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All things EARTH...

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Ugh! I did it again...I typed up this long post and for whatever reason it went...Piff! and disappeared. Why? I have no clue. So I'll shorten what I said.




My appetizers were:


A small cheese plate (2 cheeses, grapes, pear slices, crackers)


A small crudites plate w/some humus and pita chips


I also made stuffed mushrooms because the DS and DH love them.


I had my niece make up a batch of Candy Cane Martinis from a recipe I had gotten off of Pinterest and everyone that had one loved it! They were so cute as I served them with a small candy cane hanging off the rim of the martini glass. Two of my martini glasses were broken that night! LOL! I broke one and the DS broke the other one handing it to his cousin. They were vintage...but who cares...we had fun.


Along with my roast for dinner I served the following:


Mashed potatoes (because our best friend eats glutton-free)


Mac N Cheese (because our niece and the DS love my Mac N Cheese)


Haricot Verts (French green beans...because I love them...I mix them up with a little lemon oil...yum)


Fresh, hot dinner rolls


A very good red wine was the drink of choice


For Dessert I served:


I used my beloved MIL's recipe for fresh-baked Apple Pie (it's to die for and everyone loves it when I bake one).


Almond Paste Cookies with Pignoli (pine nuts). Again, it's one of my deceased MIL's recipe and well-loved my all.


Vanilla Ice Cream and I also had some Coffee Gelato (one of my best friend's favorite glutton-free desserts).


Assorted Chocolates




Now it's time for New Years Eve!


We are taking the DS to the races at Santa Anita during the day as he's never been before. He's excited about it! I'm not excited about the idea that he's going to be partying New Years Eve night with his frat brothers. I'll not get any sleep until I hear from him on New Years Day!


On New Years Day we will be attending our friend's annual New Years Day party. All of our group of friends (about 14 of us who have been friends for over 30 years)...the "Farkels"...as we call ourselves, will be there. Except for one Farkel who lives in FL and won't be with us. But we'll Skype her in. LOL!


I wish everyone the best in the coming New Year. Love, Peace, Happiness, and Good Health to all!!!

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Melody - what a gorgeous picture!

mousey - yum and more yum.


Happy New Year everyone!


We always spend NYE with the same four couples who we've been friends with forever... it started as the boys poker gang and expanded as we all married (DH and I were the trailblazers). We dress nice, drink champagne, and watch the ball drop on TV. We can hear the fireworks in Central Park and see them if we stick our heads out the windows. :) Our hostess is a wonderful cook, and we always bring some fine chocolates and a good bottle of scotch. We stay up waaay too late and we don't care!


Do you make resolutions? I don't really, but I have plans for 2015 that I've put off way to long. Something is always coming up to derail things. 1. Learn to Skype -- but I did that already for the first time on Sunday, it was fun! 2. renovate my crappy bathroom (pardon the pun). 3. finish an article I'm writing for possible publication so I can hopefully get a presentation spot at our annual conference in 2016. And finally, 4. finish my graduate degree. That's a biggy because of the time commitment. Also the money, because it looks like DH is going to lose his job shortly.


Who was it who was recently cruising, and went to Roatan? We'll be there for the first time in March. Would love to hear about it.


Melody, experienced traveler that you are, we'd love to hear about your packing plans. I would guess you have some mad skills in that arena, yes?


I just booked two of our three port excursions today. Nachi Cocom in Coz and a private snorkel to Hol Chan in Belize. Thinking of trying Infinity Bay in Roatan. We're trying to figure out what to do with our day in Houston... DH wants to go to the rodeo, and I want to go to the ballet. Is there actually a compromise between those two things?!? I can't imagine what it would be.


On the fashion front, I picked up some super cheap workout clothes at Old Navy yesterday, lots of teal, my fave color. I'm always happy to pay $5 for something I'm just going to sweat in. I'm a classic NY shopper, always looking for a bargain. You know I've been in love with this Ralph Lauren shirt since I saw it last fall, but I wouldn't pay $90 for it. So happy I found it in Michigan for $23. Yes!


Looking forward to seeing if Pam has any photos to share on the FIRE thread. It's quiet over there without her! Welcome home!

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MJC, we just came back from Roatan. Wasn't impressed, I think that's a port where you have to do an excursion of some kind & we didn't. I actually felt very uncomfortable leaving the port area. We were approached by a little girl (5-6) that kept patting the guys (like trying to get their attention) until I noticed a razor blade taped to her palm & shooed her away. DH said it reminded him of Saigon in the 60-70s. We did Nachi Cocum in Cozumel & had the best time, try the grilled grouper, OMG! Did Lamani Ruins in Belize, that was amazing, very wet, but wonderful.


I packed better when traveling for work (did carryon only for up to 3 weeks, scarfs are your friend (& hotel laundry & dry cleaning. The guys I worked with loved to travel with me, I packed light & I'd always drive). Now that I travel only for pleasure I've bulked up a bit (always check a bag, sometimes 2).


I tend to pick a color scheme dependent on where I'm traveling, Caribbean will always include white, Boston will always include black (sorry [emoji6]) & major splashes of at least two colors. I use dry cleaner bags to alleviate wrinkling (also helps if weather doesn't cooperate to keep clothes dry); don't stuff bags (or leave them too empty); & fold outfits together so I can have a prearranged outfit without searching for one piece or another (including jewelry statement necklaces). I'm thinking about the packing cubes for storing on the Celebrity Solstice class ships (those overhead storage units drive me insane!). Wouldn't call me an expert, DH is the packing expert when it comes to his dress shirts (his never wrinkle!) & suit/tux.





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Happy New Year, everyone! It's been sooo busy the past few weeks. As much as I look forward to the holidays, it's good to be able to relax now.


I'm not really one for making resolutions, in the sense that that I don't wait for a new year to begin. Pretty much, if I know I need to do something, I try hard to simply do it, whenever that may be.


I mentioned to my husband that I really wanted to wash the glassware. We have this area between the family room and kitchen where there are a few upper cabinets with glass doors. The glass doors are on both sides - kitchen and family room. We keep a lot of glasses that belonged to my my mom and his mom in there. Some stuff gets used a lot, some just a little, and some not at all because we are afraid we will break it. Anyway, I usually take everything out a few times a year and wash it all, clean the shelves, and put it back. I was over due, and decided to do that today.


Anyway, we got to talking quite a bit about what we want to get done. We haven't done what we've wanted in the house, partly because we've been trying to get our garage finished up. It's getting there, but we are now organizing a list of what else we need to do. It's quite a list! But that comes along with having a house built in the 50s that was pretty much untouched until we started working on it about 8 years ago. We've done so much, but I really want to get certain things done.


I am going to start planning out excursions for my cruise soon. The airfare is booked, and the hotel is as well. We are looking forward to this cruise although I've been pretty frustrated over the airlines and transfers. Long story short, it is easier to plan a trip in Florida where there are frequent flights!


Someone mentioned on another thread that the San Francisco area has 4 microclimates and that you need to dress in layers. You never know what kind of temps you will have there.


What kind of plans do each of you have coming up?

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We used to live just outside of San Francisco, the 4 microclimates are definitely correct. Great city, comfortable walking shoes & an all weather jacket (with hood) are musts.


I know what you mean about things in the house, ours was also built in the 50s & not much was done till we bought it. We've decided to redo a bathroom, but are waiting to see if a pipe (between house & street) is going to burst (we know it's coming, but not where or when, grrrrr) before we put out the expense, sigh, there goes a cruise.


We're 60 days out from a 14 night Caribbean cruise, can't wait! We've been below zero & snow since Christmas. I started arranging outfits (after I washed all of my grandmother's, mother's & my crystal) this afternoon...like minds.



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How funny is it that we were doing the same thing?? I really love all this stuff...we use quite a bit of it. But there a few things that go back farther than just our parents or their parents...it's crystal and rather dainty.


I have some Fenton as well. Mostly little candy dishes and the like.


A 14 day cruise sounds heavenly. I started with a 5 day cruise for my first ever on Explorer. The 2nd cruise was also a 5 day. The next was a 4 day. We then went to a 7 day, then a 3, then a 7, and the last one was for 4 days! The next one is 6 days. I have pointed out 8 and 10 day cruises to my husband, but he is hesitant. I think he wouldn't mind if there was a holiday thrown in there where we weren't taking as many days off from work. I have more vacation time beginning this year, but it will be a few more years before he gets more time.


I am thinking I may use the extra time this year for odds and ends. For example, we plan to build a closet in the mud room and want it to have an organizer in it so that it is multipurpose. It will be quite large, as we have a big mudroom. I am thinking that I can take a day or two to get the room and trim all painted afterward, then put things away in it.


My husband and I have always been fond of custom moulding. We were at a Parade of Homes one year and he took some pictures. We realized when we examined it closely that you can go to your local hardware store, and put two, three or four different mouldings together for that look, which is what the fancy builders were doing. He's done a great job downstairs, and we have some to finish up on the second floor. Once that is done, I could always take a vacation day and get the whole hall finished up...


I enjoy doing these things, but cruises are more fun! Where are you heading to? I think you've mentioned it before, but I've forgotten, sorry. When I don't post frequently, I get behind quickly.

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Funny thing ! I looked at my hutch & decided I really needed to clean the glassware & get rid of some items . I really want to downsize so this year my goal is to go through all the closets and weed out .My SO will probably have total knee surgery in march so most of our plans our on hold but I may put a deposit on a cruise to Quebec for September .We had a nice New Years . We went to a seafood restaurant close to our house & ate & talked with some of our friends . Today has been a slow day . Gary watched football & I did odds & ends in my Pj's . Yesterday I made black bean soup from my ham bone .Gary loved it . Our weather has been in the 70's ! I remember when I lived in new Jersey I was always ready to escape the winter but living here we don't get winter so vacation to me is traveling somewhere new .

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-2 & snowing here. Made American Chop Suey, so good, but so much leftover! Laurie. We're going Aruba, Curaçao, Grenada, Barbados, St Lucia, Antigua, St Kitts & St Maarten on Celebrity Eclipse. Some of my crystal dates back to the Mayflower along with Limoges China from 1875 (complete set for 12 with all serving pieces) that I wash at least twice a year. Melody



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Just to add to the coincidences, tomorrow I am doing my own crystal cleaning project. Once a year I take apart our chandelier and hand-clean all the crystals, and put it back together again. It's a perfect winter day project. While I'm doing that, DH will do some office de-cluttering (mostly shredding) and start organizing our tax paperwork.


Winter weekends are also when I work on our photo albums, and since I'm several trips behind, I'm looking forward to doing them. I use My Publisher, and I like to make my own backgrounds by scanning different papers and textures to use.


Here are some odds and ends from my fashion file. I have more to scan, so hopefully I'll get to them this weekend. This fall and winter have been good for EARTH colors. I don't know how spring 2015 will be, but generally I think that's the most difficult season for us.


LL Bean sweater in Cinnamon:





Some cool Jimmy Choo shades:




Philip Lim jacket:




Valentino skirt:




Love these Takahashi pants:




Awesome mix of textures in this outfit from Chicos:



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That Chicos outfit is taupe, BTW. On my monitor it looks gray, but it's not.


Here are some interesting accessories.






Brahmin again:








Ralph Lauren:




Pretty necklace by Bicego. You know, I've noticed that I don't wear long necklaces much. They swing around and bang into stuff at work, and I only have a few casual tops that work with them. Still, I'm attracted to the pretty ones:




Love the color of these Dries Van Noten shoes:





I just got invited to the ballet tonight! How fun! What should I wear?

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Happy New Year everyone!


We had a lovely holiday. Mom and Dad stayed with us. We also were puppy sitting for my SIL and her DH. Otis is a white blonde Labrador retriever...very sweet...some training. We had a blonde Lab when I lived at home and so it was a time for us to remember our Callaway fondly and enjoy the temporary company of another Lab that also had that smart, aim-to-please, and mischievous character.


We celebrated Dad's birthday. Christmas. And DH's birthday while they were here.


We never decorated any of the Christmas trees. :eek: And I didn't unpack any other decorations for the house. It was fine. The house was still festive because I had a lot of greenery and lights all over.


We were very lazy. We didn't even wrap our gifts for each other. We used grocery bags! Ah well. I do have some wrapping paper and ribbon for next year. My new theme will be from favorite things. I have paper that looks like stamped brown paper and string like ribbon. Next year...we might enjoy wrapped presents under the tree for a while before Christmas.


We talked a lot about our intentions in the new year. I'm very eager to finish the unpacking and organizing of this house. It will lay the ground work for many other things that I hope to accomplish in terms of better time and home management.


I've determined to make myself a priority this year. I recognize some patterns of behavior that I have that I want to change. I need to find the time to write my thoughts and really get them solidified.


Meanwhile...the countdown for all that cruising in April marches on.


I have several things that I am researching and planning related to cruise wear...that translates into some shopping and some sewing. I am going to make myself a hip belt that is inspired by this:




I want to make one out of typical cami/tank shirt fabric...a jersey knit. I think it will look like wearing layered clothing. It will be the best pocket for the sea card and also, I might try to figure out a specific pocket for my camera, as well. As these were the two items that I did have to carry a couple times on our last cruise.


I trying to plan for the different swim suit cover ups that I want.


1. Zippered long sleeved rash guard for actual coverage when needed.


2. A quick somethin' somethin' so that I can walk down to the bathroom at the pool area and cover my lower half so that I don't have to worry about coverage there and too much public suit adjustment.


3. A more coverage kind of thing that would be suitable for walking around, either to and from the ship, to and from the cabin, into the buffet, etc.


I'm also on the lookout for shoes that will function well enough for formal night, as well as any other night in the MDR. I'm not interested in wearing heels. I'm dealing with plantar fasciitis and it isn't fun at all. I do believe that tight calves are my main issue. I've managed to find a way to manage it, but I will be embarking on a major campaign to rid myself of this problem and so, wearing any shoe that contracts my calves is OUT.


I am debating a shoe like this:




I wore ballet shoes with my wedding dress. The soft kind, not point shoes. This shoe reminds me of that idea. I think that I could doctor these shoes by adding beadwork etc. to the elastic across the feet and possibly around the edge of the shoe and maybe all over that panel that covers the heel.


And then, I have to be honest...I was thinking about these shoes and I was remembering a pair of Isotoner slippers that I used to own. And I thought that it might be easier to get a pair of those and doctor those up because they would be stretchy fabric and more resembling ballet flats. And THEN, because that seems like such an easy thing to make, I am seriously thinking about making my own ship slippers...because there isn't really an "outside" on board ship.


I have issues with shoes because of the shape of my foot. I can't wear normal flats, especially ballet flats...I need to go more loafer like?...strappy sandals have major issues because my feet swell...so seriously...I am thinking about designing a non-slip stretch fabric based slipper with decent cushioning and arch support and some details that will dress up the slippers.


It's all in my head right now but the experiments will begin soon. My sewing room is finally set up. I have finally finished Kim's first skirt. Crazy, huh? I am much better prepared now to work on projects...and this is something that I am so excited to do...because I find great satisfaction in doing them.


That was one thing we did get done...alterations to several of Mom's skirts. I've made her several over the years...we have finally figured out what fullness, length, waistband style are the best...and we took care of them. You'll have to ask her to share...she took them home.


I do have two here still. We are going to experiment with a new style that is more suitable for the stiffness of the fabric. Mom saw the waistband of Kim's skirt and thought it was very nice and would be flattering (it is, I saw it on Kim in pictures she sent me) and so we are going to see if we can't do a pencil skirt with a nice wide yoke style waistband. Should be fun to do.


My niece's birthday was Dec 30. She turned 12. She has expressed a desire to stop biting and otherwise fiddling with her nails...so I made a "nail kit" for her. The boy's in the family are doing a LAN party at my one SIL's house and the girls are going over to my other SIL's house (mom to my niece) and we are going to do manicures...and I'm going to show my niece how to use all the stuff I gave her. I got her fun colors, mostly purple or purple based, because that's her fav. Mom gave me some awesome purples for Christmas too...Laurie, I have that Skating on Thin Iceland now...it is AWESOME, I love it.


So manis tomorrow night. I need to get back to my nails...they are a mess right now.


So much typing!!


Hope everyone is doing well.

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Anita, my nails are a disaster right now. They break as soon as they grow a little. Winter is really hard on my nails. I'm just trying to keep them presentable right now, so they are neat but unpolished.


The weather here this week has been very cold. There has been a little snow here and there, but most of the bad stuff has missed us completely.


It sounds like you had a fun, relaxing Christmas. I try to balance out the work with the fun. I mean, what fun is rushing around morning til night every day? So, I have streamlined a lot of what I do over the past few years so that I can enjoy things at a better pace. There are still lots of cookies and cooking going on, but because I've simplified, when we have 15-20 people in the house, I can still be in the thick of things instead of running to and from the stove.


Anita, do you have a serger? Do you work much with knits?


I don't sew much when it comes to attire, because I'm not really thrilled with the fabric selection at Joann Fabrics, and it isn't really close by. When the kids were little, we had a store near us and there were lots of options. I made a large amount of clothes for them.


I have these jeans I just bought, and they are a little long. But I think the fabric may be much too heavy for my sewing machine. I'm not certain if I will hem them, or bring them to my favorite seamstress. There are a lot of things I will do myself, but when it becomes more complicated, I will bring things to her.


I'm already off to a good start this year with odds and ends, and organizing what I want to get done. This is not something unique to the new year for me, as I do it periodically throughout the year. Winter will sometimes keep me home more, so I can research things a bit better.


We did make a stop not long ago at Fabric Mill, which is a fabric store, but home decorator fabrics. We are going to have two old chairs recovered that belonged to my husband's mother. I may make some nicer drapes, depending on if the fabric is light enough for me to work with. I know I can definitely make some pillows. We'll see!

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I do have a serger. I haven't worked a lot with knits...but I have worked with them. So easy to do with the serger.


If you want to sew the denim yourself...you need a denim needle for your machine. There are several specialty needles available and denim is just one. It has a thicker shaft on the needle to deal with the heavier weight of denim. Also, you can get denim thread. They sell the typical colors that are used...a blue, of course, but also that gold color and white. The thread is more stout to also withstand the abuse of being threaded through that material and more able to hold it together.


I doubt your machine itself would have problems. The hardest part might possibly be dealing with the size of the leg opening. Also I would do a trial to see if you like the look of the top stitching (the thread through the needle) better than the under stitching (the thread from the bobbin). This might decide if you want the inside or the outside of the leg to be facing up when you sew so that the side that you like the look of best is the one that shows on the outside.


I'm hoping to get more and more into my sewing. I've had issues with our frequent moves being able to do projects that I have planned for myself. There have been times when I haven't unpacked any of my sewing related boxes. My goal is to get through the back log of purchased fabric. I did thin out my fabric before moving to Georgia...I gave a lot of it away. I do have quite a bit though...


I still have many thoughts regarding my wardrobe. I'm hoping that I will be able to get so into all the sewing and knowledgeable enough regarding fabrics, etc., that I will be able to get into mail order for fabric. I watch Project Runway and I dream of shopping at Mood or a similar establishment...but stores that cater to fashion fabric seem to be few and far between. I agree that the selection at JoAnns is really sad. Mood will do samples...I think this would be great fun to do, but I've made a promise to myself that I won't buy any new fabric for any new project. I must get through what I already own...by either sewing it or giving it away if I don't want it anymore. I think I want it all though. I did a good job weeding out the unwanted fabrics 2 years ago.


I do also have house projects that I would like to do too. Things like table cloths, window coverings, pillow covers... We bought a bar height round table for our breakfast nook for this house. It's a large circle, I think it's 52"? I don't want to fully cover the table because it's pretty...but I'm tired of the way that the few placemats I have work because the table is round and the placemats are rectangles. So I want to make a donut shaped table cover. I'm thinking that I'll put an edge on it similar to a fitted sheet so that it will stay put...the legs will clearing be seen, the cloth won't be hanging at all, and you will be able to see the middle of the table and the pretty wood.


I have many projects like this in mind. Very customized things that I want...I do like my projects so I'm looking forward to working on them. My world rarely has anything that feels accomplished...things get done but they don't stay done...I realized that the sewing projects satisfy that desire to accomplish something for real. Not just temporarily. KWIM? Housework is generally, really repetitive.


Organizing is a constant for me as well. This may seem so crazy to other people...but the way my mind works...I have 4 years to prepare for the next move. (Hopefully...hopefully something won't happen to derail this current train...). And so I do have a timeline for getting things settled and gone through. Finish the projects. Lighten the load. Love what we have. Get rid of what we don't. Improve, repair, refinish, reupholster, etc various furniture items. I'm hoping that I can get fully settled this year so that I have time to do some projects that I've been wanting to do before we move again. And some time to enjoy being settled before we have to pick up and move again.


And don't get me wrong...I'm not wishing the next 4 years away because that is when DS will likely be leaving home and going off to college...but I am very much looking forward to the next move. I can't wait!!! But I can. This next move is going to be the best one yet.


Time passes fast...this thread is almost 4 years old.

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Laurie on your nails, sounds like they need more moisture. A cuticle oil massaged in every night really helps. Also, Biotin (in the vitamin aisle) really improves the health of hair & nails.


Anita, we were military & moved every 2-3 years for 22 years (of course, there was the memorable year that we moved 3 times...). I actually miss moving every few years, I wouldn't accumulate so much "stuff"!!!! I also have a round table & found round placemats at Bed, a Bath & Beyond.


I just bought (see, accumulating again [emoji6]), a beautiful fushcia satin tank & jacket with black lace on the sides at Dillard's. I've been looking at it for awhile, but refused to buy it at $150. Went in today & they had one left, my size & it was $30! It will go with me in March. We have 3 formal nights & I only had 2 outfits I was happy with (that everyone we travel with hadn't already seen numerous times). DH said, that's pretty, I like you in the jewel colors (he's learning so well [emoji7]). I'll try to get a picture of it soon.



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I guess a good question to ask is, what would you all consider as accumulation of things?


That probably sounds silly. I have a few things I can count on my fingers from my mom and dad, so I keep those. For that reason, my husband also keeps very special things from his mom and dad.


But you know, I have this antique Arm and Hammer wooden box that I use for magazines. The theory is that it is okay to keep it 2/3rds full. Once it starts to go above that, then the older magazines have to go. That's it. If it's in the kitchen, I use it, I don't really have 100 storage containers or anything goofy like that.


As to collections, I have my Lenox Winter Greetings Christmas plates, and my husband bought me some serving items to go with it his year. We do have his mom's good china (it's white, with a silver rim) but we do use all of those. I have under 10 Fenton items. Then there is all that neat glassware and crystal...


Now, his parents....well, we have thrown out A LOT. And I mean a lot! At one time, we had a small dumpster we rented in the driveway to get rid of loads of junky stuff his parents kept. There were many years worth of magazines that we recycled each week until they were gone.


With all that said, I do understand what you mean about fabric. At one point when I hadn't sewn in quite some time, I realized I had a lot of kid's fabrics. I donated them because my girls were too old for them. These days, I'm not likely to buy something I haven't already decided to use. Things are just too expensive, you know?


I do feel we need to declutter more. It is slowly taking place. When it was just me and my girls after I divorced, I could walk into a room, look around, and immediately pare down and get rid of things I didn't need. With Brian, it's a bit different, in that I can do that with things that are mine personally such as clothes, but with everything else, we decide together. I'm still not used to just going online and ordering some new towels, for example. Just like I may like something, there may be something he likes. It's not about needing permission, but rather, respecting that we're a team and make decisions together.


I spent a little time today looking at formal wear. Just because. :-) You know what is hard? Feeling that formal nights are not as formal as they once were, and that sometimes I feel a bit overdressed. My new red dress is going to be so perfect, because it's classy and subdued, but I can add my own touch with jewelry. I don't think I ever posted the necklace I got for that? I'll have to take a picture.


I found this gold sequin Ralph Lauren dress that I really like, but it would probably be too much for cruises these days...it's also a bit light in color for me.


What I could use to look at is more casual dresses. When you think of the different pictures I post, most dresses are either formal or semi formal. I have a few "double duty" dresses that are smart casual or work like. Then I have about 3 or 4 dresses that are casual.


Melody, I think you mentioned not wanting to always wear the same exact things on formal night. I have a few different dresses now to rotate. Some are long, some are short. I'd like to do the same on casual nights. My choice is dresses.


I will have to try those ideas for for my nails. They've been quite a hassle since I developed hypothyroidism. Being 49, I'm going through all the usual body changes too, so I think that may play a role as well. Do you agree?


In my adult life, there was my first apartment that I lived in for 3 years, then my first home I lived in for 16 years, and then where I am now for the last 9 or so years. It would seem so hard for me to move the way both you, Anita and Melody, have. Anita, do you know for sure you will be moving in 4 years, or does it vary?


Wow, you son is just 4 years away from college...Time flies, especially when it starts getting closer. Mousey can tell you that.


On completely another note, we decided to go to dinner on New Year's Day since all four of us were home at the same time. That doesn't happen very often. All the laughter and talking was just so wonderful. We had such a good time.

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I guess a good question to ask is, what would you all consider as accumulation of things?


I have enough wine glasses to entertain at least fifty people . That is an abundance & this year I am going to tackle it . We are getting ready to downsize .We really need a one story house without a pool and all the maintenance .Hopefully in the next year or two we will get that done .

Formal nights go through cycles . When I first started cruising twenty nine years ago you saw very few long gowns but lots of tuxes now I see women in gowns but guys more casual . I really think formal night will be optional in a few years . Our last cruise we skipped it . The first time ever !I think my SO was shocked when I agreed to skip it but we just were not in the mood .

Anita & Melody I give you a lot of credit . I could never move so frequently .

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You know what's funny? I don't have enough regular wine glasses. I had a lot from fundraisers with logos, but I'm getting rid of a bunch since I'd rather have some without wording for family gatherings.


I just really, really like things to match!! I'm very much thinking about my cruise. I wish I had a better grip on what to wear.



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I've gotten rid of all my logo glasses & actually had room in the cabinet to get some nice stemless crystal (I find I don't break it as easily & it doesn't tip over as easily).


Funny on formal nights. DH took a black suit last spring & a tux in Nov. he said he felt better in the tux. I'm not complaining, he looks great in the tux & it has its own bag (becomes his carryon). I'm looking for a white dinner jacket for him (we have 3 formal nights in March)



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I'm seeing so much common ground here. I didn't think about stemless, but those would work great! I think the only catch is that I use charms on stemware do that we don't all get our glasses mixed up.


I really love formal nights. I'll post pictures later of the dresses I think I'm bringing.



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My nails were so horrible. All dried out. Cuticles absolutely a mess. Cracking cuticles... So I got together with my SIL and her DD...my DN that I bought all the nail care/polish stuff for a Christmas/Birthday gift combined. I have designated myself as "that aunt" because it's more my thing that any other female in DH's family...


We did manicures on Saturday. It was so much fun. We went to Panera Bread for dinner, which was a fun Girl's Night Out experience for me while the boys in the family were doing a LAN party... Then back to SIL's house for manis. What fun. Seriously. I haven't sat around doing nails with girls in like, FOREVER...so it was very fun. Painting your nails well really does take practice...we just hung out and I explained all the steps...let them (SIL and DN) do their own...and we had a fun time.


Later we went over to the LAN party house to hang out with my other SIL. DH actually decided to opt out for this night...so my one BIL who hosted ended up hanging out with 3 freshmen, 1 8th grader, and himself for the night. It all worked out well actually...I had good conversation with my SILs...DN just listened.


My nails are now immaculate...short but so well groomed. I have come to realize again and again that nail polish IS my make up...and I feel so much better when I look down at beautifully kept nails...even if they are short and slightly suffering still from dryness...


And I realized that I needed to do my toes bad. Have we shared? Mom's bestest best BFF in the WWW is about 10 years older than Mom...and they have been friends since before my birth, or right at...and she has quite a life's story. The BFF in this case...and she believes that you need to ALWAYS have your toes painted...even in sock weather...even if it's only to thrill your own heart when you look down in the shower...


I needed that thrill...


So my nails are now OPI's "Skating on Thin Iceland" which Laurie also has and is an AWESOME, incredible EARTH Merlot color. And my toes are OPI's "Everyday is Octoberfest" which is an extremely deep purple that has a wine colored glow in it.


It's a bit of work to do your nails properly...


It's so worth it.


Moving has been something that I have dealt with for much of my life. In my school aged years, I was privileged to attend the same school feeder pattern from 8th grade through high school graduation. Mom actually managed to limit my transfers from schools through much manipulation and smoke and mirrors...even as we moved...but it was straight up for me for the last years of public education. Mom and Dad had determined a short list of high schools in the general area that they wanted for me...and I think they were determined to get me into that system for 8th grade...and they did. 8th grade was a rental in the district and we moved in the house they bought within a relatively short time...


You learn to play the cards you are dealt.


There's nothing wrong with the accumulation of things. We are renters...and have been at times for necessity...but we have the belongings of home owners. And we move them. I have a lot of stuff. No mistake. My furniture actually has some holes...but the stuff. OMG. That is where I need to do some surgery...


Things have a season...it's important to recognize when things are in and out of season...and if their season will ever come again. I think kid things especially are susceptible to the idea of being "out grown" and no longer in favor and/or having a purpose in the current family...


Taking about the wine glasses. I recall my Grandmother having glasses of some sort that were similar. I think there was a box or two that each held 50 glasses in her home. Knowing her entertainment patterns...this made sense. I think the key to managing a household of things is to recognize things' worth...and being able to manage the keeping v. the not keeping of such. Especially if you think about moving said items.


Here's a telling tidbit...I have totally gotten into watching "Doom's Day Preppers" on Netflix. It is so motivating for me. Not only for the idea of prepping for Doom's Day...whatever your envisioned catastrophe might be...but also for the idea of prepping for whatever it is that is your heart's desire.


So my heart's desire would include the idea of "prepping" my sewing room...ready to go for the free times I have to work on such projects...but also for things like weekend getaways...for either overnight or day trips to explore the area and do the outdoor activities that I love...prepped to be able to camp for 2 nights on the weekend. Easily. Without it being a major event.




Melody sails in early March.

Margaret sails in later March.

I (and Mom) sail in early April...and in mid-April to early May).

Laurie sails in May.


We have some serious wardrobes to plan...


Did I miss anyone's vacay plans?

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I'm seeing so much common ground here. I didn't think about stemless, but those would work great! I think the only catch is that I use charms on stemware do that we don't all get our glasses mixed up.


I really love formal nights. I'll post pictures later of the dresses I think I'm bringing.



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Laurie, I stopped using the wine charms (obviously) & got some blackboard paint & made a stripe on the stemless glass & leave a piece of chalk in a dish by the glasses. I don't do it on my really good crystal stemless...



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Just checking in to say hi! Things here are going well. Our holidays were full of lots of fun-filled days and nights with our great friends (both our families are back East in NY and FL). I didn't have a chance to read your posts...sorry...I'll catch up later. I'm crazy busy with getting the DS ready to head back to AZ for the second half of his sophomore year. Doing laundry, taking in dry cleaning (all for the DS), getting packed for FL so that we can be ready to head that way after we get back from taking the DS back to AZ, packing away the Christmas stuff, etc., etc. I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off...LOL!


Hope everyone had a great holiday season! Love, peace, happiness, and good health to all!


See ya later!!!:D

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We've gone from 55 degrees yesterday to 15 today, and I'm not including the wind chill. I think I need to get the bravery going to leave my socks off long enough to do a pedicure, lol. Seriously though, I will admit that there is something about having my toes done that feels so pretty. Sometimes I really need that too...


I think we all have different reasons for feeling the way we do, but most of my work attire consists of items I really don't like very much. I have few, if any, jackets that fit me nice enough for me to feel polished. As it turns out, they are both warmer weather, 3/4 length sleeve jackets that are more fitted. I do sew, and don't mind making minor alterations, but I've done jackets before and have no real desire to do them again. I have a group of jackets that need tailoring badly, but they are lined and it is such a hassle. I seldom get them the way I want. I can bring them to the seamstress I go to, but this can be quite costly.


I think one of the reasons I love cruises is to be able to wear what I want, not what I have to. And I do love all the dressing up. Even with casual outfits, I love planning them out.


You are right with your dates, Anita, as far as I can tell. I can't wait for my cruise!


Speaking of which, people often talk about certain cruises being more casual than others. I'm wondering about mine.


But at least right now, this is what I am thinking.


Formal night #1:




I'm debating about formal night #2, as being a 6 night cruise, I have heard it is the captain's discretion if he wants a 2nd formal night or not. RCI shows two formal nights. So, do I go ahead and pack a long gown, or do I go with a shorter dress so that I don't feel overdressed if there isn't a 2nd formal night?


If I go short, it will probably be this one:




This one is also a possibility, because I think the pleating detail is so elegant.




After seeing these last two posted, I'm leaning towards the warm blue. I can save the lace/sequin one for maybe Chops? I love dressing up for the specialty restaurants too. :-)

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That leaves 4 nights. I am really leaning towards what I will call work dresses. I really don't wear them to work much, but they are ideal. What makes them nice is that they are classy (I think they are...)and they can be dressed up or down a bit. They are jersey type knits and will pack great. Plus, they aren't overly summery - something that will come into play on this trip.


I'm not sure I pictures of all of them, but let's see....


This has three quarter length sleeves:




I have this red dress. Yes, another red dress. I can't help it, it's my weakness! I don't have a picture of it, but I will take one soon. It's a cross over styling, and it has this little jewel piece with rhinestones that attaches to either side of the v neck near the top...It is so pretty. This too have 3/4 length sleeves.


I have a purple cap sleeved dress. This is a bad picture, but here goes...by the way, I think it fits a little better now because this was when I was at my peak weight, and I'm about 17 pounds less now.




I also wore it for my daughter's graduation this year, and you can see a little bit of it here.



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