night. Jim



Well said!

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My two boys wore blue jeans and a nice collared shirt, nobody sees them except from waist up while sitting for two hrs. let them be comfortable, because yall will be dressed up and the whole table will still look nice, but my kids were 8 and 10, 12 and 14. Just have a good time, you're on vacation.

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I'm in the school that thinks teaching your children to follow guidelines at a young age is a valuable lesson, and I would purchase a pair of khakis for each of them to wear.


There's value in teaching them to respect suggested dress codes for our hosts and other guests at any event.

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Our boys, 15 and 13, have been cruising with us since they were 10 and 8. They have always worn khakis and golf shirts on casual nights and at least a dress shirt on formal nights (most times a suit). That being said, you will not be denied seating in the MDR if your kids are in shorts (the couple we cruise with let their kids wear athletic warm-up pants!):eek: Nor will your children stand-out because there will be many wearing shorts (yes, even adults). Nor should you care what other people think. You will get varied opinions here, some quite angry that you would even consider not following the posted guidelines because it will absolutely ruin THEIR dinner to see your kids in shorts! Don't listen. So long as nobody is dressed in flip flops, bathing suits and tank tops there will be no problem.


Most important: Enjoy your cruise! We are cruising the same week on the Liberty!

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I doubt they will be denied entrance wearing shorts but you might want to discuss this issue with them. Once children are old enough to read there is a chance they will notice the sign posted at the entrance that states "no shorts". You will be the best judge of whether or not this will be of concern to them.


I'm sure they will look fine in whatever you decide. Enjoy your cruise!

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This question comes up frequently and people start copying RC policies, suggesting "life lessons", and giving their outdated personal opinion. But in the real life, its a cruise vacation and you can pretty much dress them in anything you like. I have brought small children on 8 cruises, we dress them in shorts for the dining room all the time and never had an issue with dress...

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As for my son(6) and hubby. khakis and collard pull overs for casual night. Shirt and tie for smart casual and suits for formal.


I am all for not spending money but every man should have a marrying burying suit and khakis style pants.

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This question comes up frequently and people start copying RC policies, suggesting "life lessons", and giving their outdated personal opinion. But in the real life, its a cruise vacation and you can pretty much dress them in anything you like. I have brought small children on 8 cruises, we dress them in shorts for the dining room all the time and never had an issue with dress...


I think every parent has to decide what is important for their family. It is important to me that my children dress as requested when attending any event, not just on a cruise. What other families do is of no concern to me.


Personally, I don't think putting on a pair of pants should be that big of a deal. I guess I am lucky since neither of my boys have ever voiced a complaint. Not that it would have mattered :)


However, I totally respect a parent's right to make the decisions that are best for their family.


My 21 year old has recently taken up golf and I find it interesting that even golf courses have dress requirements!

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As previously mentioned, how children should dress has been discussed many many times, while my DH & I won't concern ourselves with children in shorts, and this is just me feelings, we look at our cruise and dining in the MDR as our one time to dress appropiately. By dressing for formal night & I am not talking full length gowns for myself but a lovely dress, it adds to our enjoyment of the cruise, and seeing others all dressed up as well. We won't criticize others who are not dressed accordingly and will still enjoy our meal. If your children are dressed nicely in the MDR that is all that is important.

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I suppose we are part the "younger" set who seem to be less concerned with dress code so I may be in the minority here for my age group.

Our son is 8 and will be on his first cruise at the end of the month. For formal nights he will be in his suit, alternating a different colour tie and shirt (now mind you he has one already from a function recently). On other nights he will be in khaki type dress pants and a collared button down shirt. There is nothing wrong with dressing up a little and kids realise that there is something special going on when they get ready to go to dinner.

We picked up a pair of tan and navy pants for him just last night at Children's Place, they have a big sale on right now and the pants were $11 each. (Probably even cheaper in the states)

I am not judging you or telling you what to do, I would not be looking down on kids in MDR with shorts on, but I would think 9 and especially 12 are old enough to dress up a little bit.

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people (the nice ones anyways) try not to be too judgemental...but that is the issue..standards have changed...a $200 pair of jeans are better than $2 dress pants from the guy behind the dumpster at the wallmart (stains included)...so the people that enjoy dressing up should do so, and if you are not wearing a baseball cap, no shirt and ripped basketball shorts you should not offend anybody


so enjoy your cruise. don't sweat the small stuff.

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Can the boys wear ironed, dressy shorts with a polo on the casual nights even though it says "no shorts" or do I need to get pants for those nights? They already have lovely resort wear, but all shorts!


IMHO it would be fine for the 9 year old. The 12 year old you might want to have a pair of khakis like the other posters wrote. If you want to keep things balanced you could have a pair of khakis for the 9 year old also.


Also, will dress pants, shirt and tie due for them on formal nights, without a jacket?


Yes that would be fine. Another option is that the kids clubs usually offer a kids dinner on formal nights.


Lastly, Does my husband need a suit jacket on smart casual night or is a shirt and tie OK?.


A shirt and tie is fine. The only time I wear a jacket and tie is on formal nights (usually a tux or a dark suit). For the casual nights I normally wear a collared polo/golf type shirt. For the smart casual nights I wear a nice button down shirt.


Remember that the guidelines posted by Royal Caribbean are suggested guidelines. They are not iron clad rules. As long as you don't do anything

over the top (ie: tank top and jeans on formal night) you will fit right in.

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seriously, there are great debates on dress...old folks want everybody to dress as they do...seems they can't have a good time unless you dress the same as they do...younger crowd not into formal as much


No, I'm in my 20s, and I have been raised to dress appropriately for all occasions. Never leave the house looking less than your best. That's just how I was raised. I'm not offended by people who don't follow the dress code or dress nicely, but I do appreciate the families that put effort into their appearance. :)


For me, cruising is a great excuse to wear my prettiest dresses and highest heels. I love to dress up. It's something I look forward to. I do realize that for some people, dressing up is not their thing. And that's completely fine - there is a buffet waiting for them on the Lido deck! :D

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Much like the suggested guideline for gratuities, the cruiseline has a suggested guideline for dress in the dining room. You as the cruiser can choose to follow it exactly, go way above and beyond it or scale back. It is just that, a guideline. Not a rule or law or something that should have any effect on anyone elses cruise. If they choose to make it have an impact on their cruise experience that is their fault only. I have never had my dinner experience enhanced because the guy at the next table was in a tux and I have also not had my dinner experience brought down by a guy at my table in jeans. Relax, life is way to fleeting to be this tense about a total strangers clothing choices at dinner. Take care all, Jim

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It is your vacation and they are your children. If you are happy with how they are dressed then not one single person on the entire ship or in all of internet land has any input on that. Go on your cruise and have a great time and enjoy dinner every night. Jim



I completely agree with Icruzthere4Iam.


At my house, my only requirements with my son and husband with MDR clothing is that it must be unwrinkled and clean.:p I would much rather see them go to the dining room wearing jeans than wrinkled slacks.

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My husband and I grew up and believe there are certain ways you dress for certain events/places, and we do so when appropriate. But we are on vacation and don't want to dress up while on vacation. That is why we plan on skipping formal night all together.


I see no fun in packing and dealing with wrinkles of a nice formal dress. My husband has to wear a suit and tie to work every day and hates having to do the same on his vacation. I also hate wrangling my sons into dress shirts and ties, again not my idea of fun.


I am on the cruise to relax and nothing about getting dressed up in formal wear says relaxed or fun to our family.


The only bummer of it is that lobster is usually served in the MDR on formal nights. Oh well.

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I want everyone to be dressed nicely, but I don't want to buy things for them that they don't really need for the cruise. Thanks.


We went on our first cruise last summer and I had no idea what to pack for the children. For our DS (age 9), like some of the previous posters suggested, I bought a really nice pair of khakis and some slightly dressier shirts for the semi formal nights. To be honest, with all the talk of formal wear, my DS got really excited about getting dressed up. We went onto to eBay and did a search for 'cheap waistcoats' and came up a winner. Not expensive at all. We live in the UK where school shirts (for uniforms) are plentiful so I paired up the baby blue waistcoat with short sleeve white shirts and black school trousers. He was really pleased with himself. We've already bought his waistcoat (grey) for next summer in the winter sales. DD (5) wore little sun dresses for all nights and on formal nights, dressier ones that we got in the winter sales.

We have the most amazing of family photos from that night that I treasure. However, ultimately you can only decide what's best for your family. Enjoy your cruise!!


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