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Shortest tenure as cruise line President - Oceania Cruises??


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Perhaps taking first place as the shortest tenure as a cruise line President goes to Bruce Himelstein, former President of Oceania Cruises as of today. He took the helm of Oceania in May and held the title for a whopping 6 months! *


Oceania today announced his departure with no further details, except that his replacement will be Kunal Kamlani. *Don't ask me what Kamlani's experience is, as it's a name I don't recall hearing within the cruise industry. Looking at his profile on a Google search reveals he was with Bank of America before joining Prestige Cruise Holdings. *That doesn't sound exactly promising. Nothing worse than former banking and/or airline executives running cruise lines.*


Time will tell if he can balance customer satisfaction and profits, or if he will just be a short lived bean counter brought in to make Oceania appealing to investors.*


I would love to know the story behind Himelstein's departure. I thought he had a lot of promise coming from Ritz Carlton, one of the most respected brands in the industry for excellence and exceptional customer service.*



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Perhaps taking first place as the shortest tenure as a cruise line President goes to Bruce Himelstein, former President of Oceania Cruises as of today. He took the helm of Oceania in May and held the title for a whopping 6 months! *


Oceania today announced his departure with no further details, except that his replacement will be Kunal Kamlani. *Don't ask me what Kamlani's experience is, as it's a name I don't recall hearing within the cruise industry. Looking at his profile on a Google search reveals he was with Bank of America before joining Prestige Cruise Holdings. *That doesn't sound exactly promising. Nothing worse than former banking and/or airline executives running cruise lines.*


Time will tell if he can balance customer satisfaction and profits, or if he will just be a short lived bean counter brought in to make Oceania appealing to investors.*


I would love to know the story behind Himelstein's departure. I thought he had a lot of promise coming from Ritz Carlton, one of the most respected brands in the industry for excellence and exceptional customer service.*






But let's give him a chance :)

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Kunal was with Oceania before and I believe he was in line for the presidency at that time but took a position he couldnt turn down with B of A..Oceania is lucky to have him back and he has already been in place several months..


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This may be because Prestige Cruises is going to go public and they need his expertise.


Too bad about Himelstein, but hopefully he had a golden parachute.



Not sure about going public, but perhaps ripe for a buyer. Most private equity firms like to buy companies cheap, get them on their feet, and sell them at a profit.


Now I have no idea if that is the intention of Apollo but it's a possibility.



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You all make me laugh..you always have to look for a reason for everything..how about he is good at his job !!!




Sorry but it is a little odd that the previous President only had a six month tenure and there is no reason stated for his departure. I liked the fact that his background and focus were on customer service (Ritz Carlton) and not just numbers. There are accountants for that. Sure sounds better to me than someone with a background at Bank of America and Smith Barney. No doubt the investors at Apollo prefer the banking and investment background of the new President.




Ps. I'm only stating what sounds more appealing to me on paper as a consumer. In reality I have no clue which man would do a better job at leading Oceania. Certainly Himelstein wasn't there long enough to even leave a mark.

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Too bad about Himelstein, but hopefully he had a golden parachute.


Undoubtedly. But let us hope it wasn't too golden. The shinier it is, the more we as customers pay for it, in higher fares, or cut backs in food & service.It's a tough time for anyone to loose their position, but he probably won't be applying for food stamps soon, as people working at lower levels on the ships and offices might be.


Our concern is with all this turmoil in management, that the cruise experience will decline, as employees are understandably demoralized and anxious. (Been there, experienced that)


Best wishes that they can get their business in stable shape soon, and appreciate those who continue to try to do their best in perhaps rocky conditions.

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Our concern is with all this turmoil in management, that the cruise experience will decline, as employees are understandably demoralized and anxious. (Been there, experienced that)




Abrupt and unpredicted high level executive changes are usually not a good thing, as they often indicate some kind of turmoil going on behind the scenes. I'm not saying this is the case with Oceania, but just in general.


The good news, as Jancruz1 pointed out is that Kunal was with already with the parent company PCH (Prestige Cruise Holdings) and was possibly being groomed for the role. I'm not sure why all this played out now, but at least it appears that Oceania is in good hands, even if Kunal does seem more suited to run a bank, at least on paper.



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Sorry but it is a little odd that the previous President only had a six month tenure and there is no reason stated for his departure. I liked the fact that his background and focus were on customer service (Ritz Carlton) and not just numbers. There are accountants for that. Sure sounds better to me than someone with a background at Bank of America and Smith Barney. No doubt the investors at Apollo prefer the banking and investment background of the new President.



HMMM most of the execs at Oceania were in the investment/accounting positions before Oceania including FDR


So what are you really saying :confused:


Mr Kamlani was with Oceania in 2009 so he is not new to PCH

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Abrupt and unpredicted high level executive changes are usually not a good thing, as they often indicate some kind of turmoil going on behind the scenes. I'm not saying this is the case with Oceania, but just in general.


The good news, as Jancruz1 pointed out is that Kunal was with already with the parent company PCH (Prestige Cruise Holdings) and was possibly being groomed for the role. I'm not sure why all this played out now, but at least it appears that Oceania is in good hands, even if Kunal does seem more suited to run a bank, at least on paper.




My last word on this subject..there is no turmoil going on behind the scenes, almost everyone is still in place (although moved up into other positions) and FDR is still running everything..The only things that have changed are titles of a very few of the top people..


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HMMM most of the execs at Oceania were in the investment/accounting positions before Oceania including FDR


So what are you really saying :confused:



Do I really need to spell it out. Read the posts!

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My last word on this subject..there is no turmoil going on behind the scenes, almost everyone is still in place (although moved up into other positions) and FDR is still running everything..The only things that have changed are titles of a very few of the top people..




Since you seem to be so "in the know", why the departure of the previous President after only a six month tenure?



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Since you seem to be so "in the know", why the departure of the previous President after only a six month tenure?



Maybe he got a better offer


You have never changed jobs I guess


That is between him & PCH... unless you are paying his wages he is not accountable to you :confused:



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Maybe he got a better offer


You have never changed jobs I guess


That is between him & PCH... unless you are paying his wages he is not accountable to you :confused:





No one said he is accountable to me, but being that Oceania is owned by a private equity firm that has many investors, and has had plans to offer an IPO, it would be in the best interest of an investor to know the reasoning behind high level executive management changes.


On second thought, he is accountable to me as in actuality I do pay his wages as a customer of the cruise line. Where do you think the money to pay his wages comes from?


In addition as an informed consumer, it's not necessarily a bad thing to know some background (high level) about the companies you are spending money with.


There is no reason for you to get so defensive. I'm talking about a company here, not a family member. I have a keen interest in the cruise industry, and have for the past 30 years now. Is that a crime?





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Since you seem to be so "in the know", why the departure of the previous President after only a six month tenure?




I could tell you but I would then be hung by my thumbs..not a good thought..


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I could tell you but I would then be hung by my thumbs..not a good thought..





No problem. At some point I'm sure I'll hear about it.


Just to set the record straight, I have never stated that Oceania was in any kind of trouble. They are an extremely well run, successful cruise line. I see no reason why that won't continue.


My only observations were that I felt it was strange that a new President would have such a short tenure (six months), and that I personally prefer senior executives at cruise lines to have more of a customer centric background rather than banking. There are too many bean counters running cruise lines these days, and it's quite apparent by many of the cuts I have seen. Again I'm not speaking specifically of Oceania here (so cheerleaders please put your pom poms down!). I sail on all the major lines and have for the past 30+ years, so I've seen a lot of changes.




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I just love folks who suddenly appear on a forum, filled with negative conspiracy theories. Makes for amusing reading.


Well considering I've been a member of Cruise Critic since 2000, and on AOL prior to that, I wouldn't say I've "suddenly appeared". I've been here long before you and before Oceania was even a cruise line.


I'm also not starting "negative conspiracy theories". You are coming up with that all on your own. I simply reported a substantial change in management at Oceania, and pointed out I felt it odd the previous President only had a tenure of six months.


Glad you find it all amusing ... I do too!



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Eroller has more CC posts than you do. Completely unjustified criticism.

No, it's your criticism of me that's completely unjustified.


In the past two years, eroller has made just two previous appearances on the Oceania forum, both regarding administrative issues, and both subtly negative.


Almost a year ago he noted the leasing of Insignia and implied that it was the result of deceit on the part of Oceania. He noted that Oceania had been announcing increased passenger counts and advanced the idea that chartering Insignia somehow negated these statements, completely ignoring the fact that Oceania's net capacity was being increased at the same time by the completion of Riviera. He was roundly debunked at the time.


Almost a year before that, he commented on a news story that concerned a possible IPO by Oceania, and advanced the conspiracy that it was to place Oceania in a better position to be sold. He was largely ignored and overwhelmed by statements to the contrary.


Now, he once again has suddenly appeared on the Oceania forum (in which he shows little interest otherwise) as a result of a press release on an administrative matter, again with a subtly negative implication. Let me elucidate:


He attempted to taint Mr. Kamali with his brief association with Bank of America, He praises Mr. Himmelstein for his association with the hotel industry, and ignores Mr. Kamali's association with Starwood hotels (easily discovered on a Google search, which apparently eroller did very casually). He ignored the press releases statement that Mr. Kamali had been previously associated with PCH and an announcement this past September that Mr. Kamali had rejoined PCH as President and COO.


Then, while averring that Oceania is "an extremely well run cruise line", he goes over the top by stating that "there are too many bean counters running cruise lines these days". Considering that Mr. Del Rio, founder of Oceania and Chairman of PCH, is himself a "bean counter", that's an amazing contradiction.


When the discrepancies in his theories were pointed out, he disingenuously attempted to ignore the negativity and paint his posts as innocent: "I simply reported a substantial change in management at Oceania, and pointed out I felt it odd the previous President only had a tenure of six months", leaving out his implication that Kunal was not qualified.


As in his post on the Oceania forum last January, erollers comments have stirred up concerns by some posters and rebuttals by others. I haven't read enough of his thousands of posts on other forums to detect any common theme, but as regards the Oceania forum, eroller's posts seem intended to disrupt and detract from Oceania and fall close to the categorization of "troll".

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No, it's your criticism of me that's completely unjustified.


In the past two years, eroller has made just two previous appearances on the Oceania forum, both regarding administrative issues, and both subtly negative.


Almost a year ago he noted the leasing of Insignia and implied that it was the result of deceit on the part of Oceania. He noted that Oceania had been announcing increased passenger counts and advanced the idea that chartering Insignia somehow negated these statements, completely ignoring the fact that Oceania's net capacity was being increased at the same time by the completion of Riviera. He was roundly debunked at the time.


Almost a year before that, he commented on a news story that concerned a possible IPO by Oceania, and advanced the conspiracy that it was to place Oceania in a better position to be sold. He was largely ignored and overwhelmed by statements to the contrary.


Now, he once again has suddenly appeared on the Oceania forum (in which he shows little interest otherwise) as a result of a press release on an administrative matter, again with a subtly negative implication. Let me elucidate:


He attempted to taint Mr. Kamali with his brief association with Bank of America, He praises Mr. Himmelstein for his association with the hotel industry, and ignores Mr. Kamali's association with Starwood hotels (easily discovered on a Google search, which apparently eroller did very casually). He ignored the press releases statement that Mr. Kamali had been previously associated with PCH and an announcement this past September that Mr. Kamali had rejoined PCH as President and COO.


Then, while averring that Oceania is "an extremely well run cruise line", he goes over the top by stating that "there are too many bean counters running cruise lines these days". Considering that Mr. Del Rio, founder of Oceania and Chairman of PCH, is himself a "bean counter", that's an amazing contradiction.


When the discrepancies in his theories were pointed out, he disingenuously attempted to ignore the negativity and paint his posts as innocent: "I simply reported a substantial change in management at Oceania, and pointed out I felt it odd the previous President only had a tenure of six months", leaving out his implication that Kunal was not qualified.


As in his post on the Oceania forum last January, erollers comments have stirred up concerns by some posters and rebuttals by others. I haven't read enough of his thousands of posts on other forums to detect any common theme, but as regards the Oceania forum, eroller's posts seem intended to disrupt and detract from Oceania and fall close to the categorization of "troll".



You simply are unable to tolerate any criticism of Oceania -- which is patently obvious to anyone who reads your posts. There are no rules about how often someone can post on any board and what they can say.


I, like many others, welcome all comments and all points of view. I am intelligent enough to sort out truth from fiction.

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No, it's your criticism of me that's completely unjustified.


In the past two years, eroller has made just two previous appearances on the Oceania forum, both regarding administrative issues, and both subtly negative.


Almost a year ago he noted the leasing of Insignia and implied that it was the result of deceit on the part of Oceania. He noted that Oceania had been announcing increased passenger counts and advanced the idea that chartering Insignia somehow negated these statements, completely ignoring the fact that Oceania's net capacity was being increased at the same time by the completion of Riviera. He was roundly debunked at the time.


Almost a year before that, he commented on a news story that concerned a possible IPO by Oceania, and advanced the conspiracy that it was to place Oceania in a better position to be sold. He was largely ignored and overwhelmed by statements to the contrary.












I make no apologies for taking an active interest in the cruise industry that goes beyond knowing what time the midnight buffet is or how much to tip. When I read something interesting about any particular cruise line, I often post it along with my observations. That is what a massage board is all about.


Your paranoia regarding my posts and Oceania seems beyond obsessive. You even quote posts of mine from a year ago and even two years! Who remembers such details, not I and apparantely I'm the one who posted them. Perhaps I need to alert the CC authorities that I have a stalker?


I suggest you take a step back and take a deep breath. The only conspiracy theory here is the one you seem to have about me. You seem to think I have intent on doing damage to Oceania and that is not the case. I post on all the message boards as I cruise on most of the different cruise lines. I enjoy the cruise industry and yes I will comment and speculate on news worthy items I find intersting. I also don't take it all so personal as you seem to, after all we are just speaking about the actions of a corporation here, not a family member.


If it makes you feel better, I'll be sure to stick around and post a lot more about Oceania. You seem to enjoy my posts and track them, so I want to be certain to provide you plenty of opportunity.


One thing is for certain, you have a wild imagination. I look forward to sailing with you someday and thank you for taking such a keen interest in my postings. It's gratifying to know I have such a strong follower that really takes the time to read what I have to say.


Thank you!



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it looks like Mr & Mrs Himelstein will have to alter their plans for cruising on a working vacation a year from now.


From http://www.frommers.com/community/blogs:

10-night President’s Cruise, Barcelona–Athens aboard Nautica (departing October 26, 2012): Oceania Cruises President Bruce Himelstein and his wife Brigitte will host a 10-day voyage through Southern Europe, during which, the line says, "special highlights are in store, both aboard ship and ashore."





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