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All things EARTH...

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Melody...like Laurie said...looks like a muted eye, which means that you are either an Air or Earth.


You said that you used to be Earth...so I'd bet Earth. Curt doesn't believe that our coloring temperature/clarity changes as we age. I know that you have said that since your hair color has changed, your color preferences have changed...what you feel good in changed, I think.


It's amazing what kind of story you can create with pictures, though. It'd be interesting to see you in what I am not thinking of as a color theory shoot...where you take photos of yourself in key colors for different seasons to be able to truly see the impact of color.


That was the enlightening thing for me...to do a color theory shoot.

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I think this is a pretty great graphic:




These are also pretty fun for comparison:






It is through the analysis of comparisons that we perceive color. It's very difficult to look at many colors and say, hey that's a warm or cool color. You can kind of convince yourself one way or another...and then second guess it.


But when you can compare two colors...then you can usually decide that one is more warm or more cool than the other.


The key is to hit that dividing line...which may be slightly different for everyone within each color.


The idea is...based on your OWN coloring...you tend toward warmer or cooler...clearer or more muted (muteder? LOL!)

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Thanks ladies. I tend, now to wear clear colors. If I try to wear true Earth colors, mustard, olive, rust I fade right out or look jaundiced. I didn't find that when I was still a redhead. I'm really thinking I'm Air with a Fire wannabe. This was taken yesterday as it was National Tequila Day we wore margarita shirts & took the younger grands to the North Pole to see SantaImageUploadedByForums1437840407.947951.jpg.6c3fe602b7e941e5fd98a925da8dd605.jpg. DH is a dark eyes, dark hair (with a bit of silver starting since I retired [emoji6], haven't found any color he doesn't look good in

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You guys have me OCD'ing photos of my eyes trying to get a good one. I can't seem to get the one I want. So, I decided to post a "study of eyes"--different lighting, different days, makeup, right after shower, end of day makeup, etc. Here it is.







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2nd part of "study". I see lots of different colors in my eyes--blue, green, gold, a brown dot, even a violet looking color. I've always thought of my eyes as green but, when I wear FIRE blue, it makes them look really blue. I'm not sure what color I would call my eyes after doing the "study". I'll bet I've taken 100 eye photos over the last couple of days. It's become an obsession--obviously I have had too much time on my hands the last couple of days :eek:














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All this has been so fascinating to me too Kim!


What I've learned:


1. Your eyes are the result of two layers in your iris. The deeper layer is the melanin in your iris. The more melanin you have, the darker your eyes are...to deep brown. The less melanin you have, the lighter your eyes are...to light blue.


2. The reason eyes look blue or green or any other lighter color from brown is a phenomenon that is why the ocean and other water and the sky looks blue...even though water is clear. That other layer in your eye is actually clear and it has something to do with the way that light is scattered and absorbed or reflected that makes your eyes appear to have a "color" like blue, green, gray, hazel, amber, etc. depending on how much melanin is in the under layer.


3. Because the color of your eye is actually dependent on how light reacts with the fluids of your eye...and how much collagen is in your eye?...your eye can have the appearance of different colors depending on the size of your pupil and how all the components of your eye contract or relax in relation to your pupil changing size.


This is why some people's eye color can appear to change with their emotions.


4. Eye color is apparently like a finger print. No two people have the exact same eye color!

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Kim! You have no idea how happy your "study" makes me! I thought I was the only one doing this and I didn't dare let anyone know because Anita might have me checked into the "funny farm" so I was keeping it really, really quiet and on the down low. High five!


Oh… one thing I have to share, though. I had these really, really weird blueish, squareish kind of white lightish "things" in my eye and thought they looked really, really weird. Then I realized that they were a reflection of the glass block tiles in my bathroom! LOL.

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Kim! You have no idea how happy your "study" makes me! I thought I was the only one doing this and I didn't dare let anyone know because Anita might have me checked into the "funny farm" so I was keeping it really, really quiet and on the down low. High five!


Oh… one thing I have to share, though. I had these really, really weird blueish, squareish kind of white lightish "things" in my eye and thought they looked really, really weird. Then I realized that they were a reflection of the glass block tiles in my bathroom! LOL.


I LIVE at the funny farm;)


I saw all kinds of reflections in my eye photos. In some of the photos I saw my hand on the camera in my eye.


My DH had quite a good time watching me for a couple of days doing "the study". He knows me well though, so nothing really surprises him when I do it :eek:

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I feel like I have morphed into a travel agent between working out the details of my trans atlantic , booking air fare & rental car for visiting my Mom & now my daughter wants us all to go to Tennesse in October which is code for nice family vacation that you pay for and book .Today I spent hours on VRBO searching for the perfect cabin in Tennesse . It will be fun spending time with my two grandsons & my daughter & son in law .We have done several family vacations & they are what makes memories .

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Sally, you've been busy! But it sounds like fun work overall. Expensive, but fun!


I love the whole eye discussion thing we have going on. I'm going to try and get a good picture of my other daughter's eyes. She is an earth like me. I tried taking pictures the other day in the yard, but with the sun out, it seemed like I was getting that crystal effect, even though I could not see that when I just looked at her. I realized that it was really sunny, and she was squinting to keep the sun out...it was reflection. So I will have to try again.


My husband was game, so I took a picture of his eyes too. The shot came out blurry and it was also taken outside...so it's not a good picture, really. But it does give us a an idea of what the eyes of an air look like.




Then we got to goofing off a little bit. :rolleyes: My dog Harvey is an earth, and Mason is ice.

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Wasn't that the hugest eye picture? Hope I didn't scare anyone, lol.


I decided this morning to try on all the dresses that weren't recent purchases just before my May cruise. I wanted to see what fit and what didn't. Well, every single dress that was purchased before the month of May was too big except for 2. One was the shorter formal I wore on the cruise, the other an old favorite that goes on many cruises, but always seem to fit.


I started by asking myself if there was anything that truly didn't make me happy, that I didn't want bother adjusting. This is a small scale version of what you went through with your clothes Anita, because I really think that if you love something, you will say to yourself "Can I take that in or have Sharon maybe help me with it?" Sharon is the tailor I take things to when I'm afraid to do it myself or don't have enough time.


I got rid of around 4 dresses, I think. Then I sorted everything into to two piles, initially. There are those things I think I can adjust myself, and those that need Sharon. From there, sorted by most important first and so on. Sharon gets super busy and behind, so I always tell her that if she is working on something that has to be done during a certain time frame, yet I don't need my item right away, do the other thing first. Sometimes she charges me less because I'm willing to wait.


I'm going to begin work on all these, a little at a time. We are just starting to get a lot of humidity again, so it will be slow going. But it will get done over time.


Anita, you mentioned that Kohl was getting in a lot fall clothing. I stopped in DressBarn while running errands today, and I noticed that they are bringing on what I call late summer clothes. They are still for summer, but the colors are switching over towards fall. This is a time when I love to try and find things that I can get to wear in coming years all summer long. I found a few cute tops.


Lauri, you mentioned a few days ago about me wearing white. I have to go back and look through the post, but I generally avoid light shades altogether because they do nothing for me. I do have ivory crops that I pair with an earthy color, and I have an oatmeal top that I wear. If you are ever trying to decide if something like that is cool or warm, think back to the picture that Anita posted of the shorts, one in khaki, one in more of a sand. Ask yourself which pair of shorts the item would look better with.


If I ever find crops in a tea stain type color (warm) I think I'd grab them without waiting for a sale, that sort of thing. We all want something that says summer, but still looks good on us, you know?


Here are some nice things at DressBarn right now:


Indian rust and heritage gold are great colors. Check out the back too, there a tonal sheer part on the bottom.




I did not like this at all on the hanger, or on the model online. However, I tried it on at my daughter's prodding, and it is actually very attractive. I have to watch those lighter tones, so I may try it on, take a picture and get your thoughts.




I looked for this in the store, but didn't see it. I can see the versatility in this - under a jacket for work or on it's own during the weekend.




The red trim on this is fire, but the rest of it has our name written all over it.




Another wonderful, earthy print:




I think a hand full of us really like drape neck tops. These two are awesome colors:




Just one more here...you guys know how I am about red, but I managed to resist the urge to buy it because it's fire. I don't think the online photo looks warm, but it is in real life. the name of the color is tomato, and I think most of associate tomato red as being warm.


Enough of that for now!









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I like the tribal look too. I have a great shirt in that look already...it's just a bit too small still.


Laurie...funny about the poncho shirt. I JUST got one today! I think everyone knows that I have been searching and searching for a kind of overshirt to throw on over my tanks/camis...and I was finally successful today!


I got this in Bright Feather:




Which really isn't that bright. What is fun about this shirt combo is that is it sold with a tank that has the same pattern as the sheer poncho. So a new fun tank and a sheer overshirt.


Excited for it.


Also picked up a fun maxi skirt in Neutral Skin Chevron:




The web site isn't showing the coordinating new shirts that my Kohl's has. I'll have to get a photo...


Fun shopping today. :)

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Not too long ago you said that when you find something that is right, grab it when you see it. So I did get a few of those things. I've taken pictures then I'll decide. But I didn't want to lose out altogether.


For example, my husband is going to do my brakes on my car. I got everything yesterday, and my husband had found s rebate card he had. Plus my brother works at the auto parts store and gets a discount. So I decided to get that wine red convertible dress, since I had the extra. It's not on sale any more and they were out of my size.

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Not too long ago you said that when you find something that is right, grab it when you see it. So I did get a few of those things. I've taken pictures then I'll decide. But I didn't want to lose out altogether.


For example, my husband is going to do my brakes on my car. I got everything yesterday, and my husband had found s rebate card he had. Plus my brother works at the auto parts store and gets a discount. So I decided to get that wine red convertible dress, since I had the extra. It's not on sale any more and they were out of my size.

Laurie , Those convertible dresses run large . I would suggest a size down .Also check on ebay there may be still some of the White House Black market ones available .A lot of buyers let you return the dresses if they do not fit . I recently closed my ebay store after nine years . I learned a lot and it was fun but now I have to concentrate on down sizing .

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OMG there has been so much going on here while I was otherwise occupied! I had back-to-back houseguests for a total of eleven days, and then yesterday was our annual barbeque lake bash. I haven't done any shopping at all (except for food), but I may grab that scoop neck brick red top that Laurie posted.


Broomstick skirts, and skirts in general of all shapes and sizes are everywhere here since it's been so hot. My three days of tour-guiding my DB+family in Manhattan were skirt days for me and the girls. I learned all about American Girl dolls! I had no idea. We were there for at least two hours. :eek:


I am fascinated watching the process with our new friend Lauri. Welcome Lauri! I find brown hair and brown eyes the hardest to analyze myself. Just based on the tops she's posted so far, I would have said looking at the lavender and cream ones that she's EARTH because of how her skin looks in those two.


Carnival Elation was in port when we visited the Intrepid museum, and at 5:00 as we were leaving, they blew their horn for departure. Oh, I wanted so much to be on a cruise! I love that sound!


I just reviewed the Pantone colors for fall and it looks like we may have some nice teals. Yay! I'm also hopeful for golds. I'm trying really hard not to buy anything though until I'm back on track with my weight. Except for shoes, I don't really NEED anything for when I go back to work in the fall.

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Costco had some cute maxi skirts too. This seems like one of those that could be either EARTH or FIRE depending on what top you wore (it also came in an orange and brown pattern:




A few weeks ago I picked up an orange flip skirt. It seems to go with so many things I have, so that’s fun. This is what I wore for our bbq this weekend, it’s been a go-to summer outfit for me this season:


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I went to Athleta today & got a Jasper Green hoodie. It is s definite Earth green & looks really good on me. I'm now more confused than I was, lol. I guess I'm an Earthy Fire...is that possible? I'll try to get a decent picture of me in it

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A quick EARTH versus FIRE questions, please. Looking at the bottoms of this Athleta outfit makes me think this is a FIRE gray. This is so very hard for me. Is the top EARTH or FIRE or neither?



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