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fb0075 (Frank) you have just concerns about the entertainment, if you spend time on this board you will come to the conclusion that it is just bad. Yes what determines good entertainment is subjective however general concensus is that it sucks and often embarassingly so.


I sailed O from Buenos Aires to Barcelona this April, 19 days and the entertainment was brutal. There is no justification for it, O is a supposed upscale line that charges premium prices. We over nighted in Recife, instead of bringing on some local talent with a Brazilian flair they had a 50's party on deck.

The standard defence is it doesn't matter it's all about the food so who cares.

That's like joining a top golf coarse, paying premium fees and saying you don't care that the food in the club house sucks and the change rooms are decrepit as you only joined because of the greens!


You mentioned you like dance music, if you like to dance you will be doing it by yourself. They have a live combo every night and then a DJ. We went every night and danced, sadly we were often the only couple on the dance floor, I think at one evening it may have maxed out at five couples. One evening the DJ asked us if it would be okay to shut it down as we were the only couple. We laughed about it and bragged to our friends back home how we closed the place down. Problem was it was only 11:00pm.


If you like to gamble there is not much action in the casino, I signed up to play Texas holdem and they couldn't get enough players to hold a game over 18 days!


The gym is small which is to be expected the trainer was very good but the equipment is dated and was very limited and not of good quality even when it was new.


You wonder about the TV, well yes you can schedule your day so you can catch the start of a movie or go get a DVD from the front desk. Trust me it is a far cry from movies on demand and wifi in your room like on a Solstice class X ship and it won't be on a 40 inch LED tv either.


The tapas buffet falls far short in my opinion of the buffet on a Solstice class as well.

Yes the food in the MDR is very good but over 14 evenings we did send three entries back to the kitchen and wait service was a little erratic. We enjoyed the food in Blu the Aqua class dinning room on X better and thought the service was far superior. Without question the breakfast in Blu was far superior to anything on O.


The fine dinning venues were good, we found them to be similar to Azamara. However they do not hold a candle to the fine dinning offered on Millenium class X ships, true it can cost over $100.00 a couple to fine dine on X but that starts with a champagne cocktail, paired wines with each coarse and a fine sherry as an aperitif. Doing that 4 times on a 14 day cruise would be cheaper then sailing O. But then it would be just about the food wouldn't it?


I am retired and I don't need to vacation but I recently took my 87 year old mother on the Freedom of the Sea's. It was just me and her, the wife would have nothing to do with traveling with my mother. We had a great time. She loved the stage shows and we were both in awe over the ice show. She didn't rock climb or use the surf machine but she enjoyed watching me do them and when I finished we sat and watched the young people do them and we laughed. She enjoyed getting dressed up and being escorted by me in my Tux to the Captains party or to the Diamond members club or a show. Come to think of it my wife enjoys that as well! We do the same when we go out for fine dinning, a show or party when at home.


But to each their own, we used to love sailing the Zenith and Horizon back in the day. We have enjoyed 2 trips on Azamara but our trip on O ............


My only question did you keep the booking?


YES we did!


several reasons--Barcelona-- home is the front end of biz rewards seat on Delta---need return on Icelandic T/A in August--

Also, enjoy S/A and think that the DVD's will appease us!

We have bben encouraged to try O but really like Celebrity--we prefer the "BRILLIANCE" class--but also, lke the Solstice,etc>




one more thing--

how many specialty reservations are allowed on 16 day journey in concierge class?

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one more thing--

how many specialty reservations are allowed on 16 day journey in concierge class?




: How many dining reservations am I allowed in each specialty restaurant?[


B]A:[/b] R-Class Ships-Regatta, Insignia and Nautica-

Concierge and above staterooms and suites are are allowed two dining reservations in each specialty restaurant. Guests in other stateroom categories are allowed one dining reservation in each specialty restaurant.


O-Class Ship Marina-

Guests in Owners Suites, Vista Suites and Oceania Suites are are allowed two dining reservations in each specialty restaurant. Guests in all other stateroom categories are allowed one dining reservation in each specialty restaurant



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Frank don't take my critic as damning for O, we have not done as many cruises as you but pretty close and we have never been on a cruise we did not enjoy, we make our own fun regardless. Our only disappointment was our expectations were set so high. O was well worth cruising and we as others have often stated chose the cruise for the venue.

We sailed based on the ports of call and an interest in sailing O, not the food, dancing, gym or entertainment. We got a taste of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil and liked what we saw in the brief time in the ports. We are planning a month or so land vacation to really experience the countries of S. America. We have sailed the other side of S. America and plan to included Chile.


Years ago we did our 1st Trans Atlantic on a British ship called the Sunbird same ship style as O. The food was bland and always served with the same brown gravy and for entertainment they had us singing along to a projected screen with the words to a song and we all sang along following the dancing ball.

It was like going to summer camp again and we were caught in high seas for 2 days. There were only a very few of us who braved the hallways. One of the best cruises we have ever been on and we still reminisce with friends about it when we get together.


Enjoy and make the most of your cruise.

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I almost never bother with the Shows in the lounge.


We tend to eat later, and after a lovely dinner and the wines that have probably accompanied it, I need something more interactive. It is one thing to doze during Law & Order, quite another to drop off in row three. :o


1124.jpgAfter dinner, I will typically make a stop at Martinis for a Jimtini or two; and although it has not been mentioned here before, invariably, they have the most fascinating speakers there.......


Oh wait, that might be me! ;):D:rolleyes:

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I almost never bother with the Shows in the lounge.


We tend to eat later, and after a lovely dinner and the wines that have probably accompanied it, I need something more interactive. It is one thing to doze during Law & Order, quite another to drop off in row three. :o


1124.jpgAfter dinner, I will typically make a stop at Martinis for a Jimtini or two; and although it has not been mentioned here before, invariably, they have the most fascinating speakers there.......


Oh wait, that might be me! ;):D:rolleyes:


If you were the headliner in the Marina Lounge, I would be there -- in fact, it would be standing room only.

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If you were the headliner in the Marina Lounge, I would be there -- in fact, it would be standing room only.


There you go, guys. Maybe you've found your calling after retirement from the "real" world. Headliners in Martini's! I'd love to see it - You are always so witty.

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I'm with you. A nice late dinner, a cognac afterwards in the lounge and I'm a happy camper. I have no idea what people consider to be good entertainment but I have never found first class entertainment on any cruise ship so I never bother.

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I agree with J&S - there's so much to do on board ship - you name it!

However, I feel so sad for those who make a point of being disappointed if the "lounge" or "theatre" entertainment is of a less than stupendous quality. To put it another way, unless there's a "smoke and mirrors" type of staging, they feel cheated.

If "big time" entertainment is so important, they might be better satisfied in going to Las Vegas, instead of griping about the lack of it on a cruise!

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Someone mentioned movies. I've been only 12 Oceania cruises, and I have yet to see a movie offered in the lounge--just the 3 options in the stateroom (PH or Concierge) and the DVD's.


We did a transatlantic on O and the biggest entertainment they had was bingo--if you want to do that. Now, if you have one of the "good" CD's, there can be a bit more entertainment, but if you get one of the "questionable" CD's, then you are on your own!!


O's staff is excellent, and the food is quite good (but who wants to eat all the time?) Woops, that could be an open ended question.


O is destination oriented--not entertainment oriented.

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Someone mentioned movies. I've been only 12 Oceania cruises, and I have yet to see a movie offered in the lounge--just the 3 options in the stateroom (PH or Concierge) and the DVD's.



We have done a few less cruises & they have had movies in the lounge on a few of them

It must be hit or miss depending on the cruise

We have had them on the TV & via DVD's from reception even in the cheap seats ;)

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I agree with J&S - there's so much to do on board ship - you name it!

However, I feel so sad for those who make a point of being disappointed if the "lounge" or "theatre" entertainment is of a less than stupendous quality. To put it another way, unless there's a "smoke and mirrors" type of staging, they feel cheated.

If "big time" entertainment is so important, they might be better satisfied in going to Las Vegas, instead of griping about the lack of it on a cruise!




and a MERRY CHRISTMAS to you!



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I agree with J&S - there's so much to do on board ship - you name it!

However, I feel so sad for those who make a point of being disappointed if the "lounge" or "theatre" entertainment is of a less than stupendous quality. To put it another way, unless there's a "smoke and mirrors" type of staging, they feel cheated.

If "big time" entertainment is so important, they might be better satisfied in going to Las Vegas, instead of griping about the lack of it on a cruise!


Some cruise lines do have wonderful entertainment (it takes a lot for me to stay up for it!). It does not have to be large production numbers or Las Vegas style entertainment to be good. A great cabaret singer or talented comedian can be wonderful. If O chooses not to go that route then it's a question of truth in advertising. Some of the hype that surrounded the entertainers on the Marina e.g. "broadway star" or "world class" was so unwarranted as to be deceitful.


It is not a matter of "less than stupendous" to many of us. It is a matter of 'dreadful.'


On our TA, with so many opportunities to sleep in, some good entertainment would have been welcome.

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The strings are about the best entertainment they have, the rest frankly are terrible and DW and I won't consider O for anything other than port intensive cruises. A T/A would be out of the question.



Just off Marina's holiday cruise.


Most of the entertainers perform on a contract basis. The string quartets, lounge bands/solists, and production singers/dancers are on longer contracts. Individual showroom performers fly on and off the ship for one or two performances per cruise. That means anything most of us tell you about the entertainments may not apply on your particular cruise.


The string quartet on our cruise was terrible. Typically, these quartets have been pleasant enough so I was shocked to hear the amateur level of this particular group.


The singers and dancers in the three production shows had just started a new contract. In fact, the choreography had been changed between the previous group and this group because of the skill set of the new people. I was quite impressed by the singers' voices and the dancers' precision and energy. That said, I didn't love the Groovin' show, the one I expected to enjoy the most with its review of 60s music. The arranger rushed the tempo for many of the songs and introduced cutesy, slapstick interaction between the singers that had nothing to do with the lyrics of the song they might be singing. Still, after the complete lack of production shows on the R ships, this offered a pleasant enough change.


Two performers, a pianist, husband and wife who sang in their own voice and in doing impersonations were pleasant enough. We didn't bother to go to the magician/contortionist show.


The best thing about the Marina's show room is the wide spacing between each row of seats. People arriving late can walk into a row to take seats without creating a wave of people needing to stand.

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Originally Posted by caribbeansun: The strings are about the best entertainment they have, the rest frankly are terrible and DW and I won't consider O for anything other than port intensive cruises. A T/A would be out of the question.



I think it's clear from all the responses that some of us have different reactions to the entertainment (in terms of its importance as well as the kinds of things we want to see/hear) -- but also that its quality does vary from cruise to cruise.


We have done 3 transatlantics in recent years: one on the QE2 (usually had top notch entertainment but on a cruise where they couldn't fly people in and out, not so much). One on NCL last years -- ignored the entertainment there. And one on Regatta two years ago, and frankly I don't remember if we bothered. (And my diary is pretty much non-existent!)


But for US, entertainment isn't a requirement and we certainly would consider another TA on Oceania. I have come to enjoy sea days more and more so while once upon a time I wouldn't have considered a TA, now I rather prefer them!


On our Norway cruise in July7-August 2010 the entertainment was quite good but we didn't bother at ALL with the shows on our Marina cruise in October. I agree that the seating in the Marina lounge is comfortable in terms of leg room, and people can enter or leave without making someone who is already seated stand up. But sight lines are NOT great, especially if you are in the back. Although sight lines aren't great on the "R" ships either, I think I prefer the "cabaret" style of seating as opposed to theater seating.


My standards regarding the string quartet are probably on the snobbish end because I'm a classical musician myself, as is my husband. My father was a professional violist who was a member of many string quartets in his life and I grew up hearing chamber music at home. Very rarely have I been happy with the quartets on the ships. But it's certainly true that some have been quite good (even by my elitist standards) and others, well ... not so much. I think my main complaint is the arrangements they use ... if they did *real* chamber music, we would be happier. The arrangements of popular music for string quartet rarely work for our tastes.


Again, each to his own.


So just because some people couldn't countenance a TA on Oceania because of the lack of real entertainment, bear in mind that not everyone will feel that way. It would be nice if there were a real standard for entertainment -- but there just isn't. At least not on O.


Just my two cents.


And it doesn't make it any easier for someone who has not cruised on Oceania before to decide whether they want to give it a try!



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