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I blame it on *reality* television.


People amaze me in general. Several comments about people leaving their children for others to watch and/or supervise while they ignore them brought to mind a wedding I attended just last night. There must have been 20 kids five and under all over the dance floor. Not a problem early on. However, as the evening progressed and the parents and many others proceeded to get completely blasted the DJ had to make an announcement for parents to please take note of their children as several were getting HURT on the dance floor by other drunken party goers. It was only 8:30 p.m. I came home to play video games with the hubs. :D



Duzzy..........I'm sorry that you are not cruising with us in March.....on the Navigator. I would love to cruise with you!


There are more people than not........that have their head together......here on CC. You are one!!:D;)


The age group is not important.........you are much younger than us......we are in our mid 60's.


Thanks for your straight forward message!:)



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According to you the seats next to you were empty? Doesn't sound like you'd have to climb over anyone or switch any rows. Just slide down two seats? In this case I dont see the trouble in doing this. Sounds more like you just didn't want to be courteous. I could be wrong if your description is wrong but thats what it sounds like.


No, he said that there were TWO seats next to them and the "gentleman" wanted four. He wanted Mustang Nut to move completely to another place so that the four of THEM could sit together IN MUSTANG NUT'S SEATS.

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When some people set foot on a cruise ship, does all reality and common sense go out the door? I kept an eye on the child but wasn't about to save the seats if asked. Should I have told ship security? Would they have done anything?

On Our first cruse about 7 years ago My wife and I went to the theater about 40 minutes early so we could sit in the first row as my wife is legally blind. when we got there there 3 kids were sitting in the first row and telling people all the seats were saved. Al I said was thats nice and proceeded to sit down in the row. about 20 minutes later two adults showed up and told us that we needed to move as there kids were saving seats. Once again all I said was thats nice, When they threatened to call security I said please do, but make sure that you tell them that the kids were saving seats. I then told them that it would look real bad on there part by wanting to have a blind person move. My wife can only see about 15 feet and even that she can not see much but at least she can see a little.


I love it when a plan comes together.

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When I posted my remarks above I don't think FRESHOFFTHEBOAT understood that the lady was saving 6 rows of seats. That's a lot of seats and that is a little above the normal hogging of seats. It's one thing to save a few but to snap and scream at a fellow passenger while on vacation is uncalled for.


Goodness Gracious! Six rows is like 30 people.

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If I were asked to hold seats, I'd say that I would try, and I would try to pull people from the aisles to occupy the seats so that when the requestor came back, I'd just shrug my shoulders and act dumbfounded.


Nah, honestly, I'd probably try to help. We can sit here and complain about everything under the sun but who knows, what circumstances are causing someone to do this. The may actually be a legitimate reason (although there shouldn't be many) for the seats to be held. I admit, I do like to sit with the rest of my party but we congregate outside the theatre and look for seats without saving them. Someone earlier called it the dumbing down of America, I like to call them the "dumb masses."

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However, the story about a woman leaving a toddler alone at a pool to fend for itself and the kindness of strangers is just plain scary.


Im not a parent myself, but when we do have kids I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER leave my kid with someone i dont know or trust. I hate stupid parent with a passion its not a dog ur taking care of its a child. If something happens to them youll never be able to get them back. The only thing that child know is that your the parent and you love them and they give you undieng love back. So many kids in this country are neglected beaten or sexuly abused. Its so disgusting I bet this "mom" if she can be called that is negecful i seen it a million times were i used to work parents dont take care of there kids cause they wanna get drunk or high then CPS takes them and they dont care. Sry I got of on a rant I could go on for hours.


Thank you so very much for watching that kid so nothing would happen to him.

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Several times I have sat in a "saved" row of seats. I generally ignore comments. Tho' I have been known to respond to the "these seats are saved", with, "not this one".



While on our last cruise, my wife and I went to one of the shows with my sister and her husband. We were lucky enough to spot some very nice center section seats close to the front. As we were sitting down, a woman from a few seats away came over and said "Those seats are saved." I simply replied "Well thank you very much for thinking about us.", and we stayed right in those seats, and enjoyed the show.

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Reality shows are the scourge of Television these days. Children are what they are taught and they learn from what they see. These shows are meant to be controversial and dramatic and are all scripted to add interest and garner viewers. I don't trust any of them to be "real". But the abominal manners and etiquette they teach should be avoided by responsible parents for their children. I feel it has indeed dumbed down the current generation. I also feel animated shows like the Simpsons, Southpark and Family Guy have also contributed greatly to this situation. They all promote bad behavior.

We arrive early for every ice show and for some cruises now, we have been able to sit in the middle of the first row facing the stage for every show. That's why we come early. It's the best seat in the house. But even with my DD and her family (grandkids) we did not attempt to save seats for them. I never understood this concept. What is the attraction in sitting together in the first place...you are not there to chat, you are there to watch a show??? In fact, you really can't converse when people are in a row of seats, they can't even hear you. What is the point of that?

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Does this mean if I go to the bathroom and my husband is holding my seat you would sit in it? That is the exact thing that happened when the old lady took the seat from the 2 year old. (An earlier post in this thread that I posted). I believe that it is wrong to hold seats; I also believe that it is wrong to be rude and take a seat that is being held for someone in the bathroom or, in my example, sitting on their grandmom's lap until the show starts. I agree that I think holding a ton of seats is WRONG, but if it's one seat then I think that it fine.
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I have read thru this thread, and find it truthful, funny and sad!


We enjoy the shows, especially ice skating, and will take in a new one, when we hear about it. After seeing it once......we give up our seats, to allow those that don't have the chance to cruise as we do, the opportunity to enjoy the show.


Again we are fortunate, as 007 mentioned, suite guests have an area that is reserved. All other seats are on a first come, first served basis, and it is sad to read of some of these stories where some feel it's their right to reserve seats.......that, in fact, according to the cruise line, cannot be reserved.


This is a great "human interest" story, of how people of our great nation, feel entitlement.


If you want to take a lesson on how to push, bully with pride and facial expressions, take a lesson from the Japanese. They are the pros! No put down intended, but have lived with them in the past, and it's just their way of life. There is much to learn from this thread.


Since Royal Caribbean is not interested in monitoring the general seating in these events.....I'm beginning to think that whomever is the greatest bully.......wins!!:D:mad:


I just call it.........the "dumming down of Americans"!:rolleyes:



Rick have to agree with you, but bullying the bully is my forte, and I try to do it in the nicest possible way!;);) There is no excuse, nor will I tolerate ignorance, that being said enjoy sailing with RC for me its 99.9% perfect....K.O. near Philly
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I hate seeing the bully win ... but I am also the type of person who gets aggrevated and it will stick with me for a while once I get my blood pressure up. Usually it is not worth it (to me) to mix it up with a self-entitled jerk. I'll just climb up to the reserved seats, flash my D+ card, and thumb my nose at them from there. ;)

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Reality shows are the scourge of Television these days. I feel it has indeed dumbed down the current generation. I also feel animated shows like the Simpsons, Southpark and Family Guy have also contributed greatly to this situation.


Not sure I agree here. I watched All In The Family and tons of horror movies but didn't grow up thinking it was OK to do what Archie Bunker or Freddy Kruger did. That is because my Mother had the good sense to talk to my sister and I about TV/ pretend vs real life oh... and she covered manners, behavior in public, etc. At the end of the day parents are the problem and the solution. When TV is the parent then all bets are off.



BTW, when we were on the Monarch a year or so ago we saw lots of pool deck police making sure people weren't chair hogging and also booting kids from the hot tubs. They were careful not to pick up stuff until about an hour had passed and handled the angry chair hogs delicately. There were signs too which helped. I loved this and wish RCL would go this route more often. A cruise line employee saying "sorry but what you're doing is not appropirate" always goes over better than a fellow passenger saying "F-you I'll sit where I want". BTW, that guy is usually my husband. He has in the past thrown chair hog stuff right in the pool. Not his finest moment for sure. Funny though.

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Oh I would definately take a piece of that bet.



I have a friend that speaks perfect English, in fact that is the only language he speaks . But when her wants to annoy or avoid some dope who comes up to him , he fakes a heavy accent and then starts talking in some gibberish language like the old Sid Ceaser skits *LOL*



If he walked into the showroom and sat down and some chair hog gave him the "That seat is saved " routine . He would say (In said heavy accent) " Yes in chair I sit, is nice, in my country only party leader have chair. I like chair is nice to sit.


Of course the chair hog would start explaining that the seat is saved for their party.


Then my buddy would start " Mi stristsy uskey anna trotsky mi vota es gidda storsky"


It doesn't take long before they go away *LOL*



Hey that is my bit!!! :D I also like to throw in “ you America you OK”


Smile really big and shake their hand and start singing off key to the tune of America the beautiful, ”America!!! America!!! Statue on liberty"


My wife absolutely hates it :o

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While on our last cruise, my wife and I went to one of the shows with my sister and her husband. We were lucky enough to spot some very nice center section seats close to the front. As we were sitting down, a woman from a few seats away came over and said "Those seats are saved." I simply replied "Well thank you very much for thinking about us.", and we stayed right in those seats, and enjoyed the show.


Best answer EVER. I actually laughed out loud when I read that. Kudos to you, sir!

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I watched All In The Family and tons of horror movies but didn't grow up thinking it was OK to do what Archie Bunker or Freddy Kruger did.

I think you have this backward. The whole point of All In The Family was to have Archie's lack of decorum be the butt of the joke. It was the only reason why, in that era, Archie was allowed to express such bigoted opinions on TV. If anything, the show taught tolerance.


Now, reality TV these days -- alas, completely different.



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Hey that is my bit!!! :D I also like to throw in “ you America you OK”


Smile really big and shake their hand and start singing off key to the tune of America the beautiful, ”America!!! America!!! Statue on liberty"


My wife absolutely hates it :o


My wife is gonna love it.:eek:


I see I will need to start practicing.

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On Our first cruse about 7 years ago My wife and I went to the theater about 40 minutes early so we could sit in the first row as my wife is legally blind. when we got there there 3 kids were sitting in the first row and telling people all the seats were saved. Al I said was thats nice and proceeded to sit down in the row. about 20 minutes later two adults showed up and told us that we needed to move as there kids were saving seats. Once again all I said was thats nice, When they threatened to call security I said please do, but make sure that you tell them that the kids were saving seats. I then told them that it would look real bad on there part by wanting to have a blind person move. My wife can only see about 15 feet and even that she can not see much but at least she can see a little.


I love it when a plan comes together.


I'm sorry your wife was subjected to such crude behavior, but more sorry that she couldn't get a clear view of the look on their faces when you correctly put them in their proper place.


Can you imagine using your own children as pawns in that way and constantly setting them up for public humiliation? Borders on child abuse.

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OMG....Where the heck was the Muster Drill Seat Police when you need them most......


Mommomporkchop, I think you have found the definitive answer. Where do these people go after muster drill?


But I can understand why some staff members might not want to get involved when they are dependent on getting a good rating on the customer survey to get a promotion or even keep their job. These brutes would be merciless if they got the name of a staff member who challenged them.

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According to you the seats next to you were empty? Doesn't sound like you'd have to climb over anyone or switch any rows. Just slide down two seats? In this case I dont see the trouble in doing this. Sounds more like you just didn't want to be courteous. I could be wrong if your description is wrong but thats what it sounds like.


Actually, he is in his right (and it is not an affront to common courtesy) to not move over if he came in and got his seat early. If you pick out the seats you want, and have been sitting there for a while, wouldn't the courtesy come from the two couples willing to sit apart for a couple of hours?

It is one thing if there is a family with small children, someone who physically has trouble moving in or out of an aisle, etc., but able bodied adults need to just plan their time better if they want to sit together.

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Actually, he is in his right (and it is not an affront to common courtesy) to not move over if he came in and got his seat early. If you pick out the seats you want, and have been sitting there for a while, wouldn't the courtesy come from the two couples willing to sit apart for a couple of hours?

It is one thing if there is a family with small children, someone who physically has trouble moving in or out of an aisle, etc., but able bodied adults need to just plan their time better if they want to sit together.


After re reading I under stand he would have completely had to move out of the row to a different seats elsewhere. But as I stated if it was just moving over two seats(again wasn't for him) I don't see the issue. Moving two seats down is not going to hurt anyone. It's being courteous. If you cant do that I see it as just rude.

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