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Missing a week of college as a freshman?


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Hello! I will be graduating with my 2nd degree in June. I would have been very excited to be taken on a trip at any point during my schooling...being surprised on the other hand would have been a disaster!!

Depending on her workload and the type of classes she is taking it could be completely fine. Some profs do take attendace and award participation marks; others give weekly quizes and in my experience they would not accept vacay as an valid excuse! But on the other hand they are often weighted very lightly, so missing one wouldn't be the end of the world.


I found 1st year to be a read the text, write the test kind of year. However, depending on her program, your daughters experience could be completely different.


So...I think it would a great idea IF you ask her in advance so she could confirm that she wouldn't miss any important tests and could work ahead to complete any assignments that will be due while you are away.

You don't have to give her any details other than when the trip will be.


Good luck! I hope it works out!

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I know I said I was going to surprise her...but she would know about it way ahead of time. If I do it, it would be a combination graduation/18th birthday present, so she would know before school even starts. This would give her a chance to talk to her professors about missing the week and do early work if possible. It would also be dependent upon how she was doing in school. Not sure though...really gotta think this out some more.

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Is this a university or community college? How many credits is she taking? If she has a light workload it shouldn't be a big deal.


Also what kind of classes are they, if they are hands on like music, arts (acting) then no you will not be able to miss, even though the homework will be on the web in most cases, like blackboard.


You and her could talk to her advisor, to make the decission.

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Please listen to a Provost of a University, as well as a parent of a college aged child. Don't do it. A semester is only 13-14 weeks. Your daughter will be missing significant time. I know many of my Professors would not tolerate this absense and the work can not be made up easily. Also, if she is part of a "group project" her team will be hindered as well-and believe me her peers will "rat her out" as not pulling her weight in a group. I use groups as examples because a lot of Freshman classes utilize group work for team building. Many classes have projects that are due weekly, as well as quizes weekly. Many Freshman English classes have journaling that is due weekly and many due daily as well. Yes, many Professors expect work to be turned in electronically, BUT why risk your daughter not being able to have her work submitted while on a ship.

And as a parent, why would you want to have your daughter miss college? This is the greatest time of her life. What if she wants to rush a Sorority? What if she wants to write for the school newspaper? What if she has the best roommates in the world and doesn't want to miss that bonding time? This is her time to SOAR, to find herself, to have professors learn her name, to meet a cute guy, to hate the food, to gossip late at night with a roommate, to cry because she is worried she did horribly on a test/paper. She will have many more birthdays mom, but missing that much time at University is very much frowned upon.

Just my 2 cents, but and "educated" 2 cents

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I think a lot will have to do with what college she attends. dd19 missed 3 days of class October of last year when she came down with swine flu as a freshman. She was terribly stressed trying to make up the work she missed. And this was after she graduated with an A average from a tough high school. She actually had to get a note from the infirmary "excusing" her from getting "cuts" from the classes, and allowing her to make up the work/tests, or the teachers would have lowered her grade. She is in the school of business at UConn - they dive right into their core business courses the first year - no fuddy duddy powder-puff classes in freshman year. No way she would be able to miss a week's worth of classes. Give her her "present" in the summer or during intersession - she is a big girl and will understand! (Go Huskies Women's and Men's Basketball teams in the NCAA tournaments!)

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Please listen to a Provost of a University, as well as a parent of a college aged child. Don't do it. A semester is only 13-14 weeks. Your daughter will be missing significant time. I know many of my Professors would not tolerate this absense and the work can not be made up easily. Also, if she is part of a "group project" her team will be hindered as well-and believe me her peers will "rat her out" as not pulling her weight in a group. I use groups as examples because a lot of Freshman classes utilize group work for team building. Many classes have projects that are due weekly, as well as quizes weekly. Many Freshman English classes have journaling that is due weekly and many due daily as well. Yes, many Professors expect work to be turned in electronically, BUT why risk your daughter not being able to have her work submitted while on a ship.

And as a parent, why would you want to have your daughter miss college? This is the greatest time of her life. What if she wants to rush a Sorority? What if she wants to write for the school newspaper? What if she has the best roommates in the world and doesn't want to miss that bonding time? This is her time to SOAR, to find herself, to have professors learn her name, to meet a cute guy, to hate the food, to gossip late at night with a roommate, to cry because she is worried she did horribly on a test/paper. She will have many more birthdays mom, but missing that much time at University is very much frowned upon.

Just my 2 cents, but and "educated" 2 cents


No offence, I can tell you are very well educated. But also it seems very detached from actual student life. Missing one week wont take away from her college experience. And being a college student myself its a hell of alot more than cute guys and late night gossip! I would hate to miss a vacation with my mother (for my birthday of all things) for a week of class that could end up just being a few lectures and maybe a cancelled class! And a side note, I've done my homework on a ship and have summited it electronically. And in the three years I've been a student I've only had one group project.


OP: I'm not trying to bash anyone else's opinion. But you are asking for your college attending daughter. I am a college attending daughter. Im sure she will love that you would do this for her!!

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I think it is a big mistake, especially for a freshman. You have no idea how well she will handle all the stress and the work load of college. That could really put her behind and make it difficult to catch up. Besides as others have said October is usually mid-terms and lots of papers due. If you miss them you might as well flush your tuition down the toilet. What if she rushes and misses activities related to that and can't go active with her pledge class? I know October is a cheap month to cruise, but better to schedule the cruise for a break. DS missed one class because an MRI after a car accident ran long. The jerk of a prof gave him a zero on a pop quiz and docked him 10 points on a paper that was due that day.

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Thanks to all of you for enlightening and informative answers! No snarky replies here....I appreciate your kindness. I have thought about some, but not nearly all, of the points brought up so far. I like having the information from a parents, an educator and a student's point of view. I still have to weigh my decision. We cannot go in August, and my daughter doesn't want to cruise while she's 18-20 because that age is ignored on a ship...too old for the teen club...too young for the adult clubs, etc, etc. Thanks again for the honest and heartfelt replies.

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Wow, I can't imagine a college student voluntarily missing a week & being ok... Our DD missed her first week of college freshman year, (she was in the hospital) the dean of freshman actually visited her in the hospital to: A. be nice & comfort her & : B; Make sure she really was in the hospital (it was a small private college & she's there on a full ride)


Making up the work was incredibly difficult, but she pulled it off. This was with daily emails from the professors who were so helpful knowing she couldn't be there. She's a senior now, & I think in the 3 years since, she's missed 1 day only, & that was due to noro virus going around her school.


I would really rethink the timing of your gift. Try & schedule her for winter break when she can actually enjoy the trip.

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Why not give her a huge box filled with cruise stuff and a certificate for a future cruise on her birthday, then collaborate with her to schedule the cruise for either Xmas or spring break.


That way she gets the thrill on her BD, has something to look forward to, and yet does not miss classes.


That's what I would do with my DD in college...if she was interested in cruising.

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As many have said before it really depends on the professors. I am currently a college senior in a University in Hawaii, and I know many students who have missed a week and been fine, as long as they let their professors know in advance. If she is doing well , isn't missing midterm exams, and her professors don't have a problem with it, I don't see why it is an issue. The attendance issue really depends. Some professors take it, others don't . Personally I've found they are more apt to take it in upper division classes. I think it's really up to you and your daughter, because you know what decision will be best for yourselves.

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I guess I'd err on the side of "better safe (not to book) than sorry". A lot of it depends on the type of college and the program she is taking. But it also depends on the professors.


Some have mentioned mid-terms and group projects as being issues. I was taking physics and chemistry in the first year and it is pretty tough to make up the mandatory lab work. It's not like a lit course where you can just stay home on a Friday night and read the extra novel and write the paper. I also had one stats class where the instructor insisted on having a make-up class because one of the regular classes fell on a public holiday that year.


If the school is large with giant classes in giant lecture halls, then I agree she won't be missed (provided there are no assignments, mid-terms, group projects).


I disagree with the poster who made a snarky reference to "a note from mommy". About 25-30% of first year students are still 17 when they step into their first class, so there's not necessarily an expectation that they "be adults and expect to be treated like adults". Over the last few years, my school has taken more steps to keep parents involved in the educational decisions of their children. So there's no reason you couldn't go talk to the profs once she's registered and see if that will work. That said, if she's taking five classes and just one prof says it will be a problem, then I guess you'll have to deal with it.


Is there a way you could book the trip so that you have a back-up travelling companion who would take your daughter's place if she just couldn't make it?

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I am thinking of surprising my daughter with a 7 day cruise for her 18th birthday. The problem is that she starts college as a freshman this August. The cruise would be at the end of October, so two months into the semester, and not yet near finals. I never got to go to college, and this is my first child going, so I am not sure how the teachers will react. Are they usually understanding? Will they let her make up missed work? Any suggestions? Thanks for your help!




Sounds like it would be around mid-terms. Not good. :(:eek:

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I am thinking of surprising my daughter with a 7 day cruise for her 18th birthday. The problem is that she starts college as a freshman this August. The cruise would be at the end of October, so two months into the semester, and not yet near finals. I never got to go to college, and this is my first child going, so I am not sure how the teachers will react. Are they usually understanding? Will they let her make up missed work? Any suggestions? Thanks for your help!




I'm currently in school and I take a week off every semester outside spring break. If she can manage her time well and work ahead she should be fine. If there are test the week she is leaving she should talk to the instructor to see if he/she will allow her to take it earlier in the week or at a later time. I'm cruising in 8 days and this weekend for me will consist of homework, homework and more homework. If it makes any difference, I've made the Deans List every semester except once, and I've left for a week every semester and I work a full time job. It's doable, just have to be motivated to get the work done.

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Couldn't you wait until winter break? I took a week off from college for a cruise and it was very difficult catching up. I regretted it. Like another poster stated, this isn't like high school. It was much more difficult but this is your decision. Good luck.

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Sorry, but it's too way much for your daughter to miss. Remember: not only is she missing lectures, but potential quizzes and tests. Some professors don't allow you to make them up. Her grades could really suffer. And the studying she'd have to do to "catch up" when she got back could be really overwhelming.


My daughter had to miss one day so we could fly down a day before our cruise. We were very nervous about her assignments, and the possibility of a test that day. Luckily, when the class schedule came out, there were no tests...and she made arrangements to get copies of notes from others in the class.


If there was a test scheduled, I was planning to pay the change fee and have her fly in late that night, AFTER the test. She can't just get a "0" - to big of an impact on the gradepoint.


How about in January when she's still on winter break? Then she'll be between semesters...and no chance of homework!



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October is generally mid-term and a very inappropriate time to miss classes except for an extreme emergency. Should she decide to go, she better have an amazing excuse made up for her instructors. As a college instructor, I have heard some real winners and it sure doesn't take long to know when students are not being truthful. Just my opinion. I would look for another cruise this summer or during her winter break. She should have a least a month off from December to January. It is a wonderful gift and one any young lady would love.

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I go to Indiana University and most professors post the syllabus right at the beginning of the semester. I don't get too many surprise quizzes and I've never had a teacher say it would be a bad idea to miss school. If she is a good student and is willing to work ahead of the class she should be fine.

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Im currently a student in college.. i did two years at community and finishing a year at university.. i get sick alot and miss classes alot.. and im runnin with a A/B average. I rarely email my professors to let them know im gonna be out.. cause they dont care. she will be done with mid terms so thats good. honestly it depends on the type of student she is.. if she does the reading and finds out and turns in the assignments either before yall leave or the day she comes back. if she gets lecture notes from other students she will be fine.


im pretty sure most of the people that have replied arnt students. its not high school missing a few classes isnt that big of a deal. they do take attendance but thats for financial aid, and all professors have a "absent min" but 95% wont enforce it. Shes an adult now and shes responsible for her grades.


I think you should take her. (personally I just had the "week after finals" and I had one in class assignment! No biggy! have fun!!


I intend no disrespect but I am guessing you are not at one of TX academically competitive Universities, A & M comes to mind. You are right the professors might not notice if you are gone but you are totally expected to make up all missed work on your own.


My college freshman daughter just missed one full week from the U of Ark, (go Razorbacks) due to illness, multiple tests and a procedure. She is in the Honors College and has notified her professors and offered medical documentation but her Honors Philosophy Professor will not offer any additional instruction and DD was told to get notes from someone in her class, well, she does not know anyone in her class... so how is she to know which notes she can rely on?


DS is at Texas A & M and has only missed three days in the past 3 yrs, one due to the stomach flu... tried to make it to class but got sick along the way :p and the other two were because he was representing A & M at a national conference on Emergency Medicine/Medics at the Collegiate level. Both DD and DS would never miss a week willingly, just too great a cost academically.


Just a note that DD is hoping to get accepted at A & M as a transfer student but she knows how competitive the admission process is so this past week that she has missed at U of Ark carries a great price, so we'll see how it turns out.


My input is... if the University is academically competitive, DO NOT DO IT, but if it is a 2 year/junior/community college you will probably be fine, but I would hate to make that decision for my student because we did not anticipate our DD wanting to transfer to A & M, she was so against it in the beginning, but now she is thankful she has good grades and has the opportunity to go to such an academically prestigious University.


Just my thoughts as the mother of 2 college students ;)

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University here is nothing like highschool - you don't have to ask permission to take time off, you are completely responsible for your attendance. You pay big bucks to go and it is your money you lose if you don't complete the requirements. You are given assignments, papers to complete, tests, exams - they do not give work in lieu of to complete while you are away. They certainly will make exceptions but not sure that a cruise would be an acceptable excuse. This is much different than taking a kid in elementary or high school where they will often give homework assignment to complete while away. As much as it is a wonderful idea I really think you need to talk to her and she can talk to her profs now to see if it would be an issue.

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More replies, more thanks. My daughter will be attending the University of Hawaii. The cruise is actually Oct. 30, so after Mid-terms according to the current students this year. She is a bright girl and has had to make up a lot of work this year due to 2 serious illnesses and a torn ACL, so the extra work load would not be all that new to her.


If we go, this will probably be the last time she will cruise with me. As I stated before, she doesn't want to cruise from 18-20 years old. I love our mother-daughter time and want it one last time.


Decisions, decisions.

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I've taught at both college and university. Assignments could not be made up and tests could not be rescheduled. Students are expected to travel over Christmas and spring break.

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