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Ah, I envy you. I would love a nice break to somewhere warm! But with all the flight delays right now and cancellations, it reminds me of the downside of traveling at this time of year.


My daughters are flying to see their dad. They are going from Syracuse to Chicago, and both areas are getting storms overnight. Our snow total may be more near 14 inches now, and Chicago is supposed to get 18. Needlessly to say, they are rebooked for Tuesday morning now.

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Laurie, I am amazed that you found that olive green dress! That color is amazing and I'm totally in love with it. What a wonderful find. I had a shirt that I absolutely loved that was a similar color but had more of a gray undertone in the green...so ultimately I determined that it was Air...it didn't help that it was a knit shirt and had faded a bit with washing. Yours has more green in it than my shirt did, but I can relate to the idea that you want to bring out the Earthy in the dress because it does feel like it could swing a bit.


How do you feel about mixing and matching the jewelry with the stones that are on the shoulder of the dress? I have some things that have shoulder details that are similar in function (that is, no real function but just added decoration) and I find that I am bothered if my earrings don't somehow coordinate with that detail. I think those Orange Pink Rainbow have a hint of green in the lower stone...which I think would be such a nice bridge between those shoulder stones and having an wonderful accent color.


That detail on the gold dress...wow. That would be so challenging to work with. The detail on the green dress isn't quite as pronounced, but with that gold dress...the one shoulder...the major eye-catching detail on the one shoulder...I'm thinking how fun it would be to embrace the asymmetry of the dress. I would go for STUDS on the earrings...and think about your hair and adding a hair piece of some sort and a statement cuff on one arm. Maybe a statement ring? I'm not sure if you detail out the side with the detail or if you go for opposite world...do your hair in a side swept up on one side and down in a mess of loose and not-too-perfect curls and put the hair piece in the swept up side...and do the up side on the non-detailed shoulder...so the other way around.


Margaret has done really great formal do's in the past...maybe she has pointers or tips for that.


Margaret, your dress is spectacular. I can envision your eyes and hair and that dress and OMG...you picked out an absolutely PERFECT dress...I fully agree that you needed to buy that dress, even if it doesn't fit yet. Most of your earring finds seem to go with dress. I'm hard pressed to say which I like best. Orange and blue are complementary colors...I think those earrings are very fun...but I think the mostly teal colored ones remind me more of you. The only pair that I don't like as much to wear with the dress are the brown ones...I think the dress could use something with a bit more punch that than.


I just can't get into looking at the shopping possibilities for dresses like you ladies can. I don't know why...but window shopping has never been something that I enjoy. I'm not a looker without a specific purpose. I did see all the dresses. There was at least one that reminded me of my own chocolate brown formal gown. A kind of Egypt inspired collar neckline with a key hole in the bodice...and an A-line floor length skirt.


Margaret...I was sorry to hear about your uncle.


I'm very glad that everyone seems safe during the recent storms. I wouldn't mind a quick post from Jane...


My time has changed as I have a part time job now. It's a great match for me. It's challenging but not too much and follows my passion for things of health and fitness (even if I struggle in these areas). The best thing about it is that it is forcing me out of my house...into contact with people...which I must be honest and say has been fairly challenging for me at times...I've become used to being more alone. My skill is generally not ice breaking...I'm fairly good at conversation once the ice has been broken...so this has been quite the change for me...having to meet with people and break a lot of ice.


On the bathing suit front...if anyone is looking, the new Athleta colors appear to have a couple of great Earth. There a fabulous deep green, an orange, and a red. I don't know about the teal colors...and of course, everything IRL could be off.


I didn't like any of those LLBean shirts especially on you Margaret. That's a cheap shirt. It does that thing that makes me hate short sleeves. There isn't a gusset in the arm pit and the sleeve is cut such that when you raise your arms at all, the whole shirt moves up...it puckers on the shoulders and then if you put your arms down you get wrinkles above the bust line and have to yank your shirt down to pull it back into place. I HATE that. HATE THAT. It's the reason why I love tank tops and sleeveless so much, because even cheap tanks/sleeveless don't have that problem. It's so hard to find a properly constructed short sleeved shirt. OR you have to buy such a big size that the fit isn't flattering, if you want to avoid the issue.


We're watching the Super Bowl...not that I care for either team playing...hoping for some decent commercials...lately, the commercials haven't seemed as good as years past...

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Anita! It is good to hear from you. You know, I found that olive dress by chance. I am very happy to have found it. I almost didn't get it because I wasn't sure the one shoulder styling would work. Looking at it in pictures though, it didn't cross over high, it left some openness.


The beading on both dresses throws me off in jewelry choices too. I think that you have to either go for a matching look, or some sort of complimentary look. I think most of the earrings Margaret is looking at create a pulled together look. They have some different styling elements to them so I would say it depends on what tugs at her. I think the earrings I posted a link to are really great, but I want to look a bit first because I really want to carry that over to a bracelet and ring too.


I hope you like your new job, Anita. Is it a lot of hours a week for you?


I can look at things forever online. I love the process. I love thinking out outfits and having everything come together as a statement.


The Super Bowl didn't thrill me. I am much more of a college sports person and then I love baseball.i grew up loving auto racing but it seems so commercialized these days.


I love sports more than my husband does, lol.


I will post more tomorrow. I'm hoping the ride to work won't be too awful

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Thank you. I think that really is the drawback - the driving. It can get pretty scary out there. But since this is normal weather here, you just leave earlier, and it takes longer. It's not unusual to see cars off the road and the like. Where I live, they often close off our hill and let the plows go through a few times to keep it safe.


The snow has finally let up, and now the cold is coming in. With wind chill, it is expected to be between -15 and -24 tonight.


My hair is a mess right now, but I am hoping to get that squared away soon. When I do, I think it would be good to play with it a bit, and see what I can do. Sometimes, I will pull it back on one side, or style it so I tuck some hair behind one ear. When I do that, it can really show earrings much better.


I have lots of ideas in mind. I hope to check out Etsy tonight and see what I can locate. Charming Charlie and Sam Moon, are great, but not so much for formal jewelry.


Charming Charlie does have a great selection right now of really fun, sea themed jewelry items. I like that they aren't overdone. I am hoping to order a few things soon.

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I recall a few pages ago a discussion regarding those packing cubes. Do any of you have them? What are your thoughts?


I was thinking that it can be a nice way to organize, but then I have a lot of other thoughts too.


When I get onboard, I'm going to unpack those so the items won't all be together anymore. Do they add weight? Take up more room?


On the plus side, I can see where they could be really nice for that day or two ahead at the hotel before you board. You don't need to dig through your suitcase, you can grab one of these and have a complete outfit. If it is only an overnight stay, you probably don't want to unpack anyway.


My issue is finding a way to carry my jewelry. I have an older jewelry roll that I actually got at a garage sale that I love. I picked up some at the local AAA office when they had them as well, but I don't like the fabric. It's kind of plastic like and doesn't roll as well. Anyway, regardless of which one I use, they don't see very suitable for statement necklaces or chunky bracelets. They are great for the smaller necklaces, earrings and most rings.


What do you guys do?


My girls are currently enroute to Chicago to see their dad after quite a few flight delays over the past few days. My husband is working at the basketball game. So it's just me! Time to do some searching for jewelry to go with those new dresses.


You know what is funny? Almost everything I buy seems to work so well with those Anne Klein gold sandals. Sometimes, I work other sandals into the mix by choosing jewelry that works well with my bronze sandals, for example.

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I'm using packing cubes for this trip as we're doing a week in FL before our 14 night cruise (in 17 days, not counting much 😉). I'm putting outfits together in the cubes & will only take the cubes out of the suitcase. I'll then use the cubes in the stateroom to keep things neat. We're on Celebrity Eclipse & the overbed cabinets drive me insane when things fall over, the cubes should help with that. They weren't expensive, $14.99 at Marshalls for a set of 3 that zip & have a handle. I'll let you know how they work, I'm back middle of March. Melody



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I recall a few pages ago a discussion regarding those packing cubes. Do any of you have them? What are your thoughts?


I was thinking that it can be a nice way to organize, but then I have a lot of other thoughts too.


When I get onboard, I'm going to unpack those so the items won't all be together anymore. Do they add weight? Take up more room?


On the plus side, I can see where they could be really nice for that day or two ahead at the hotel before you board. You don't need to dig through your suitcase, you can grab one of these and have a complete outfit. If it is only an overnight stay, you probably don't want to unpack anyway.


My issue is finding a way to carry my jewelry. I have an older jewelry roll that I actually got at a garage sale that I love. I picked up some at the local AAA office when they had them as well, but I don't like the fabric. It's kind of plastic like and doesn't roll as well. Anyway, regardless of which one I use, they don't see very suitable for statement necklaces or chunky bracelets. They are great for the smaller necklaces, earrings and most rings.


What do you guys do?


My girls are currently enroute to Chicago to see their dad after quite a few flight delays over the past few days. My husband is working at the basketball game. So it's just me! Time to do some searching for jewelry to go with those new dresses.


You know what is funny? Almost everything I buy seems to work so well with those Anne Klein gold sandals. Sometimes, I work other sandals into the mix by choosing jewelry that works well with my bronze sandals, for example.


I use the packing cubes. Took them on your Alaska cruise last June and to the beach last summer. They were perfect. I used two for everyday tops, mostly t's. One cube was in our cruise suitcase (a week's worth of tops) and the other was in my land-tour carry on. I did the same for my bras, socks and underwear. I also have one for slacks.

For the beach I used a cube for each days outfit. Under garments and all. Jewelry was put into little zip lock bags with the clothing. Such a breeze to get dressed each day.

The cubes weigh next to nothing. Mine have mesh tops and are made of a nylon type of material. Clothes stay folded or rolled with no wrinkles. I just threw the cubes in drawers on on shelves. Makes unpacking so easy. And repackaging is a breeze also. Dirty things go back in the cubes and tucked in suitcase, dump them out in laundry room and wash the whole kit and cabootle.

IMHO they are so worth the price!

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Gosh, I have to back up a bit because I missed a lot! Laurie, those earrings are divine. I think you have a similar issue with the stones on the dress as me – you can’t really ignore them, but it’s maybe too much to go matchy match, right? I basically put my dress on and tried out a few things I have, just to get an idea of color and shape. I nixed the champagne idea first thing because the color doesn’t hold up to the blue, kwim? I like Anita’s idea of finding a “bridge.” That orange, well, I really love those earrings and it would be a very interesting combo, IMO. I can picture you sitting at dinner on the cruise in that beautiful green dress with those flashing earrings. Sweet.


I saved some hairdo pix on my laptop, I’ll have to get it out later to post them and share my ideas.


Anita, thank you for liking my dress. It’s actually the one I call my “desperation dress” because it fits and is a little stretchy, so if I lose weight, ok, if I don’t, ok, and because I really didn't have anything in my closet for a second formal night. I really like it though. I’m looking forward to doing my blue smoky eye with it. I don’t love LOVE it the way I do my brown formal from last year, but it’s a good choice for me, I think. My actual dream dress is in the closet waiting for a smaller me. I’ve been looking for a pic of it to share but no luck so far.


You are spot on about those tshirts. For a Lands End product I was very disappointed. I noticed that they looked funny with my arms up but didn’t even consider keeping them because of the colors, so never got around to thinking about the fit. Thank you for pointing out what the issue was… it will keep us all from making similar mistakes in the future, I hope. A picture is so helpful, isn’t it?


I’m really thinking hard about those denim blue earrings. No returns though, and I worry would they be perfect, or really off? I think it will be that decisive. I still have time to ponder.


I’m another pro-packing cube person. I have a small one for undies and sox, medium for tshirts and workout clothes (rolled), and a large one for pants and blouses (folded & layered). My dresses usually go on top of everything, in individual cleaner bags. On a cruise I will hang up everything that I can, including tshirts if I have the space. If I'm moving around a lot, like when we went to Peru, everything stays in the cubes. I’ve been traveling a lot with my rolling duffel lately and the cubes are great for that too. I lay my pants on the bottom of the duffel, and my two smaller cubes fit with my toiletry bag just so, like legos. Perfect. I hate rifling through a suitcase looking for something, to me it’s just time wasted on vacation when I could be having fun. I have a jewelry roll that I sometimes use, but if I’m going for a week or more I take this great folding bag with a little built-in hanger, I just hang it in the closet. It's about the size of a clutch purse. It has three clear pouches. The small one I use for earrings, the big middle one gets hair do-dads, and the bottom one is necklaces. There’s a little rod-like thing for rings, but I string any bracelets I’m bringing on that. Love it. I can see everything I've brought.


I am happy this week is over. I got stuck coming home on Monday trying to park because of the ice storm we had. I was half in, half out, with traffic whizzing by. Not fun. Then we didn’t have heat or water for 24 hours on Tuesday, so early in the morning I had to trek to the gym for my shower, I think it was 11 degrees out. It happened again on Thursday. And today I spent my entire day off working on paperwork for a veterans benefit for my dad. All day. Still not done, not even close. Yeesh. It's a wonder anyone ever gets any money out of them.


So, that's my sob story. At least it was balanced out by some truly awesome moments in my classes this week. Some days I feel like getting to be a teacher is a gift (usually not on payday, though). :)

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I think those bags could be a good idea for me, but I'm not sure. On one hand, the ability to organize sounds great. Also, it would be so nice to have an outfit ready to go, especially if we fly in a day early and don't want to unpack everything. However, once I get on a cruise ship, I unpack as quickly as I can, and out everything on hangers. I think if I was going back to the Grand Canyon, these would be great! We flew into Vegas, stayed overnight. Drove the North Rim. Then a few days later, we went to the South Rim. It would really be great not to pack and unpack.


I think I will look into them more.


I think the idea for the green dress with those earrings will work for me. The gems on the dress are tonal, so they add sparkle without being a big focus at the same time. The earrings I'm looking at somewhat mimic the gem shapes, so they pick up. I think she can custom make what you want too, so I could probably get a matching ring or bracelet. I think I will be dong that soon.


With the gold dress, I think I want to head more into a topaz type stone. If, there was something that I could find with that wonderful color and maybe some small gold seed type beads with it (like you find on chandelier earrings a lot) I would be happy. The hunt is all part of the fun.


I think the gold dress is going with me on my cruise, so I should try to find those first.


I'm starting to get pretty excited! I know there are a bunch of you sailing before me, so you are probably more excited than me.


I am thinking that in the fall, I may do something different. I asked my travel agent about ideas for something that is simple, yet has enough to keep us occupied. He says we may like New Orleans, or for something more cost effective and a little more relaxing, Clearwater, Florida.

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New Orleans is a fun place with lots to do . Very easy to book on your own and really not that expensive . If you want relaxing a beach vacation is always nice and October & November are the best months to visit Florida . Weather is perfect usually and not as crowded and cheaper prices . A nice beach town not far from Tampa is Anna Marie Island . Another suggestion is St. Augustine , Florida . It has both nearby beaches & a historic city to visit .Very Pretty town with lots to do .

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I'd like to add a "yes" vote to the packing cubes. I have 3 sets--1 set is 3 slim ones, and the other 2 sets of 3 each set, are mixed sizes. I use them for all kinds of things. They're great as some have said, to use for a 1 nighter to pull out of the suitcase instead of rummaging around for things. I also like to use them again as some have mentioned to separate like things--all my underwear, all DH's underwear, swimsuits and cover-ups, tops, sleep wear, cords, electronics, and I've even used one for snacks to put in the backpack for quick access. I got mine on clearance at ebags. I love ebags brand luggage too.


Laurie, I love your photos of all of your outfits. You have such nice accessorizing abilities to as does Margaret.


I feel bad for you Northeastern girls and the weather! So far this winter, it hasn't been too bad around here. We've had a little snow and some cold temps but, nothing out of the ordinary.


Laurie, our son lives in New Orleans and we've been there a few times. It's a really fun city but, I think it is expensive both for food and lodging. We love to visit though. The food is absolutely delicious and the French Quarter is fun to see and walk in. There are other really interesting spots to visit, WWII museum, swamp tour, Garden District, walking tours, etc. The summer weather there is brutal but, fall and spring are nice.


Nice to catch up with all the news over here :)

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Sally, thanks for the info. I was just looking at St. Augustine online, and I think this could be a contender. I really like the idea of being near water. It doesn't mean I need to be on the beach - I love to just watch the water, relax....I also very much like being able to explore a bit, so museums, shopping, some fun restaurants - those are all things I love. We like having the option of doing as little or as much as we want.


If we could fly in to an airport, get to where we want to be by hotel transfer or a cab, then walk to things, we are extremely happy. Since that often isn't possible, we don't mind renting a car as long as we aren't in a heavy traffic area. It just seems to take the fun out when you spend more time trying not to get lost than taking in the area.


We rented a car in Orlando for our last cruise, and drove to Cape Canaveral. We used the car the find all those fun places to eat like Fish Lips, and to go to Kennedy Space Center. It was quite easy to do.


Joby - it's been a while! I am thinking more and more about packing cubes. I've seen some online, and it seems like there is a size for every need.


Thank you for your kind words...I very much love the planning of outfits. The hardest thing is getting an idea in your head about jewelry, then finding it. Etsy is great, because there are so many different things. If you see something close, many vendors will custom make what you are looking for. I'm checking on that option right now for a few things.


Margaret, Anita and the rest of the people on this thread are fantastic at giving feedback, and throwing ideas out there for all of us to consider. I have a whole network of friends here!!


Well, the snow is coming down pretty good. Right now, the estimate for this storm is another 9 or 10 inches. We had a fairly easy December and January, and now we are really making up for it. It snowed off and on all week long, so there is plenty on the ground.


I would love, love, love a snow day! But you don't get those in banking. I wonder if I wore my pajamas inside out tonight...nah. Never mind!

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Margaret, Anita and the rest of the people on this thread are fantastic at giving feedback, and throwing ideas out there for all of us to consider. I have a whole network of friends here!!


It is a great group both here and on the FIRE thread. I just mentioned on the FIRE thread about planning another meet 'n greet for this summer. Anyone interested?

Edited by Joby
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I just put my clothes for a week in FL in one cube, DH said, are you serious! you're going back to the way you traveled when you were working! Brat!



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Laurie, that picture is so pretty. I'm sure you don't think so after all that shoveling. No snow for us yet, but we're expected to have 1/4 to 1/2 inch of ice for our morning commute, covered by 3" of snow at lunchtime.


You needing lots of cubes made me laugh. :)


Melody, that is some impressive packing, even for a warm weather destination.


As much as I love those denim earrings, I think they are too blue for my dress. It is a very green teal. Still looking. I may get in some actual shopping time later this week.


Yesterday I scored this dress in a local closeout shop for $23. I'm going to wear it for our specialty dining night. It is more muted IRL and has a soft watercolor look to it (I actually got it out and looked at it again because it's so subtle I didn't even notice that it had flowers in the pattern):




So, for dresses, I'm bringing the teal full length for first formal night, the short brown sequined one for second formal night, and this one for steakhouse night. At this point I think I might not bring any other dresses. I have to start thinking about shoes I guess. Laurie, I like how your bronze sandals go with so much. I really need to rethink my shoe strategy, which is generally not to think about it! I tend to buy shoes to go with the dress without considering that I'll have to pack all of them. I think for most people that is a key virtue of bringing black -- one pair of shoes!

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I can't pack light. I don't bring excessive amounts with me, but I want to make sure I have enough. Your husband is pretty funny. Is he bringing way more than you?



DH is a master packer, he always wears what he brings (no leftovers). Not me ;). When I traveled for work I was much more disciplined about what I brought. Melody

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MJC love that dress. I just don't even look at short dresses. I'm silk pants or long skirt (that I can roll) for evenings. I always have extra tops cause that darn shelf of mine always gets in the way ;). Melody

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Margaret, I love to get a good deal. It looks like you definitely got one!!


I very much enjoy the whole planning process. I've been thinking more about my upcoming cruise and I've decided that I don't need the fleece. I have a great muted orange spring cost. It's waterproof with a hood. Then I have this brick read jacket that is rather shirt like. I have some sweaters, and I can really change things up with different shirts and scarves. I have some grey things to wear to do dinner too.


I admit that it feels odd to not be planning for hot weather.


That dress you found, Margaret, can be worn a lot outside of a cruise too.


I am pretty sure I know what I want jewelry wise for the gold dress and where I'm getting it from. The green dress won't be taken this cruise so I have time. But I know what I want. I found the inspiration through the pictures you were posting and then o found these wonderful earrings at NeeYorkDress. I did not want to spend $75 on them though so I started looking around. There are quite a few vendors on Etsy I can order from.

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