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Anita, I do understand what you are saying about flat shoes. I just couldn't help but to comment on those two pair in particular, because I did like them.


It's funny, but I can sometimes have a bigger issue with the bunions when I'm wearing a flat. I can't really wear really high heels to begin with, but I find that mid height of 2-3 inches ideal. I have things that have a bigger heel, things that have a lower heel...the style can really make a difference, because I have a wide foot. Standing tends to bother me, because there are so many shoes and sandals these days with no cushioning whatsoever. I really like having a bit of a cushion.


Well, we just got about three inches of snow in one hour. I think it stopped...for now.

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I can't believe the weather that is going on...for all who are in the Great Lakes area and then especially for the Northeast...wow...stay safe and warm!


Laurie...a friend of mine has these shoes bought a pair of shoes by a brand called Bernie Mev. Have you heard of them? The shoes are very cute...a kind of athletic look shoe...I see her wear them to Curves. She said that they are supposed to be great for people with bunions but she just thinks they are so comfortable.


The uppers are made of woven stretchy bands. The soles are super cushiony. I've read great reviews on these shoes...especially from people who have all different kinds of foot related issues. It seems the hardest thing is just to figure out your proper size.


Just thought I'd pass this along.



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Since I don't walk heel height is not really a concern for me and I tend to wear heels pretty much all of the time. My favorite style at present are "shoeties" that I wear with everything. Today I am wearing black suede and patent ones with a 3 inch heel. I especially like to pair them with dark jeans. I like to wear them to work because we dispatch using a pedal to activate the mic and the heels make that do much more comfortable.


I like the idea of jazz shoes, Anita. I remember those being very popular when I was in high school in the mid 80s. Nice to see them come back in style.


Since I had to work tonight (Valentines Day) we are celebrating with dinner and a movie tomorrow. Now I need to figure out something cute to wear. We need a distraction as our perfectly healthy 15 year old kitty had a stroke Thursday and died on Valentine's day morning. He was my husband's baby so it's been a bad few days.

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Barbara I'm so sorry about your kitty. Losing our pets is so hard. I really debated about getting another cat after our last one died because it was so awful. But I missed her presence in our home so much we eventually got another one, even though we get to love them for what seems like such a short time.


Once again we had a forecast for lots of snow that turned out to be wrong. So, we are fortunate to have only an inch of snow this morning, though it is bitterly cold so we're staying in today. It was about 20 when we went out for dinner last night. Lasagna and red wine and a fireplace, what more could a girl want? Chocolate, too. Yum.


Anita, you couldn't pick a better time in fashion for flats. Along with the popularity of oxfords (so fun to see 80s fashion returning), the stores are filling up with creative sneakers and all kinds of eye-catching flat sandals:








Years ago I saw Molissa Fenley (a famous modern dancer) do a dance she choreographed while restricted after her knee surgery, and for the whole dance she was seated in a chair. It was truly beautiful, but I can't find a video of it. Here she is in a more recent dance; she's on the left. She's 60 years old now:



For me, dealing with injuries was just part of an active lifestyle, and having downtime is just part of the deal for most athletes. Very few athletes have careers that are injury-free. The key is to do your rehab and get back to your passion, and not to let it derail you completely. It is what it is. My eventual takeaway from my knee experience is that while losing my career was heartbreaking, I didn't lose dancing. When I am realistic and sensible I can see that I am still able to participate at a level that most people my age cannot, and I am grateful for the dancing I CAN do. It is tempting to measure myself against younger me, or against people in class who are thinner or fitter, but that is self-defeating and takes away all the joy that is available to me. Why would I do that? (In my head I hear Barbara saying "get over yourself already," though she may be too kind to ever say such things and I am just projecting.)


As I'm sitting here there's a commercial playing for a local hospital of an older gentleman slalom skiing after total knee replacement. How is that for timely?! I miss my boat. :(

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We got everything the forecast promised and more. I'm going to guess 10 inches of snow and then the 45 mile per hour wind gusts. Here is the view from the family room. We are out of places to put the snow.






More later...we are digging out the driveway to help my sister move. Thankfully it is within the same building.


I'm so sorry about your cat, Barbara!

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If looking at pretty clothes will perk up your weekend, check out the lovely post from yesterday on The Vivienne Files, a beautiful peach and brown wardrobe. Delicious.


I also enjoyed Friday's leopard print shoes... and that adorable brown polka dot dress!

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Margaret, I checked out the Vivienne Files, something I haven't done in quite some time. I have to say, that is one of the best collections I have seen in quite some time. I just adore those colors!!!


I really like the whole cognac/animal print thing as well. I checked out the orange booties as well, and loved the direction she went with in that.


The first collection though, I think would appeal to a lot of here. Anita, I know you've talked about practicality, and what I liked about the grouping is that even though it is centered around an impulse buy purse, the items are all things that could get a lot of use. I can see where we could change something out based on our lifestyle or budget, but still be keeping with the overall concept.


It gets me thinking about how easy it is to buy based on a particular item without thinking the whole core wardrobe concept. It is easy to do that with work clothes for me, but quite honestly, I hate suits, and they do nothing for me. As a matter of fact, I tend to get compliments when I'm not wearing standard business attire, but when I'm trying to make something office worthy that isn't a suit. Does that make sense?


I am not dressed very earthy today, I admit. I have this air type shirt on, a heathered cranberry color that is a bit too cool. It's almost borderline, in that it isn't too far from a heathered brick red, if you know what I mean. The scarf isn't good, but after I meet for lunch with my sister, I have to go over to my other sister's apartment and help her move downstairs. The move is a long story, but it makes me think about Margaret and Mousey, and their parents. The difference being is that I can't blame my sister's age for her attitude and thinking. She has been this way forever, and I am just gritting my teeth and doing what I think I'm supposed to.

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Thank you all for your kind words about our kitty. We had Spuds for over 15 years and loved him every day of his life. He was beautiful, smart and full of personality. He will be missed.


I really liked the outfits on the Vivienne Files for the leopard shoes (of course, I LOVE leopard) and for the houndstooth flats. Both had several outfits that I could totally see myself wearing. And the combinations of all the outfits at the end of each section was amazing as a travel wardrobe. I really liked that and could totally see that working for a cruise.


I tend to find a shirt/dress/pants that I love and then buying every color I can find regardless of whether it's a good color for me. Then I wear the heck out of that shirt/dress/pants until it's almost like a uniform. I just did that with a long sleeved t-shirt and have been wearing the various colors almost constantly ever since. I really need some variety and to buy only the colors that work, not just the colors that I like. And maybe buy a variety of styles rather than the same thing in every color of the rainbow. LOL.

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So sorry to hear about your buddy "Spuds." My heart goes out to you and your husband for your loss. Lots of love being sent your way.


But of course you love leopard print...so do I my little cyber soul sister. LOL! I love most animal prints. I have several pair of shoes, boots, flats, and oxfords in leopard print. Just love it!


For the first time ever I'm feeling what it's like to have your feet go out on ya. Not that I have any serious foot problems like some of you do...I'm just old! LOL! Yep my little feet (size 7) are just starting to give out on me. I used to wear heels of all kinds (stilettos, wedges, boots) and all sizes of heels. My feet just no longer appreciate that. Lately I've been wearing mostly flat sandals. Because I have a very narrow heel, I can't find too many "flats" that fit comfortably so I buy mostly sandals. In the last year, I've started buying oxfords, and fancy sneakers...like some of the ones shown a couple of posts back. My very favorite shoe type right now is the slip-on loafer just like the leopard pair as seen on the Vivienne Files. I just got a pair of designer ones (on sale at TJ Maxx...where else...LOL) that are black and have silver studs that look like little spikes all over them. I love them! No only are they super comfortable but they are very "on-trend" right now.


I find that I can't stand on my feet for several hours like I used to while cooking for a party...when I do...my feet are so tired and sore for a couple of days. Also, walking for long periods of time cause my feet to get tired. The old gray mare just ain't what she was...LOL!:D

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I want to post these before I forget where I saw them yesterday... not one, but two green gowns. Laurie is a trendspotter. :)


Tadashi Shoji Fall 2015:




If you page forward there is another green dress and a lovely purple. Further back there are some exquisite ICE dresses for Melody.



Claire Danes at the SAG awards:


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You ever have one of those days/weeks/months where your hair drives you insane? That's my hair today. I'm threatening to get it chopped and considering going to an expensive salon to do color and a cut. My normal stylist is busy today, and I'm a little disappointed with what she has been doing to my hair recently so I just don't know if I really want to go see her anyways. Breaking up with a stylist is hard. I don't do it well. I think I want to go darker/richer in my hair color. And I need something done with the style... it's been a few months since I last got it cut and even then I was "growing it out" so it hasn't really had a style in awhile. I just don't know what I want to do with it. Any ideas? Advice? Talk me off the ledge?

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I get the I hate my hair feelings a lot and I discovered if I wait a day or so I am able to deal with it better . I hate changing hair stylists but sometimes you have to do it . The best stylist I ever had would tell me how I should wear my hair and when he was done I loved it . Plus he served wine & cheese & crackers . Your hair looks good red maybe a deep brown with red would look great .

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Love the dresses. Know completely the I hate my hair. I recently went to my daughter's stylist when she got her hair cut. He took one look at me & told me who cut my hair (this is not a small town), I was astounded & made an appt with him for Friday just before we leave for our cruise. I've gone to my stylist for over 20 years & she recently fell (snowboarding) & broke both wrists & had to cancel my appt. we'll see how this goes...the girls have been after me to "update the cut Ma". I'll try to get a decent picture... He told me he wouldn't color (or highlight) my silver cause "people pay good money for what you have naturally". Ok, the guy isn't going to charge me a ton. We'll see. Oh, he also has wine, cheese, crackers & margaritas & a cut/style is same as I've been paying.


Cholla get some magazines & find something you like with a color you like it'll help. Melody



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I want a stylist who serves wine and cheese! That would be awesome. I just get green tea, although I like it so that's not bad.


I also suggest finding pictures of someone famous who has hair like yours in terms of texture and curl. See what they do with it, and think about how much time you realistically want to spend every day. It is better to work with what you have and not try to bend it to your will. :) For example, I don't want a cut that looks good on straight hair because I don't want to blow it out every single day.


Anita, I'm sending you happy thoughts today and I hope you hear some good news.

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I love my stylist! I told her that when she moved (the good ones always do...) that she HAD to let me know...that I would follow her if she was still in the area. Sure enough, she has established her own little salon. It's a salon suites type place...it's like...IDK...like going into a hallway of offices (doors and walls and all) but each little office (they are the size of a patient room at the doctor's office) is a small, independent salon. I love it.


No wine. No cheese. But a great hair cut every time. I think that finding a stylist that understands YOUR hair is amazing and a keeper. My lady is also just a great person...I like talking with her, too, which is a bonus.


She also cuts DS' hair (because my kid has style and doesn't do just a normal boy cut...he does one of those fancy stylin' boys cuts...and he has just as much hair as Mom and I). This is fun because she has been cutting our hair for almost 3 years now...and she has really gotten to see DS navigate these pre-teen/young teen years. It's interesting to hear her POV regarding DS.


IDK how fast your hair grows Barbara...mine grows incredibly fast...and I finally realized that I could, and should be more experimental with my hair because I really wouldn't have to live with it for that long. I haven't ever gone experimenting with color as you have...I've been tempted and I did do some highlighting many years ago, but...IDK...I think I'm fortunate that my hair is naturally streaky...and bleaches out by the sun easily in certain spots...so it's interesting enough for me most times...it's the dead of winter that usually tempts me...but this year, since I've been going longer and longer from the pixie to the bob...my highlights aren't getting cut off, so I'm not bugged by darker hair.


Excited to see/hear how it goes! New hair can be so fun!!


Thanks Margaret. DH had to leave today for a business trip until next Thursday. He'll be home for the weekend...but he'll be absent for all these doctor appts. Today is just the MRI...the results will be shared Monday. My doc spends time in more than one location and so this is one reason for the extended delay. I'm waiting for his office hours at the office closer to home. Continuing to pray for the best report here...


I am able to walk around now. I can even do the stairs, very purposefully, with independent legs...that is, one leg on each step as I rise or descend...not longer trying to two step every stair. I know that I am not walking with a normal gait because I'm developing sore tight muscles all around from increasing my activity, so I'm concentrating on walking normal...the good news is that because I am so tight and careful, I can easily feel the feedback if I continue to hitch my step and not do a full range of motion. The funny thing is that the full range of motion is not difficult...it's a mental thing. I have trust issues with my own knee.


And thank you Margaret for sharing the post about Marie Kondo. OMG! I read all up on her yesterday...she's a bit odd in her explanations of things but where she comes from in her thinking is very much the base I stand on...and I'm very excited to have found her and her thinking. VERY excited. The one and done philosophy is what I have strived for time and again with every move...and finalizing the unpacking and dealing with our stuff was a priority agenda item for early 2015. I think I'm going to get her book and start the marathon process. Fortunately, I have already been doing this kind of thing for a long time...I think my mindset will start off more than ready to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak.


Yesterday and today, because I've been taking therapeutic baths every night and going to bed with wet hair...my hair is doing the most amazing every which way kind of look. The layers all stand out...and they are pointing in their own directions...and the closest my hair has ever looked to that messy perfect that Meg Ryan used to have way back when...I couldn't make it do this...but bed head from damp hair going to bed! ROCKS!


My shoes left Knoxville this morning. I don't know if the weather will hold them up...we are supposed to be between -5 and 5 degrees tonight. I know you ladies up north have been dealing with this forever...wow...so crazy the amount of snow this season...but this is significant for us. Currently, it's snowing here...the teeny, tiniest snow flakes that wouldn't even get your windshield wet...but still...snow. In HOTlanta. What a joke.


I'll take snow over ice any day though...all the news reports of the ice storms...I remember those days in Kansas. No thank you. Glad to not be there any longer.

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Funny that the topic of conversation today seems to be about hair...my hairdresser called me today to let me know that as of March 1st she's moving from the shop she's been at for about 12 yrs. to another one across the street. I know about bad hair days because my hair has thinned out so much (it's hereditary...thanks mom...LOL) since I got into my 60s. I use to have the prettiest naturally curly hair. I loved it because most most of my life all I've had to do is wash my hair and let it air dry. But now...it's a drag. My hair stylist is very good with coloring it and trying to style it. For the most part I wear hats a lot. Not a problem for me because I've always liked hats and have tons of them. You name a style and I probably have it. Such is life and if this is all I have to worry about...I'm doing good.


Anita, glad to hear your knees are better and that you're able to walk and go up and down stairs. I know you love Zumba so I'll share that I went to my first Zumba class ever this morning. It was fun. I had a hard time following all of the steps but I was happy about a few things...


1. Met some nice ladies that were very encouraging.

2. Even though I couldn't keep up with all the steps, I just kept repeating the ones I did get so that I could keep up at least aerobically.

3. Even though I haven't exercised in years (embarrassed to say) I didn't huff and puff and I made it through the whole hour just fine.


Bad part...I'm sore all over! LOL! But tomorrow I'm going to get on our treadmill in the garage and then Fri. I'll go back for another Zumba class. I'm committed to getting into shape and losing weight because I want to stay healthy. I found that I've been slowing up a lot lately and I don't like...not a bit! :( I'm also changing my eating habits and making better food choices. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I stay committed to doing this because I've been down this road before. But I now have one of my BFFs to hang with as she just joined my sports club (24 Hour Fitness) so that's a very good thing and she's promised to keep me on the straight and narrow and says she won't let me fail. I love her! So lucky to have her in my life.


So, I've lost track...who's going where and when? I'm going to San Diego with the DH for a convention on April 22nd and then I'll be going to FL for the first week of May to visit my folks again. That's all that's on my travel radar for now. What are you ladies up to...I know several of you have cruises coming up I just forgot when and where exactly.


Well tomorrow, after I workout, I'm going to Kohl's to buy a couple of workout outfits as I only have the one sports bra and pants I wore today. I'm in the process of washing them right now so that I don't have that as an excuse to not go to class. LOL! Trust me, I can find all kinds of excuses not to workout. LOL!

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