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Not impressed with Carnival or Freedom


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I always feel very fornuate that we don't have to cruise in the summer or even travel in the summer for all that goes . Our kids are grown up we will have vacationed 3 times this year got a great deal in March on an RCI cruise , going to Myrtle Beach in In Sept , and cruising in Oct , we get to avoid the heavy vacation times. and basically get 3 vacations for the price of one or one and half as compared to the high prices you have to pay in the summer.

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This common response is nothing but a lame excuse. The season should make no difference. Carnival is responsible for maintaining order and peace and quiet on their ships all the time.


The season has nothing to do with peace and quiet, nor with poor design, or bad food.


The cheerleaders simply cannot admit that Carnival is in free fall mode and doesn't seem to care.



Sorry cannot agree with this. As a front desk clerk at a hotel, I am not a babysitter of children or adults. If I was, there would never be anyone at the front desk, especially on weekends.


It's called personal responsibility people. Sheesh - why can't some people figure that out. Carnival is not responsible for the rudeness of others.:rolleyes:

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I have only cruised twice so far (Carnival Ships). First one was in early May, next was in mid-August. Sometimes you have to cruise with family when it is convenient which means there will be kids. I have never had a problem either time. Guess I was lucky :). Small kids and teenagers behaved. I don't recall any long lines at the buffet or problems with the elevators :D, but DH didn't like the kids hogging the hot tub :mad:.

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Sorry cannot agree with this. As a front desk clerk at a hotel, I am not a babysitter of children or adults. If I was, there would never be anyone at the front desk, especially on weekends.


It's called personal responsibility people. Sheesh - why can't some people figure that out. Carnival is not responsible for the rudeness of others.:rolleyes:


I agree , people with this I'm on vacation attitude is crazy , I dont have to be responisble for myself or my kids because we paid to be here. Now saying that I wouldn't think it would hurt for places to have extra help in the summer to avoid these problems , they dont mind charging more would it hurt to have a few extra employees to help out to avoid these problems. just sayin.

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I really have to debate your comment about lines being long on Royal Caribbean. I have sailed that line 16 times, at different times of the year and have sailed on every class ship that Royal has. The only time there was any crowding at all was when the shows let out, and at that it dissapated rapidly. Royal does a wonderful job of crowd control, the lay-outof their ships leads to it being very easy to get around, which is the exact oppisite for Carnival. Passengers don't even have to deal with long lines in the buffet area on Royal because theyhave so many stations. Did you ever sail Royal? Bet I can guess on your reply to that!


I had nothing but lines on RCL...lines for rock climbbing, lines for skating..lines at buffet...


Conquest class all have that dining room thing. On Glory I finally figured I could walk through the dining room. Hard to get used to.


I have yet to see any crew member correcting kids whether it's running or messing with the elevators.

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""I'm curious why, as an adult, if you saw kids sitting on the floor of an elevator, why you didn't just get on anyway. If it were me, I'd simply say, "You'll need to get up and make room, I need to use this elevator." If they refused, I'd hold the elevator and either DH or I would go get security. There is no such thing as another person "not allowing people to use" something. Nope. No way.""



I did get on and told the teenage boy hitting the door close button "don't even think about it". But that's me. Remember, there are elderly cruisers who would not even chance a bad encounter with youths or are able to push open the heavy elevator doors if the youths are closing the doors on them. Again, this is a reflection on their parents and upbringing. As another example of the parents on this cruise, on day one a family was blocking the hallway. The mother had a stroller crossway in the hallway while she was texting on her phone. She looked at me as I approached and then returned to texting. I literally was a foot from the stroller and inquired if I should fly or jump over the stroller, as that was the only way past unless she moved the stroller. Try this inconsiderate behavior, multiplied by numerous people for 8 days and it would put a damper on your vacation also. On the last morning in the hall outside the buffet, a woman was screaming at a man, they were face to face. All I understood from her screaming was that she was from the Bahamas and she seemed to know what was the reason for all the problems in America!!! Again, Carnival obviously did not partake in this screaming match, but I do believe that after a week of being pushed aside, rudeness, screaming in halls and off the balconies, etc. an atmosphere was created where normal people snapped.

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I have only cruised twice so far (Carnival Ships). First one was in early May, next was in mid-August. Sometimes you have to cruise with family when it is convenient which means there will be kids. I have never had a problem either time. Guess I was lucky :). Small kids and teenagers behaved. I don't recall any long lines at the buffet or problems with the elevators :D, but DH didn't like the kids hogging the hot tub :mad:.


I saw on TV on a Costa cruise as soon as kids got in hot tubs staff told the parents they couldn't use them.

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My take is on all mainstream lines traveling during peak times with full boat and families will have similar issues on the same destination/ports.


Some mainstream do market differently and likely attract a slightly different vacation crowd of parents who likely also have a different set of standards. Lets be serious we are talking the "fun" ship, nothing you say suprises me.


Just off the Freedom and these are our impressions and opinions, so don't read this if you don't want to hear anything negative re: Carnival.


-This seemed to be the cruise of Long Lines. Starting with check in to the buffet. The buffet area is poorly designed and everyone is on one long line whether you just want cereal or hot breakfast items.

-Large family groups on this cruise, and they seemed to have the outlook that if one family member is on line, that qualifies 10-15 other family members the right to cut the lines. This happened mostly on the buffet but also included getting off the ship.

-Again, very loud groups. If they were up, you were up. Family meetings took place in the hallways anytime of the day or night. In fact, when asked to meet in their rooms and not the hallways, they responded their kids were sleeping. Well, what about my children with you yelling outside my room!

-Food was adequate. Nothing really outstanding.

-Teens out of control. In fact the teen room was closed on occasion because of fights.

-Teens took over the elevators, sitting on the elevator floor, not allowing passengers to get on.

-Small balcony.

-Ship felt cut off. Example, Chic dining room mid ship so you had to remember that when going aft to forward not able to do that on certain decks. Also, pool area seems small due to stadium style seating.

-Upon embarking the ship when in port, no crew member in sight to assist with wheelchairs or handle crowd control. Many people jumped the line, pushing past the civilized people.

-Areas of the ship were taken over by "birthday" parties. One night the lobby was utilized as a private reception for these birthdays. Denying other passengers the use.

-Crew and service was good, but not outstanding.


This is our 2nd cruise with Carnival (out of 26 total) and this cruise was nothing like our first cruise with Carnival. The previous Carnival cruise left from Tampa, and we were impressed with them and therefore did not hesitate to cruise with Carnival again. But, this cruise was nothing like the last cruise. This cruise cost us just as much, if not more than our recent cruises on Royal Carib and Celebrity, yet, we felt that it was a ship out of control and no one seemed to care.

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My take is on all mainstream lines traveling during peak times with full boat and families will have similar issues on the same destination/ports.

Just to throw in my .2 here - as we can only travel during school vacations (peak seasons) I have found the lines on a cruise ship no different/longer than the lines waiting for a ride at Disney, Great Adventure, Universal Studios, or any other amusement park. In fact, I have never had to wait 20-90 minutes for a plate of food on CCL - while I have definitely done so many times at Disneyworld!:p

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""I'm curious why, as an adult, if you saw kids sitting on the floor of an elevator, why you didn't just get on anyway. If it were me, I'd simply say, "You'll need to get up and make room, I need to use this elevator." If they refused, I'd hold the elevator and either DH or I would go get security. There is no such thing as another person "not allowing people to use" something. Nope. No way.""



I did get on and told the teenage boy hitting the door close button "don't even think about it". But that's me. Remember, there are elderly cruisers who would not even chance a bad encounter with youths or are able to push open the heavy elevator doors if the youths are closing the doors on them. Again, this is a reflection on their parents and upbringing. As another example of the parents on this cruise, on day one a family was blocking the hallway. The mother had a stroller crossway in the hallway while she was texting on her phone. She looked at me as I approached and then returned to texting. I literally was a foot from the stroller and inquired if I should fly or jump over the stroller, as that was the only way past unless she moved the stroller. Try this inconsiderate behavior, multiplied by numerous people for 8 days and it would put a damper on your vacation also. On the last morning in the hall outside the buffet, a woman was screaming at a man, they were face to face. All I understood from her screaming was that she was from the Bahamas and she seemed to know what was the reason for all the problems in America!!! Again, Carnival obviously did not partake in this screaming match, but I do believe that after a week of being pushed aside, rudeness, screaming in halls and off the balconies, etc. an atmosphere was created where normal people snapped.


Oh, I hear ya. This society is going to hell in a hand basket and I am acutely aware of that. Think that is pessimistic? Think back to when you were in school. Would you DREAM of telling a teacher to kiss your ass? It happened in my daughter's high school. When was the last time you heard a child say, please or thank you? If you are raising your children the way we were raised, you hear your children say it all the time, because they were taught to. Today's children (more often than not) are being raised with absent parents and no supervision at all.


From what I've read, this is not just an issue on CCL (though maybe more prevalent as they are more economical), but apparently it can be found on most of the mass lines. I agree the first line of defense needs to be the parents. However, given that the parents of the children acting this way obviously don't care, I do feel that it is, as a second line of defense, the cruise line's responsibility to keep that kind of behavior in check. And as a few have pointed out, remove the ones from the ship who cannot follow the rules of civilized society. Just MHO. YMMV.

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Well, in a way, I think that the cruise line has a responsibility to make sure that people are behaving in a civilized manner and if not they should be left out at the next port.


Agreed! Last cruise I was on in June was filled with kids (886 If I remember correctly, because they would always announce how many kids were on board during muster drill, shows, ect...) and they really went wild. Knowing how many kids were on this boat, you would think there would be higher level of security or control from cruise employees, but many under agers were running around drunk and throwing up on decks.


Personally it didn't ruin my cruise, but I can see how it could ruin someone else's.

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This common response is nothing but a lame excuse. The season should make no difference. Carnival is responsible for maintaining order and peace and quiet on their ships all the time.


The season has nothing to do with peace and quiet, nor with poor design, or bad food.


The cheerleaders simply cannot admit that Carnival is in free fall mode and doesn't seem to care.


Peace and quiet the whole time on all ships. Impossible:eek:

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Peace and quiet the whole time on all ships. Impossible:eek:


I beg to differ. DH and I sail mostly when school is in session. The only time I have had an issue with kids running up and down the halls unsupervised is when school is out and a lot of them are on board. DH and I cruise for RnR only. We aren't into rock climbing, surfing or ice skating on cruises. On Fantasy class ships we have found that the Serenity area is VERY peaceful, with the only sound being soft music being played and the sound of the ship's wake. Likewise, our room is always a peaceful place when children are not running unsupervised down the halls. It IS possible to find peace and quiet on a ship. I've done it. Lots of times.


Similarly, this place is very peaceful and quiet. If you've been there, you know where it is ;)



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Originally Posted by lyndamr viewpost.gif

I find that on Carnival you get more blue collar workers where on RC you have more white collar workers, maybe this is the reason?????


Originally Posted by lyndamr viewpost.gif

I find that on Carnival you get more blue collar workers where on RC you have more white collar workers, maybe this is the reason?????


Comments like this really tick me off. Money has nothing to do with class, manners, respect, or common courtesy. Some of the rudest people I have encountered have been wealthy/wealthier. Money, age, race, gender, geographical location, etc doesn't make somebody more ________ (rude, obnoxious, disrespectful, fill in any other word).


Actually, Blue collar does not have to do with the amount of money one makes, nor does White collar mean you are "wealthy". I can also tell you, that by filling in some of the blanks, that certain ships, sailing from certain ports, you will find more "rude" people than other ports, just like if you sail outside of the mainland, you will find other "annoying" things. I really do not think the poster was implying everyone in a "category" is the same, but many studies, have been shown that different races, countries of origin, and different cities along with different levels of income will all affect different behaviours including in how "kids" are handled and taught. If you think this is not true, than ask a teacher for an honest answer. They also have to adapt to different teaching styles for boys and girls, English or Spanish, or the many different races or if they are teaching in a factory town, or in a town filled with corporate headquarters.


So all this will affect the "ship community" for the week.

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I would say that if you are a couple traveling without kids that you would want to avoid Carnival during summer vacation when school is out. Ditto for Royal Caribbean and Norwegian. They are all budget cruiselines that market to families with kids. Try Carnival again during a non-school break time.


I personally loved the Freedom, but we sailed on her in January. I travel with kids, but am somewhat a hipocrit, as I do not desire to sail when the ships have 800-1000 kids on them in the summer. In January there is probably only 50, tops.

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Just off the Freedom and these are our impressions and opinions, so don't read this if you don't want to hear anything negative re: Carnival.


-This seemed to be the cruise of Long Lines. Starting with check in to the buffet. The buffet area is poorly designed and everyone is on one long line whether you just want cereal or hot breakfast items.

-Large family groups on this cruise, and they seemed to have the outlook that if one family member is on line, that qualifies 10-15 other family members the right to cut the lines. This happened mostly on the buffet but also included getting off the ship.

-Again, very loud groups. If they were up, you were up. Family meetings took place in the hallways anytime of the day or night. In fact, when asked to meet in their rooms and not the hallways, they responded their kids were sleeping. Well, what about my children with you yelling outside my room!

-Food was adequate. Nothing really outstanding.

-Teens out of control. In fact the teen room was closed on occasion because of fights.

-Teens took over the elevators, sitting on the elevator floor, not allowing passengers to get on.

-Small balcony.

-Ship felt cut off. Example, Chic dining room mid ship so you had to remember that when going aft to forward not able to do that on certain decks. Also, pool area seems small due to stadium style seating.

-Upon embarking the ship when in port, no crew member in sight to assist with wheelchairs or handle crowd control. Many people jumped the line, pushing past the civilized people.

-Areas of the ship were taken over by "birthday" parties. One night the lobby was utilized as a private reception for these birthdays. Denying other passengers the use.

-Crew and service was good, but not outstanding.


This is our 2nd cruise with Carnival (out of 26 total) and this cruise was nothing like our first cruise with Carnival. The previous Carnival cruise left from Tampa, and we were impressed with them and therefore did not hesitate to cruise with Carnival again. But, this cruise was nothing like the last cruise. This cruise cost us just as much, if not more than our recent cruises on Royal Carib and Celebrity, yet, we felt that it was a ship out of control and no one seemed to care.


All VERY valid complaints, OP... I'm sorry your cruise didn't live up to your expectations! We've never had a 'bad' Carnival cruise, but some have definitely been better than others. I agree that kids can be out of control, parents & adults can be just as bad. Some cruises I've seen staff try to control certain situations, others they don't even try. I have never really had a problem with lines at the buffet... We try to go at off times but even if its busy the lines move pretty quick (as long as its not the mongolian wok line.... that one moves like a snail haha). If you haven't already, you may want to try lunch in the main dining room. It's a nice change of pace, the food quality is better and I've never had to wait in line. Also, I'm not a big fan of the "choppy" layout of the Freedom and it's sister ships, but we LOVE Spirit-class ships!!! They are smaller, less crowded, and MUCH better flow/layout (the decks go all the way forward & back).

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Sorry cannot agree with this. As a front desk clerk at a hotel, I am not a babysitter of children or adults. If I was, there would never be anyone at the front desk, especially on weekends.


It's called personal responsibility people. Sheesh - why can't some people figure that out. Carnival is not responsible for the rudeness of others.:rolleyes:



You don't get it. If someone at your hotel complained that kids were running up and down the halls at all hours of the night or riding up and down the elevators and preventing others from using them, you would send security. As the front desk clerk your job is to send security not monitor kids.


People just don't comprehend how bad the situation has become.


Carnival does nothing to control inappropriate behavior that impacts others. I guarantee you that your hotel does something.

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You don't get it. If someone at your hotel complained that kids were running up and down the halls at all hours of the night or riding up and down the elevators and preventing others from using them, you would send security. As the front desk clerk your job is to send security not monitor kids.


People just don't comprehend how bad the situation has become.


Carnival does nothing to control inappropriate behavior that impacts others. I guarantee you that your hotel does something.

Neither did NCL, or RCL on my last cruises. :mad:

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Sorry you didn't enjoy your cruise. We'll be on the Freedom in January and I'm really looking forward to it, especially with it being an 8-night cruise. We have been on the Freedom's "sister ship", the Glory, and loved it.


I think many of the problems you encountered maybe could have been avoided had you not cruised during the summer months, too many unsupervised kids.


We haven't encountered too many bothersome children (unsupervised, bratty, etc.) on any of our cruises, but a couple times and that can happen at any time I'm sure. Can't ban all the kids from the cruises, darn it. ;) But with our next one being an 8-nighter I'm hoping there will even be less children than normal, since it's a longer cruise and in January.

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I would say that if you are a couple traveling without kids that you would want to avoid Carnival during summer vacation when school is out. Ditto for Royal Caribbean and Norwegian. They are all budget cruiselines that market to families with kids. Try Carnival again during a non-school break time.


I personally loved the Freedom, but we sailed on her in January. I travel with kids, but am somewhat a hipocrit, as I do not desire to sail when the ships have 800-1000 kids on them in the summer. In January there is probably only 50, tops.


I should have read this one before I responded. ;)

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I really have to debate your comment about lines being long on Royal Caribbean. I have sailed that line 16 times, at different times of the year and have sailed on every class ship that Royal has. The only time there was any crowding at all was when the shows let out, and at that it dissapated rapidly. Royal does a wonderful job of crowd control, the lay-outof their ships leads to it being very easy to get around, which is the exact oppisite for Carnival. Passengers don't even have to deal with long lines in the buffet area on Royal because theyhave so many stations. Did you ever sail Royal? Bet I can guess on your reply to that!



I agree about Royal Caribbean. Some of the least crowded ships and I have tried just about every one of the cruise lines out there. Why is it when someone posts a review there has to be others who try to take away from the persons experience? I don't get it.

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I really have to debate your comment about lines being long on Royal Caribbean. I have sailed that line 16 times, at different times of the year and have sailed on every class ship that Royal has. The only time there was any crowding at all was when the shows let out, and at that it dissapated rapidly. Royal does a wonderful job of crowd control, the lay-outof their ships leads to it being very easy to get around, which is the exact oppisite for Carnival. Passengers don't even have to deal with long lines in the buffet area on Royal because theyhave so many stations. Did you ever sail Royal? Bet I can guess on your reply to that!


Have to agree on your point on crowd control. We sailed on 3 Explorer class ships and on Radiance class ships and one of the things that makes RCI standout over Carnival IMHO is crowd control especially in the buffet areas.

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Of course you are entitled to your opinion as we are to ours......snob:rolleyes:


To the OP. Sorry you had a bad exp. Hopefully next time it will be better.


Here we go with the name calling again. Ridiculous that some people stoop to that level. Comments like that just reinforce the reputation that Carnival has.

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