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I don't know how I got onto the Garnet Hill catalog mailing list...but I am. Looking at the September 2015 catalog, this sweater totally reminded me of you Margaret:




The Blue Peacock is beautiful in the catalog...rich in color...not like this online photo at all. Weird. Have you seen this catalog?


There are many beautiful things in this catalog...OMG...

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Have any of you tried Benefit "they're Real" mascara? Oh my goodness, love this product...& it comes in Beyond BROWN, blue & black. Not too bad at $24. Really lengthens well & doesn't appear to make raccoon eyes! Excited [emoji7]

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Hi everybody! I love how much fun you all are! I love shopping with you all! Loved so much in the Garnet Hill catalog!


These next two paragraphs are probably long and sad...skip them if you want!


We have had a few horrible days here! Ryan got to Glasgow on Friday and there was no immigration to go through. We did not realize that Dublin to Glasgow is a domestic flight, so no immigration officers would be present. Everything the University prepped us to happen in the Glasgow airport did not happen. It took us almost 24 hours to figure this all out but now we know that his immigration actually took place in Dublin (point of entrance), not Glasgow so he did enter the country properly. He had University staff telling him he had to leave the country and come back through immigration properly. After 27 hours of no sleep, stressful travel, this is what he was greeted with. Even the American Embassy told us he had to leave the country. Then a coworker told me about the point of entrance rule so I had Ryan check his passport, and there was a Dublin stamp which is acceptable throughout the UK. He merely showed them his passport in Dublin, was not questioned, was not asked to show the necessary paperwork, so he did not realize this was his "immigration" especially when we were told that would happen in Glasgow. Poor kid. I was absolutely sick for him. He questioned if going there was the right thing...he was so sad/stressed out but today we skyped and he is feeling a bit better. Still not sleeping well, but better. I cannot believe the American Embassy gave me bad info!


Our neighbors house burned down last night. They smoke in their garage and apparently did not stub it out well enough. By the time the fired dept got there, the house and the contents were a total loss. I had half the neighborhood in my house and yard until 2 am this morning (I had to be at work at 6 a.m.) It is amazing how people come together at times like this. These neighbors were not well liked in the neighborhood (we have all called the police on their kids at one time or another for vandalizing our property) but all of that is put aside when you are faced with something so devastating. Thank God everyone was safe.


Now the fun part!!! I got my color cards!! They are big old Benjamin Moore paint chips. I think I may remember earlier discussions about paint chips. If anyone wants to know soft autumn's paint chip numbers, I will give them to you and not charge you $40 like I was!! A few of the colors confuse me because they seem too bright, especially the dawn pink and delicate rose, or maybe it was just my kitchen lighting. And I thought I would get a burgundy but the closest I have is Bricktone red, hot apple spice, and maple leaf red. I bet I saw soft autumn clothes on the web, thought it was burgundy but now that I have the chips realize the color has a lot more brown in it. I am excited by the colors but know not many exist in my closet! Has anyone picked up the Benjamin Moore paint chips in your colors? Did you feel they were a true representation of your colors?

I cannot wait to go through my closet tomorrow after a good nights sleep!



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We tried doing a whole study of paint chips once upon a time ago but it was too difficult to sort. The paint chips seemed to change color personalities depending on the groupings. We gave up on that effort.


It would be interesting to know what colors they think Soft Autumn is. I'd have to see them in person...


The pink color is surprising but then I remember that a makeup artist once said to Mom and me that I had too much orange in my skin to wear this one color that Mom liked and thought would be good on me too. The lip color was too orange for me, he said...and he put me in a kind of pink color...and it looked good.


The men's shirts came on time last Friday. I love them. They are the perfect look. I need to wash them and then iron them...and pray that washing them doesn't wreck them!


I took pictures of the two shirts that I am debating to see how they all photographed together.


It's pretty clear that the best photograph will result with the butterscotch shirt. I was so excited to receive the blue and think it is actually a warm, muted Earthy blue...perfect on DH. The black is also a very warm black...I've thought DH was Fire-y in the past...and this black is one of those one's that has a warm undertone that I think wouldn't actually look wonderful on my Dad...who is an Ice.


Here are my test photos...the two pairs were taken under two different conditions with two different camera settings:










It's pretty clear to me that the butterscotch shirt blends with the warm men's shirts...but the white shirt doesn't blend at all and you can't even see the details on the men's shirts when they are photographed with the white shirt! I'm fascinated by how a grouping of colors can contribute to the quality of a photograph! I'm sure that the professional cameras would do a better job of compensating...but why make a camera work that hard?


So the white shirt is very fun to me...and I really like the concept...but the butterscotch shirt is the clear winner for taking a great picture on formal night!


I do like the one necklace with it...I need to figure out the best earrings now. I think the necklace is pretty dominant so the earrings would play second fiddle so to speak...


I've said to DH already that pictures are very important to me on this cruise...we will probably take more photos than we ever have before...and so how the photographs come out is very important to me. I already told Mom that I want to love these photographs and I don't want to end up upset with myself because of how I end up looking in them when I know better having such hard found knowledge of all this color stuff...

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Anita, cheat the photo, have the guys sit & you lean in so your heads are close together & your arms are down around the guys waists (practice the pose). Or have them stand with arms akimbo & you stand behind in the shadow of their arms (hides lots of sins [emoji6]). Third option is have DH sit, you cheat in behind him & have DS stand kind of facing both of you, but all looking at camera.


We bought a package in March & these poses were most flattering (after we stopped laughing). Good luck, you'll be glad you did pictures.


Love the butterscotch with those shirts, I'd dry clean the shirts, hate to have them shrink. Melody

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Anita, I'm all about pictures. The memories we capture are priceless. My favorite pictures are those where I have just settled down from laughing because that is when I think smiles come so naturally.


I really like the butterscotch shirt with you men's shirts. It's going to be a wonderful photo! Personally, I take advantage of all the photo ops, even when you don't think the background is a good one. The more they take, the more you have to choose from.


Went to the mall today with my daughters. My luck was so.so. I got a brown herringbone look suit for work. I struck out with jeans. I didn't check that many places because it takes a while to get around the mall.


We did pick up nail polish yesterday though, and I tried on my outfits when o got home to see how they all looked. I'm glad I did as I made some small changes. Remember when I said o was apprehensive about leggings? Well the tunic sweater I had planned to wear with them wasn't long enough. It actually ended up being an easy fix my swapping a few sweaters around but I'm glad I found out now.


I leave the 18th. How about you guys?


I wouldn't mind true autumn color cards, but it's important to me that they be right, if you know what I mean. My first set ever were from Color Me Beautiful and they were fabric swatches. They were all over the place.


Lauri, I'm so sorry that your son has had so much difficulty. This must be so hard on all of you.


And your neighbors....wow! There was a major fire across the street from my old house about ten years ago and it was an experience I'll never forget. It is truly devastating to see.


You must be exhausted with everything that has transpired!!

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Awhfy - I haven't worn it in the water yet. I plan to on our November cruise so please let me know if it works. I love the mascara and it's one thing I always wear. I think it wakes up my whole face.


Lauri - so sorry about your son's issue and your neighbors fire. Very scary. I have looked a bit at the soft/true/dark autumn and think I am closer to dark autumn if anything. I struggle with the colors because I absolutely adore black and can't wrap my mind around the idea of giving it up. Pretty much 80% of my closet is some black. Lol. I have a problem...


Anita - the butterscotch shirt is a win. I love the combination with the guys shirts. When is your cruise leaving?


Laurie - what polish did you pick? I need a fun nail polish for the cruise.


We leave on Halloween. Sail on the 1st. Just got our cruise docs today. Cannot wait!!!! 4 years seems like forever since we have been on a cruise. Or... even a real vacation.

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Lauri! You must be mentally & physically drained! I hope your son is able to put this behind him & enjoy the rest of his experience.


Hope your neighbors were well insured. Fires are scary. Our son's neighbor lost their house to a lightning strike. He was at work & was told it was his house, he broke all kind of speed records getting home to find out it was a neighbor house. Melody

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We leave in 8 days!! Sept 21.


I'm finally able to look at the 10 day forecast. Looks like the temp will be about the same for here and Port Canaveral. Mid-Upper 80s. But there is a good chance of rain in Florida. Not surprising.


Also a good chance of rain in the Bahamas...


So need to be prepared for that...


I recall that there was one day where there was rain on our cruise last year... It does make it feel cooler.

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All your nail polish references have got me hunting for an awesome cruise polish and I came across the color "This Color's Making Waves" by OPI. It's a gorgeous blue/green/teal with gold flecks that looks perfect for a cruise. Only issue is its a gel polish and I don't know what that entails. Can I do this at home or do I have to go to a salon?

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Thank you everyone for being so supportive! I got a great nights sleep last night and feel much better. DH got home yesterday from his weekend away, so that really helps! You realize how much you depend on them when you are down and they are gone! Ryan is still struggling. He has always been a real at-home kid and is missing all of us. I think once classes start and he is busier, things will feel better. I am sure he would love for us just to tell him to come home but that won't happen. He can do this, he just needs to believe that! He will come out a stronger person because of this experience and I am sure after 12 months, he will not want to leave!


Anita, you must be so excited about your cruise! Take lots of pictures and love yourself in them! I love the idea of creative posing! I am sure the break is much needed after how busy your last few months have been! Hopefully the rain will be minimal and not affect any of your plans!


Laurie, you are leaving in a few days! Your outfits are gorgeous. Have a wonderful time. Do you think you will see any colors in the higher elevations? Fall is my favorite season for just that reason!


I am having DH scan the list of Benjamin Moore paint chips and I can email it to any of you. Or maybe I can post it here. Will I get in trouble for that? They sent me really big chips, some 6x10, some 8x8. I think I will cut smaller squares of each and put them on a key ring to make it easier to take shopping with me. The pinks are surprising to me but maybe once I find clothes that color, it really will look great! I was always a pink girl, but now gravitate to more blues, purples, corals. I thought my purple sweater would be soft autumn but it is not. It is definitely more pastel, less gray, than my swatches.


Speaking of shopping, we have a new Tanger Outlet mall that opened a few miles from our house! We used to live near Gurnee Mills in Gurnee Illinois and they had the best JCPenny outlet! I am excited to check out the stores and hopefully it won't be as busy as when it first opened. I am dragging DH out for Pad Thai and then shopping. Serves him right for leaving me this weekend!!!!


Have a great week everyone!


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All your nail polish references have got me hunting for an awesome cruise polish and I came across the color "This Color's Making Waves" by OPI. It's a gorgeous blue/green/teal with gold flecks that looks perfect for a cruise. Only issue is its a gel polish and I don't know what that entails. Can I do this at home or do I have to go to a salon?



Barbara, there are different kinds of gel polishes. Some require sitting under an LED lamp to set & then basically using a sandblaster to remove (not really, but it's a 20 minute process to remove a traditional gel polish & if not done correctly can damage your nail.


This new CND Vinylux only requires their special Vinylux top coat & removes with normal nail polish remover--some very pretty colors. I did see that Orly (now being sold by Target) has a gel polish (with their special top coat) that removes with normal polish remover. I haven't tried it yet, but Orly is a good product.


You can do the CND Vinylux & Orly yourself. A gel manicure I'd go to the salon. Good luck & happy nails. Melody

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Barbara, Because I was just looking at the OPI Hawaiian Collection, I'm familiar with the color you mentioned, This Color is Making Waves, as being part of that Hawaiian Collection. I was a bit puzzled when you said that the polish was a gel, so I went lookin' to find out what was up. And, what I found is that OPI has made the Hawaiian Collection in both gel and regular nail formulas. So if you bought your polish recently, you might want to head on over to Ulta and see if they could get you that pretty color in just a regular creme nail enamel. Very pretty color.

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That is a very pretty cot, Barbara. I still haven't quite gotten to wearing greens and blues yet. I have worn a golden color before.


I think it is because banking is conservative and I'd only be able to wear something like this on the weekend or vacation. Then I wear a lot of red on cruises so I end up going with something neutral that seems to go with everything.


One of these days though, I will try something different. I can't wait to do them for this weekend. My nails have actually grown nicely.



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Laurie, I hope you have a wonderful weekend getaway. We look forward to seeing your pictures! I know what you mean about nails and work. When my friend and I got pedicures last week, I got red, she got black with daisies. I can't see myself going to work with daisies on.


Pam, bon voyage! I've been thinking of you and Anita lately because I've been reading Maupin's Tales of the City books. It makes me want to visit San Francisco... and then maybe take a cruise!


Lauri, so sorry to hear about your recent troubles and stress. I hope things have settled down for you a bit.


We had a bit of drama this week because nobody could reach my parents. Turns out they lost both their cell phones, and the new one is a different number (which they neglected to give anyone). Now I have to call everyone they know and give them the new number. Yeesh. Talk about needing a glass of wine.

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Love this classic look from J Crew -- seeing lots of camel this fall!






Yet another claim that kitten heels are back:





Tons of texture... leather, suede, fur, brocade, embroidery...






Derek Lam:







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Hi gang! Can you believe the forecast has changed a zillion times for my trip. Two days will be warm, then one day will be just 58. No rain though, which is good. I'm going to take a few backup lighter weight tops, just in case.


I have worked a lot of extra hours this week. I'm doing laundry now and packing. Tomorrow night will be a stop at the grocery store and some other small errands. We will be good to go on Friday morning.


Melody, rhinestone heels sound like fun! I look forward to cruise pictures. I miss that I'm not going on a cruise.


Margaret, I find that I love all this burgundy/wine/Marsala that we are seeing this year. The issue is, whenever I think I have the right color, I find out that I'm wrong. So many stores have bad lighting these days. I have to walk around the store to find a spot under a light even.


I like the J Crew outfit. For me, it can be hard to pull a casual outfit together that way so I try to spend time trying to see what works, what doesn't, and why. It's been refreshing to analyze these things.


Margaret, you must have been pretty scared over that phone ordeal! I can't believe they didn't tell anyone!

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