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Melody that's the color I'm wearing now too. That is amazing polish! I'm on day six and it's just starting to wear, and I typed emails all week at work and then cleaned my windows on Friday! I rarely get my polish to last past two days.


That other goldish color looks really interesting... I may have to make another trek to Ulta.


Thanks so much for the recommendation.



Anita, what about a tiny rhinestone stud with the aurora borealis?

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mousey, my goodness. What a year you've had. I'm so sorry for all your troubles.


My dad has started going to the bank every other day and taking out money, and then losing it. He's lost almost $1000 this month. So, I think I'm going to have to start a guardianship proceeding for him. He's gonna hate me, but I have to protect my sister. She's his financial POA and he's starting to accuse her of stealing from him. Friday he made a scene in the bank and accused the teller of stealing his money, so they started a fraud investigation. OMG. My brother is on his way to visit and get the lay of the land.


DH has several dr. appointments to get through before he can have hip surgery, so my best guess is it will happen several months from now. I am hoping for December because I have the whole month off from the college.


I just read the book American Mania, which is about our national obsession with shopping ourselves into debt. The author's premise is that, of the three main brain neurotransmitters, American's tend to be dopamine dominant (reward center stimulant). Thus, we like novelty and reward. Now every time I'm shopping I think, do I really want this, or is my brain chemistry running the show? How much of this decision am I actually making anyway? I mean, I do have two closets full of clothes. I could probably live the rest of my life without buying anything else. I have to say, it's taken the fun out of shopping for the time being.


I like to think I'm living my life consciously and with purpose. But, sometimes I think that's just a fairy tale I'm telling myself. I think I'm having a mid-life crisis!

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Melody that's the color I'm wearing now too. That is amazing polish! I'm on day six and it's just starting to wear, and I typed emails all week at work and then cleaned my windows on Friday! I rarely get my polish to last past two days.


That other goldish color looks really interesting... I may have to make another trek to Ulta.


Thanks so much for the recommendation.



Anita, what about a tiny rhinestone stud with the aurora borealis?



I've been really happy with the CND Vinylux. We painted the house & deck last week (2 story house & we're both mid-60s, I think we've lost our minds!) & I didn't have a single chip, I got it to last almost 3 weeks, only reason I changed up colors was I had growth at the base. The Suede color is VERY neutral, DH says it looks like nothing (blends too much). I'm having a "wear beige & sit in the back" week coming up with doc appts. I'll switch to the greeny/goldy/blue the end of the week.


Margaret, I had those issues with my Dad - it's awful the way the mind plays tricks, hang in there. Melody

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Anita, what about a tiny rhinestone stud with the aurora borealis?


I have some small diamond studs. I think I need to clean them because they weren't too shiny, compared to the necklace. That's the pair that seemed to be the most complementary. Normally, I like complementary things, not totally matchy things...but I think I would like a pair of simple aurora borealis earrings to go specifically with my necklace.


Melody...when the nail polish blends in so well with skin color, Mom and I call that "manikin hands" ;) I think you have to be in a mood for manikin hands.


Chemistry is amazing. Especially bio-chemistry. I truly missed the boat on that...I started off as a bio major but I thought I loved marine biology, and I couldn't take all the dissection required to pursue what I then understood to be medical bio...nutrition science, etc., wasn't really a viable thing when I was in school...seems like a newer field...a bit of a bandwagon on the health craze of today and also all the issues that people seem to be having with food related allergens and sensitivities, etc.


A lot of those people are pretty quack like though...some of what you read is ridiculous...it's hard to sort through all the info out there to get to anything that is useful.


I completely relate to the purposeful life. I'd say that something similar in thought has been a personal goal of mine for so long.


I know exactly what you mean by clothing and thinking about shopping and losing some of the joy of it all...I'd say that similar thoughts have been ruling my decisions since my first weight loss efforts when I said I wouldn't buy anything new until I had shrunk out of everything that I owned. A self-imposed restriction on shopping like that was very beneficial for me. I had to find joy in shopping my closet and discovering a new combination or look from what I owned already. It helped to break away from the thrill of shopping.


And it helped me to really THINK about clothing more. To think more about my wardrobe as a whole rather than just a collection of different outfits. And to think about what I really wear and why...and to reconcile the things that I think I'm attracted to (and might buy) versus reality.


I think that's one reason why I'm so pleased with my little wardrobe for this cruise...it's real. I haven't invented some sort of person that I'm not really on vacation. I'm working with what I normally do. And I've cruised enough to know what I do on a cruise too. Funny, but not matter what, practice really does help. It's like you have to practice going on vacation. You get better and better at going on vacation with each one.


Sometimes, the repercussions of having a break aren't worth the break...you have to know how to leave so that coming back isn't as bad.


Margaret...that's a rough spot with your Dad. I'm sure that you will find a way to do what you need to do and do it with compassion and caring. It's a bit of tough love...having to do things that seem negative but truly are the ultimate height of good care for loved ones.


Back to prepping for me...

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Manikin hands! That's it exactly!


Our first few cruises we pushed as much as we possibly could into every minute of every day. Didn't realize how beautiful places were until we reviewed pictures--that's no way to experience something different. Of course, at the time I was working 60-80 hrs a week & traveling usually twice a month (or more) for work.


Our first 14 night cruise I left my work cell phone/blackberry at home, it was so freeing! I was much more relaxed when I got back to work & stopped answering emails at midnight. It was the start of a much more balanced life. I still worked at least 60 hrs a week (but that was the job), but my off time was mine. Exactly what you said Anita, you get better at going on vacation with each one.


Our next 14 night cruise I told my DH that I was ready to retire (he was very supportive & I filed my paperwork when we got home). The big laugh, they now have five people doing my old job! Guess I was really busy. FYI, I was an Air Force protocol officer (for exactly 30 years, to the day!). Melody

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Pretty Melody. Your nails are so long and perfect. My nails are not great quality and I don't help them with loading the chair and stuff so they are never long. I don't bite them but they peel and bend so they aren't what I would call "nice nails". Yours definitely are VERY NICE NAILS. :)

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Thanks Barbara, this stuff works well. Key to good nails is putting base coat & top coat on the underneath of your nails (helps strengthen them). Taking Bioton (5000mg a day) helps a lot too (good for hair, nails & skin). I get mine in a multivitamin at Costco

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Hi Everyone! I'm back! It will be a few days before I start to post pictures, I think. They're on my phone, my camera, and my husband had another camera along with him.


We had a great time! Before we left, I talked to my husband a bit and said "you know, this is supposed to be our rest and relaxation time. We will do as much, or as little, as we want to do. I might wear all my neat outfits, and I may not. You know what? I will be wearing all these things at other times anyway."


I did that for a reason...I didn't want him to feel obligated to go somewhere for dinner if he didn't feel up to it or whatever. Plus, with the weather forecast changing, I had to through some lighter weight items in the mix so I knew I had to wait and see.


As it turns out, I wore a lot of what I had already shown you. Our weather was great. We had warm weather, such as 81 the first day, and then yesterday morning was low 40s for a while. So we had a mix. But we had a great time!


I'm hoping Anita is enjoying Enchantment. It is an older, smaller ship. It is ideal for R&R, and with two ports in 4 days, it works out well. I found the solarium area to be very peaceful like. I didn't like the area where the stores were. We met great people, and just enjoyed ourselves, the staff and the ports. That was when we were in a junior suite, with a hump balcony. We were in heaven out on that balcony. It was huge!


Mousey, I'm sorry to hear about all the things that have been happening. Things will get better!


Lauri, same with you! I feel very badly for your neighbors, and for the situation with your son.


And Margaret...the situation with your dad sounds awful. I hope you are able to find out what is going on, and find a way to deal with it. A guardianship sounds like a very good idea.


More later!

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So Anita's up and out...Sure hope she and her family have a great cruise.


The DS is back from his fraternity weekend at Lake Havasu in one piece so I'm glad that's done. We got the money from the insurance company while he was gone so he's out happily shopping today replacing some things. So He's a happy camper.


Yep, I've got that brain chemistry thing going. Had it since I got my first paycheck back in 1964! Been shopping ever since. I have no guilt about it because I give plenty of it to charity, friends, and family. No harm, no foul.


I love fashion and I don't spend money on anything else except for books and magazines because I love, love, love to read. I have a NOOK, but nothing gives me more pleasure than holding a book in my hands. My NOOK is great for traveling...but at home...not so much. I don't buy expensive jewelry and my clothes mostly come from discount places like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Ross 4 Less. I don't like to spend a lot on clothing because I like trendy stuff too much. I do on occasion splurge on expensive things...but for the most part I tell the DH, "You're lucky! I'm a cheap date!" LOL!


I've even shopped in hospital shops...I almost bought this really cute top last week while I sat with my cousin during her husband's hip surgery. I went to get us a drink and passed the gift shop...had to stop don't ya know...they had some really really cute things in there! Ha! A little too expensive for me though.




So sorry about your Dad. Mine's getting there. But...to his credit...he still drives and does all the grocery shopping and drugstore runs for him and Mom. On his birthday next month he has to renew his Driver's License...I hope they don't deny him one because of his age because my DH drove with him this past April when we were back in FL and he says...and I agree...he drives fine. He's not an unsafe driver at all. He no longer drives at night though and doesn't drive far. Just to the grocery store, drugstore, and to doctor's appointments mainly. He would be totally devastated if they denied him a license. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him. Also, his eyesight is amazing...way better than mine and he's going to be 90!!!


Also, and this is JMHO, living a purposeful life doesn't necessarily mean one can't indulge themselves a bit. Especially if you're paying things forward and passing on your belongings to people that need and use them. My girlfriend says I'm one of her non-profit's best contributors and that it's greatly appreciated. My mom and SIL anticipate my visits because I always bring them handbags...I asked them if they just anticipated me because I bring them stuff and they said, "Yes!"...those crazy girls!!! LOL! Love them! What goes around comes around too. I went to a dinner party at my BFF's and one of my other BFFs that was there passed on a pair of beautiful gold Michael Kors ballet-type flats that are practically brand new (she decided she didn't like the style after all and had gotten them on sale for real cheap). LOVE them! We wear the same size shoes which is very very rare as we have small feet (Size 7).


I really enjoyed Anita's capsule clothing. Loved the colors and was glad to know that it's not just Barbara and I that go off the Earth chart and wear black!;)

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Laurie - I am so glad you had a good time. You know we need a non-cruise review when you are up for it. :)


Margaret - I am so sorry that you are going through this with your dad. He lives in Michigan right? Is that where you are originally from? I ask because I am originally from the Southfield/Farmington area - just outside of Detroit. I lived there until I was 23 when I moved to Arizona. I still love things about Michigan - how green it is, the huge trees, autumn (oh how I miss autumn!), how prevalent water (lakes, rivers, creeks, ponds, and rain) is. But the job situation in Michigan was bleak even when I moved in the early 90's and I was desperately tired of freezing rain and hail. Snow was one thing but nothing is good about freezing rain.


Melody - did you get the Vinylux polish at Ulta? I am going to try to go there on Friday and check out the nail polish options. I checked out their colors online and there are a few I really like do I am hoping to find a couple of options. Does it just come off with regular polish remover? I had to laugh at the idea of putting the base/top coat on the underneath side of my nails because they never get long enough to even attempt that. I am happy lately if they are just to the tips of my fingers. Though I wish they were a lot longer.


Our cruise is now less than 6 weeks away! I can't believe it. We booked about 18 months ago and it's always been so far off in the future it didn't really feel real. But now it is almost upon us! Now I need to get serious with the final stuff... packing lists, to do list for before we go (I like to have the house clean before we go - it makes it less stressful to come home to), shore excursions (DH is going ziplining with some people from our Roll Call in St Thomas, but so far that's our only major plan), and everything else.


I did however get a slight shift improvement at work. Now I am no longer working true overnights. I am working a shift that is two days (Saturday and Sunday ) 10am to 8pm and Monday and Tuesday 4pm to 2am. Not spectacular but better.

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Barbara, I did get the Vinylux at Ulta & yes, it removes easily with regular nail polish remover--you do need to get the Vinylix topcoat (& I always use CND Stickey as a base coat). It's $10.50 a bottle, so I'm only buying colors I really like. I did get a bluesy/pink also, really like that one, that'll be my toe color for the cruise (probably)


I also go off reservation (as I still am not sure I'm a true Earth) & wear quite a bit of black, turquoise & hot, bright pinks. I'm pulling outfits together for Galveston cruise & have a new turquoise hoodie (from Athleta) that will be featured prominently (wearing on plane & evenings on beach before cruise). DH insisted I buy it (ooh, he really had to twist my arm [emoji16]). Melody

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Barbara, I did get the Vinylux at Ulta & yes, it removes easily with regular nail polish remover--you do need to get the Vinylix topcoat (& I always use CND Stickey as a base coat). It's $10.50 a bottle, so I'm only buying colors I really like. I did get a bluesy/pink also, really like that one, that'll be my toe color for the cruise (probably)


I also go off reservation (as I still am not sure I'm a true Earth) & wear quite a bit of black, turquoise & hot, bright pinks. I'm pulling outfits together for Galveston cruise & have a new turquoise hoodie (from Athleta) that will be featured prominently (wearing on plane & evenings on beach before cruise). DH insisted I buy it (ooh, he really had to twist my arm [emoji16]). MelodyQUOTE]



FYI, I really remember shift work. I was a police paramedic (in Boston in the 70s). My shift was 24 hours on, 24 hours off, 24 hours on & 48 hours off. I survived it for 6 years (when I was pregnant with our last two kids I moved to police emergency dispatcher (911 was just coming in), then went back on the rig when the kids were born. Looking back, I'm not sure how DH survived that!

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We are back from our vacay and in the thick of life again. DS is currently at a 9 to 9 mini-band camp (that means band practice from 9 am to 9 pm). :eek:


Better him than me!! LOL.


We had a wonderful vacation. Absolutely wonderful. Doing basically the same itinerary as last Fall Break but on a different ship was a great thing for us. Everything felt very relaxed and easy.


I LOVE the Enchantment! What a great ship!! I totally understand how people could repeat Enchantment. I would definitely repeat. It would be my go to weekend getaway if I lived closer to the port and could watch for the last minute deals.


I'm looking through the pictures and things and will probably start sharing today. I'm feeling a bit brain dead right now...post travel day fatigue. Which is slightly ridiculous when you hear how our travel day was...


But anyway...


Love that picture Laurie! So funny to know that your background is REAL! LOL. After looking at all the different backgrounds on the ship...it's so perfect, it's almost like one of those portrait screens.


Barbara...that sounds like an improvement on your schedule.


mousey...living a purposeful life is what allows for indulgences, IMO. It is the picking and choosing. It is taking care of business so that free time is TRULY free and you don't feel like there are things hanging over your head. There's a knowing that happens with living with purpose and being on top of things...that knowing is what allows that break to happen without worries and cares.

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Anita, welcome back! I'm so glad you liked Enchantment. There was a zen quality to my trip last year that I just loved. I've never felt as rested as I did on that trip. For some people, the older style ship doesn't suit them but we loved playing pool, hanging out on our balcony, etc.


I agree, that background almost makes you say "is that real?" but it certainly is. We used some things in the care to boost the camera while we set it on a rock, because we forgot our mini tripod. This was part way up Whiteface Mountain.


Since I don't have pile of pictures, I will start my pictodiary.

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For those of you unfamiliar with Lake Placid, it's a wonderful little village in the heart of the Adirondacks. It is the site of the 1932 and 1980 winter Olympics. I think all of here are old enough to remember the miracle on ice hockey team!


It's about a 4, or 4 1/2 hour drive from home, complete with all the twists and turns you see on driving commercials. One thing we love to do is stop at a diner for lunch. We chose Long Lake Diner this time.




The drive is a beautiful one. When we arrived, the temp was about 80, but not a hot 80, if you know what I mean. This was my outfit I ended up picking because I could just take the sweater off if needed. the jeans are very light weight crops so they were ideal I didn't realize that my husband didn't get a full view. The sweater is loose around, but it's still acceptable right now. It's not super baggy or anything.




Like a lot of areas, they have all these little shops in the village. We spent the time time between checking in to the hotel and dinner time just wandering around, and stopping at the Goose Watch Winery tasting room. :-)


We saw these in one of the shops, and got a good laugh. We have a rescue, a mutt, and I think they both qualify for the middle one:



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Dinner that night was at the Great Adirondack Steak and Seafood Restaurant. We treated ourselves to prime rib, and to one of the things I plan on going to Lake Placid for...pumpkin spice beer. This restaurant makes their own beer, and this is one of my favorite versions of pumpkin beer anywhere.




The next day was a beautiful day, and it was supposed to be in the upper 70s. My thought was that it would be just like the day before, but it actually felt warmer. As a result, I started out with one outfit, changed to another, and then changed again for dinner! But it's all good.


I will post more later - the Syracuse game is about to begin!

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