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Review on our Alaska Cruise aboard the Radiance

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Hi Helen & Jim,

We, (my dh and I ) are leaving Brisbane in 7 weeks time, to do Alaska, and then do the reverse on the Radiance, 28 nights from Vancouver to Sydney, watch for our review. Cant wait...

Cheers, Kris :D:D


That sounds amazing.....I will love reading your review! Don't forget us!

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This is the inside of the boat....there were homemade cookies in there too.





It wasn't long until we spotted our first humpbacks...there were two of them.



They came quite close to the boat



We watch these two for a while and then headed out to find more. Here is Dan, our captain, searching for more.


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Oh yeah, we got a tail with those two humpbacks.....here are a couple pics Lisa took of them (i was videoing)





Great job Lisa!


As we were rounding the curve out into the main channel we spotted a momma bear and her two cubs on the shoreline



I had to take mine through binoculars...Lisa has a better camera! Or had, sorry to bring up bad memories, Lisa....Juneau was more than her camera could take...







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We continued to look for and find more whales....We probably saw 10 or 15 that day. It was a great morning. Warm, stunning and successful and we made new friends that we hung out with the rest of the cruise which is always fun!
















We headed back to the town to start our afternoon excursion.

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Hey - that's OUR eagle. No, just kidding, I have the identical picture from our trip in august of 09 - you are bringing back so many wonderful memories. We also did Misty Fjords, which we absolutely LOVED, probably because we, unlike you did not get sick - poor thing. Also the whale watching in Icy Point - we did get ahold of FISHES and they were wonderful. It was my birthday and they decorated the inside of the boat. Same kind of day, misty and very eerie looking with whales so close you could almost reach out and touch them! Looking forward to more of your review.



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Okay all you Bowzer groupies. Here is a little something to tie (or is it tide?) you over.



We were out watching the sunset....It was 11pm at this point. That is Bowzer in the green with the vest and one of his dancers behind him.




He is a nice guy. That is one thing I loved about this size ship. Everyone is more accessible and it is more intimate. Like I mentioned before with the cruise director and with Bowzer, we ran into each other and chatted a couple of times. Just like any normal passenger.

He did do a complimentary photo signing (of his old self). Our friends got one.



"His old self" ... That made me laugh!! :p Not exactly how he looked in the late 70's (or even when he was an original VJ on VH1) ... but I still love him :D (even though it looks like he should be wearing black knee high socks, sandles and shorts - if you know what I mean ;))

Edited by Oscar_the_Grouch's_Sis
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Jennat - Absolutely wonderful review and pictures. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this.


We hope to be on the Radiance next year for our first cruise to Alaska.


Can you give me any tips for travel to/from Vancouver and Seward? Wondering where to stay and if it's better to go on the northbound or southbound.


I have Miami, Port Canaveral, San Juan and Ft. Lauderdale embarkations/debarkations - travel down so very anxious to learn what's the best way to do everything pertaining to this cruise.


Thanks in advance for any advice/tips you can give.

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That's what I thought ... the Compass says it was out by the pool. Don't know how many people went to that (it might have been too cold) but it sure seems like FUN!/QUOTE]


Out by the pool on the brand new movie screen.:)


It all depends on the weather on a particular day, but we were frequently on the outside decks on Radiance last year in Alaska when it was comfortable and not cold.

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Thanks so much Jen. I must have misread about sweet-n-low.:o Looks like they relocated the complimentary beverage station to the Solarium. Makes sense since they have had any type of beverage available there when it was the Solarium Cafe.


Do you possibly mean that they bring you the bill at the end of your meal like in the other restaurants?


Now, if they would only bring back the crepe machine.:p


Patti: I am also one that loved that coffee machine area...and for some reason it had better and stronger coffee than the other areas. Now that we have a dedicated DL lounge, can we not go in there for the better coffee? Good coffee is an important part of our early morning coffee/deck walk! Not the "brown water" offered at the WJ. :(

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We hope to be on the Radiance next year for our first cruise to Alaska.


Can you give me any tips for travel to/from Vancouver and Seward? Wondering where to stay and if it's better to go on the northbound or southbound.


Thanks in advance for any advice/tips you can give.


I have heard that coming down is better because the flight home is shorter. We flew home over night so if you can sleep on the plane, that works fine.

Debarkation in Seward couldn't have been easier. And I don't say that lightly....you walk off the ship and grab your bags and leave.

I don't know what time you get on in Seward but I don't think they sail until around 9pm....don't know if that shortens your first day on or if you can get on right away (I would assume you can).

Vancouver is very connected. We stayed in Yale town. It was nice and very yuppie. I thought Gastown looked fun and cool to stay in. I know that you can stay right by the cruise port too...although Gastown couldn't be 4 blocks away.




Here is a map of Vancouver that shows the neighborhoods. The island can't be more than 1 mile across.



We didn't stay in Seward, we stayed in Homer so we could fly over to Katmai. Seward is extremely small....go on trip advisor to find a place if you want to stay there. In my opinion, there is not a ton to do there (I know you can climb the glacier, go to sea life center, take a boat tour but my point is I wouldn't stay there 3 days....my opinion).....

I will get to that in my review


Hope some of this helps, I will answer more questions as they come up.

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It wasn't long until we spotted our first humpbacks...there were two of them.

They came quite close to the boat




Wow the whales got close. Did the Captain get that close or did they just mosey their way over to say Howdy:D

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Jenn' date='


Just saw that Bowzer was on your cruise!! :D Did you go??


I know that it is the cheesiest ... but I LOVE that kind of entertainer!! If I saw Bowzer in person, that would be one of the highlights of my life :o (My dream is to see Charro live, so that tells a little something of me LOL)


Don't judge me! LOL ... I am late 30's and grew up watching Bowzer (ShaNaNa) on tv :p


Oh, and there was a Grease sing a long too!!!!


I sure hope they have entertainment like this when I board in September!!! :D[/quote']


Bowzer was on my Enchantment cruise years ago. I waited in line for his autograph after the show. I still have it. He was very nice and really appreciated his "fans". Being from Los Angeles I am not a big celebrity groupie either as we see lots during every day life.

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Later that night we decided to try Matt Yee's adult sing along. Imagine an Asian of homosexual persuasion entertaining a group of people. Actually the "queen" act may have been just that, an act but he was super funny and very entertaining. He said lines like (spoken in choppy Asian english )....you no sing, I see you, I have Asian eyes.....everybody now has to drink" "Give me an Oye, give me an oye, oye, now give me an oye, oye, oye.....ummmmm!" Kind of loses something in translation.

Very entertaining though.

My only problem with his show, and it is kind of a big problem is that it is pretty much the same show every night. The diva show shouldn't be Diva's part 2 it should be same diva show, different diva night. It was kind of irritating because you wanted to be there and sing with him but the songs and antics were even sometimes in the same order so you knew what was coming next. This was a big deal on the ship....lots of people attended. I just think he could come up with different material. Did anyone else experience this? I know it wasn't just me because we were talking about it with several other couples.


I couldn't agree with you more! We were on a cruise to Hawaii (on the Radiance) with him, in 2008. Same schtick ... same schtick night after night after night ...


Matt, you're hysterical the first time; funny the second time ... after that ... BORING! Get new material; you can do it ... I know you can! ;)


BTW, I am LOVING your review and pix. I was with Jon on the last cruise before Dry Dock, so it's great to see the changes, with the "old ship" still pretty vivid in my memory banks. :D

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Jen - I am so enjoying your review - laughing my way thru it. I like your style girl! You really caught my interest when you posted the photos of the whale watch with Misty Bay Lodge. My niece, her boyfriend and I are sailing on the HAL Amsterdam 14 day itinerary, and ISP is on our itinerary this year - I've been to Alaska three times before, (as a matter of fact, on the 14 day itinerary last year too - it was awesome, hence the repeat;)) but never been to ISP. I've booked both a whale watch and bear search with Misty Bay, so I've been avidly reading and drooling over your photos! Can't wait to hear (and see more!) about the bear watch. So looks like we've made a good choice, eh? I too have had nothing but wonderful responses from both Hope and Dan - via phone and some emails. Your review is just confirming that we're going to have a great time! Thanks again for all the info and photos. Keep up the good work. Now back to your regular programming....:D

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Inside Passage




Jen, I really wish I could write a trip report like this. It is great. We are leaving on Monday for a southbound Alaska cruise with a train ride from Fairbanks to Anchorage on Tuesday. We board our Oceania ship on Wednesday. Just had to chime in on this post and say "Go Rams" ;) and will catch up with your cruise report when I get back.

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Hi Jennat

I am just lovin your review and wonderful pictures. As a RCI newbie I welcome info about Radiance as I am on next spring for a Australia/ New Zealand cruise. I have done Alsaka before on NCL (but in September...which I don't recommend) I will have to consider one of these one way cruises. Looks great. Anxiously awaiting the rest...:D




P.S. I watched Bowzer on TV when I was a kid too. I'm 50 ;). He is looking pretty good I'd say.

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My DH and I spent all morning reading your review ...we were laughing so hard! We are the same age as you and your DH and are loving seeing the trip through your eyes!!! We leave on the 8th and can't wait. DH keeps saying check and see if she has posted more.... I had to remind him you are 2 hours behind us so you still sleeping at 6 am.:D Thanks for a great review!

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My DH and I spent all morning reading your review ...we were laughing so hard! We are the same age as you and your DH and are loving seeing the trip through your eyes!!! We leave on the 8th and can't wait. DH keeps saying check and see if she has posted more.... I had to remind him you are 2 hours behind us so you still sleeping at 6 am.:D Thanks for a great review!


Thanks all! I will get to it. I am trying to make myself go through the pictures as I go.....

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Hello Class, Welcome to our class on Hoonah. Following is some information I have compiled (read: cut and pasted from Wiki) for your consumption.

Hoonah is a Tlingit community on Chichagof Island, located in Alaska's "panhandle" in the southeast region of the state. It is 30 miles west of Juneau, across the Alaskan Inland Passage. Hoonah is the only first-class city on Chichagof Island, the 109th largest island in the world and the 5th largest island in the United States. At the 2000 census the population was 860, though summer population can swell to over 1300 depending on fishing, boating, hiking and hunting conditions. Hoonah means "village by the cliff" or "place protected from the North Wind" in the Tlingit language.


This island has as many brown bears as any place in Alaska (Bryan told us 2 1/2 per sq mile......




This information will be on the test.


We arrived back at the Misty Bay restaurant to our lunches packed and ready to go. I would guess it was about 1pm now. Bryan was our guide for the day and we were off on our bear hunt adventures.





Here is the boat we were on.




This island (or at least this area of the island) has one road that dead-ends in each direction. We headed out west (actually, just making up a direction to make me sound smart, I don't really know, or care which direction we were headed). So westwardly we went, with a song in our heart and bears on our mind. Hoonah, like most of Alaska is a rainforest so the road was heavily forested...not the road, you know what I mean. Actually, I think calling it a road is generous but it certainly added to our fun adventure. Would have lost some flavor if we were headed down I-9 on a bear hunt.




After driving a while Bryan heads off on an outshoot and we spot our first bear. Everyone is so excited. This bear is big.....they all rush to the front of the van stickin' their big ol' butts in my way, so this is as good a picture as you get (hee hee). It was a very shy bear and lumbered away quickly but we can now officially count our bear hunt successful and put a check mark next to "see a bear".




See it way in the distance.....



Knowing that there were still another 1 1/2 bears in this area, we peeled our eyes and searched. I was hoping that I didn't see the half bear, cuz that just sounds gross. Wait, maybe that is a bear standing on the border line, yeah, that must be it. Anyway, never saw a half bear so it will have to remain a mystery. We continued on down the road for about an hour and 15 minutes. Boy, I'll tell you, the bears on this island were illusive. Not another one in site. We pulled into a picnic area and Bryan the protector told us to stay in the car until he gave the all clear. He grabbed his camouflaged rifle (obviously so a bear would think it was a bush or tree instead of a gun, smart huh?) and headed out to make sure the area was clear. Since all 9 of us had been staring out the window for the last hour scrutinizing every bush, determining that there were in fact actually no bears on the island, I felt pretty safe but didn't want to strip him of his manly, alpha role and proceeded to play the scared tourist in need of protection. I jest, he was great. These facts only stick in my head because, he really did tell us to wait, and he really did have a big gun that he kept on him, and we really were planning to fly to Katami at the end of the week and walk with 900 lb Grizzlies, so it was really a tad concerning. I don't know what I was hoping for but a local being so concerned probably wasn't it.



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I'm sure he will appreciate this wonderful pic of him but wanted to show the camo gun. Hey, I am a city girl.



There, I will put this one in of my hair lookin' "oh so lovely" and those "wear only in private" glasses to make him feel better. It's a wonder I have friends.






These are views from the bearless picnic area. By the way, lunch was fantastic. The sandwiches were really very tasty and great to have at this point in the day.

We started our journey back knowing in our guts that out luck was about the change. Apparently, that feeling in our guts was just indigestion as we never saw another bear, no matter what Bryan did to try and find them for us (and he really tried). He took us to an overlook to enjoy, well, looking over, and we did.





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Here is a good pic of Bryan. He was a great guide.



Here is my husband. He is a great guy too! : )



Bryan drove us back through Hoonah to the Icy Point cruise ship port.


Despite not seeing any bears (and by not many I mean 4, 3 on the shoreline and one on the drive) it was a fantastic day. We met some wonderful new friends that we would continue to do stuff with throughout the cruise. We had wonderful weather in an incredibly beautiful place and we took a tour with people who treated you like visiting family. It really would have been the same exact experience if we were visiting friends (with family there probably would have been more bickering : ) )

Highly, highly, highly recommend this island and Misty Bay Lodge (tours).

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Stanley Cup Finals



You can see a lot of whales as you are leaving this port so if you did something different like glass blowing or basket weaving and missed the whales, now is your chance. I thought I spotted a bear on the shore, but I am now convinced it was a rock. Figures!

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see the whale?




Look what I found....pics from the hotdog area






Next to the hotdog stand is a door into the windjammer and an ice cream machine. So I can now, unequivocally say, no coffee stand.

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