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This specific picture shows just how beautiful you are.


You found the perfect lipstick shade to enhance your eyes and hair and, also, match your dress.


Absolutely lovely.


I just wanted to interrupt these terrific, fun-read travel reports to make this comment. As Kim would say, just waiting for more pictures…. LOL.


Totally agree on this! Laurie, you look so toned up-- exercising is worth it, right?

The photo of you and DH-- lovely!

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Okay all you fitness people - I need to find something comfortable to work out in. I have been going in a regular bra and loose t-shirt and it's annoying and the bra strap digs in when I am doing shoulder/arm work. I am checking online now at Target but not sure what I should look at or what I should stay away from. I want something supportive bra-wise but comfortable and not so baggy that it gets in the way... which is kind of where I am right now...



The only thing I buy from Victoria Secret are their sport bras. They have 6 or 7 different styles, on sale right now for $39 (usually $60+). The ones I like best are a back closure, underwire with a modified racer back. I have it in royal blue, black/grey & a hot pink one. They're comfortable enough that I'm thinking about a couple more for everyday. I tried the Champion ones that Anita describes, but I can't pull them on (shoulder says uh uh) Melody

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La Rambla.




This tree-lined street allows as much, if not more, room for pedestrians as it does for motorized vehicles. Multi-story buildings line each side of the road...the center island previously mentioned has a plethora of small businesses ranging from fresh flower shops to food lining each side of the street...and yes, there IS vehicle traffic, too. If you stare, you can see the bumble bee on the left side and parked scooters on the right.


It stretches as far as the eye can see.


It is a constant din of activity.


There are venders selling a noise maker that can be described as a cross between Donald Duck and a kazoo. Add talking. Add vehicles. Add music from various locations.


It's quite exciting actually.


Especially for this suburbanite.


Here's my Barcelona minute...La Rambla taken from the window of Mom and Dad's room:



Now remember...we were off to find breakfast.


Mom and Dad remembered the general location of the restaurant. And so we took off in that general direction...


La Rambla is the main drag.


There is another more main-like street perpendicular to La Rambla:




This road is not open to vehicles...but we did not take this road...


We veered off on to a road that looked like this:




Weaving our way through the different neighborhoods in the vicinity of La Rambla...




Twisting and turning through the buildings:




Winding our way through the signless maze:



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You may have noticed...on the smaller streets...


And YES...let's not forget that these are STREETS...with vehicular traffic:




Even the smallest looking street...Dad and everyone else standing here are literally flattening themselves against the building as this van drives by:




SLOWLY...but still...driving by...


So you may have noticed all the rippled metal garage doors...and the gravity on them. These are SHOPS. They are not open at this time...but they are indeed STORES.


We are not in a bad area of town. Not a scary area. Nothing to be overly concerned about above and beyond the normal pickpocketing that you hear about in touristy places...


Some of the artistry is quite eye catching:




Open the garage door...and you are open for business:





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Debbie...we found your store in Barcelona...


There are streets with more traditional shops...glass fronts and normal doors:




Although...calling this a "normal door" isn't really accurate:












You could spend HOURS in this store...quite sure.


We did not deter from our mission...




And so we carried on and did not venture into the scarf abyss that was Roche.


We thought of you Debbie...

Edited by Anita Latte
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I'll take one of each, please, in the picture. (Sorry that I've forgotten my picture posting skills.) I need to count them all, but several of my scarves have been gifted and are now in Louisville, KY, and Church Falls, VA, as well as locally in my hometown. My stash doesn't need replenishing much, but those colors look perfect from my vantage point. I guess it's a good thing I wasn't there in person.


Love these pictures and your commentary, Anita. Thanks for taking us with you and Pam and Dad.


Laurie, you have nailed it with your pretty fall colors. I suffer from major EARTH envy--my favorite colors but they do me no favors. No one wants to see Gray as Death Debbie and that's what your wonderful wardrobe would do to me. More, please. I'm getting to visit both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts at the same time with you nice ladies. Not many people can say that.

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I hope you have eaten recently...today's posting is all about breakfast...if you aren't satisfied right now...you'll be hungry by the end of today's reading...


Restaurant choices for the concept that most Americans have of Breakfast and/or Brunch are very limited in Spain. The vast majority of breakfast offerings are what Mom calls "Sip and Go"...espresso or other coffee drink and a pastry.


That's it.


Hotels may tend to offer "American breakfast" but the choices outside your hotel, again, as I said, are few.


So if you find a good one...you just might revisit it. Several times.


Milk is the name of our destination restaurant.




Notice that the signage says "Milk: Bar and Bistro."


The meal we were headed for is named "Recovery Brunch."


Mom and Dad ate here twice when they stayed in Barcelona for a week last year. And here we were trying to locate it again on our first morning in Barcelona.


It is that good.


Finding it however...


Navigation in Barcelona is not easy...addresses...the concept of having an address...being able to see the address...knowing the number of the building...geez...knowing the name of the street...


In a foreign language...


In a foreign way of making an address...


Just forget about it...start your wander through the buildings and hope that eventually...you will stumble upon your hoped for destination.


Which is exactly what we did.


To help you find it...


Here is the address in a pictorial way...yes...these stone tablets on the buildings are the street signs...Milk is located on the corner:








This whole district has the businesses on street level and residential living above. The scooter is parked at the last window of Milk on this street side. The sheet like covering on the balconies above? I wondered if this was some sort of building provided privacy screening? Like...this what the one approved by the building's CC&Rs?




Looking straight up at the living quarters above the entrance of Milk:




Never having lived in an urban setting...I find myself fascinated by this concept of city living...

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From the Milk Website:


Milk was established in the spring of 2005. The bar is designed like a millionaires drawing room with plush hand made sofas, flirtatious pillows, gilded picture frames, antiques chandeliers and incredible wallpaper by 50’s designer Florence Broadhurst.


Run by an Irish couple with many years of experience in the trade, Milk has cemented itself as one of the premium cocktail bars in Barcelona complimented by a diverse and creative menu. Milk offers the perfect venue for every occasion. Whether you want a birthday party to remember, dinner and a cocktail after work or a big weekend night out then all you have to do is call us or come knocking.


We are open everyday from 9.00am to 2.00am


Mom and Dad have mentioned how the tables in Europe tend to be closer to each other than the tables in the States...check out the cubes for chairs...these are all separate couples along this banquet:




Here there is one table set up for 4 with other couples along the banquet:




Looking back toward the entrance:




Notice the man waiting in the doorway. We also had to wait a bit. The place IS quite small when it's all said and done. They don't waste precious restaurant space with a waiting area of any sort. You wait outside in the alley-like street.


We didn't want to wait too long, however, so we were fine eating at the bar. Here you can see the espresso machine in the midst of the alcohol:




And in that picture I realized Mom and I could do a mirror selfie at the bar:




You can see the kitchen through the doorway to the left of the bar:




The man in blue on the other side of the doorway is at the stove...cooking away...OMG...HUNGRY.

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First things first...


Everyone drinks bottled water. If you ask for water...you get bottled water. Milk offers a cute little bottle of water:




We had a great view of the kitchen action:




My Eggs Florentine:




Dad's French Toast...not currently on the menu...maybe because berries aren't in season any longer?:




Mom's BB Deluxe:






If you can. GO.


Wonderful. WONDERFUL meal.


Well fortified...we were eager to continue our wander around Barcelona.

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Seeing this does bring back a memory that I'd like to share.


When we went into Milk, the place was absolutely jammed packed. I still told whoever approached us that we would like to have a place for "three persons." I remembered this expression from our previous visit. If you informed them that you would like a table for two, they always responded with "two persons?" in the form of a question. So, I just started asking for "two persons," and they would just say "OK."


Anyway, we were informed that it would probably be a very long wait. They said that the wait would be shorter if we didn't mind eating at the bar. Since we'd just gotten off of a CRUISE SHIP where we ate whenever we felt like it (and sometimes whether we felt like it or not), we were HUNGRY. So, it was OK with us to eat at the bar if it became available.


Like Anita said, we went to the street to wait for some seats to become available. Before we left, the gentleman told me that he'd come and get me. OK. As we were waiting and waiting outside, some people did exit the restaurant. I saw that they had vacated some seats at the bar.


And, wouldn't you know it?!? Two people walked up as the other people were leaving, walked inside, and promptly sat themselves at the bar.


Shoulder shrug. I thought that was that. But, to my surprise, they were tapped on the shoulder and (I guess) told that there were people waiting. I mean (hello) they walked right by us and a few other couples, standing in the street, drooling, and being very obvious that we were WAITING and HUNGRY.


Anyway, they were hustled off the seats. The waiter came to retrieve us.


It just impressed me.

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That is impressive, Pam. I love that he gave precedence to those who were waiting longer.


Did you find Barcelona to be similar to your port, in that English was spoken?


I was drooling over those scarves. I would love to have a store like let that here!! And that food looked so good. It got me thinking about the hotel we stayed at in San Diego. We got in pretty late but still wanted dinner. I had this wonderful blackened salmon. It was very tasty.



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In spite of more family drama, I’ve been following along and enjoying everything here so much. I’ve had so many random thoughts about the various things we’ve talked about recently that I don’t know where to start!


Actually I do know where to start: I have to say to Laurie, you look fabulous. I admire your workout routine (intense!) and it certainly is producing results for you! You’ve inspired me to get back to work and eat better. Also, that red dress is stunning on you. The blue maxi is definitely a great style for you and super flattering in that it shows off your shape to advantage while creating wonderful proportions.


Anita, your photos make me miss Europe. How fortunate that your first trip is to such lovely cities. And the shopping! I don’t know how you restrain yourself! And the food! OMG.


I finally got the academic calendar for next year, and the Zumba cruise is now off the table. We are considering either a Panama Canal trip or a beachy cruise out of Florida on the Emerald again for next March. Pam, I would love to hear more about your Panama plans. I think this fall we will try to do either a long weekend at Niagara Falls or a week in FL. It depends on how our renovation is going (still waiting on the second contractor’s bid).


I finally decided to try the double sports bra thing for Zumba, and it is SO much better for me. When I first started, I wasn’t as active in class so jiggling wasn’t a problem. Now that I’m more fit and tending toward medium-impact, I’ve been wanting more support. Can’t wait to check out the VS styles that Melody recommends. On the fun side, there are now three men taking Zumba at the gym. One of them is a skilled salsa dancer, so it’s fun to stand near him. We are doing a dance to Bruno Mar’s Runaway that’s really fun.


Pam, I’m wondering about that dress you talked about with the narrow skirt. What do you think now after having it/trying it? My tip for walking well in those is to saunter slowly and with intent, like an old-style movie star. Trying to rush around is pointless, and it’s not really possible without looking silly. J Kinda the same issue as wearing really tall heels.


Fun NYC tidbits: we are getting a Charming Charlie, on 5th Ave right near my chiropractor’s office. Yay! And for you Lisa Eldridge fans, she was at the Times Square Sephora today and my friend/hairdresser got to meet her and take a selfie. I just found out yesterday so it was too late to cancel my plans so I could go with her. I would have loved to do that.


I revisited the links Anita posted about body shape. I’m a bit upset, chagrined, disappointed to realize that I am actually a brick (rectangle). That is really not a fun descriptive at all, is it? It does explain why I look fatter sitting down (no long legs to distract from the torso) and why I hate ¾ photos.


Now that I’m off work for the summer, I’ve been painting my nails. Here are my recent colors:


Chartreuse Chase/Sally Hansen – this actually looks more yellow than it did in the bottle, not sure I’m happy with it:


Lavender (don’t know the color, my friend did them for me):


I started with the teal, and after a couple weeks I was tired of it so I put a layer of purple glitter on. Now they really need to be redone:


I have a lot to say about the whole KonMari thing, and what I've been up to, but I think I'll save all that for another post.

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Thank you, Margaret. It is nice to feel good again about myself. I still have more work to do...but this is going to be an ongoing thing for me. It's a nice feeling.


I will be posting my next batch of trip reports tonight or tomorrow. I can't believe it's been a month since my trip already!!!


Panama Canal sounds really interesting. Since the San Francisco trip, I've been thinking so much more about Alaska and other places. What would be ideal would be to have two trips a year - one more for exploring and being on the go, and the other more for R&R. I would guess that the Caribbean would be the R&R part!


I'm sorry there is more going on with your family. It can really take it's toll on you.


Just a note hear about sports bras. I have a few now, and my first trip to the gym was with a regular bra so I can compare.


There are the Champion bras from Target, the heavy duty ones that are a sports bra with a regular bra closure in the back. They are very, very supportive. They're hard to get on, but are a great bra.


I picked up a few of the type you put on over your head at Kohls (I'll have to check the tags for you, but they are the standard brand you find there) and I like them a lot. I have found that you need them to fit snug. Snug, not tight, not loose. They work for me. The only down side is I hate those little fabric thingies they put in the cup area...it seems to be a major thing to readjust them. I find that with most sports bras that have those. The Champion heavy duty bra doesn't have that, so it is a big plus.


I really like a racerback for exercising. I am going to keep looking for earth colors, but I've settled for a lot of brights. I have dark gray bottoms, navy, and them some really bold prints plus a color block set from Kohls (Vera Wang - gray, teal and beige) My tops are mostly bright pastels or somewhat neon. I find that it's a good thing, in a way, as it's very invigorating to see the fun prints.


Marshalls is a great source for exercise wear, with Target and Kohls also being very good.

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Sorry to hear about more family drama, Margaret. :(


Will be excited to hear more about your KonMari process. I hit the extra bedroom upstairs, which I adopted as my kind of work room. I could also dub it a sewing room, but I'm imagining that there might be other work in there as well...but the focus is more my sewing in there right now.


It also became one of a couple dumping grounds when we moved into this house...where things landed that didn't seem appropriate for the basement. I have completely sorted through the entire room now. I admit that I did just shuffle some decisions further down the timeline...BUT they were all memorabilia related decisions and I excuse myself because this is supposed to be the last thing you do.


Thinking of travel plans must be in the air... I revisited a couple of reservations that I made back in May 2014. I booked with Royal when they did a great BOGO50...always amazing to get a deal on the second passenger. I have a new countdown in my signature...we ARE going to be able to do the Fall Break cruise in September. We are headed back to the Bahamas for Fall Break.


It's a bit of Deja Veux as this is the cruise that we did last year. Sort of. Last year, we sailed Carnival out of Jacksonville, stopped in Nassau and the private Carnival island. This year, we'll sail Royal, stop in Nassau and the private Royal island. Too funny.


The great thing about this particular cruise...besides being such a great deal for a short getaway. There's virtually no planning. And there's very little added expense to the cruise fare. And it's like you say Laurie, a total R&R cruise.


I'm very excited to try out the Vision class ship. Talk about extremes...going from the Allure to the Enchantment. We will be in one of the Panoramic Ocean View rooms...very excited about this new room type.


Yes, Laurie, English is spoken all over Barcelona. The local language is actually Catalan...although Spanish is technically an official language as well...Catalan is the one that is the default here. It is a local dialect that sounds like a bit of a cross of French and Spanish, which makes sense, given Barcelona's location relative to France.


In Barcelona is actually where I heard a server say that they didn't speak French or Italian or whatever it was the customer was speaking. And they said this in English...why I could understand. Barcelona is where we heard the Germans order dinner in English. And, I think another French couple... I did try to not be too involved in the people around us in the restaurants...seems bad form and very American to not be able to focus on your own table there.


Sometimes though...you can't help it. :o


Bummer about the Zumba cruise Margaret. That would be so much fun to do. I'd love that...and maybe...that would be such an excellent celebration of achieving some goals that I have. A kind of maintenance incentive...booking after achieving the goal.


The cruise 3 months out is another mini-goal for me. I've run into some issues with my hip opposite my knee. I believe that I have been doing some poor biomechanics, pushing myself too hard too fast with some things around the house...and so I've felt a bit set back in my PT because I haven't been able to do things because of this hip.


The reality though is that it is just another forward step in the journey and I'm not unhappy to have faced this aspect of dealing with being ACL deficient, as they call it. More incentive to finish the basement and clear out the room that we started making into a studio area with a smooth floor for doing Zumba/Yoga. I'm feeling very strongly that I need to be doing what yoga I can...strong and LONG.


I've been learning all about trigger points...if ever anyone starts feeling some muscle pain...I highly recommend that you research trigger points in the are of the pain. There is some muscle pain that can't be stretched/worked out without massage. All these foam rollers and other tools (even tennis balls) can be an invaluable addition to your self care arsenal.

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These stores in Barcelona...


Has anyone ever been into one of the antique malls? Under one roof, there are individual booths...some are strongly themed, like nothing but music related things or Star Wars or toys...some have more furniture...some have nothing but dishes...some seem themed on a frontier like feeling with cast irons pots and other rugged/western items.


It's like a maze to walk up and down the aisles and see what new thing you find in each booth.


Walking through Barcelona is a bit like that.


It's a maze and there's something new to see around every turn.


Everything is in close quarters...like little booths...except that they are like little single garages, or even skinny closets, with a unique personality and theme.


This store was right across from Milk:




I was very attracted to the color blocking and piecing of these:




From here:



Very indicative of the feel of the clothing offered in Barcelona. There's an element of FUN in the style. A kind of quirkiness... A bit of a celebration of color, pattern, texture...


I LOVED this sign:




For whatever reason...I find this woman's skirt outfit to be very attractive:




I don't know if it is because I like the combination of neutrals with the fun shoes? The skirt with the fun oversized pockets? IDK...but the ease of this outfit...the obvious comfort. It's kind of jeans-like, except it's a skirt...but it is super casual, looks super comfortable, but does not look sloppy to me. (It helps that she is slim and can get away with all those loose hanging layers...)


The above picture is a pretty good depiction of the difference between the locals and the tourists. The woman and her man were a local couple. Here they were, waiting for Milk...just hanging out...having a chat...having some quiet time...not busy...not acting bored...just. Waiting.


Meanwhile...the ladies standing next them are English speakers. They sound American. And they are busy with their phones...standing right next to each other. They were sharing some things on their phones with each other...but their phones were literally a part of their group...like 2 extra people in their midst that they paid as much attention to, if not MORE attention to, as to each other.


Yes. I have issues with people and their smart phones. Pet peeve alert!!


And no. My phone is stupid...not smart. Moving on...


Back to the woman's fun striped shoes...


I guess I should have known that espadrilles would be something to get in Barcelona...I've never worn them before...therefore, I was hesitant to go after something so new, not sure that I would wear them...but now...looking back on these pictures...OMG...I want a pair!






These were but a few of the shops that were open...


A very few shops open...


We wondered when all the other shops would be open...


Because it seemed like the vast majority of shops were still closed...




We were wandering back toward the hotel. Even though I have shared pictures of Mom and Dad's room with all ya'll...we didn't yet have access to their room. All the luggage was in my room...


It was a leisure wander...but we were very conscious of Mom's health and stamina...and my own too, for that matter...

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We were in the Gothic Quarter...


I think Milk was in a different Quarter? Not sure...but there are several "districts" or "quarters" in this area that is right by La Rambla.


You never forget that you are in a very old city...


Because you stumble upon something like this:




Please notice the short railing and the kind of blue flooring. That blue is actually some sort of glass or plexiglass. It was impossible to take a picture through that glass. The glass gives you a glimpse of large stone "bricks" that are the foundations of the original Roman wall around the city.


This is the "Capella de Sant Cristòfol de Regomir", that is, a chapel for St. Christopher. This location is one of four original Roman gates. The chapel dates to 1503.




The doors are open, but the gates within are closed. You stand there to see inside the little chapel. There is some information posted on a small sign on the door. The sign explains that St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelers, and in Barcelona, this is extended to vehicles and drivers. I don't recall the details but it is a common practice in Barcelona to seek St. Christoper's blessing on your vehicle.

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Winding our wander...


We were attracted to the giant open space on the other side of this:




But first...the woman to the left. This look was repeated...the skinny pants...the sneakers...multiple layers on top with a shirt, a loose cardigan look, an overcoat, and a scarf.


The sunshine beckoned...it's very shady walking on the narrow streets...


And suddenly, we were in the largest open air area in the Gothic Quarter:




This plaza feels VAST after traveling through the narrow streets. The fountain in the center is very large...but is dwarfed by the size of the plaza. There is plenty of unoccupied open space here. The four "walls" of the plaza are the homes of several eateries:




Can you imagine living here? I love these buildings:




When we first entered, there were street performers:




We joined those at the fountain and had a rest:




It wasn't exactly cold...but it wasn't exactly balmy. I was quite comfortable in my travel pants, a double layer of tank tops and my hoodie. Mom had been wearing a long-sleeved shirt that had a mesh panel in the back for ventilation...and so was chilled earlier. I had whipped out my rash guard for her...so that red she is wearing is actually my red rash guard. I think that red works pretty well for both Earth and Fire.


The girl in black and pink sitting next to us asked me to take her picture. She is a European tourist but she spoke to me in English.


After a bit of sit...some people watching...some admiration for the buildings and the overall atmosphere in the plaza...we left to continue our wander back to the hotel.

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I find your trip so fascinating, Anita. This really makes me want to travel there. Someday! I told my husband that when we get older, I do want to plan on trips that are more than 7 days. Right now, our jobs make that difficult to do.


If my finances allow, I would love to be able to retire a bit early. Not a lot, but a bit...and I hope that our finances would allow for a bit of traveling. As of right now, I'm not anticipating that will happen, but I am making an effort to save more and so forth.


I know that I'm digressing a bit, but I have seen quite a few people who have worked longer than needed, because they wanted to. And there is nothing wrong with that! But then when they retired, it seemed like health issues made it difficult for them to do all that much in their retirement. I will be eligible for social security at 67, since they are slowing making the eligible age later. That is just 17 short years from now. But I am seeing quite a few people working into their early 70s. I would love to retire between 62-65 if my finances allow me to. I'm working on that.


That being said, who knows what my life will be like then? Will I have grandchildren? How will my health be? How will my husband's health be? Will there be any of my older siblings that need care?


Now I'm really, really digressing. Sorry.


On an earthy note, I ordered some dresses from Dressbarn. They all fit. I don't know if they all work though! I'm going to have my daughter take pictures shortly since seeing photos always helps me, and then I can post them for your feedback. The brown lace one has a V-neck, so that is good. Two have somewhat of a scoop neck...enough that I think they may work. The last does not have an ideal neckline. I'm not sure why I try? I love the dress though. I just can't have all that fabric running across my chest.


I love the earthy coloring of them all.


Oh, to go shopping at those stores, Anita! I'm curious, how is the pricing in the places where you ventured in? Those dresses were very interesting. I was drawn to the one on the right with the one shoulder look. They looked rather unique and designer like.


The urban setting is also an interesting one. We have some condos and apartments downtown in Syracuse. They look fun, but I'm not sure I would like it year round? I think I would want some outdoor space and privacy. But to be able to have something like that for a second home really intrigues me. I can see us just walking out the door, and strolling down to restaurants and shopping and so forth.

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Anita, I completely forgot to comment on your cruise on Enchantment! I was on that ship this past fall. It is one of their older, smaller ships. I loved the solarium area. You are going on the exact same itinerary as well. Cococay is my favorite port. There is something totally relaxing about it. I love to grab a lounge chair in the shade, close to where the band plays. I just love having that music in the background. It isn't loud or anything...three guys playing. Think Bob Marley.




Now, I have some pictures to post. They are a good reminder to me that I need to continue to work on my figure. I purposely stood straight in front of the camera, which isn't the most flattering thing to do. it does give a good feel to how a dress looks though. It's kind of frustrating, because my current dress size is two sizes smaller, and sometimes I don't see it. Then again, it has a lot to do with choices.


I will start with a dress that I'm convinced is a keeper. It's flattering, and it's chocolate brown. It doesn't get much better than that!




And this is the same dress with the camera flash on. The previous picture shows the dress the way it is, but this photo allows you to see the detail on the lace a little better.



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Next up are two maybes. What do you all think? I love the slip over the head, comfy mentality. I thought maybe I should go up a size, but my daughters said I would create the exact look I don't like. The colors are great.


The first is an animal print, and the whole thing has wonderful colors. The brown gets darker and darker, but it does end with black. It's not near my face, and it isn't dominant, in my opinion.




Here is the same dress in a different print. I love it...but I can see where a saturated color is better for me. With both this dress and the previous one, I have a jacket I can wear to make it appropriate for work, but I'd love it as a night out or a cruise dress for casual night.



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I've saved the worst for last, lol. You know, I know better than to wear a higher neckline. I don't think this is horrible, but it isn't great. The background is too light for me, I think. I wish the picture showed the colors better, but it's an off white background with some nice sage and forest green, with brown. There is a hard to describe color in there that isn't that great for earth.




I'm thinking that the brown dress is a definite yes, the brown animal print is a yes, the tribal print is a maybe and the last one should go back.

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Laurie, love love the brown. Really like the animal print. Tribal print is ok. I love the skirt detail of the sage, but you're right, the neckline isn't the best. Melody

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Laurie, I retired fairly early (at 60) but my husband retired at 41. He just celebrated 25 years of retirement on 1 June. I could have worked longer, I loved my job, but I was tired of 70-80 hour weeks (I did get 6 wks of vacation) & my husband asked me to come play with him (his words). Would my pension be higher if if worked another 5 years? Sure, but would I be able to enjoy it? Best decision I've ever made. Life is too short to spend it all working. (I do miss the frequent flyer miles tho...)

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Laurie , Love the leopard print . The tribal print not so much . I would love to see you try some fit & flare dresses . I remember you had a brown chiffon one and That was super flattering .


I had always wanted to retire in my 50's but life got in the way so I retired on the day before my 60 th birthday .

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Laurie....that CocoCay picture!! That's what I'm talkin' about!! RELAXATION vacation. Yes indeedy.


I wasn't so sure that we would be able to do the Fall Break...DS is going to high school next year and he will participate in marching band. They are highly competitive and will go to Grand Nationals in November. It's a big deal. It's going to become his life for the season. Even though we have this Fall Break week, the marching band has scheduled practices on the weekends of this break...I didn't think we would be able to keep this cruise...


But the cruise is Monday-Friday. So it works!


Southwest sealed the deal because they were having such an incredible birthday sale...the tickets from ATL to MCO were CHEAP!!


Yes. I'm excited.


Love the brown dress Laurie. Great lines. Great V-neck...great A-line gathering under the bust and then skimming the body. Super flattering and awesome.


Don't like the others. :o


I'm so sorry. But when I compare how you look in the brown v. all those other dresses...the brown is so flattering...and the others...well. They don't do for you what the brown dress does.


The animal print is okay. I'm also curious as to sizing up on the dress to get it to be more flowy? I have a dress like this...almost just like it in blue/orange...and I love it. It is so comfortable. It is very loose and does nothing to highlight my shape, other than fitting my neckline and bust well. And then it flows down and I don't have to worry about panty lines or bumps or lumps or feeling bloated.


It's my easy breasy dress. When I move, the fabric moves and it gives the hint of my shape underneath. But static pictures aren't the best. But it's so comfortable and the colors are so good, I don't care. It's a casual dress.


I think that unstructured dress wants to be more flowy...that isn't necessarily the most flattering look for your shape...but I think you might enjoy having that addition to your wardrobe. I do. And the coloring of the dress is great. Really flattering coloring.


I agree that the more saturated colors look best on you.


I hope I haven't been too blunt. Shades of me IRL. :rolleyes:

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