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All things EARTH...

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If I do go with the selections I've shown, and the one dress I don't have a picture of, that leaves one more night. I will have to look at what I have and decide. Then again, I often feel like I'm missing some fun clothes. Maybe I can add some fun with the jewelry. With the brown dress, I could wear the animal print shoes, for example, as well.


Remember the conversation we had about wearing pantyhose? Well, I sometimes have trouble with heels because I have a wide foot. The back of my foot isn't wide though, so shoes slip off. I have two sets of inserts in those animal print ones. I think I can keep those on without nylons. With nylons, the shoes are going to fall off. I have another pair of heels I love, same problem. As a matter of fact, I seldom go above 2 1/2 inches for a heel for that reason.


You know what, I could try a bit of glass painting to differentiate the wine glasses. I would need to come up with something that reflects my style. Hm...


So, my husband just says to me that one of the dogs sweater's looks soooo good on him! That color is perfect! I call Harvey my earth puppy because he is a wonderful sable kind of brown color. The sweater is teal, by the way. :-)


I'm jumping all over the place here, but I was thinking a lot about my husband's coloring, and he is air. Now that he is all gray, I think he looks quite good in ice colors as well. However, when you see him wear navy, there is just no better color. He looks really awful in ivory and brown. He wears we he wants, but he can spot the right color for someone so easily that I really envy him.

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Margaret, I love the Ralph Lauren purse. That is definitely something I could see myself using. I'm partial to animal prints, so I find myself looking at that too. It has fun written all over it.


Those sweaters...I think one color is called apple cinnamon or something like that? I love it. I could use some heavier sweaters for home like that.


The suede jacket is fun. I'm trying to envision what to wear it with. I think it would be fun with jeans and maybe some booties with a heel. What kind of shirt, do you think?


I love the pictures you find.


I am sooooo overdue for a haircut. And to color my hair. I will likely color it tomorrow, but I need to find time for a haircut. I usually have to make a Saturday appointment as she doesn't have a lot available during the week after work. This Saturday is my husband's birthday, but I may need to go into work for a little while first thing in the morning...looks like I will aim towards next week!

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OMG, you guys, I was bad today... so bad! I was thinking about my cruise, and that I've gained weight and I don't know what will fit (def not the long brown gown at this moment). I counted the days... basically 10 weeks. Can I lose 10 pounds in the wintertime in 10 weeks??? OMG again. All I want to eat lately are comfort foods, while I sit on the couch binge-watching The Artful Detective.


Well. I had this 20% off coupon burning in my purse, for L&T. I went in. I bought TWO dresses. One is my desperation dress, as in, it's stretchy and will fit now or a few pounds lighter than now. It's dark teal, yay, and full length. I will try to take pictures tomorrow. I don't know if I love it, but I like it well enough to ask it on a date. :)


Here's the bad part. You know when you find the absolute perfect dress, just for you? You know it's your dress. If someone brilliant were to make one just for you, it would be THIS DRESS. Well, unfortunately THIS DRESS was at least a size too small... but I bought it anyway. I have decided it is my aspirational dress, and I'm going to take a picture of it and hang it in my kitchen to keep me focused. Will I get into it by cruise time? Maybe not. Probably not. But that's ok. I will eventually, and then it will be AMAZING!!!


Laurie, I think I know which gold Ralph Lauren you were talking about. I tried it on a few weeks ago, it's really beautiful. I thought it was a touch too bright, though, did you have that feeling? You have so many nice dresses now. How do you choose what to take? What things are you thinking about?


For Christmas, I got this LL Bean jacket. I asked Santa for the Cayenne color but it wasn't available, so I got the turquoise. I love it for going to the gym and running errands in the neighborhood. I was having to wear either my giant parka or my winter white dress coat so this is a perfect alternative. I think the color is a little too bright for EARTH, maybe one of those in-between colors, and I don't like the gray zipper, but I'm generally happy with it. Plus, it matches my gym shoes. And it's not bulky at all.




Love a man in a white dinner jacket. Yum. :) DH always wears his tux on a cruise. He wears suits almost every day, so it's not that different to him. It's nice that he likes to get dressed up too.


Oh, my poor neglected toes. I have to do something about them before I go to Sarasota this weekend to see my sister. :eek: Anita, I think I'm generally happier when my toes are done, too.


mousey, it's good to hear from you!

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Laurie love all the dresses! Especially the blue. I'm going for a pedicure this afternoon. My podiatrist said its the best thing you can do for your feet & to do it once a month all year long. I used to think it was an indulgence, now I consider it therapy & preventive maintenance


This cruise is 14 nights with a week in FL with BIL & SIL prior. Trying to go one suitcase each, but 3 formal nights... I did buy some packing cubes at Marshalls this weekend, if I like them I'll go back & buy another set (set of 3 sizes for $15.). I thought about separating the FL & cruise clothes with the packing cubes. I've always used the vacuum seal bags for my lingerie (don't want to even think of someone pawing thru it).


Does anyone know if Southwest is doing luggage valet with Celebrity from Miami? If they are it will alleviate my trying to work this one bag thing [emoji6]


I got a hot pink hooded vest before Thanksgiving because DGD said it was "cool", she's 6. I'd never thought about trying on the color before (that's the old redhead coming out). I'm amazed at how many compliments I've received on it. It is so bright it almost hurts the eyes! I'll try to get some pictures..



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I love the Jimmy Choo sunglasses & I bought my daughter the donegal sweater from LLbean for Christmas & she really likes it . Sarasota is supposed to get a cold snap so pack a jacket .


Love all the dresses especially the red & purple . The only cruise I went on that was really casual was Alaska. Alaska is port intensive and most people stay bundled up to watch the scenery .Although we did go on a historic schooner one time & that was shorts & tees 24-7 & group bathrooms .


Have a great trip !


Glad you had a nice holiday !


Your sewing plans sound ambitious . Your trip sounds so exciting . I really want to do a transatlantic but we have to wait until Gary has his total knee .Our vacation plans are varied & we did not pin down any yet . The top picks are a cruise to Quebec than several days in Quebec & Montreal ,A train trip through New England & Canada , A two week trip to Ireand & Scotland and last choice a visit to South Dakota with Road Scholar to see Mt. Rushmore & other sites .Hopefully we will make the choice in the next week or two . Those trips would be for the fall . We will visit my daughter & grandchildren in the spring & then I travel to visit my Mom in the summer .

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Wow Sally, you have a fun decision to make! Such a variety of choices! Very interested to hear what you decide and why.


Margaret...it's rough business to buy a dress that doesn't fit but otherwise is perfect. I understand the purchase totally. Especially after we have been on this collective shopping journey, so to speak...one thing I've learned...if you see it and love it, better get it. If you can afford to do so...KWIM?


Losing the weight in the time period isn't as much the issue as the winter! OMG...especially with this current cold snap hitting us all...I find it hard to motivate to do anything other than sit on the couch covered in a blanket. I, too, have aspirations of losing fat and inches before my cruise. I have a good plan for it...I have the activity planned out...I just have to get my food under control. That is...I have to get my kitchen running well again.


Laurie...you have the planning bug! You have to go with it when you feel it. I'm not even sure how many formal nights we have for our cruises... I have several dresses in mind that I would like to wear, but not a single one fits me...or fits me the way that I want it too. Same goes for shorts...shirts...:eek:


So I'm planning functionality...and right now my focus has been shoes. I've been debating different ideas for shoes appropriate for dinners...I think I started talking about this before...anyway...my latest thought are these folding ballet flats:




I'm debating between the idea of a totally nude color v. a bronze color. I want the shoe to not look too shiny...I don't like the patent leather look on these shoes...but I've read some very good reviews of the leather ones. And this just seems so perfect for a cruise to me. I could picture this with that red dress of mine that we have called the dancing or salsa dress...I could picture the rose gold color with Margaret's dress...and two of the other dresses I'm thinking about are floor length, so they wouldn't really show too much...one is my brown formal and the other is an army/olive green like of color maxi dress.


There's a lot about this particular shoe that appeals to me...if it would fit my foot well.


Thinking about ordering a couple pairs...anyone ever tried this brand or a similar one? They must pack like a dream...


Melody...love the thoughts regarding pedis. I agree with the idea of therapy... It isn't in my budget to pay for it...but I still think it's therapeutic to take the time to do extra special self care too. Will you have the opportunity to do laundry at your BIL and SIL house? That would be so helpful for planning and getting down to the one suitcase.


I still have to take down Christmas...thinking I'll get it done before the end of the weekend. Thursday is a good housework day for me.

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Anita, I go to a place that charges $20 for a pedicure. We will have laundry available which will help. DH is taking his tux & doesn't want to carry it on, hence the extra suitcase, I'll put all the formal wear (& shoes) in it.


I have a pair of these exact flats, order them well in advance of when you want them, I found mine took a bit to break in for comfort, now they're like, well, an old shoe ;). Mine are cream/nude leather



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Laurie, you got a lot more snow than we did. It is frigid here too, and most of us don't have clothing for weather in the minuses. Have I said before that I want to steal your red dress? I do! And that blue one.... I have to say those two are favorites of mine.


Melody -- I love my packing cubes. I bought them for a trip with lots of segments but now I use them all the time, even for just a long weekend jaunt. Even if you can completely unpack, it makes it go a lot quicker and you can stay organized in your room or cabin. I also started using dry cleaner bags for my dresses (after reading about it here on CC) and I never have to iron any more on a cruise. Which is great, because I HATE ironing!


My toes are looking a little more respectable today, though I won't paint them until tomorrow. Here is what I'm packing for my four days in Florida: 1 long sleeved shirt, two short sleeved shirts, two casual Ts, one pair shorts, my skort, a set of workout clothes, a bathing suit, and a coverup. I'm traveling in skinny jeans, a long sleeved lightweight shirt, and a fleece. I'm wearing loafers and bringing flipflops and my travel sneakers. Believe it or not, the whole pile plus nightgown/lingerie is smaller than my printer, so I'm just taking my rolling duffle.


Anita, with the whole food and diet thing... I find it so hard to deal with the lack of fresh fruit and the limited choice in veggies this time of year. Because of the way food gets delivered to the stores here, sometimes I'll buy a lovely cantaloupe or whatever, but it was in the truck too long and got frozen, and you don't know until you go to eat it and it's mush. Most of the fruit isn't ripe at all, and sometimes if you let it sit it ends up ok and sometimes not.


I'm also going to have to abandon my Tuesday Zumba class. I've decided it's just not good for my body. I'll have to drop down to two classes a week while I look for something else to do. My gym has a yoga class so I may try that again and see if my knees will cooperate. So frustrating.


Is anyone else wondering how Barbara is enjoying her vibrant hair? Update, please!


Sally, thanks for the weather update. I'm looking forward to my favorite Columbia salad. :)

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Happy new year to all! First I have to ask a stupid question... what are packing cubes? We are going I n a 12 day cruise in November so if they are helpful I will look into them. I usually pack in the tight roll method. I roll everything except dressy stuff and stuff it in zip lock bags which I crush to get the air out. I once had a... well, awkward experience with an airport going through my bags so I like to take a preemptive strike so that my underwear isn't strewn around the airport like a cheap brothel. :)


I made a slight change to my hair. Red is hard to keep and the really vibrant color was demi permanent. Snice I am currently working insane amounts of overtime (it's our busy season) I touched up the color myself to save a salon visit. I used more purple this time which turned the color more burgundy/maroon and less Raggedy Ann. I like it. It looks like me. And my husband is a fan of my funky hair so that's a plus too.


You all have some awesome trips coming up. Wish ours was coming sooner but November gives me time to lose weight and gain money. Haha. Likely will go the other way around.

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Margaret, if you order this, please report back about the color. It looks like it might be on the fence for FIRE and EARTH. I've been thinking about ordering it also, but Harvest Tomato sounds like an EARTH color. Sure wish the color was Bright Tomato. I need a replacement.


Hello, Everybody! 3 degrees this morning in Kentucky. Brrrr. Hope everyone stays safe and warm today. --Debbie

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Hi Ladies,


Just popping in for a second. I've finally gotten all the DS's laundry done.. all 10 separate wash cycles! Picked up $50 worth of his dry cleaning and still have about two more loads of wash coming up tomorrow before we take him back to school on Sunday. :eek: Still gotta help him pack up all this stuff! He's such a procrastinator! I wonder where he gets it from? Oh yeah...from me! LOL!


Anyway, sounds like some of you have some great trips coming up. Just a word of advice for Margaret...I just spoke with my dad and he says it's freezing cold in Summerfield (a small town just a 1/2 hour from Ocala). He also says it's really windy today along with the cold. So...I'm not sure when you're leaving for FL but be sure to check the weather for the time you're going to be there so that you can take a few more long-sleeved tops if you need to and maybe a warmer jacket and long pants. Then again the weather changes so quickly there it could be warmed up by the time you travel there. I leave on Jan. 16th and arrive in FL after an overnight flight on the 17th. I'll for sure be checking the weather forecast towards the end of next week! I have no warm clothes stowed away at the folk's house, just warm weather stuff so I don't want to get caught with no warm stuff to wear if it's still cold when I'm there. Burr!


Well, gotta run again...I'm off to have a late lunch with the DS. Gotta catch him while I can. LOL!

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Thank you both for the FL weather advice. I'm packing so that I can layer, and because it's so cold here I'll have my winter coat with me if I need it (which has happened before in December). Maybe I'll take out a tshirt and throw in an extra sweater.

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Thank you both for the FL weather advice. I'm packing so that I can layer, and because it's so cold here I'll have my winter coat with me if I need it (which has happened before in December). Maybe I'll take out a tshirt and throw in an extra sweater.



I think that's a good idea because I just checked the extended forecast and it's going to be cool in the evenings and on some of the days that I'm going to be there. When do you leave for FL? I'm definitely taking my Ugg boots. I love wearing them in central FL because people look at me like, "What the heck?!" LOL! But it looks like the evenings are going to be very cool (at least for what I'm used to) and I want to keep my tooties warm! LOL!

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Margaret, I love the LL Bean top. Im trying to replace the baggier fit items I have with things like this. I didn't look at all the colors yet, but sometimes with red...well, I'm partial to it. What oore can I say? But I was really attracted to that coral color. Do you think it is fire or earth?


If you are looking for any fun, sea worthy jewelry, check out Charming Charlie online. I am trying very diligently to restrain myself. The stuff is so much fun!!!! :D:D:D

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I love looking around to see who has what, even when I'm not looking for something. Window shopping is fun.


That being said, I am especially watchful when it comes to cocktail and evening dresses, since there isn't always a big variety for us.


I saw this yesterday on Nordstrom, and it appears to be an excellent teal on my monitor. Sadly, it seems about the only thing that looks decent for me is a v neck? I sure like this though, I think it is really classy.




I also saw this on the JC Penney website. I was tempted to try it, since I have a coupon too.




They call the color jade, but I'm seeing more of a teal. The egglant I think is a good color also...it reminds me of a slightly darker version of aubergine, and I recall Curt pointing out someone wearing a dress in this color and that it was a good earth color. Actually, I think two people did...Natalie Portman, when she was expecting, and perhaps Sophia Vagara? Not sure if I have the name right. I will have to go to his website and compare.


What are your thoughts on the colors?


Interesting too is that everyone has a different budget. I could get the JCP dresses for around $75.00 each, and the Nordstrom dress is $360.00. Of course, they are different. I point out the price difference because I know everyone has a different budget. It's nice to see options for people, you know?

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I agree that the color Jade is reading as a teal-like color. I just got a catalog that I haven't received before (I think it's because of my JJill order) that has a color called Jade in it...and it looks teal too. I think this must be a color for the season...so they are calling it Jade...to give teal a new fancy name. Which is ridiculous to me because I think of a totally different green color when I hear the word Jade.




That Nordstrom dress is beautiful...but it has no appeal to me. Mainly because that mermaid style of dress is one of the worst silhouettes for me personally. I think that asymmetrical shoulder thing would drive me nuts too. I could see you in it though Laurie! I think it'd be beautiful on you.


The Eggplant color is beautiful. Lighting for the pictures makes such a difference. Seeing it, it looks Earthy to me...and the Jade is a big maybe. That is also a lovely dress...but would look terrible on me. It's all loose right where I need the tightness (right under the bust) and all those pleats at the top of the skirt...my belly would push those right out and everyone would ask me all night long when I was due...:eek: Not a good look. I also have issues still with that bulge at the armpit...it appears to be a tight band there with the shoulder detail being a loose thing that isn't supportive. Strapless doesn't work for me yet because it pushes all my extra out like a stuffed sausage. I need more of a corset support...I can't tell if this dress has that in the under layer with the loose over layer?


Can you tell how proficient an online shopper I've become? I've very critical and have become more adept at noticing the details that matter for my body type. I think getting back into sewing is helping...I think about garment construction and how a look is achieved and how that would fit on my body.

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Another thing too...I feel it should be free to try on a dress. So, if I order online, I look for free shipping and returns. I can't always get that so I try robe selective when I can't.


Sometimes, I try on things that won't work for the ability to see it visually, on myself, instead of just putting a picture together in my mind. Sometimes things don't look the way I expect. That can be good as well

As bad!


One thing about my shape that bothers me is being asymetrical. We all are. But I'm wondering if a one shoulder dress could distract from that and still be flattering. I love the Nordstrom dress but I feel it is high for my budget and current strategy. The JCP dresses, on the other hand, were down to $59 dollars with a Sunday night special. It's worth trying although I may have the same fit issues as you described. Oh and free shipping plus I can bring them back to the mall.



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Another thing too...I feel it should be free to try on a dress. So, if I order online, I look for free shipping and returns.


I totally agree. Need free shipping and returns. It's one reason why I love Zappos for shoes so much. They don't have good sales though...or offer any coupons, etc. Someone posted a link to that Planet Shoes site and they offer more coupons etc through email.


I haven't ordered as many clothes online...especially for myself. I haven't settled into a size yet. From the time when I really started working to get into shape in September 2010, I continually shrank until, oh the Summer/Fall of 2012, when we moved to Georgia. And then I started gaining...until recently.


I've continued to do some Zumba in Georgia, but it is so much less than what I was doing before. And now I've started using the circuit at Curves. I've taken the opportunity with the new year to rekindle the fire for being healthy again. I'm really hoping to shop my own closet again as I make shrinking progress. We've got a 90-day challenge going on at Curves...it fits perfectly with using the cruise as a goal/reward...


I think the hardest thing about online shopping is the color selection. Even from all our picture sharing, we can see how misrepresented the picture is for the color that we see IRL. It makes me wary of trying to make any true judgement without seeing the color IRL...it's more like trying to decide if there's the possibility of the color being what we want it to be.


And that is what can be so helpful about our group here. Is anyone going to take the plunge on the LLBean shirts?

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So I finally got a picture of my recolored hair... I think this works for me. Hoping I'm on the right track. It's a mix of two colors -- Chocolate and Brandy. I have no makeup on and am hoping that you get a better feel for the color.




OMG I love the Neiman Marcus teal dress. It is out of my price range and wouldn't likely be very attractive on my figure shape, but oh... oh how I love that. The JCPenney dress is pretty, but pales in comparison (in my mind) to the spectacularness (yes, it's a word... one I made up... but a word nonetheless) of the NM dress. Wow... do I wish I had the wallet and the figure for it.


I buy a few things online but I am skeptical of the sizes sometimes. I have a couple of places that I know how I fit in their clothes so when it comes to shopping there I can go in the store or just buy it online. And with my weird work schedule online is sometimes way easier.


I'm having a hard time lately with makeup. I can't seem to find a good foundation that works with my skin tone. I went to Sephora and I swear they couldn't decide if I was warm or cool. I bought a foundation from them that looked good in the store, and looked OKAY at home but just isn't right. It was expensive so I used it up and now I'm at a point where I need to buy a new foundation and am not sure what I am looking for. Do any of you have the same problem? Maybe now with my new hair color it will be easier because hair color does affect the way makeup looks on me.


I have started looking at hotels/flights for our cruise in November! That makes it feel like it's actually coming. Now to figure out how to lose this pesky weight and be beautiful for the trip. It will be like a second honeymoon for us -- we got married in St. Thomas and this is the first time we've been back since the wedding in 2004. So looking forward to it.

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Chollachick, did they do that electronic gadget on you in sephora? My daughter is practically impossible to match (picture a pale olive skin tone) and trying a number of foundations that the gadget recommended, we finally got a winner. Foundation has a bad habit of turning orange on her but a foundation called Makeup Forever was perfect. It took a long time (probably an hour) so pick a time that the place is empty. I was easier to match, it only took 15 to 20 minutes.



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Danni3ll3 - that's my problem exactly! Foundation tends to go yellow or orange on me. They tried the electronic thing but the girl couldn't seem to get it to work right and she just kind of gave up. My skin is a light olive too, but everyone seems to want to put me in yellow/golden tints that just look odd on me in daylight. I am going to have to try Sephora and their matching tool again. Maybe this time I will get someone who knows how to do it.

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Danni3ll3 - that's my problem exactly! Foundation tends to go yellow or orange on me. They tried the electronic thing but the girl couldn't seem to get it to work right and she just kind of gave up. My skin is a light olive too, but everyone seems to want to put me in yellow/golden tints that just look odd on me in daylight. I am going to have to try Sephora and their matching tool again. Maybe this time I will get someone who knows how to do it.


The girl we had was amazing! She cleaned her brushes thoroughly between each try and she was super upbeat and patient. She did have to use the electronic tool several times on my daughter for it to register. It sure sounds like you two have the same issues when it comes to foundation.


For your info, my daughter ended up with Makeup Forever #115. That or something close to it might work for you since you seem to have a similar skin tone. I am a medium olive skin tone and got #118.

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