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Pretty earrings, Laurie!!! I am really starting to work on losing weight and toning up so I don't know where I'll be size-wise for the cruise which makes it heard to start planning a wardrobe. I do, however, still like looking at clothes as kind of a motivational tool. Again the sitting in dresses and being incredibly short waisted makes some styles a bit hard to fathom even if I'm rail thin. This time, however, it isn't just about getting weight off. I've gotten it off before but this time I really want to get fit - both in what I'm eating and in what I'm doing. So I just bought a new swimsuit so I can start working out at the gym once the pools reopen in March. And I am trying to find a Zumba like class that I can do sitting down. Still working on that though. There are some videos but it looks like it would be more fun with other people though I would likely make a fool of myself as this white girl really can't dance. :) I think I am rhythm challenged. LOL. But I figure if I start now I have just about 9 months for the cruise. I can be almost a different person by then. Or at least a slightly smaller one.


Laurie -- where does you next cruise go? I know it's not a hot weather cruise but I can't remember the ports.

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I wonder if I will ever take less clothes with me on a cruise. Probably not, lol.




These are the inspiration earrings.



Well we put everything out that we'll take with us (including a suitcase full of gifts). Guess I'm taking more than I thought ;). I don't use the laundry on the ships as I only use cold water for my clothes (I have used the dry cleaning service). I figured out what takes up so much room...my bras & swimsuits. Ah well, can't go without them! One 24" each, one 20" carryon (gifts & meds) one garment bag. Guess that's not too bad for a 14 night cruise & a week in FL. Melody



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Score on that dress Margaret! Love so much about it! I love a cowl neckline...it's so flattering! My questionable red patterned shirt is so similar to your dress...and I bought it anyway because it was close enough and it is so easy to wear. I believe you about not realizing the patterning in the fabric until seeing the picture...it's so weird how that can happen! Lighting changes everything...


Laurie, the inspiration earrings are so perfect. I would bite the bullet and get those. They are so flashy but somehow they are not striking me as tacky flashy at all...and I think the undertones in those earrings are so perfect for your olive dress!!! IDK...sometimes I think you just have to go for a couple of things when they are so right. And those earrings are striking me as being the kind of thing that would go with so many different colors and outfits...and I bet they would "read" differently with the different colors...KWIM?


Melody, I think that sounds like a very reasonable amount of luggage.


So, Barbara...there are Zumba teachers that teach from a wheelchair...and there are Zumba instructors that welcome students that are in a wheel chair. It is completely possible to do a Zumba class in a wheelchair. I don't know where you are in the Valley so I can't advise on an exact instructor. A can tell you that a Zumba Gold class would be the place to start. Once you are conditioned to Zumba, then it may be possible for you to do a regular Zumba class depending on the instructor and the students and where the class is held.

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And on a different note...


I've damaged my knee. I don't know how exactly yet...I have an MRI scheduled. I believe in the power of words and so I will not speculate nor do I want talk about what could be. I'm waiting to learn what IS. The doctor gave me an opinion but I believe it is an opinion and needs to be substantiated and the extent of things determined by the MRI.


Suffice to say that I'm barely walking...


And I have already had to start a form of physical therapy to work on the range of motion of my knee and the strength of my injured leg, especially my quad because this muscle deteriorates rapidly with knee injuries. I haven't done Hero pose or Child's pose, but I can fully straighten my leg and I can bend it pretty good as well...I haven't pushed it on the bend, as so I can't say that I can touch my heels to my rear end like I could before...


This puts a serious damper on my ability to do anything let alone make headway on all the health and fitness goals I had...I will have to alter my previous thoughts and plans.


My MRI is scheduled for the 18th and the follow up for the 23rd, so I'll know more then.


So, Barbara...I feel akin to you in your health and fitness goals and your limitations are how to achieve them. I'm curious as to what you are actually able to do in your chair...I'm going to be figuring out some modified chair Zumba for myself. I've been sad today because I normally teach on Tuesdays...I miss the social aspect as much as the adrenalin rush.

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Anita, I'm so sorry to hear about your knee injury. Seeing that you teach zumba, I can only imagine...it would be hard for anyone, but especially for someone into physical fitness the way that you are.


I know I really need to get more active. My husband and I have talked about joining a local gym that is very close to my house. I like the idea of having a workout buddy, and that it is close. One of the best things is they type of things that are offered. There is an indoor track to walk or run, handball, racquetball, classes...I really like the idea of having options. Believe it or not, I love the idea of a walking/running track the best. For me, walking is a lot about clearing my mind as well as the fitness aspect. I just don't get that on a treadmill.


Anyway, it's a lot more expensive than the chain gyms.


I love the earrings a lot. I'm still debating though. Usually, I start searching the internet and find things for a better price. Not with these. As a matter of fact, the only place that has them is this website.


I love having options. I will say that I seldom bring home things from a trip that are not worn. I suppose there will come a time when I look at things differently, but for now, it's a dress each night and a daytime outfit and a few things to get me through if the weather isn't as expected. (that was super handy with the last cruise - it was cold in Florida!)


The drape neckline is a great thing. I love how it creates the same effect as a V-neck does. And jersey fabric is so nice, because it travels well and is so comfy. That is a great deal you got.


By the way, remember the black dress with the gold that looked like brown at a distance? After much debating with it still on the hanger with the tags, I decided I was going to keep it. I would definitely warm it up with gold sandals and jewelry, but I really liked the dress. It happens to be the one and only black Item I have. I have a few prints with small amounts of black, but that is it. Can you believe it?

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Anita, hope the knee heals quickly! I had a podiatrist appt today & he asked me when I wanted to schedule my next surgery. I told him never! I'll probably have it done right after we get home in mid-March. Bummed, I thought I was done...



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Thank you for the positive thoughts Ladies.


Sorry to hear about how you need surgery, Melody. And it sounds like you've had more than one? So sorry.


That's the one positive for my situation, I guess. This is not a life threatening condition...evidence shows that there is no advantage or disadvantage as to when knee surgery would occur relative to injury. Evidence actually suggests that a period of "prehab" has a hugely positive impact on any surgery. So my condition, whatever it is, is something that I will be dealing with for quite some time to come.

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Anita , Sorry to hear about your knee problems . Luckily the repairs are easy .

Cholla , Being in a chair (which by the way you have a great attitude ) I would suggest some small weights and resistance bands to firm up your upper body . I used to do aqua zumba which was fun and a great workout . Now I just swim several times a week .

Melody , Sorry to hear about your foot surgery but have a great vacation in the meantime .

Margaret , Great dress

Laurie , Great earrings

We are still in vacation limbo . Gary goes next week to find out when his total knee surgery is . Of course he has to pass a stress test before it . I'm having fun coming up with all kinds of vacation ideas . I do have a trip planned to New York to visit my daughter & grandsons .

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Anita, I'm so sorry about your poor knee. I'm glad to hear you have some prehab planned. I did that too and it helped me adjust to what was coming, worked on strength pre-surgery, and made me feel that there was something productive for me to do. A positive is that you are athletic and fit going into this. Don't discount how huge a benefit that is. :) We'll all be sending happy thoughts your way on the 18th. And I will be happy to be your virtual rehab buddy if you like. Don't forget, I did this TWICE IN A ROW!! And now I can Zumba my heart out three times a week, and I'm older than you. So, please be hopeful.


I have been bachelor girl for three days and did lots of puttering and projects around the apartment. I'm very ready for DH to come home. He's got another trip at the end of Feb and I think I will plan my cruise wardrobe and try everything on then.


I ended up getting those brown earrings to go with my brown dress. I am so happy I did. They are extremely true to the photo, and are a much better choice than what I had (which were very heavy). These are on the heavy side too but with the disc backs they are manageable. And I must say they came beautifully packaged. An early valentine for myself. :) The opal crystal in the middle is a particularly lovely touch.

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Hi Earth ladies...I'm back!


I've been doing a lot of traveling since Oct. and now I won't be heading out again until the last week of April or first week of May when I will be going back to FL to visit my folks again. Mom and Dad are doing as well as can be expected given their age and medical ailments. So that's a really good thing.


I've missed so much info so now I'll have to catch up!


I'm sorry to hear about Anita's knees, and Melody's feet, also I guess I missed something...is Cholla in a wheel chair? Anyway, my heart goes out to all of you and I hope you all are back on your feet soon (pun intended).


Wow, you gals back East are having some horrifying weather. I feel guilty sitting here in Cali with the weather in the high 70s and low 80s. We are having some beautiful weather right now, wish I could send it your way.


Packing cubes...I love them! I buy them just about every other time I'm in TJ Maxx. I use them all the time. Not so much for tops and bottoms or dresses but for all my other stuff.


I just returned from FL and the DH, Bro, and SIL did a "road trip" to St. Augustine. We had an awesome time! If any of you go there you should have lunch one day at the Columbia Restaurant in old town. They have the best Cuban food! Yum! Yum! We were only there for the day but we had such a great time. I would recommend a trip there in a heartbeat!


Well, I'm in mourning a little bit...the DS was just here for Grammy's Award Show (which we attend every year as the DS and DH are both songwriters and members of ASCAP) and now he's back in AZ at school. I probably won't see him again until May when school is out. :( This will be the first Spring Break that we won't be going somewhere together. I'm so sad but I know I have to cut the apron strings...so sad. He's going to spend Spring Break in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico with his fraternity brothers. They have a whole 5 days planned out for themselves. I'm very nervous about this...but again, gotta cut those apron strings and just hope for the best. You never know what these crazy frat boys will get into.:eek:


We don't have any trips planned (I don't consider my trips to FL as vacation when I go alone like I will in Mar/Apr) but are thinking we may possibly...if the DS studies abroad this summer in Italy...do a week in Rome. I'd absolutely love it. But, the DS does have a pending internship in NY with a big financial corporation so it's all up-in-the-air.


I'm thinking maybe the DH and I could do a weekender to either Palm Springs, Vegas, or a 4-dayer to San Francisco for our own Spring Break. LOL!


Best wishes to all!

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Anita it will be #13 on my foot. The big laugh is that my foot was crushed on a cruise in 2001. Prefab sometimes can avoid surgery completely. Good luck


OMG. Wow Melody...all my recent learnings about the knee...I can only imagine the complexity of a foot. Again, wow.


Yes, the whole concept of prehab and avoiding surgery...THIS. I'm not game on surgery AT ALL. I will be doing absolutely everything I can to assist my healing process and have already started my end of the deal. Margaret...I don't recall what all you had done for your knee...but I might give you a ring, depending on things. I'm being very careful with the information that I am gathering and allowing into my head...I need to stay on the positive side of this. More will be revealed after the 18th.


I didn't realize the brown earrings were for your brown dress! DUH! I need to look at the link again...


The only thing that I can say on the fashion front is that we have been attending some different churches in the area again, seeing if we can find a place for us...we went to two different churches for two Sundays and then last Sunday, we attended DS' performance in the county Honor Band. I almost the exact same thing on each Sunday! It's a maxi-skirt based outfit with a simple long-sleeved V-neck knit shirt that picks out one of the colors of the print in the knit maxi. The only change was whether or not I need an extra layer of fleece lined tights under the skirt for warmth! (I didn't this past Sunday).


Here's the funny thing...I've been wearing sneakers with my maxi shirt and I just love this look. Not gym shoes...but street sneakers in a classic retro kind of style. My only downer on the look is that the color of my sneakers isn't my fav...the light colored tan isn't quite the best. I'd like more of a color than the light neutral...so that's my current quest...especially since I can't imagine wearing shoes without plenty of support right now.


I seem to have a lot of gray...which isn't an ideal Earth color. I think Laurie asked what the hardest thing to find in an Earth color was for everyone? For me, it's exercise clothing. Brown just isn't the thing...not like black, navy and gray. I tend to go for a charcoal gray over the navy...because I can't find tops in Earth tones much either...so the gray goes best with the neons and other fun colors that I DO wear (for exercise people!!) as well as the non-exercise Earth tops that I will wear with my exercise bottoms from time to time.


So if I had to pick another neutral color...right now, I think I'd go for gray...but what I would really like to find is a pair of deep orange/rust...OR a nice olive/army green. I think those colors would be neutral enough...so if anyone sees any...


Welcome back Mousey!

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I spent several hours on Pinterest yesterday (my new guilty pleasure) and I saw a pair of retro-styled New Balance shoes that caught my eye. Pinterest directed me to Nordstrom.com. Nordstrom is a high-end department store here out west...I don't know if they have them back east or in your case the south. Anyway, they had all kinds of styles of the kind of shoes you mentioned. The one style I was interested in is New Balance Precious Metal 574 but they only had one color left. But then I saw a nice gray pair, on sale, New Balance 620 that I liked. There are a lot of these type shoes on sale right now so you might want to check it out.


I'm so sorry to hear about your knees and I sincerely hope that you can find a non-surgical way to heal yourself. I'll be praying for you.


By-the-way, my girlfriend has serious foot problems and she and her DH were our guests for the Grammy show this year (we take different friends every year) and she wore a pair of black Nike sneakers under her palazzo pant. She also wore a white blouse, which matched the white Nike check on her shoes and a black, vintage coat and she rocked it! I on the other hand, wore a pair of medium-heeled, suede booties and ended up with blisters on the balls of my feet! Ugh! Hence my sitting home all day, everyday, this past week, for the most part, spending hours on Pinterest. If you go onto Pinterest you'll find lots of outfits that include sneakers as part of a very put together look. Check it out. :)

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I love Nordstrom! I worked there in high school. Best discount EVER! Still love shopping there. They do happen to be here in Georgia... Mousey...Mom and I are CA natives. I grew up in the Bay Area and lived there until I went to college.


Another good site for outfit inspiration is Chicismo. I can get in a mood and spent so much time looking at what other's have done...here is a good example of the type of outfit I'm talking about:




There's something so smart about this to me. IDK...I just like it. There are so many more examples like you say...


I tend to like the retro canvas sneaker look...there is a European brand "Superga" that I think is really cute...they have uppers kind of like keds or vans and the big rubber sole of a Converse.


I did recently get a very fun pair of Converse sneakers:




There were a joint venture of Converse and Missoni. Missoni is so fun but it is so expensive! Nordstrom carried these for a while and I waited and waited and hoped they would still have my size and go on sale...and yes! They did finally. So these are mine!


They read more of a gray background but there is tan in there and a whole mess of colors that work so well with Earth colors. The white is a bit white...but I love them and they work well. These aren't the ones that I have been wearing with my one maxi skirt because that skirt has a pattern...wearing patterns together can be fun if they work and enhance each other, but these sneakers fight that one skirt so that neither looks great when worn together.


I need a more fun solid color...I like this color:




I think it would be a fun pop of color...I just wonder how bright it would be. I once had a pair of purple Birks...they weren't really purple though...another kind of derivative of purple like the above...except more toward red than the periwinkle of the above...and they went with everything. The gray color may be more practical though... In a whole lot of the pictures on Chicismo, the girls are wearing plain white sneakers...or black. They seem to wear the pops of color with more monotone outfits.

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Anita - those shoes are cute! I, personally, am drawn to the red ones but that's pretty normal - I gravitate to red and black. In fact, today, I am wearing a red (a kind of earthy red) long sleeved v-neck t-shirt with a black cami under it. It's all my colors wrapped up into one outfit. :) The patterned shoes are cute. I could definitely get away with patterned shoes in my wardrobe because pretty much everything I own is solid colored. I have a few patterns but they are pretty much all tops. So... if it can be worn with jeans, leggings or black dress pants I'm pretty much ready. LOL.


Mousey -- welcome back! You were missed. And to answer your question, yes, I use a wheelchair. I have used one since childhood so it's really just kind of an accessory to me at this point. :) If anyone watches Grey's Anatomy, I have the same bone disease that they are diagnosing April and Jackson's baby with. There are four main types of the disease - 1=mild, 2=fatal or nearly fatal, 3=severe, 4=moderate. Who came up with that numbering scheme, huh? On the show the baby is feared to be type 2. I have type 4 bordering on 1. It runs in my family - my mom had it, her dad, all of his brothers, his father... Outside of the fact that I break my legs fairly easily, I'm pretty normal though. Or at least as normal as I want to be. :) I drive, work full time, take care of my house, cruise, love to shop, all of it. Just thought since we are all getting to know each other so well I should explain about me. My chair is a manual sporty titanium chair with black upholstery (of course... what other color would I pick?). It's pretty light and I load it in my car by taking it apart and lifting it over my body (while I'm in the drivers seat) and stuffing it in the back seat. It's like a dance. If I do it right it looks seamless and completely fluid. If I don't I tend to do stuff like drop the chair on my face or get my shirt stuck on a screw and a ripping sound ensues. Less than dancelike at that point. :)


I had every intention of going to the gym before work tonight... but our cat is sick and I'm worried that I may have to take him to the vet. So currently I'm on cat watching duty and hoping that he pulls out of this. We have some rather elderly pets so it's hard to watch them get sick.


Mousey - wow... I'm still in awe that you get to go to the Grammys. That has to be fun. Something really different from the normal day to day, huh? Has your husband ever been up for one?

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I have two new maxi skirts that I haven't worn yet. They are both brown prints. It may just be me, but it seems I have to be very careful what I wear with them. I look kind of dumpy in them? I have a nice sweater with the right fit and then my boots. However, it's just too cold right now. It also depends on what I am doing since it would be a weekend outfit.


We are getting some record cold over the next few days. It could get down to -30 with windchill over night.


Last night we attended an auto expo charity gala on behalf of work. It was mostly suits, tuxes and cocktail dresses with a few gowns. It was a lot of fun!!


I have been thinking a lot about my cruise. San Francisco, Catalina Island and Victoria, BC. It will be fun to do something different. I may take one of the maxi skirts if I can figure out how to wear it for spring.


Margaret, those earrings are going to be great with the brown dress. I look forward to seeing what you choose for the teal dress. You have different options to create a different look. I have a great time doing that.

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I love your attitude, Barbara. It's the kind of approach I take to my hearing loss. These things can do so much to shape us, yet it doesn't define who we are.


Mousey, it's good to see you back. It gets easier with kids as they get older...sort of!

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Wow, Cholla,


I had no idea about your medical condition. You have such a wonderful attitude and are the type of person that is a role model for others with physical debilitating problems like yours. You seem to be able to do all the things you love to do so that's a good thing. I'd like to think I would be like that if I had a similar problem. But I'm really a big brat and when I'm sick...I milk it for everything I can. LOL! Like I'll have the DH waiting on me hand and foot and I'll only have like a little cold! You make me look really bad! LOL!


No, the DH hasn't been up for a Grammy but he has written songs for people that have gotten them...he just didn't get the credit. Long story! The music business is tough! He has had songs on some really good jazz albums like Brothers Four, Herbie Hancock, Lonnie Liston Smith, George Benson, etc.


The DS (19) has had songs on several albums. His music is more rock n roll, pop, and he loves to write rap. He definitely has a way with words and expressing his feeling with them. He's very clever with words.

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I like that look also. I've been wearing mine with white tennis shoes. I want to get me some All Star ones with the thicker sole. I also like the New Balance retro-look ones too. I wasn't able to see the picture of the Zappos shoes for some reason. It was just a screen that wanted me to sign up as a VIP. But knowing you, I'm sure they're cute. I hope your knee problem can be resolved without surgery as you wish. I have two cousins, and my dad that have major knee problems. My cousins have had several surgeries on their knees but dad is too old at 89 to have surgery.




You could wear tank tops or cute t-shirts with the maxi skirts. I've been wearing them with a tank top and a lightweight denim jacket as I hate my upper arms with a passion. In the summer, I wear my maxi skirts with 3/4-length, sleeved, cotton knit tops. I wear my tops on the outside, I don't tuck them in. You're very creative so I know you'll find a way to rock the look.


Thanks for the support re the DS...he's been gone since Monday when I drove him and his friends to the airport to head back to the U of A. I'm still missing him so much. I guess it's because I know it won't be until the middle of May when I'll see him again. I know it's silly, but he's my only child and it took us 10 years and all kinds of medical procedures to bring him into this world so he's just so special to us. Last night I was out in the area having dinner with the DH and as we took separate cars, he went home after dinner and I headed out to a couple of stores to do some shopping. Every time I'd pass his school, his old karate studio, all the restaurants that we eat at with him that are his favorites...my heart would sink into my stomach. I guess I'm still going through the empty nest syndrome. LOL! I was doing really great for such a long time and I think it's just because this is going to be the longest stretch of his not being home for awhile and our not going somewhere for the first time ever for spring break that I'm feeling so melancholy. I'm sure I'll get over it soon. On top of all that, I'm nervous about his going to Cabo with his frat brothers. They're going as a large group through a special offer given to their fraternity. I'll be "Sleepless in Cali" for the whole 5 days he'll be there. LOL!:o

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Barbara...I agree with Laurie and mousey...you sound so positive regarding your circumstances. I bet you could do Zumba in a chair. I did it yesterday. I did a playlist that I use when I sub...just to see how it would go. WOW...it's quite a core workout to chair dance! When you swing your arms around and are trying to maintain a good seat...I could definitely feel my abs struggling a bit. So WARNING...it's much harder than I originally thought it would be for that reason alone.


I ordered myself some shoes to wear with my formals! Whatever formals I will be able to wear for the cruising...whatever dresses. Things may change between now and then, but I think that I am well on my way to becoming a lady that wears nothing but flats...or very, very low heels. (Like my riding boots have a one inch heel). SO...I've decided to embrace this whole sneaker/oxford look that I am currently attracted to...and I ordered these:




After searching around...I figured out that these shoes remind me so much of these jazz shoes that we wore a couple of times in a dance class that I took for alternative PE in high school...and the dance team that I was on my freshman year in college.




It'll be a little like wearing the ballet slippers (real soft toed ballet practice slippers) with my wedding dress. I'm hoping to achieve this same kind of seamless look with these shoes...and I think the bronze color will do that nude like blend into the skin tone.


I do plan to play a bit with the laces and see if I can have a bit of fun with those...some ideas:


lace lacings:




tone on tone satin ribbon:




tone on tone translucent ribbon:




I think that I will like the tone on tone translucent ribbon the best. I've searched around and it is very easy to make your own laces. All you need is the ribbon, cut to size, and heat shrink tubing (which they sell in hardware and home improvement stores). That heat shrink tubing is what makes that hard end so that you can actually lace your shoes.


I had to order the shoes from a place I've never had to order from before in order to get what I believe to be my size...so I will have to wait 5-8 business days since I didn't want to pay for shipping...I hope they work out!!

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Anita, shoe places like Payless sell all sorts of shoe laces, and for cheap. Just a thought, since it may not be all that easy to find everything you need to make them, then the cost of the supplies and so forth.


I think the only thing I wear that has laces are my sneakers, and I pretty much only wear them when exercising. One advantage to shoes with laces is that you get some width control with it, so I probably should look at them. They wouldn't really work for me for work, but for a weekend look....


With the links you provided, I loved that pair of brown shoes with the lace laces and the last pair, the ivory. I don't see myself in the ivory as much, although I like them. Since I'd be wearing them with pants, I think I'd want something darker, you know what I mean?


They could be really cute with certain casual skirts or dresses.


I am looking for a shorter heel pair of comfy sandals. I have a really nice pair that love, but they are somewhat casual for what I'm looking for.


When we went to that charity gala the other day, I got to thinking about how much time is spent standing, and how rough it s in on your feet. I have bunions, and they bother me no matter what I wear, but especially with a higher heel. I think the hard part is that I get a picture in my mind, and then I can't shake it. I'm looking for something that is in my head, not in the store. I think I'm going to do a search on Zappos based on what I want, and see what shows up. I want a dressy sandal, probably metallic, and in a two inch heel, approximately. Hm....


I love the hunt for things, and trying to find what I want. I showed my husband those $75 earrings and told him that they were perfect, in my mind, for that dress. He agreed, and also agreed it was a lot of money. But, he did say it was fine to get them. I love the earrings a lot, but I just think about how far I could make $75 stretch, so I have a good alternative being made up. I really love the idea of using an independent business owner that is making them up for me, too. Actually, I'm going to get a ring and earrings for half that amount...I contemplated a bracelet too!


I hope you are seeing some improvement in your knee, Anita. No one wants surgery, if they can avoid it. That is why I still have bunions, I guess. Besides, my doctor says they usually come back, and the healing time, that clunky shoe, etc....I'll wait, I think.

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Happy Valentine's Day!!


Laurie...I hope I was clear in that I don't actually want any of the shoe lace inspiration shoes. Like I said...I believe that I'm becoming a flat shoe only wearer...no heels. Basically, I already am...there are so few pairs of shoes that I WEAR that have a heel.


I own several...but I rarely wear them...I have thought that perhaps it is because I don't have the occasion to wear them, but no, I do believe it because I don't really WANT to wear them. Most times, they are so impractical...I need to be able to walk more comfortably, etc....and I am a person that will weigh practicality heavily in my decisions. I have never gotten much into wearing heels so, for me, they are a trying shoe to wear.


I do get a picture in my head and I go hunting for it. I didn't realize that my inspiration was sourcing all the way back to jazz shoes and I think that's funny. I went looking for some pictures to share what I hope the final look will be.


If anyone remembers my red dress...it's a halter style with the uneven hem that is just above the knee. I wore it once for an anniversary dinner. Anyway...think of that dress and those flat bronze oxfords above. I'm hoping that the shoes will just blend into my skin tone and sort of fade into the background with all the attention up instead of down...


Here's a similar idea:




Here's metallic oxfords with a nicer dress:




Apparently, this lady (Olivia Palermo? I don't know who she is...) loves her silver oxfords:




In my internet browsing, I found this excerpt in an article titled "How to Wear Oxford Shoes":


"Oxfords With Party Dresses


This is the following ultra-cool, creative, and neo-modern solution for the Oxford shoes. Picking them for combinations with party or even evening dresses is a crazy yet effective thing you may do. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that the shoes you choose need to be maximum chic and glamorous. For instance, you may choose options like luxurious suede looks or bright purple shades, glowy leather berry options or those corresponding to the mega trend of nowadays: the shimmery golden alternatives."


The corresponding picture for these words is on the right:




Here's Emma Watson in a party dress with oxfords (hers are more of a statement that mine will be):




I don't need to go on. I just wanted to share because it will be a while for me to model and share on my own, even after I get the shoes. I'm still hoping to be able to wear that red dress! I can wear it but it isn't as flattering as when I weigh less...


Anyway, the more I look the more fun outfits I see with similar shoes...I had a pair of black oxfords (back in the day...) with a chunky block heel, less than 2 inches...and I loved to wear them with this black flare skirt with white polka dots. One of my most fav outfits of all time...that combo. Usually with a red sweater...or some other pop of color on top. I did find that I need to be careful of hem length with those shoes...I tried them on with a certain dress once that was more mid-calf and asked Mom's opinion and I think she said I looked like Mary Poppins.


Not a good look for a young 20-something.

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