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Barcelona touring - June 25-28 2012


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We are scheduled on the June 11, 2012 Oceania cruise from Miami to Barcelona. We will arrive in Barcelona on the 25th and are looking for another couple or two to share the cost of hiring a local guide. We have not made hotel arrangements yet and would appreciate suggestions.

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Welcome to cruise critic!


We had a terrific three-night stay at the reasonably-priced Hotel Jazz last May after our cruise. It is well-located just five minutes from the central Plaza Catalunya, one minute from the metro, modern, with wood floors and very large rooms for Europe, great a/c, excellent breakfast, small rooftop pool and helpful concierge. Usually ranked number 8 on sister website tripadvisor; check it out there.


You will find many hotel reviews and suggestions on the Ports of Call section of this website.

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We are scheduled on the June 11, 2012 Oceania cruise from Miami to Barcelona. We will arrive in Barcelona on the 25th and are looking for another couple or two to share the cost of hiring a local guide. We have not made hotel arrangements yet and would appreciate suggestions.

Well I can't help with the tour suggestions because it's years since I was last in Barcelona. (Just monitoring this board because we have booked our first Oceania cruise for next year - hopefully not our last.) Anyway, my son and his wife stayed in Villa Emilia in Barcelona a couple of years ago and were very happy with it. It was highly rated on Trip Advisor then, and still is #7 I see. They said it was an excellent location. Have a great cruise, that would be an itinerary to attract us as well.

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We are scheduled on the June 11, 2012 Oceania cruise from Miami to Barcelona. We will arrive in Barcelona on the 25th and are looking for another couple or two to share the cost of hiring a local guide. We have not made hotel arrangements yet and would appreciate suggestions.


Probably best to find prospective tour partners on the Roll Call board thread for your cruise...


As to hotels in Barcelona, my main advice is to be as close as possible to the Placa Catalunya...It's the "center" of town...restaurants, nightlife, shopping and the hub of all of the transportation systems...Past there, it's a question of what sort of hotel you are looking for...


Last visit, we stayed at the Continental...You cannot find a better location--right on Las Ramblas, right at the Placa Catalunya...but it is an older hotel and not everyone's cup of tea...OTOH, it's a bargain...




A little more of a budget, check out Le Meridien on Las Ramblas...




There are also some choices in the Eixample District, just north of the Placa, mostly along Passieg de Gracia and Corts Catalans...One visit, we stayed at the Gran Havana on Corts Catalans--very nice, but a quieter location...a little bit of a walk...




Several others in the area as well...

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We stayed at the U232, a little out of the way, but close to metro and several of the Gaudi attractions are within walking distance. Watch out around the cathedral for 2 female pickpockets. They tried to get my husband, but he felt their hand going into his pocket and caught them before they got anything. They said "Sorry" but the we think the only thing they were sorry about was the fact that they didn't get the wallet. Several of the men on the tour put their money into their sock and this worked for them. Barcelona was the worst spot we encountered for pickpockets but is a fascinating city to visit. We walked or took the underground everywhere. There was really no need for a guide. Rick Steeve's book or something similar is all you need.

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Highly recommend the Hotel Jazz where we stayed after our Regatta cruise in 2006. Excellent location with a main terminal for the Hop-On-Hop-Off buses just two blocks away. There 3 loops for the HOHO buses that visit the major sites in the city. Recommend buying a 2 day pass.



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Last visit, we stayed at the Continental...You cannot find a better location--right on Las Ramblas, right at the Placa Catalunya...but it is an older hotel and not everyone's cup of tea...OTOH, it's a bargain...





I am delighted to hear that you recommend the Continental. I just booked a 3 night stay in a room with a balcony overlooking Las Ramblas. The price is excellent, especially considering that they offer a 24 hour buffet with wine and beer included.


We will be staying there over the Easter holiday and were afraid that local restaurants might be closed. The 24 hr buffet might come in handy. What did you think of it?

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I am delighted to hear that you recommend the Continental. I just booked a 3 night stay in a room with a balcony overlooking Las Ramblas. The price is excellent, especially considering that they offer a 24 hour buffet with wine and beer included.


We will be staying there over the Easter holiday and were afraid that local restaurants might be closed. The 24 hr buffet might come in handy. What did you think of it?


I did say that the Continental wasn't for everybody...The rooms are a bit small and the decor tacky...

But the location is incredible...

We also had a Las Ramblas View room...

We'd end each night by grabbing some wine and beer from the buffet and sitting out on our balcony and watching the people go by beneath...

Then, when ready to retire, there was an automated shade system that came down over the balcony door and shut out all the noise and light...


We never used the buffet for meals other than breakfast...mostly for snacks and drinks...


I am not entirely sure everything will be closed on Easter...

We were in Barcelona one year for Christmas, staying at the Hilton...On Christmas Eve, we found a Chinese restaurant around the corner from the Hilton that was open...of course it was memorable to this day as the worst Chinese food we've ever had...

Christmas Day, we wandered out and were surprised that a lot was open...including the mall...We ate pizza at the mall for our Christmas dinner...


I would guess that if nothing is open, at least you won't starve...


Yes, the Continental, based on location alone, is quite a bargain...just don't expect a five-star hotel...

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I did say that the Continental wasn't for everybody...The rooms are a bit small and the decor tacky...


Yes, the Continental, based on location alone, is quite a bargain...just don't expect a five-star hotel...


I have to admit that I prefer the slightly tacky hotels with more local charm and great location to American style hotels that could be anywhere in the world. These places frequently have the friendliest and most helpful staff, too.


The first time I visited Barcelona was shortly before the death of Franco, not exactly liberated times. I checked into an ancient hotel where the lady handed me the key and sternly warned me "No men allowed in the room."


If that room only had a bathroom that wasn't down the hall, I would happily stay there again today - but with DH. :D I literally felt that I had stepped back about 400 years in time. Now, that place had character and the most charming location in old Barcelona.

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I have to admit that I prefer the slightly tacky hotels with more local charm and great location to American style hotels that could be anywhere in the world. These places frequently have the friendliest and most helpful staff, too.


The first time I visited Barcelona was shortly before the death of Franco, not exactly liberated times. I checked into an ancient hotel where the lady handed me the key and sternly warned me "No men allowed in the room."


If that room only had a bathroom that wasn't down the hall, I would happily stay there again today - but with DH. :D I literally felt that I had stepped back about 400 years in time. Now, that place had character and the most charming location in old Barcelona.


I think you'll love the Continental...


My first trip to Spain was in the Summer of 1975 (Franco died in November 1975) as part of a summer all over Europe with all my possessions in a backpack. I stayed everywhere from youth hostels, to beaches to overnight trains...


I went through Spain with a college buddy of mine and a girl we met on the train from Paris down to San Sebastian...stopped in San Sebastian, Madrid, Seville, Granada and Barcelona, staying mostly in pensiones...and, boy, do I have some stories from that trip...including the one woman who wouldn't rent us a "room for three", just a room for two and one single, then she tried to figure out who was with who by which of us slept in which room...Yes, we certainly messed with her!


I do remember all of the armed Spanish troops walking around San Sebastian...

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We are scheduled on the June 11, 2012 Oceania cruise from Miami to Barcelona. We will arrive in Barcelona on the 25th and are looking for another couple or two to share the cost of hiring a local guide. We have not made hotel arrangements yet and would appreciate suggestions.


Hi lightenergy and welcome to Cruise Critic. Someone suggested you find the Roll Call for your cruise. Just go to the Roll Call Forum and click on Oceania, then find your ship, then your sailing date. It is great to get to know some of your fellow passengers ahead of time.


We also stayed at the Hotel Jazz in 2010. We loved the hotel and the location. If this is your first 'O' cruise, you are in for a treat! :D


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I think you'll love the Continental...


My first trip to Spain was in the Summer of 1975 (Franco died in November 1975) as part of a summer all over Europe with all my possessions in a backpack. I stayed everywhere from youth hostels, to beaches to overnight trains...


I went through Spain with a college buddy of mine and a girl we met on the train from Paris down to San Sebastian...stopped in San Sebastian, Madrid, Seville, Granada and Barcelona, staying mostly in pensiones...and, boy, do I have some stories from that trip...including the one woman who wouldn't rent us a "room for three", just a room for two and one single, then she tried to figure out who was with who by which of us slept in which room...Yes, we certainly messed with her!


I do remember all of the armed Spanish troops walking around San Sebastian...


Perhaps we met in one of those pensiones. :D


I stayed in one with a balcony directly overlooking the national palace.

One evening I invited another guest, a young man, to sit on my balcony with me to enjoy watching the display of Madrid life in the square below. The next morning the landlady came up to me and told me,"out of respect for my home, no men in your room."


Did I learn nothing in Barcelona?


Those armed soldiers looked scary, but one day I approached a pair to ask for directions to the post office (I used to speak very good Spanish). Even though it was over a mile away, they decided to accompany me so that I would not get lost. So there I was, walking down the street escorted by an armed soldier on either side, guns held over the shoulders. By the time we reached the post office, one had asked me to marry him. :D Not so scary after all.


After puritanical Spain I visited Paris. I walked into a hotel with a young man whom I had just met on the train. When we asked for 2 rooms, the clerk tried to convince us that one room for the two of us would be much cheaper. To this day I am still not sure if he was pulling my leg. In my finest high school French and a most dignified manner, I explained to the clerk that I did not even know the young man and we wanted 2 rooms. He still tried to sell us only one. What a change crossing a border can make. :rolleyes:


Oh, the memories.

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Good morning from a fellow South Floridian (Wellington). We are fellow passengers on the 6/11/12 Regatta TA to Barcelona.


We stayed at the Hotel Regencia Colon which is just off the Ramblas, and across the plaza from the Cathedral (not the Sagrada Familia).


The hotel is literally connected with the Hotel Colon, a somewhat less expensive sister facility. The location is really perfect, less noisy than the Ramblas itself, and the breakfast is quite nice. Not the least expensive, but certainly not the priciest either.


E-mail me at jgt1116@aol.com if you'ld like to chat about Barcelona, the cruise or how to access the Rollcall for the cruise, etc.

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I did say that the Continental wasn't for everybody...The rooms are a bit small and the decor tacky...

But the location is incredible...

We also had a Las Ramblas View room...

We'd end each night by grabbing some wine and beer from the buffet and sitting out on our balcony and watching the people go by beneath...



Yes, the Continental, based on location alone, is quite a bargain...just don't expect a five-star hotel...



We have stayed in both hotels -- one below Placa Catalunya, the other above. The one above is a step up in accommodations, has a better buffet, etc., but I agree with Bruin Steve about the location. In fact, the cheaper one (below the Placa) has an even better location as far as we are concerned.


There were a lot of backpacker types in the cheaper one when we were there in November 2005 that I didn't see in the other hotel. But service was fine and the room was comfortable. And the price was right!

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  • 1 month later...

We are also on this cruise. My wife and I want to stay through the 28th but are waiting to do my due diligence on additional air fare charges since we booked via "Free air-fare". What hotels have you heard about? We need to book a hotel but are waiting to make a decision concerning the air arrangements.

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as someone else mentioned the HOHO bus system in Barcelona is great...3 routes and give you a great over-view of the entire city...we have done all 3 and really enjoyed it...for a hotel we have stayed at the Hotel Monte Carlo on Las Ramblas and enjoyed it...they have a roof top garden area and rooms either over-looking Ramblas or in the back...enjoy Barcelona...it is our favorite city in Europe!! LuAnn

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I just skimmed quickly through this thread again ...


Yes, the Continental has a great location and the buffet is handy but it's not GREAT food, mostly cold. (The other Continental above the Placa has a better buffet but it still isn't better than a restaurant!). And restaurants are close. (Like across the street.)


But I'm adding this comment because people didn't seem to address the question of GUIDES.


And I will just say that guides aren't necessary, unless perhaps you only have one day in Barcelona -- with limited time a guide can help. But the city is easy to get around (always minding the pickpockets). Transport by the Hop on Hop off bus is good for tourist spots. Cabs are easy to get. The metro is even easy to manage.


There is so much to see in Barcelona that you can't really go wrong.


And it's SUCH a beautiful city.


Be sure to visit at least one of the Gaudi sites, whichever suits your taste. There are so many!


And the Miro Museum (available by the HOHO bus) is wonderful.


Have a great time ...


P.S. We took a bus tour up to Montserrat and I would not advise going there that way. I think you can do it by public transport, not sure. Or rent a car and do it (it's close to the city). But the guided tour was limited and we wished we'd done it on our own.


Other than that, Montserrat is well worth a visit if you have the time!

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  • 1 month later...

I've stayed several times at the Atanea Barcelona--central, four stars, couple of blocks to metro, kitchenette, Department store a block away

with gourmet section:), everything easy to get to by public transportation, taxi to pier 10 euros or so. Can be booked on Booking.com.

Less than 100 euros/day double--unless you're looking for funky backpacker accomodations a great choice.

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I agree the Hop On/Hop Off is a great way to see Barcelona. However, we were there during a cold spell and needed more of a jacket than we had with us as there is absolutely no heat in the busses. Also, alot more time than you think you need to make the loop. There is so much to see, you will definitely take longer than you think in your explorations. A two, or even three-day pass is ideal, if you have the time.

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  • 6 months later...
We are interested in sharing a 1/2 day tour of Barcelona on June 25th. We have been in touch with BarcelonaDayTours. They will pick us at the port & drop us off at our hotel after the tour.


I thought someone would have made a comment by now, but since it seems no one has I will chime in to suggest that you find the roll call for your cruise. And perhaps also any other cruise that might be in port on the same day.


Writing to the general list is rather self defeating since this is a GENERAL list, and you would be lucky to find someone here (actively following the thread) who will be in Barcelona on June 25th.


That being said, my husband and I have made several trips to Barcelona and we've always found it very easy to get around town on our own. Have you considered just using the Hop On/Off bus?


Of course, Barcelona has SO MUCH to see that a half day doesn't begin to do it justice. But if that is the time you have, then that is the time you have!


Good luck.




(I would have tried to find your cruise to give you the link, but only knowing that you'll be in Barcelona on June 25th is too limiting for me to help!)

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Thank you for your comments. Actually, we will be in Barcelona for 3 days. We just want a 1/2 day tour to get our bearings. We can then return to the areas that we found most interesting.

We would appreciate any further thoughts on Barcelona.

Thanks, Graeme

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Thank you for your comments. Actually, we will be in Barcelona for 3 days. We just want a 1/2 day tour to get our bearings. We can then return to the areas that we found most interesting.

We would appreciate any further thoughts on Barcelona.

Thanks, Graeme


As mentioned before take the HOHO bus on both lines and stay on for the whole round trips. You will have then seen all there is to see as far as major sites and then you can go to any or all of these on your own. Not to be missed ate the Miro and Picasso museums...:)

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