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Concordia News: Please Post Here


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I just saw a short piece of the bridge of a ship with whte uniformed men there and the announcer saying what really hapened of the Costa Concordia? Some kind of program on cable, Discovery channel Sunday night, the nineteenth (19)

Clip that you saw may be from the link mentioned in post 98; the video just surfaced today.

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See that right there is how silly rumours start.


D'oh, that's just the pattern of the wind on the water.


Um, sorry but...no. The lighter color water is simply areas where the wind is being blocked by various objects and structures. Geez, way to jump to bizarre conclusions! :eek:


This series of images taken several hours apart from two days ago. Tell me the 'lighter colored water' coming from the ship it's still 'wind being blocked by various objects and structures'. It's the same 'lighter colored water' that was drifting into the harbor yesterday.




And this from yesterday morning. The small boat went from the dock to the middle of the 'lighter colored water', sat that for a few minutes then went back over to the dock.



Edited by dmwnc1959
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This series of images taken several hours apart from two days ago. Tell me the 'lighter colored water' coming from the ship it's still 'wind being blocked by various objects and structures'. It's the same 'lighter colored water' that was drifting into the harbor yesterday.


And gee whiz, you're the ONLY person in the whole world who has noticed this! Have you called CNN?

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And gee whiz, you're the ONLY person in the whole world who has noticed this! Have you called CNN?


For starters go back and read Post #96.


Next, I really think that you must NOT have read posts #97 and #98, which basically accused me of 'jumping to conclusions' and starting 'silly rumors' when I mentioned a slick in the water.


My post #103 was a response to them, or did you miss that embedded quotes?


Please do take the time to read before you post a sarcastic response.


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The TV and web news reporting seem to be getting spottier. Info on some of the CC threads is often interspersed with off topic discussion. A "news only" thread makes good sense and would save time for those of us who wish to know the latest updates; thus, if you find news worthy info regarding Concordia, please post a summary of information (and a link address, if possible) here.


I am appreciative of the CC friends who have shared newsworthy information AND of a thread where news can be viewed without unnecessary banter, off-topic discussion, sarcasm, or personal attacks. Please continue to post updates and links!:)

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you must NOT have read posts #97 and #98


Post #98? As in...my own post? :rolleyes:


, which basically accused me of 'jumping to conclusions' and starting 'silly rumors'


You are.


when I mentioned a slick in the water.


There is no "slick in the water"


This is a thread for straight news. Not for spreading wild rumors and conspiracy theories, which is what your posts are doing.


Again, if this huge slick is coming off the ship, why is it that there is absolutely no mention of it anywhere in the news? Do you really believe that you, living thousands of miles away in landlocked West Virginia, are the ONLY person on the planet who has noticed it? Why haven't you called CNN? Obviously those wacky Italians are too incompetent to notice that their own harbor is awash in fuel!

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You still have failed to give any reasonable suggestion as to what it was coming off the ship in the pictures or video (especially the video) I have posted on two threads. And it is not 'wind and waves'.


Or did you even bother to watch the video? Probably not...


Other than being sarcastic your replies contribute nothing.

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Those are all old news reports from almost two weeks ago, and were apparently the result of erroneous information, or maybe just a very, very minor leak, since no further reports of any fuel leakage, or updates on the alleged leaks have been published since then.


In any case, there are spill containment booms all around the ship. If fuel was currently pouring into Giglio harbor, it would be front-page news indeed! The appearance of what looks like lighter color water in the photos is, in fact, just a normal wind and wave pattern.

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Much has been leaked to the media, however nothing has been mentioned concerning data recovered from the VDR (black box). There are some reports in the Italian media (Repubblica and La Stampa) in which Schettino indicated that there were issues with the VDR fifteen days before the incident. And repairs had not been successful. The VDR contains critical data (navigational data, position of the water tight doors etc.) and bridge voice recordings of the last 12 hours. It would be a shame if the VDR turns up empty.

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Much has been leaked to the media, however nothing has been mentioned concerning data recovered from the VDR (black box). There are some reports in the Italian media (Repubblica and La Stampa) in which Schettino indicated that there were issues with the VDR fifteen days before the incident. And repairs had not been successful. The VDR contains critical data (navigational data, position of the water tight doors etc.) and bridge voice recordings of the last 12 hours. It would be a shame if the VDR turns up empty.


I read that they were going to be opened in the first week of March. There were two black boxes, and Schettino had said that the one would be fine, but he was giving them the heads up that the other one had issues. If I recall correctly, the one that hadn't been working well would be the one that recorded the actual bridge conversation.


I guess we'll find out when they review the data, but the bridge conversation seems less important with this new bootleg video backed up by witness accounts.

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This series of images taken several hours apart from two days ago. Tell me the 'lighter colored water' coming from the ship it's still 'wind being blocked by various objects and structures'. It's the same 'lighter colored water' that was drifting into the harbor yesterday.




And this from yesterday morning. The small boat went from the dock to the middle of the 'lighter colored water', sat that for a few minutes then went back over to the dock.



Those discolorastions of the water are not film from oil or other leakage of the Concordia.


Those discolorations are from the wake of other ships and boats.


The last photo that shows the much darker water is not only break water at the entry to the port but also wake from the Car Ferry which had just come in bow first and turned around to back into its docking position.


I've had the wb cams on every day since the 14th and have become quite familiar with the wake action.



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Those discolorastions of the water are not film from oil or other leakage of the Concordia.


Hi Joanie,


I have one request of you. And I trust you as a respected member of this forum to actually take the time and go through to look at this footage.


Go to this site http://www.kielmonitor.de/kino.php?cam=concordia and click on the calendar below the image corresponding to Feb. 3rd. Watch the daylight images compiled from the webcam. Watch as the ferries and tugs drive through and disturb the 'stream' originating from the ship, which immediately reforms once the boats pass. Now this is not an 'old news report from almost two weeks ago' as Q.E.D. mentioned, but actual footage from one week ago. Can you tell me what that 'stream' is apparently emanating from the ship? Look at the 1min21sec mark as the ferry drives through it, and the 2min14sec mark onwards as multiple ferries drive through it, and a tug places itself directly in the path of the 'stream' for the duration of the daylight image, driving in circles, and making the 'stream' mix like you would cream in coffee. Whatever it is is floating just on the surface and causes a sheen. It is not the wake of a ship, or wind.


Also click on the date corresponding to the Feb. 10th. Watch around the 1min-1min30sec mark and you can see the 'stream' form and originate from the ship again, making its way to the green lighthouse and then into the harbor. There is no ferry that arrived or departed that caused this. This is not disturbed water from the arrival or departure of a ship. No other boats or ferries arrived after that ferry docked two hours earlier. After the 1min-30 second mark the weather turns sour and the snow blinds the webcam.


This cannot be from wind or structures, or from arriving and departing ferries. It has to be some sort of product coming from the wreckage.


As for the last picture frame posted that you referenced showing the inner harbor. That ferry (according to the time stamp on the footage) had arrived 2 hours earlier and did not leave port. It also cannot be the reason for the 'discolored' water in the harbor, which is also not caused by wind and structural interference. Watch the video from the 10th and you'll see.


And as for containment booms. The ones on the 'hull side' of the ship are open ended and not closed. You can see that on the video from the 3rd as that 'stream' comes from the ship. This would allow anything coming from the ship to escape into the surrounding waters. And we know how well they worked in the Gulf Coast states (Alabama, Florida) when strong wind and waves bounced them around and they failed to keep out everything. Even a light film of a product can escape an oil boom due to wave and wind action.

Edited by dmwnc1959
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Hi Joanie,


I have one request of you. And I trust you as a respected member of this forum to actually take the time and go through to look at this footage.


Go to this site http://www.kielmonitor.de/kino.php?cam=concordia and click on the calendar below the image corresponding to Feb. 3rd. Watch the daylight images compiled from the webcam. Watch as the ferries and tugs drive through and disturb the 'stream' originating from the ship, which immediately reforms once the boats pass. Now this is not an 'old news report from almost two weeks ago' as Q.E.D. mentioned, but actual footage from one week ago. Can you tell me what that 'stream' is apparently emanating from the ship? Look at the 1min21sec mark as the ferry drives through it, and the 2min14sec mark onwards as multiple ferries drive through it, and a tug places itself directly in the path of the 'stream' for the duration of the daylight image, driving in circles, and making the 'stream' mix like you would cream in coffee. Whatever it is is floating just on the surface and causes a sheen. It is not the wake of a ship, or wind.


Also click on the date corresponding to the Feb. 10th. Watch around the 1min-1min30sec mark and you can see the 'stream' form and originate from the ship again, making its way to the green lighthouse and then into the harbor. There is no ferry that arrived or departed that caused this. This is not disturbed water from the arrival or departure of a ship. No other boats or ferries arrived after that ferry docked two hours earlier. After the 1min-30 second mark the weather turns sour and the snow blinds the webcam.


This cannot be from wind or structures, or from arriving and departing ferries. It has to be some sort of product coming from the wreckage.


As for the last picture frame posted that you referenced showing the inner harbor. That ferry (according to the time stamp on the footage) had arrived 2 hours earlier and did not leave port. It also cannot be the reason for the 'discolored' water in the harbor, which is also not caused by wind and structural interference. Watch the video from the 10th and you'll see.


And as for containment booms. The ones on the 'hull side' of the ship are open ended and not closed. You can see that on the video from the 3rd as that 'stream' comes from the ship. This would allow anything coming from the ship to escape into the surrounding waters. And we know how well they worked in the Gulf Coast states (Alabama, Florida) when strong wind and waves bounced them around and they failed to keep out everything. Even a light film of a product can escape an oil boom due to wave and wind action.

After seeing what I believe you are seeing on the 3rd's time lapse video I do see a much lighter stream. I think that from watching it over and over again it might be the wave action of the water from the waves hitting the bow of the ship and then heading on towards the shore.


The reason I think this is that if you continuously pause it over and over again you can see the white caps and taller waves (they are dark and almost appear as a marine animal shape or ... hope that makes sense) as they go in the same direction towards the shore and to the right.


I just went and tried to look for the 10th and cannot see any stream, as you described. NOT saying it is not there, but because of the heavy wave action and the snow it is to hard for me to make it out....


At the very start (only 2-4 seconds in) of the 11th there is the same stream that is in the 3rd. BUT once again it appears to be the wave action emanating from where the wave breaks against the bow of the ship and then heads towars shore.


I think we all want to see something happening and our eyes are playing tricks on us at times.


But as others have said, if there were such an amount of leakage from the ship the environmentalists would definitely be screaming from the rooftops and it would be all over the news.



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It's very possible that there is plenty of fluid leaking from the ship- they have said that before. It's just not the fuel from the fuel tanks that everyone is fearing. There is plenty of other fuel (cooking, etc) and other fluids one board.

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It's very possible that there is plenty of fluid leaking from the ship- they have said that before. It's just not the fuel from the fuel tanks that everyone is fearing. There is plenty of other fuel (cooking, etc) and other fluids one board.


One thing to keep in mind is that any type of fuel, cooking or otherwise would have a colored effect on it when the sun shines on it from various points. I have not seen any such coloration anywhere near the ship or even further from it. So I believe that what we are seeing is just wave action, whether from the waves hitting the bow and then going in other directions, the wake of a vessel or just natural....



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It's very possible that there is plenty of fluid leaking from the ship- they have said that before. It's just not the fuel from the fuel tanks that everyone is fearing. There is plenty of other fuel (cooking, etc) and other fluids one board.
Could be something a simple as a 50gal.container of massage oil from the spa that has now made its way out.

I'm one of the many self appointed ntsb experts in here and it is my definitive asessment that the slick is massage oil from the ships spa.

the container was stored on the starbord side of the ships spa which is now underwater and the sturdy aluminium container

the oil was in has taken 3+ weeks to corrode due to electrolytic action with the steel cabinet the container was stored in.

Three large pinholes have developed in the container and thats why we now see a slight but steady trickle making its way to the surface where it then spreads a visible slick. ANY QUESTIONS?

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One thing to keep in mind is that any type of fuel, cooking or otherwise would have a colored effect on it when the sun shines on it from various points. I have not seen any such coloration anywhere near the ship or even further from it. So I believe that what we are seeing is just wave action, whether from the waves hitting the bow and then going in other directions, the wake of a vessel or just natural....



Right. I live on the Chesapeake, the Bay looks like this all the time, combination of wind, waves and wake. An oil slick looks completely different, and yes it would be screamed off the front pages if that were really the case.


As far as "something emanating from aft of the bow", that would be foam from the waves hitting the port side of the ship, then the prevailing winds and current pushing said foam and turbulent water toward the harbor. Maybe that's just hard to understand for someone who lives inland and has not spent much time near large bodies of open water.

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Right. I live on the Chesapeake, the Bay looks like this all the time, combination of wind, waves and wake. An oil slick looks completely different, and yes it would be screamed off the front pages if that were really the case.


As far as "something emanating from aft of the bow", that would be foam from the waves hitting the port side of the ship, then the prevailing winds and current pushing said foam and turbulent water toward the harbor. Maybe that's just hard to understand for someone who lives inland and has not spent much time near large bodies of open water.


I am land locked in New Mexico and have never lived near any large body of water:) BUT, after watching the Port Everglades (2 years) and Giglio (since 14 February) Web Cams I can tell differences as I see them.


I keep 2 web cams of Giglio open when I am awake and can spot the differences from either when necessary. http://www.giglionews.it/2010022440922/webcam/isola-del-giglio/webcam-giglio-porto.html and this one which gives a much better view of the ship and activities: http://www.giglionews.com/isoladelgiglio_porto.jpg


And as you agreed, it is wave action that we are seeing not leakage:)



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