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Window shopping our way along the Calle Marqués de Larios in Malaga was great fun. We did end up in one store...but I will wait until Barcelona to talk about that store in more detail.


We were conserving energy...


We resisted the pull of the side streets...




Filled with more stores and eateries:




You can see the north tower of the Cathedral of Malaga in the photo above. Again...we continued on our way to see the Flamenco Show at:




Notice that the labels to identify the streets are on the building...HIGH on the building. What we would normally think of as a street sign were helpful directional signs to common tourist attractions.


We had arrived at our destination:




Which had left us...:(


Evidence of something that had happened...or was going to happen...remained.


But there would be no Flamenco Show for us.


Stupid tourist flyer...


Now what?

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In the early morning hours...on the approach to the Strait of Gibraltar...while chatting with the couple from Scotland...I picked up the best phrase...


Making small talk...I asked if they had plans for Malaga.


No. They did not have any real plans. They simply planned to do a bit of exploring...or as they said...Have a bit of a wander...


Have a bit of a wander...


And of course, enjoy a nosh and a beer.


Have a bit of a wander...


I had shared this conversation with Mom and Dad and how lovely that idea was...how perfect that phraseology.


Have a bit of wander...


So now, staring at the virtually empty and definitely NOT happening Plaza de la Constitucion...we proposed that we would have a bit of a wander...back toward the ship...by way of the Cathedral and whatever else took our fancy along the way.


The first thing that took our fancy was the most amazing cosmetics store...and I have been DYING...literally DYING to share this find with everyone here since that fateful day...April 29, 2015...when we discovered...


Kiko Make Up Milano.


*the heavens part...and the angels blast a harmonious and joyful chord!*




Can you imagine Mom and myself here?:






Not only is that an amazing display of nail polish...but also...the flat bottles of nail polish are all TESTERS!


You better believe that I tested...mmmm...let's see...yes...10 different nail polishes:




It was...as the saying goes...like being in a kid in a candy store...except that I was me...in nail polish heaven:




These are not expensive...and they were on sale for 1,9€...less than 2€.


Now if there is one thing that I've learned from my KonMari method and subsequent self analysis and evaluation...I tend to stock on something that I like...but usually there are only one or two that I LOVE...and the reasons can make no sense at all.


Kind of like Mom liking the purple shirt but not the aqua one of the same style...


So I made a best effort to pick only TWO nail polishes. Yes. Only two.


I did actually paint my nails. I had removed the polish that was chipping and looking very tacky just the day before...and I hadn't taken the time to repaint them...so I had fresh, naked nails ready for TESTING. Fortunately, nail polish remover was also a tester and so my naked nails were easily restored.


We saw later that they had clear tape available. You could put that tape on your hand and then paint the tape to see how the color looked next to your skin...and also how the color looked dry...as color can often vary slightly from the look of the bottle...and just throw away the tape when you were done.


Especially after removing the nail polish...which despite its metallic appearance was very easy to remove...even with the "gentle" polish remover...I knew that the Kiko polish would be a favorite.


The only thing negative I can say about it...is that the colors are numbered. No fun names.


After a bit of a debate...


I settled on number 533...an absolutely GORGEOUS green with gold overtones...here is the best online representation:




And number 374...a deep, rich, metallic brown:




It was so fun to be playing with make up with Mom...I don't ever have this girly experience with friends...as silly as it seems...it was great fun and special.


While we were checking out...I was looking at the eyeliners that were at the cashier. He, an astute salesman...who was very enthusiastic and knowledge about the make up explained how wonderful that particular eyeliner was...and offered to apply it for me. Under his caring attention...I received purple eyeliner and some mascara:






And the eyeliner also made its way into the Kiko shopping bag.


As you can see from the background...this store is TOO FUN. There are samples all over the store...and something about the layout of the store invites you to test your cosmetic artistry like a painter looking at a palette.


What is funny...Kiko is an Italian brand...made in France...and purchased in Spain!


We have since learned that there are some Kiko stores in the states. I think they have opened up more stores just recently...but Margaret, I think one has to be fairly close to you. Most of the stores are in the Northeast. Serious fun.

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So the Kiko Cosmetics site for the UK has a page that lists the polish names along with the number.


For 533, its name is Pearly Golden Green.


For 374, its name is Pearly Chocolate Noir.


I agree, beautiful colors. Only TWO polishes?!? What were we thinking?!?




For the FIRE ladies, here you go!


492, Pearly Red: http://ilmiobeautycase.blogspot.com/2014/07/kiko-492-rosso-perlato.html and


295, Cerulean Blue: http://mariasnailpolishblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/kiko-random-blue-swatches.html


Anita is right though. No really fun names. And they don't have the names printed on the bottle. Which might be good? I mean…. it does keep you from buying the polish just because of the name. Like… I really, really want (wait for it)… Pineapples have Peelings, Too! from… of course… OPI. It's yellow! And I'm not sure that I want to try to rock a yellow nail polish, but I LOVE the name! LOL.


I've worn the Kiko Cerulean Blue and it's just a great fun color for us FIREs! FYI. Right now they are in Miami; Arlington, VA; Woodbridge, NJ; New Haven, CT… that I can see on their locations map.

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Anita, not all who wander are lost...we wander a lot ;). I'd have gone nutty in that store. Pam. I have Pineapples have Peelings, it's what is going on my toes in my version of a summer French manicure! Anita love the green/gold

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I've always been a bit conservative with nail polish, although I've worn brown and purple more recently. That particular brown you posted a link to, Anita...wow! I would totally wear that. My daughters would have been hard to get out of that store, for sure. I wear makeup, but not a ton. I think sometimes my formal pictures look like I wear a lot though. Generally, I wear a super thin coat of foundation, blush and mascara. For formal nights, I like to throw on some lipstick too. I think what makes me look "made up" is the powder I put on? Once again, I don't do that any other time. I find makeup fun, but I really am not very good at putting on eyeshadow or choosing liners. My daughter and I keep saying we'll have a makeup night and she will show me, because she is soooo good at it.


If the store had been for necklaces I would have totally missed the ship, lol.


I do try with the makeup. I don't think I do too bad??





I like this one better, but probably because I like the picture better, since it's the same makeup:



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Pam and Anita,


Can you tell me more about what foods prevent synthroid from absorbing? You may recall that I take that as well. I mostly avoid soy, but I don't fuss over other things much because I find that if I eat something that I shouldn't, I don't eat a lot of it or every day. It doesn't seem to really interfere overall.


Interestingly enough, my doctor is liking my energized metabolism enough to lower my dosage. I'm a bit hesitant with this, but so far, so good.

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I'd also be interested in foods that prevent Synthroid absorption. I've been on it for 3 years & never knew I should avoid certain foods. I take 125mcg a day. Melody

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The ones I am aware of are soy and raw broccoli but from what I've understood, it is when you eat them regularly. I want to say Brussels sprouts might? I eat those probably twice a month. I love them. I have wondered if there are more and how often or how much make a difference.


Barbara, thank you!

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Laurie...the photos are oriented correctly for me!


I adore the romantic look you and DH are giving each other in the second photo! That is my fav too by far...more personality and character and feeling showing through...the first is a nice pose though.


I've never thought that you look too made up Laurie. You look lovely.


I love eye makeup. Trish McEvoy wrote a book about make up...that was a line that Mom and I were into for a while. In the book, she describes different make up styles. I like what she calls a dramatic eye...and tend to focus more there in my evening make up...when I wear make up.


Melody...Kiko was almost overwhelming for me. We didn't even look at anything but the nail polish. IDK...I think you'd have to be more prepared for the assault on the senses...there was an overload of input in that store...and I wasn't really prepared to delve into all the different displays for all the different kinds of cosmetics.


But the eyeliner was just a little display (you can see it in one photo) with just the one kind of eyeliner in 5 different colors...I love purple...so I was checking it out when the man helped me.


I'm very glad to have gotten that eyeliner...Mom gifted me with plum colored mascara at Christmas...the purple and the plum together with my green eyes made me so happy. :)


I feel like Mom should respond to the Synthroid questions.




Soy. Yes. And not in moderation. AVOID. The thing is that soy is so pervasive in today's food...that is, if you want to also avoid soybean oil and soy lecithin. I think the soy lecithin is the least offensive...but it is just so weird how soy is added to so many things. Dad once returned BBQ sauce to the store because he didn't check the label and of all things, soy was an ingredient. Depending on what foods you eat, you may be eating more soy than you think...


And just try to find bread without it. Good luck.


Flax is similar to soy...so if you avoid soy, you might also choose to avoid flax.


My understanding from talking to Mom is that once you get off it, when you have it, you can tell that you've had it.


Same with raw cruciferous vegetables...which IS the broccoli family and includes cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, radishes, mustard seeds, etc. The chemical that is offensive is removed with heat...so cooked versions of these veggies are fine. Mom is to the point now that she can tell the difference when she might have something like cole slaw that is generally prepared with raw cabbage.

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Anita, you are an evil temptress. I googled it and there is a Kiko directly on my route to the lake. As if having a million Sephora's around isn't getting me into enough trouble! When I get to the point where I have to KonMari my makeup and toiletries, there will be crying involved I'm sure.


I have a similar brown nail polish. I love it, especially in the fall when the summer colors just don't look right anymore.


Laurie, I think your makeup looks lovely. I especially like your red lipstick, such a perfect shade for you. With eye makeup, you get better with practice because you develop some dexterity with the tools. Once your daughters help you with colors etc., just pick a couple evenings a week to do your eyes after work for the practice. Eyeliner is the trickiest, I think.


Even though I am not on synthroid, I do have borderline hypothyroid, so I avoid the brassica family as a general rule. It helps that I don't really like them except for broccoli.

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Good to know about broccoli. In fact I had a raw broccoli salad for dinner last night, it was so good! Guess that's out for awhile [emoji22].


On my foot, I got stepped on during a cruise in 2001 by a big guy rushing to the chocolate buffet right across the dance floor [emoji37]. I didn't realize for 6 weeks that I had broken many bones across the instep. Yes I was bruised & sore, I chose to ignore it, hey, I was on vacation! When I couldn't get a shoe (Bandolino high heel) on for a work event because of swelling, I went to doctor. Figuring I'd twisted something; X-rays & a specialty visit later, I find out that I've not only got crushed (!) bones, they've all started healing incorrectly because I waited so long. The doc, who has become a very good friend (heck I've probably financed his vacation home!) says, so, did you jump off the ship? Then says, it's going to take several surgeries to correct (yup, I'm headed into #13 & I'll have #14 & hopefully last surgery after our November cruise). Worst part of the darn thing is I've put on 40 lbs cause I can't run [emoji45]. But I keep trucking along. Melody

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*insert evil laugh*


It's good to know Margaret! You will have to scout out the nail polish for us! :D


I did the KonMari on my pantry. It was pretty easy to do...and contrary to what I thought would happen...I haven't had the urge to refill the empty spaces. With each dump of expired goods into the trash can...I felt more and more liberated from projects that I didn't have time or make time to do...


I let it all go.


And it felt great.


The pantry wasn't necessarily next on the list...but it was performed out of necessity. Note to self...do NOT turn over any bottles of syrup so that the last bit will be toward the cap...OMG. Both the cooking Karo and the waffle syrup...


The bathroom is next. I'm really looking forward to it. I guess I can understand the potential for upset...but really, there shouldn't be...the point of the whole process is to be left with only the things you love. Now...if you haven't emptied your favs...and because of age, you have to toss...and especially considering how the cosmetics change all the time...if you can't replace a fav? I completely understand that upset...


Melody...I knew someone in high school that had broken some bones in their foot but didn't know it for a while. I get how that could happen...what an unfortunate happening. And to have a favorite activity taken away...I mean...I think you're crazy for enjoying running...LOL!!...but I'm right there with you regarding having your activity curtailed because of injury.


I'm hopeful of being able to get back to my Zumba though...are your running days over forever? Is there hope after #14 and recovery?


As to the raw broccoli salad...everyone's body chemistry varies. It's an avoidance, but doesn't necessarily mean NEVER. Personally, I would try to flash steam the broccoli...keep it al dente and then do that immediate immersion into an ice water bath to try to keep the color and the texture as crisp as possible. Proceed to serve as you would otherwise and see how it goes. It will be different...but it could be as enjoyable.


I've been very surprised by how nice cold veggie salads with cooked but seriously al dente veg can be. Asparagus is a good example. You don't really eat that raw...it's usually cooked first but often included in cold salads. Approach the broccoli in the same way...

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My doc is glad I can walk, when I said run he threatened to strangle me [emoji10]. At surgery #5 or 6 there was serious discussion of amputating the foot, so I'm heeding his suggestions (kind of). I do the elliptical, rowing machines, bike & hike & new love of paddleboarding. My balance is pretty crummy tho


I think flash steaming the broccoli will work. It's my favorite salad (with bacon, mandarin oranges, cashews & a sweet/sour dressing) id hate to give it up.

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We wandered our way through narrow and charming pathlike streets to reach the Plaza Del Obispo. The Cathedral borders one side of this plaza...




It is difficult to capture how grand and tall these buildings are. There is perspective in this photo...take a look at the people...notice the car. Now you can get an idea of the size of the wall at the base of the Cathedral.


The plaza is like breathing room in the midst of a building maze. Suddenly, you can see more sky...it creates the feeling of an outdoor room with the building forming the walls...there is sun. This plaza has several eateries...you can see the tables and chairs...the awnings...there are actually several different places to grab a bite and/or a drink here.


Here's Mom and Dad in front of one inspired by the US:




Mom is wearing her Athleta rash guard!


There are menus on display on signs in the plaza...great message here:




And a great example of how English communication is common.


Mom was a trooper...but she needed a rest. Dad wanted me to see the other side of the Cathedral...but thought that we could just make a quick trip around the corner while Mom had a bit of a sit and rest.


So Dad and I took off to walk around the block to see the other side of the Cathedral...I was still fascinated by the way of the streets...turning around to look back toward the plaza...here you can see the north tower...the wrought iron fence is around a courtyard area on the Cathedral property:




Dad and I are not booking it...we are still in a bit of a leisurely pace because I'm not a fast walker still. The detail of the Cathedral boggles the mind...especially considering how much detail there is and how big the building is...and how the detail is all over the building.




In our leisure...and attention to detail...it finally hits our consciousness that we are hearing singing. Where was that singing coming from? It didn't seem to be coming from the Cathedral...but...well, that building across the way used to be a hospital according to the stone tablet on the side of the building...maybe someone was practicing in there?


And this street was so shaded...with benches...Dad, go get Mom.




A ways down the street...I spied some empty bench space. So I headed there to grab it for Mom. We had left her perching on a window ledge of a building back in the plaza...the bench would be so much nicer.


And that's when I noticed the man in the purple shirt...

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The man in the purple shirt had found a shady place with good acoustics. He obviously had a portable player and was using one headphone to listen to whatever he was listening to while he was holding sheet music and singing in a strong baritone voice.


I think this photo is poster worthy...




The couple we had been sharing the bench with left...




We enjoyed his singing for almost an hour.


These are fun:




Dad and I continued on to explore the exterior of the Cathedral...the tour was only 5€ per person...but it didn't seem the thing to do for whatever reason. I was really soaking up the atmosphere of Malaga...the exterior of the Cathedral was enough to focus on...










There's a lot to see on the exterior. Through a doorway, there is a kind of enclosed garden courtyard (we saw the wrought iron fencing earlier). Lots of shade...lots of palm trees and other greenery. No way that the point and shoot camera could do justice to the area in a photograph.


Stumbling on this outdoor concert was a treat.


A shady seat. Beautiful music. People watching. Dog watching. Segweys. Bicycles. Cars. We had bottled waters with us, so we just sat and listened and watched and sipped water and soaked up a day in the life of Malaga.

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Hi all,


First, I just want to send my condolences to Laurie. I was sorry to hear about your loss.


I just returned from FL and can report that the folks are doing as well as can be expected given their many health issues. At this point in time they don't really need or want any outside help. I tried but they just won't go for it.


I'm recovering from being ill for a month. I had the flu, a sinus infection, and a really horrendous pink eye infection all at the same time. What a drag that was. The pink eye problem was probably the worst part of what I just physically went through. Thank goodness it's all over with. I still tire very easily and I'm not yet up for going to the gym but hope to do so in the next week or two.


Looking forward to catching up with all of you and your adventures.

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mousey, it's so good to hear that you're finally feeling better. I can really relate to your parent struggles, I'm in the same boat. It's like they go out of their way to undo all the support we've put in place. I was hoping not to have to go there this summer, but there is some confusion over whether my dad needs some kind of heart surgery. Arghh.


So, even though I haven't KonMari'd yet, I did take three bags of clothes and shoes to the thrift store yesterday, plus two boxes of housewares. In return I found this delightful satin evening purse with the tag still on, and they gave it to me for 1/2 price after bringing in such nice stuff. Joy!



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