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Call to boycott overpricing players


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A Sydney travel agent is

urging his colleagues to

withdraw support for cruise

lines and GSAs which inflate

prices for the Australian market.


at ***********, is calling on

the industry to stand up for its rights against

those that give Australian travel agents a bad


Fed up with consumer complaints that

Australian cruise consultants are ripping

them off, Davey undertook a detailed

comparison between the prices accessed by

local consultants and the prices listed on US

website **********.

He was “delighted” to find that in many

cases Australian pricing was 1% to 11% lower.

“I applaud those cruise lines and GSAs

who have listened to people like me who our mid-sized ships

have asked them to get real with the fact that

the Australian dollar has been hovering

around parity for many months,” Davey told

CW in an exclusive interview.

“However, should some other industry

players still seek to rake off a nice little earner

from the exchange rate, or fail to pass on a

special offer thinking that a client and/or

agent won’t notice, my message to them is

twofold: firstly, it’s a different market these

days, and with parity you cannot hide any

longer,” he said.

“Secondly, although it may be a cruise

line’s right, a GSA’s right and an agent’s

right to set whatever pricing they see fit, their

decisions can affect us all by way of general

market perception,” he added.

Davey criticised those who “wheel out the

tired old arguments that if an Australian

attempts to book offshore that the booking

will auto-cancel”.

He said such policies can cast the entire

industry in a bad light “and therefore it is our

right to criticise them, ostracise them and

withdraw our support for them”.

Following a recent resurgence in letters to

newspapers from consumers asserting that

Australians are routinely denied deals

available to the US or UK market, Davey sent

a written response to the Sydney Morning

Herald and The Age, which is expected to be

published this weekend.

“I was prompted to write back to say that it

is not a true representation of the overall

current situation in the Australian market; in

fact the reverse has often been true lately,

with some sectors on offer only to our market

at astonishingly reasonable prices, sometimes

with the sector not even available at all on

other markets,” he said.

In order to make accurate comparisons,

Davey’s analysis of various cruise lines and

destinations did not include government fees,

taxes and mandatory gratuities, and USD

quotes were raised by 3% to allow for the

currency conversion cost.

“I was delighted with many of my findings,

although some anomalies can still be found

with some sailings and categories,” he said.

Davey called on his industry colleagues to

“keep the bastards honest” and support

companies that offer Australians special


“Let’s sell, let’s cruise, and may it be happy

days for us all, but for goodness sake, please,

nobody tell the Americans or the Brits!” he


Keep an eye out for next Tue’s Cruise

Weekly Consumer issue which will include

examples of Davey’s study.

Souce Cruise Weekly - Trade edition

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finaly some one in the cruise/ travel industry has come and said it WE ARE BEING RIPED OFF.


....or some one in the business has had the guts to stand up

and look after the "cruisers",

rather than themselves.


I have said it before, and I will say it again...

There are far too many fingers in the pie,

all wanting a slice of the action and they are

"clipping the ticket" all the way along.

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....or some one in the business has had the guts to stand up

and look after the "cruisers",

rather than themselves.


I have said it before, and I will say it again...

There are far too many fingers in the pie,

all wanting a slice of the action and they are

"clipping the ticket" all the way along.



but the cruise lines are setting the bench mark price and the Ta' can charge any thing they want under the price set by the cruise lines.



so who has there finger in the pie?????

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Thied ...

I am meaning that when you book,

your TA, should be able to deal direct with the cruise line.


Ring the area office...who will then

Ring the Franchised Main Office...who will then

Ring the Wholesaler...who will then

Ring the Au/NZ Head Office...who will then

Ring the CruiseLine Head office in that country...who will then

Ring the Cruise Line.....


is it any wonder that bookings gets screwed up....

both in application and price,

especially ,when you come to realise that the answers come back via the same chain.

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Thied ...

I am meaning that when you book,

your TA, should be able to deal direct with the cruise line.


They can in Australia.





Ring the area office...who will then

Ring the Franchised Main Office...who will then

Ring the Wholesaler...who will then

Ring the Au/NZ Head Office...who will then

Ring the CruiseLine Head office in that country...who will then

Ring the Cruise Line.....


this may be so for over sea's cruises but these days there should be no ringing should be done on the net I thought thats why they invented it to make things easyer lol


is it any wonder that bookings gets screwed up....

both in application and price,

especially ,when you come to realise that the answers come back via the same chain.





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Whether its the phone or the net....

it all depends who it is being chanelled through

and who

clips the ticket.

In some ways the net has made it easier for

many more people to

"clip the ticket"


What is needed ,

is to cut out the deadwood.


Thats when you will see really good cruise pricing.


Are we paying for a cruise line

to give us a cruise?

or a network of bunnies sitting around taking bookings?

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Thied ...

I am meaning that when you book,

your TA, should be able to deal direct with the cruise line.


Ring the area office...who will then

Ring the Franchised Main Office...who will then

Ring the Wholesaler...who will then

Ring the Au/NZ Head Office...who will then

Ring the CruiseLine Head office in that country...who will then

Ring the Cruise Line.....


is it any wonder that bookings gets screwed up....

both in application and price,

especially ,when you come to realise that the answers come back via the same chain.


In this day and age of technology they should be able to do everything on line. I totally agree why should so many hands touch a booking.


Richard Davey, is only trying to protect his business as he knows that Aussies are able to book overseas, and that the old threat of that you won't be able to board, just doesn't work with everyone. The TA's are only trying to use scare tactics to protect themselves. And good on him for been outspoken.


Also how many other travel products are so overpriced because of some many people getting a bite out of the business?

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Maintain the rage guys it looks like our campaign for a fair go seems to be gaining momentum.


If enough of us say it loud enough and often enough things might change...until then I will continue to book wherever I get the best deal and it is usually not in Australia.

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I have said many times that we australians have been getting ripped off many many times and all I have got back from a fair few people on here and the same people all the time is that im talking through my hat and these same people all ways say thats not true they can get better prices in Australia then the usa. and as I said before quote finaly some one in the cruise/ travel industry has come and said it WE ARE BEING RIPED OFF.



Love Thied

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We had an email from our preferred AUS online agency yesterday stating:


XXXX offers the best price assurance. Call XXXX for your special pricing.


Does this mean they will match US online agency prices? I will have to give them a call and ask.



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We had an email from our preferred AUS online agency yesterday stating:


XXXX offers the best price assurance. Call XXXX for your special pricing.


Does this mean they will match US online agency prices? I will have to give them a call and ask.




Diane, there's one AU TA saying they will beat any price by $1 but you have to get the company to send a quote by email, if you are sailing on a local ship thru australian waters normally the local TA's are cheaper than the US ones

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Diane, there's one AU TA saying they will beat any price by $1 but you have to get the company to send a quote by email, if you are sailing on a local ship thru australian waters normally the local TA's are cheaper than the US ones


Yes but that TA will do their utmost to sell you their overpriced travel insurance and flights to get their commissions up.

Have also known them to try and sway your decision to another "deal" which is one of their company special group bookings.


*** Always get a minimum of three quotes.

*** If you find a TA you trust and continue using they will give you the best price without even being asked!

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Yes but that TA will do their utmost to sell you their overpriced travel insurance and flights to get their commissions up.

Have also known them to try and sway your decision to another "deal" which is one of their company special group bookings.


*** Always get a minimum of three quotes.

*** If you find a TA you trust and continue using they will give you the best price without even being asked!


I understand what you are saying Moira, and fully agree.

But that is the world of commerce.

I was in Hardware for a while , and we were trained to always try and on , or upsell something,

eg if someone bought a can of paint, we would always ask,

How are you off for ...brushes,rollers, turps, sandpaper, drop sheets ??etc.

Some folk , walking in , or clicking on to book a cruise, may not even have thought about insurance.

Our TA knows we organise our own , but she always asks.

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TA"S travel insurance are all ways over priced by a long way.


I was chatting to A TA today that said they would any price and better it ok good, but when I ask would they do the same for the on line TA Prices and got a no way .

Then I show them the boycot artical and they got very up set. mind you it not a ta I would use any way.:D

any way its our money that they the TA"S want so why not make them work for it and jump through any hoop we want them too.





Love Thied

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TA"S travel insurance are all ways over priced by a long way.


I was chatting to A TA today that said they would any price and better it ok good, but when I ask would they do the same for the on line TA Prices and got a no way .

Then I show them the boycot artical and they got very up set. mind you it not a ta I would use any way.:D

any way its our money that they the TA"S want so why not make them work for it and jump through any hoop we want them too.Love Thied


If you would not use them....

Why waste your valuable , executive , time?


Re Travel insurance...

Do you read the small print?

The cheapest one may not be what you need...


I am constantly amazed at those who travel

and think they have insurance.......

but try and make a claim on a cheap policy.:eek:

and see how you get on.:mad:

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Yes but that TA will do their utmost to sell you their overpriced travel insurance and flights to get their commissions up.

Have also known them to try and sway your decision to another "deal" which is one of their company special group bookings.


*** Always get a minimum of three quotes.

*** If you find a TA you trust and continue using they will give you the best price without even being asked!


For our most recent booking (3 x caribbean cruises), we did our research first and then go to the TA with our facts. They were able to actually beat the cruise line prices but not US TAs (which are not available to us anyway). Never have any problem with them trying to sway our decisions or take out their travel insurance. Sometimes we use them for airfares, sometimes not.



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any way its our money that they the TA"S want so why not make them work for it and jump through any hoop we want them too.


How about treating others the way you want to be treated? Do you want your customers to put you through every hoop just because "it's their money"?

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I still think this is all about Exchange Rates embedded within contracts between Companies.


I received an email from P&O UK prior to our departure to the UK - detailing various things that could be purchased before departure . One of these things was an Internet package for 35UKP. Only problem was that the only way you could purchase this package was to call a UK phone number. I emailed back and said I was in Australia and asked how I could purchase without having to phone UK. 2 days later, I received an email from P&O AUS saying "re your enquiry, we can do that for you - please send $99" . I emailed them back and said that it should be around $60 (using exchange rate of that time in Oct 2010) - got a rather short and CURT answer back from P&O AUS saying "we can only do what is in our system!"


So - , the relationship between P&O UK and P&O AUS is a contractual one, and embedded in that contract/agreement is an exchange rate that bears no relation to today's rate. And because it is a contract/agreement, they cannot/will not alter it.



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How about treating others the way you want to be treated? Do you want your customers to put you through every hoop just because "it's their money"?
yes some times we have have to do little things to keep the customers happy just all companies do , but in saying that we are not tring to sale over priced cruise are we.


The hoops ;


best cruise price.

the cabin we want to have

give us as much obc's as they can.

best flights and price.

and If there is any hick ups that should sort it fast.

Gee I do not think thats to many hoops and think that every one would like that not just me.


Love Thied.





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I still think this is all about Exchange Rates embedded within contracts between Companies.


I received an email from P&O UK prior to our departure to the UK - detailing various things that could be purchased before departure . One of these things was an Internet package for 35UKP. Only problem was that the only way you could purchase this package was to call a UK phone number. I emailed back and said I was in Australia and asked how I could purchase without having to phone UK. 2 days later, I received an email from P&O AUS saying "re your enquiry, we can do that for you - please send $99" . I emailed them back and said that it should be around $60 (using exchange rate of that time in Oct 2010) - got a rather short and CURT answer back from P&O AUS saying "we can only do what is in our system!"


So - , the relationship between P&O UK and P&O AUS is a contractual one, and embedded in that contract/agreement is an exchange rate that bears no relation to today's rate. And because it is a contract/agreement, they cannot/will not alter it.



Yes I have found they try to hang on the best exchange rate that is in there favor for as long as they can do so, hance there rate is from oct 2010 and we in feb 2011.


If the exchange rate fell today below oct 2010 there contract would be changed today to the lower rate.

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Aust cheaper than US, says agent

A Sydney travel agent has hit

back at claims that

Australians pay more for

cruises than US or UK



cruise fares, according to Richard Davey,

cruise division manager at ************.

In an exclusive interview with Cruise

Weekly, he said it is an outdated belief that

only American and British passengers have

access to special deals.

“The reverse has often been true lately,

with some cruise sectors on offer to our

market at astonishingly reasonable prices,

sometimes with the sector not even available

at all in other markets,” Davey said.

To prove his claim, Davey compared the

prices offered by local consultants to the

prices listed on a leading US website,

* * *.

He found that in many cases Australian

pricing was 1% to 11% lower.

For example, a 12-night Azamara Club

cruise from Singapore to Dubai worked out

to be $2,828 (twin-share, balcony cabin) if

booked in the US but only $2,510 if booked

in Australia.

A 12-night sailing from Auckland to

Sydney on Celebrity Century was $2,424 in

the US and $2,387 in Australia.

In order to make accurate comparisons,

Davey’s analysis did not include government

fees, taxes and mandatory gratuities, and

US quotes were raised by 3% to allow for

currency conversion costs.

Davey was prompted to undertake the

study following a recent resurgence in letters

to newspaper travel sections, such as Sydney

Morning Herald’s Traveller, asserting that

Australians were routinely denied deals

available to the US or UK market.

“These letters to the editor have tended to

blame the travel agent, who is normally

quoting from what the cruise lines’

Australian offices or local representatives

have offered,” he said.

“Whilst there is no reason to doubt these

readers’ individual experiences, I wrote back

to say that this is in no way a true

representation of the overall current

situation in the Australian market.”

With the Australian dollar at parity with

the American dollar, Davey said cruise lines

and travel agents “cannot hide any longer”.

Davey urged people to support their local

cruise specialist.

“The good ones will know how to make

sure you get the best fare out there,” he


The examples he is quoting are only just a few cruises. It seems like the travel agents here in Australia are not happy! Well it is up to them to stand upto the cruiselines.

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I have noticed the odd cruise price is similar to that of US prices. However, 3 cruises I was booked on with Australian agents:


1. $2000 non refundable deposit (when I booked 11 months out)

2. $1500 non refundable deposit (about 4 months out)

3. $1500 non refundable deposit from 6 months out.


Would still rather book with US agents and get a refund ANY time. A future HAL cruise, I am booked on next March, is not cheaper here in Australia. May-be as the cruises get closer to departure date, cheaper prices are advertised i.e. 2 HAL cruises in the Sunday Herald/Sun were very comparable for later this year in the Med and Baltics.


ALSO, do the Australian agents pass on the lowering price of cruises as US agents do - I don't think so!!!!


Australian agents still have a way to go. I also think that the cruise companies are offering us better prices because the US & European economies have not yet recovered.

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