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All things EARTH...

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Good point Mom!


I'm the type of person that has difficulty with the blank page...I'd much rather edit than create from scratch...I am a creative person...but I find that I channel improvements and editing far easier than pull-it-out-of-the-blue on a regular basis...so I DO consider this wardrobe to be a work in progress...


Meanwhile...I am all about creating two different looks for the same formal dress. I posted on the Post Your Dress thread...and there I got the most SPECTACULAR idea for adding a pin...you'd have to go see the thread there to see that someone has the same dress in black...I have a lovely pin that is in the shape of a multi-ray-ed sun...all golden in color...I tried it out with the dress...and I LOVE the effect...don't know if I LOVE that particular pin...but now I am ALL about the idea of finding a pin...


The big question is WHAT KIND...I have a GORGEOUS multi-strand pearl bracelet that I inherited...and it is FABULOUS (please excuse the superlatives but I am excited about this bracelet and FINALLY having an occasion worthy of wearing it) with the BROWN...oh...so pretty! So, I'm thinking that I would like to find a pearl based brooch for the dress...pearl earrings...just really classy feeling to go with the dress, which I think is rather classic in its simplicity.


For the second look...I'd really like to do something with a scarf/wrap type thing...and maybe another pin to keep the wrap in place...either at the shoulder...OR...to wrap the wrap around the shoulders and then fasten the wrap at the lower back area. In searching for wraps, I stumbled across this site:




OMG...talk about evening accessories! I wonder if anyone else has ever heard of this site? They have EVERYTHING you could possibly want and the prices aren't too high.


So I'm all in a quandary...do I go for a contrasting/complementing kind of color with the brown? OR do I go for brown, but in a different tone...and go for a kind of tone on tone elegance...there was a stone that I thought was GORGEOUS...I can't remember the name any more...I remember it was set with citrine...I have to find it...excuse me...




I think I would have to find the bling and then find a complementing scarf color...maybe I could pick up the citrine color or peridot in the scarf...these are often coupled with smoky quartz...


These are my thoughts and current searchings! TOO fun!!!

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Here is the perfect ring for you:




It's even set in gold!


I have a vintage smoky quartz in a large 60s style setting that borders on vulgar, and I love it. They sometimes market it as smoky topaz, but it is a quartz like amethyst.

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You look BEAUTIFUL in your new formal dress!!! You look so toned and svelte. Way to go girl!


I LOVE your new clothes. You have such a wonderful eye for color and how to put things together. I am so envious.


You deserve a B I G atta girl :D and thanks from all of the fashion challenged people as myself for all of your wonderful teaching!

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Wowsers, Anita! I second everything Kim said.


You do look F I N E in your new formal. I've been reading your ZUMBA thread and stealing recipes. Your great results make me A L M O S T want to begin exercising...no, not really. But I do admire your results.


Now, you need a new avatar. The old picture is definitely dated and soooo not you anymore. I'll say it again -- WOWSERS!!! --Debbie

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Kim, Debbie...Thank you so much for the compliments! You know, I ALMOST didn't buy that dress. I'm so glad Mom talked me into it. :)


So...all this talk about colors...I KNOW this is a really hard thing to understand. I really do. On my end of the equation, the only colors that I was allowing myself to buy were colors that were SERIOUSLY muted...or so OBVIOUSLY Earth...things like the forest/olive/baby poop greens :D ...MUSTARD yellow...RUST...you know the colors that couldn't possibly be ANYONE else...


Now, when we talk about colors like the coral shirt...I would have avoided that shirt...because it just seemed too BRIGHT to be an EARTH color...but this is where we REALLY have to talk definitions...


CLEAR...the quality of a color whereby it appears to be a TRUE color unblemished by any hint of mud, whether by brown or gray.


MUTED...the quality of a color whereby it appears have SHADOW incorporated into the color itself.


BRIGHT...how INTENSE a color is. The opposite could be called DULL or PALE. This is INDEPENDENT of clarity.


I hear my Mom interchange CLEAR and BRIGHT...but really, if you get that into your head, you will have a hard time finding that CLEAR but softer kind of color that you CAN also wear...and I would have had time recognizing that BRIGHTER but still MUTED color that I can wear...





BOTH can wear bright, pale, dark, light, rich, deep, mid-range, intense, dull colors that fall into the proper CLARITY and TEMPERATURE.


And understand that there are no hard and fast rules about color. Technically, it is all relative. We can only really make decisions about the quality of color in relation to other colors. You can hold up two different yellows...if one is more like sunshine and sunflowers, then it is likely warmer than the one that is more like sherbet and lemons. Usually, we do need the comparison to make a definitive judgement.


In the end, clarity will work the same way. It is a spectrum, and the only way that you can truly tell if a color is CLEAR ENOUGH for YOU...is to wear it or hold it up to yourself and decide how you look in it.


Now that coral shirt may have appeared to be a bright shirt...and it looked OKAY on Mom...it definitely wasn't the worst...BUT...when she held it up to me...it looked WAY BETTER on me...so it feel into that gray area of "close, but no cigar" on Mom...and she has decided that she wants nothing but FABULOUS in her closet...and she could lose a jersey knit shirt...


I don't know that there is a picture of Mom in the coral shirt to compare, but here's me:




So, yeah, it's kind of a bright shirt...but it is still in the muted range of clarity...and if I take a picture of everything I own in this general color range...that shirt blends right in...




By comparison...If I try to wear a FIRE color?...the only FIRE orange/coral color I have is an exercise bra...you can see that even with such a small garment the SHIRT is the total focus of the picture...and my skin looks...well...it looks GRAY in the way that EARTH looks gray...whereas a FIRE loses all color, an EARTH looks oversaturated with color...a weird unhealthy looking darker monotone color...regardless...I hope you can see that in the right picture...I am NOT the focus of the picture...the shirt is...and in the left picture...I look so much more healthy...and I am definitely the focus of the photo.



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I've been following your posts and I'm starting to get the hang of the color thing, though I still don't really know which family I am in yet. I am going to see if Curt is still doing the consultations and see if I can get a consult as I seriously can't figure out if I'm truly an Earth or not...


You look fabulous in the coral shirt but the orangey one definitely wears you. I see what you mean about the skin color changing in the wrong color tone. I think I need to do some serious revamping of my wardrobe. :)

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These boards are making me crazy!! Anyone else having troubles?


ANYWAY...I feel like we are having multiple conversations all at once...


It struck me that my "summer color" (I have a very SLIGHT tan) in the most recent photos above wasn't quite telling the story as well to someone who didn't really know how to see what I was seeing...so I went back into the archives to find my "winter color" so that the effect would be more obvious.


Here was have posted three photos...the far left is a FIRE coral/orange...the middle is an EARTH red...the right is an ICE green. In the FIRE and ICE colors...my skin is GRAY...it is NOT completely drained of color...unlike the Fire ladies would lost all skin color...just as we are opposites on the clarity spectrum...so is the gray response...and MY gray can be likened to an unnatural DARKNESS instead of color DRAIN...it isn't really a tan...it's EARTH GRAY SKIN. :eek: It's an overload of color reflected onto the face...


By contrast...all my natural skin color shines through in the EARTH red.




There is another thing to point out in these photos...it can help with our conversation about Kim's Greens...


I look at these photos and the Ice green on me looks like one of those bad photoshopped color changes when you shop on the internet...click on the swatch to see what the shirt looks like in a different color...that shirt feels kind of painted onto me, it so doesn't "go" with me...I get that same feeling on A2 in Kim's Greens...it's like that shirt color was painted onto her; it doesn't go...I don't really get that feeling with any of the other greens though...

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I'm going to post all my photos over here...it makes sense to me to do that...and if I can inspire any other EARTH ladies to join in our fun...well...I would enjoy that for sure.


So...just in case you AREN'T reading the FIRE thread also...we are in the process of having a virtual slumber party. We are all going through our closets and creating single-color color parties...we hope to weed out any party crashes in our wardrobes...


Also...we are taking pictures of ourselves to determine the BEST of EACH color...and then we are going to have the BEST of the BEST at the end to determine what is OUR BEST overall color. :D


It does sound like work, eh?


But fun work!


We begin with GREEN.


So here is my updated GREEN color party. I have two shirts that I have been going back and forth on. And I am pretty sure that this process has enabled me to weed them out. Finally. Once and for all. I really like one of these shirts...so if I wasn't going to already max out my picture count for this post...I would insert a big huge sad face...*sigh*.




Here is the color party:




I rearranged a bit to see if the same two shirts stuck out to me:




I removed the two offenders and voila!:




One more rearrangement for fun:




So this looks like a pretty cohesive grouping to me...and I think that I don't have any repeats. Every green feels unique in the photo to me. Which I think is pretty great actually. There are some that are similar, of course, but I'm happy to see that I have some variety.


Up next...the fashion show.

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So. I have a lot of GREEN. I think the two I took out of the color party are AIR. I will hold off on any other opinions. UM...if this is TOO MUCH all at once...please offer suggestions on how to do this differently. Green is my biggest color, so this would be the biggest collage. I think.


Maybe the hair is distracting? Since it isn't the same in all the pictures? Speak freely!



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I definitely have my FAVs, but I'm going to have to look a bit closer before I can comment.


I'm taking an intermission from my service repair. So, I just took a quick look to see if there were any pictures... and... SCORE. But, again, I need to look more closely to make appropriate comments.


But, just to say.... great job! Not too many pictures at all.

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So. I have a lot of GREEN. I think the two I took out of the color party are AIR. I will hold off on any other opinions. UM...if this is TOO MUCH all at once...please offer suggestions on how to do this differently. Green is my biggest color, so this would be the biggest collage. I think.


Maybe the hair is distracting? Since it isn't the same in all the pictures? Speak freely!




Thanks for posting, Anita. I like the way you've given us the pictures with the initial color party and the improved color party and then posted the pictures of yourself. This makes sense to me. DEFINITELY not too many pictures. The hair isn't distracting, but the newly installed filters on my system causes my big computer screen to show a nice red X box instead of the pics. So, I'm looking at the much small version on my iPhone and it's not the best for making such grave decisions. ;)


There are definitely a few standouts both WOW and "ok, I guess" and I guess what I'm most surprised about is that you look good, better and best in the photos knowing that they ARE all in your Happy Color Party. I didn't realize this would happen. See I'm learning already.


I'll try to get back to you as soon as I have more time to devote to this, but for now: I think A-1 and/or B-1 may be my favorites for you. Is one of them your favorite? I'm trying to see what you and Pam see when looking for skin tone and hair. The ones that jump out to me as being "just ok, I guess" might be B-3 and C-4 and maybe B-4? Is B-1 and B-2 the same top? What is it about A-4, B-2 and C-2 and maybe C-3 that cause them to look darker? See I have more questions than opinions. :)


I'll stop now and let someone with a better eye than I have continue. It's perfectly ok with me if you wait until receiving other opinions before answering my questions. I don't want to sway anyone's opinion because of the answers you'll have for me. After you've gotten feedback, please let us know how you scored each picture and why. Ok? Thanks --Debbie

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Is B-1 and B-2 the same top?


No. If you look at the LAST color party picture, the upper two right shirts are B1 and B2. B1 is the one on the far upper right. B2 is just to the left of B1 in that color party photo.


Waiting to respond to other comments until more posts come. I don't want to influence anyone's opinion with my own. :)

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I am sooooo excited. I took the time to look closely at all the pictures and realized that I didn't like B-3 and C-4 and now I know why!!! I looked really closely this time around and WHAM!!! Ton of bricks.....DUH!!


I couldn't believe I figured it out. I feel so much better. Thanks, Anita.


I'm waiting for more opinions again and now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. --Debbie

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Gotta run to my grilling class tonight. It's the last one in the 3-part Bobby Flay series. OMG. Tonight is going to be good! Chili Cheeseburger sliders, Grilled Peaches with creme fraiche, Grilled Potato Salad! But... I digress....


There is "something," "something" going on with those redo picture tops. I can't quite figure it out. I'll come back and depending on the time that I have I'll see if I can ponder those a bit more and express some opinions.


This IS fun.

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OOOoooo...can't wait to hear about tonight's class!


Since I know how scientific and logical you are...I have submitted more photos for your studying pleasure. :D


To fill in everyone else...I tried taking a quick series of photos on Saturday morning before a day filled with tennis...the only way I could do this was to be up in my room, where the light isn't ideal...and I pulled one of my bed curtains wide (pure white background) and faced a window...and quickly snapped pictures. I told Mom...OMG...they all came out so HORRIBLE...if I didn't KNOW I was really an Earth, I'd have been seriously confused. There was something about the light...the background...the windows...the photos taken alone were rather, um, misleading...but now that I revisit them in light of the "questionable" shirts...I think a different story is told...I have to say...I don't know that I can take a bad photo is the one shirt...it is SO my color...I'm not saying it's the best green, but it is just very obviously my color to me. Here are the same 4 shirts against the white:




And here you go...when I took the retakes, I also took these photos at the same time:




Please note...I am NOT trying to be confusing...I just know my Mom...and possibly my Dad...and I can picture them sitting there staring at the photos...and I know that logical, scientific people want as much data as possible to explore their theories and ideas...IF the data would be helpful. So I offer these photos, set up in the same way...so that you can see if you can observe or identify the EFFECT that the color has...because one photo for certain colors doesn't seem to be enough to tell the story.

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The pictures and retakes are FAB! I'm off all day tomorrow (after I volunteer at the thrift store). I'm going to do a lil' studying after that and respond. This is a ton of fun!!!!


Thanks for all of your pictures :D

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Kim...Yay for a day off! Have fun looking at all the pictures. And post when you can.


I'm trying to hold off on too much personal commentary so that everyone can explore the idea of studying the effect of color. Because taking photos that accurately represent color is very difficult. Having all these photos to study the EFFECT of color is going to be more helpful than trying to get a handle on the individual colors themselves.


I bet we are going to get better at this as we go along!

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OH! Ladies...*sigh*...I'm putting away laundry...it's been in various locations all around the house including on top of the dryer, on top of a table, on the trunk at the foot of the bed, on/in randomly dispersed laundry baskets...all over the house...can I just say that I REALLY miss my laundromat?...it was so much EASIER to just get it ALL done in one fell swoop than the piece meal day by day business...I digress...


I found 3 more green shirts...:p:rolleyes:


Two are so similar in color to what is already pictured...one is pretty different. I think I'll wait to deal with this though.


Kim? How is your day off? Hope you are enjoying yourself...and possibly working on taking pictures? :D


Regardless of commentary on the retake pictures...I think that the 3 shirts that required retakes could be eliminated from the running for the BEST. I would like to hear everyone's top three, if possible. And then, I can chime in on the fit and style of the shirt and/or the possibility for outfit potential to pick what I will call the best green for me. I think in the end, this is the best way for all of us to end up with a BEST for each color.


Do you agree?

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Well, here's my vote:


Wardrobe malfunction for A4, B3, B4, C2, C4.


Reason: I do not like the affect that these colors have on your skin tone.


Analysis: ???

Here's where I don't really know why. I think that we'll have to have more discussion when Debbie and Kim vote. Debbie has already voted against B3 and C4 and her reasoning is that the colors are actually a temperature problem; i.e., those greens are cool. So, the only consensus we have, so far, are Debbie and me being in agreement on the B3 and C4 tops. I could be persuaded that those greens are cool, as well.


So, moving along to the Best of the Rest. This is actually a little more difficult for me.


Anita, the collage pictures were too small for me. I had to pull them onto my computer and then open up the collage in a software program that would allow me to increase the size by 200%.


I'm going to have to grab that edited collage... because I think those are definitely EARTH colors and you look fabulous in all the pictures... I'll have to increase the size so I can look closely and then vote on my FAVs.


Edit: Ok, I had edit time again. Weird that I keep posting at the same time as Anita! Anyway, I believe that the methodology that you describe for picking out the BEST would work really well. And, I would add that when we get to that point, I think it would be great fun to accessorize the best pictures and see what would really work with the color family that we're analyzing... what do you think? Just elevate this fun to another level?


Where, oh where, are Kim and Debbie? Oh, where oh where can they be? Where or where have Kim and Debbie gone? Oh, where oh where are they?

"sung to the little dog song"....


And, sorry dudette, but I think we need to see the "found" green top that is different and might be in the running for the best of the best. I'm just saying....

Edited by Member123
because I just can't stop talking...
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