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Unnamed travel agency gripe


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So I saw a great deal on a guarantee balcony on a Med cruise through an online agency I have used a few times before. When I called to book, they 'had no more availability' on the guarantee, so we booked the least expensive regular balcony cabin. We were given $250 OBC and $50 toward a specialty restaurant, which they offered on line for any balcony booking.


A few days later I again saw the balcony guarantee, which was several hundred dollars cheaper/pp and called to change. They let me change, but cut my OBC to $150 with the additional $50. Okay.


So today I noticed that the guarantee has dropped another $50/pp; money being money, I figured I should get the price cut, right? So I just heard back from the agency that they gave us the new price, but have eliminated our specialty restaurant credit, amounting to half the savings.


They are STILL offering a $250 OBC for any balcony booking on their website. I cry "Foul!" So I checked a few other online sites and found one offering prepaid gratuities on the same sailing, which amounts to a $276 savings.


I contacted the original agency and told them I want the $250 they are offering or I will cancel (and suck up the $50 fee) and rebook with the agency with the prepaid grats--I still come out ahead.


Am I being unreasonable???:cool:

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Shoot, I posted and CC ate it.


If it wasn't for their promise that ANY balcony booking gets $250, I would say yes, you are being unreasonable. If the agency is providing you with good service, and I assume they are since you have used them before, then why go into the unknown to save $50 after the cancellation fee (although I'd never use an agency with a cancellation fee, that isn't the point).


It makes sense that when the price drops, the perks drop. It comes out of their commission which also gets reduced. I just got a $400 price drop on my January sailing and my OBC was reduced by $25 which I feel is fair. I'm happy with my TA; she responds quickly to my emails and has arranged everything the way we like it. I wouldn't jump ship for $100 or so. Too much hassle with the cancel and rebook, possibly losing my cabin or dining time, etc. Plus I'm happy with the TA so it's not worth it. I had the chance once to get a CC with another TA for the same price I'm paying for a 1A but it wasn't worth it to me.


I'd just point out the promise on their website and that there is no minimum price stipulated and ask why your booking doesn't qualify.

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Your points are well taken, but to lower the price by $100 total and take away a $50 perq for a repeat customer seems a little over the top since they are offering more than that for new bookings.


If I had a particular cabin picked out I probably wouldn't even think of switching, but for a guarantee I don't feel I am risking anything. And this is a bare bones on line agency--they offer some good deals but there is no service component at all. I just feel like they have jerked me around at every turn, first by telling me there were no guarantee cabins available and upselling me, when the X website showed them available again the very next day--you would think they would call and at least inform me that the rate was again mine if I wanted it.


If they would just restore the $50 OBC I would be okay with it--not worth the hassle as you say--but I just don't want them to get away with their shenanigans!

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If you're using terms like "jerked me around" and "shenanigans", you may very well be better off going with another TA, regardless of whether they're being unreasonable or not. A $50 reduction in perks for a $100 price drop sounds severe, but it's possible they're following a schedule that's set in increments of, say, $50 per $500, and this latest drop put you into another bracket.


Regarding guarantee availability, hard to say. A smaller "bare bones" agency may not be able to instantly update their website, and so was showing guarantees available when they may have just had someone put the last one on a courtesy hold, which later was cancelled. Without knowing the specifics, it's possible, though I'd doubt that's what happened. Just trying to play devil's advocate. As far as advertising $250 for "any balcony", well, a guarantee balcony is a balcony, isn't it? Was there anything in the way of terms and conditions that would have excluded them, since they're a lower price? If not, I think I would switch if I were you.

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If you're not happy with the way this agency is treating you, and it sounds like you aren't, then you should definitely switch. That's just business. Once the trust is broken, it's time to cut the cord. Sometimes this means that we find another company that is better, sometimes not, but at least we find out. Otherwise, you will always wonder.

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But just remember the first sentence "So I saw a great deal on a guarantee balcony". You thought it was a good deal as it was presented. Had you never checked the websites, you would have always thought it was a good deal. Maybe be happy with that?

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Shoot, I posted and CC ate it.


If it wasn't for their promise that ANY balcony booking gets $250, I would say yes, you are being unreasonable. If the agency is providing you with good service, and I assume they are since you have used them before, then why go into the unknown to save $50 after the cancellation fee (although I'd never use an agency with a cancellation fee, that isn't the point).


It makes sense that when the price drops, the perks drop. It comes out of their commission which also gets reduced. I just got a $400 price drop on my January sailing and my OBC was reduced by $25 which I feel is fair. I'm happy with my TA; she responds quickly to my emails and has arranged everything the way we like it. I wouldn't jump ship for $100 or so. Too much hassle with the cancel and rebook, possibly losing my cabin or dining time, etc. Plus I'm happy with the TA so it's not worth it. I had the chance once to get a CC with another TA for the same price I'm paying for a 1A but it wasn't worth it to me.


I'd just point out the promise on their website and that there is no minimum price stipulated and ask why your booking doesn't qualify.

Same here Susie- price drop $400 and OBC drop by $25. Seems reasonable to me. I used the extra money to book a massage :D so Celebrity is starting to get their money back.

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You really should call and ask what percent they use for price of ticket vs OBC.


If you know the percent it will eliminate any questions.


Hey your TA and you should always be on the same side, this way you both know the give and take for making changes:)


Give them a call and ask.

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Thanks for all the comments. Just to clarify a few points--this is a VERY large online agency that does a lot of business with =X=; and I was okay with the first reduction in OBC because our cruise fare did drop significantly. For those whose fare dropped $400 resulting in a decrease of $25 in OBC, I would never have had an issue with that--seems very fair. Initially our fare dropped $400 resulting in a decrease in OBC of $100, but I went with it.


The final straw was losing half my savings in OBC--just doesn't seem right. It feels like they offer a lot up front, but use any opportunity to decrease the promised OBC.


I have used the second agency (with the prepaid grats) before and had an okay experience so I am prepared to switch to them again; I just wanted to give the original agency a chance to make it right before pulling the plug.


'"So I saw a great deal on a guarantee balcony". You thought it was a good deal as it was presented.' You're right--I DID think it was a good deal and that is all I am asking for!!! :)

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I don't think you are being unreasonable. You know the ropes of booking and cruising. You're informed and on top of that, you aren't a new client to this agency. Are you talking to the same agent when you have gone thru all these "shenanigans"? I would try to get to a supervisory agent and let them know you have recommended them to friends and family in the past and will move your business and loyalty to another firm and will advise others to do the same if they can't come to some agreement that leaves you more "content" with their service. They need to explain why the obc is disappearing when it is coming from X. I think it is becasue it's a guaranteed balcny. I have a feeling there is some "fine print" somewhere.


You are ready to pull from them already, so you might as well hit hard and be prepared to walk away at this point. It's up to you as far as how far you want to push them. Good luck.

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Thanks--and you bring up a good point. How can I tell whether the OBC is coming from =X= or just coming out of their commission? I am also a stockholder, so if it is coming from =X= I cannot get the benefit, but if it is coming from the commission I should be able to get both, right?


I am a commissioned salesperson myself, so I get the whole deal, but if I promised my clients something and then kept retracting/reducing what I had promised, I wouldn't be in business very long!

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Maybe I'm wrong on this... but I was told by a TA (I met on a cruise a few years ago,), that the obc's that her agency offered came from a pot of obc money that they receive from their best selling cruise lines. Money they could offer to group bookings, repeat customers, their own special sales, etc. It was up to them. If I'm wrong on this, someone will surely let me know. :D

Then there is the obc that is offered via Celebrity bookings and their specials. Not sure how the former relates to your stockholder credit.


I've been caught in a pretty crappy deal with a small remodeling job and know how it can eat away at you. :o Hard to say how hard you want to work at this.

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So I saw a great deal on a guarantee balcony on a Med cruise through an online agency I have used a few times before. When I called to book, they 'had no more availability' on the guarantee, so we booked the least expensive regular balcony cabin. We were given $250 OBC and $50 toward a specialty restaurant, which they offered on line for any balcony booking.


A few days later I again saw the balcony guarantee, which was several hundred dollars cheaper/pp and called to change. They let me change, but cut my OBC to $150 with the additional $50. Okay.


So today I noticed that the guarantee has dropped another $50/pp; money being money, I figured I should get the price cut, right? So I just heard back from the agency that they gave us the new price, but have eliminated our specialty restaurant credit, amounting to half the savings.


They are STILL offering a $250 OBC for any balcony booking on their website. I cry "Foul!" So I checked a few other online sites and found one offering prepaid gratuities on the same sailing, which amounts to a $276 savings.


I contacted the original agency and told them I want the $250 they are offering or I will cancel (and suck up the $50 fee) and rebook with the agency with the prepaid grats--I still come out ahead.


Am I being unreasonable???:cool:


...my take is yes....and if I was the original agency....I would take your $50 fee and let you cancel.......as I would count on hearing from you again every time the fare changed, on our fares or on other agency's fares....:)

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Wait a sec--the actual cruise fare is the same at every agency because Celebrity doesn't let agents offer discounts. So you are saying that if the cruise line drops the fare, the client shouldn't ask for the reduction? I don't think most agents would feel that way; they would want their customers to get the best possible price, no?


Keep in mind that I didn't say a word about the original $100 reduction in OBC--and that I am a very low maintenance client. I normally have no contact with the agency after the initial booking. I just thought the latest reduction was a little extreme.


And FWIW, I never went out looking for a better deal until this latest incident. It was their actions that made me look to see what else was out there. . .

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Maybe I'm wrong on this... but I was told by a TA (I met on a cruise a few years ago,), that the obc's that her agency offered came from a pot of obc money that they receive from their best selling cruise lines. Money they could offer to group bookings, repeat customers, their own special sales, etc. It was up to them. If I'm wrong on this, someone will surely let me know. :D


Not how it works AFAIK, at least here in Canada. Most often agencies hold a group or block of cabins and is able to assign an OBC that may vary per cabin category (inside, oceanview, balcony & suite). If there's no group the OBC comes out of the TA's commission.


My query is whether OP was advised on the rules at time of initial booking? If they were and didn't like how they were applied later then yes, I would say there were being a little unreasonable. If no, the rules about rebooking and possibly losing some or all of the OBC weren't explained then I feel they have a much more valid case to be skeptical of this agency.

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Well, that's an easy one to answer. There was no disussion at all about losing OBC if the price was lowered or for any other reason--I just got an email saying what had transpired. It is possible that there was something in the fine print that I didn't read, but certainly nothing was said at booking. And there definitely was nothing in writing that said 'Category X bookings will receive a smaller OBC' or any words to that effect.


I just got another blast email from the agency today offering a $200 OBC plus $50 dining credit. . .so clearly this wasn't a one time deal.


In reality the money is not the issue--the cruise is obviously a great bargain--it's just not being treated very well (especially as a returning customer) that rankles.

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It is possible that there was something in the fine print that I didn't read, but certainly nothing was said at booking.


What is said and what is written are quite different things. Is it possible you can check the fine print and see what it says? If it mentions this possibility then you not bothering to read it is not a valid defence but if it's nowhere to be seen then that's another matter.


MHO is I'll abide by the fine print as long as it's there.

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Celebrity pays the TA based on the fare you pay. Sounds simple, but I believe that if you have a cruise credit from a past cruise, that's deducted from the commissionable rate to the TA. Let's say you have a $500 credit from a previous cruise/problem/whatever and you book a balcony for $1000 total...so the cruise company gets a commission on the $500, not the $1000. They pay the OBC out of their commission.....so naturally, you would not get the full OBC offered balcony customers. Similarly, if the fare drops for your cabin, your benefits are always subject to change.


Now I know they aren't clear in their ads.....It's likely that in this case, you fell below the minimum fare/commission required for the OBC so they dropped you to the lower OBC.


Yes, they should have told you.....

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Celebrity pays the TA based on the fare you pay. Sounds simple, but I believe that if you have a cruise credit from a past cruise, that's deducted from the commissionable rate to the TA.


Sorry but this TA knows that's not true both from a professional and personal level having very recently used onboard deposits with both HAL & CEL.

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Now I know they aren't clear in their ads.....It's likely that in this case, you fell below the minimum fare/commission required for the OBC so they dropped you to the lower OBC.


Yes, they should have told you.....


I get the whole minimum fare thing too--I really do. But if they are still, in print, email, and on their website, offering a $250 OBC for this cabin category, what justification do they have in making mine (repeat agency and X customer) $150? That's my beef. . .

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Sorry but this TA knows that's not true both from a professional and personal level having very recently used onboard deposits with both HAL & CEL.

I don't think the poster was talking about onboard deposits. They were talking about when a cruiseline gives you a future cruise credit for a problem you experienced onboard a previous cruise. Say maybe if your cabin floods. Or if you have to miss all your ports due to the Swine flu. Or a fire breaks out and you are floating at sea for days without food or power. They offer you something to try to get you to sail with their line again. Those future cruise credits DO cut into TA commission.

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Success!! I just got an email from the agency saying that I am getting the $250 OBC! I am kind of surprised but very satisfied. Now I can focus on getting excited about my cruise again!!! ;) Cathy



Just proves that you were NOT asking for too much, Cathy. Glad you listened to YOUR sense of fairness and took the bull by its...horns!:D


Have a wonderful cruise and use that OBC for a glass or two to celebrate your business savvy!

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