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In the case of Schettino he had a contract with his employer who then sacked him without allowing him to attend any hearing, it is claimed they sacked him in July so in that case as an Employee he is owed any wage due until that date. Schettino could claim Constructive dismissal if it exists under Italian Law.

But a provision in the fine print of his employment contract required him to avoid slamming a colossal, pricy cruise liner into rocks while on a booty call. :rolleyes:


The following is recorded on tape and will undoubtedly be presented as evidence at the pre-trial hearing on Monday.


'Madonna, What Have I Done?'


At 9:54 p.m., he ordered an officer not to tell passengers what really happened. "Say that there has been a blackout".


At 9:56 p.m., Capt. Schettino called Costa Crociere's fleet crisis coordinator, Roberto Ferrarini. "Roberto, I f----- up!," he said.

Schettino hesitated in either launching a distress call and giving the order to abandon ship.


At 10:30 p.m. officers on the bridge asked him in panic: "Captain, shall we give the general emergency signal? Shall we order to abandon ship?"

"Let's wait..." Schettino is heard saying.


At 10:32 p.m. Schettino phoned the Italian Coast Guard in Livorno. "Basically we are taking on water, but the sea is calm, God save us," Schettino said.


At 10:51 p.m., with chaos reigning the ship ("those on the bridge did not recall the emergency codes," reads the report) Captain Schettino finally said: "Come on, let's give the order to abandon ship, come on, that's enough!"


At 11:08 p.m., as a confused evacuation got under way, the Captain called his wife Fabiola. "Fabi', my career as a captain is over. We hit a reef, the ship is listing but I performed a great maneuver... everything is under control," he is heard saying.


He then reassured her in Neapolitan dialect: "Fabi', nun te preoccupa'... togliamo questo navigare da mezzo e ci mettim a fa' nat lavoro...," which roughly translates: "Don't worry, let's forget all this sailing and we can start another job."

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Thank you for the link. Notice the indicators for the watertight doors and the rudder indicators as you watch it, too.





Here's the Codacons video (see link), at 1:32 into the video, Schettino takes control at exactly 21:39:21 hours. He states "I take the conn" then gives orders to the helmsman who repeats his orders exactly. It is Schettino who first states 340 Starboard then changes it to 350 Starboard, the helmsman repeats 350 Starboard correctly. Schettino says "otherwise we go on the rocks" and laughs out loud. The impact is at 21:45:08 hours. This man is going to have a heck of a time proving he was not in command and that his orders were'nt understood -- and now he wants his old job back -- he's definitely taken chutzpah to a new level.



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Max ...while employment conditions may well be poor in the states it does not mean the rest of the world follow their lead! as an example you cannot be sacked in the UK first without 2 verbal and 1 written warning at decent companies anyway unless it is classed as Gross misconduct, then in many cases you have a right to appeal any dismissal at a tribunal which can decide if you were unfairly sacked and either make an award that you are given your job back or compensated for the loss of earnings ie back pay or both! you can also sue for Constructive dismissal against an employer.


In the case of Schettino he had a contract with his employer who then sacked him without allowing him to attend any hearing, it is claimed they sacked him in July so in that case as an Employee he is owed any wage due until that date. Schettino could claim Constructive dismissal if it exists under Italian Law.

Hissing I think you should explain to Mars bars that there is either a one year or two yrs qualification period depending on your employment date for the UK employment laws on dismissal to apply, unless you can prove a form of discrimination.

In the UK his contract of employment would be paramount, unless it state's he can be suspended without pay for any breach of the companies rules he is entitled to his salary till he was dismissed in July.

I dont understand your ref to constructive dismissal as in the UK he would have to claim he was forced to resigned.

Schettino's lawyers may be trying to recover his TFR as well.

Edited by Keel Haul
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Max ... let us get one thing straight here i do not believe or think that Schettino should or will get his job back due to the actions he chose to take in January nor should he Captain a ship again, because Costa chose to keep him employed until July when as it appears they took the decision to sack him they owe him any money that they failed to pay him since January under the terms of his contract!


Costa also failed to summon him to a discipline hearing and made the decsion in his absence which his laywer clearly feels is also a breech of employment law and Schettino`s contract. While it is clear that many of you believe he should get nothing he was still an employee of Costa until July and in those circumstances he should still have been paid, if somone is suspended from work they are usually still paid until such time that a discipline hearing is held and a decision is made.


With regard to verbal warnings here they can be upgraded to a final written warning instead depending on the severity of the issue in place of the verbal warnings, i think workers in Europe the UK included have better working conditions than those in the states especially with regard to holiday entitlement, public holidays and sickness proceedures although these have been changed over the last few years due to the increase in the number of "human remains departments" who do not work how they should!


CT ... "But a provision in the fine print of his employment contract required him to avoid slamming a colossal, pricy cruise liner into rocks while on a booty call" .... you have a copy of that then ?


There appears to be long breaks in the conversation from the tapes were they left out ?


Keel Haul .... It was Max who asked the question not Morgan,


"In the UK his contract of employment would be paramount, unless it state's he can be suspended without pay for any breach of the companies rules he is entitled to his salary till he was dismissed in July"


Glad you agree on this .... Schettino could possibly claim Constructive dismissal due to not being paid.

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Sorry Sid but I just have to ask you your opinion on this. What do you think Costa should have done with Schettino that would have been 'politaclly correct"? Give him a verbal warning not to crash the ship into the rocks and then abandon ship before the passengers. And if he does it again , he only has one more verbal warning and then if he does it again, it gets real serious and he gets a written warning and the 4th time he does it, they may consider firing him.

Wow, you guys are so nice over there.

How about a truck driver that drives wreckless and kills 32 people? Does he get 3 more chances before a good company would fire him?


Doubt it. The truck driver would lose his license and then his job as he didn't have a license



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Keel Haul .... It was Max who asked the question not Morgan,





Thank you for the correction.


Initially I didn't recognize the Mars bar comment as referring to me. I do wish the mods could do something to reduce the disrespect shown to posters, but I fear that would mean shutting down the thread, so I have just unsubscribed so I don't get this juvenile stuff in my email all the time. I just check in on occasion.


Thanks again,


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Morgan ... I would not worry to much about the name calling, been called much worse by people who i worked to protect for 30 years ... :D


The name calling doesn't bother me. The thread has just deteriorated so badly over time. It has occasionally offered a great deal of good information from very informed, and courteous, people. Sad to see a good love go bad.:D




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From UK's Telegraph:


Schettino due in court tomorrow. Stay tuned.....


Costa Concordia captain Francesco Schettino to come face to face with victims


Francesco Schettino, the captain of the Costa Concordia, is to come face to face with victims of the disaster for the first time as his criminal inquest opens on Monday.


The hearing will be held in Grosseto's Teatro Moderno, a large auditorium that can accommodate up to 1,300 people, to cater for the large number of witnesses, lawyers, survivors and their families.


Up to 125 lawyers will appear for the aggrieved parties and information will be provided in five languages – Italian, French, Spanish, English and German – to those seeking last minute accreditation.




H24 Live will be broadcasting live:




Here is Schettino leaving for Grosseto. He has been granted permission to leave Meta di Sorrento, for the hearing.



Edited by cruiserfanfromct
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Der Spiegel is a German weekly news magazine has an excellent article on the salvage operation of the Costa Concordia, about Nicholas Sloane who is the senior salvage master for the salvage operation.




Thank for the link to the article and the pictures.

I was watching the evening news -- so sad about her.

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quote "Police will be stationed at the theatre entrance and nearby streets to ensure the hearing remains closed to the media. "


Hmm, is this an Italian court thing? Does this mean it's a secret and they don't want the public to know what went on?

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In reading the article posted above, from the Telegraph. It states that 2 people from the sinking, have never been found. Does anyone know which 2 ? Last thing I heard, months ago, was that they had finally found the child. Nothing since.

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GranysT ... Yes there are still 2 people claimed to be missing from Concordia not sure if at least 1 is a crew member, in another story from Sky news UK it states that the ship will be right by being "part buckled" ! (Parbuckled is the term used) you would think they would proof read their stories before putting them in to print.

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22 rescued unharmed as wine tasting boat starts sinking during cruise of San Francisco Bay


By The Associated Press | Associated Press – Sat, Oct 13, 2012



SAN FRANCISCO - Officials say a wine tasting cruise boat carrying nearly two dozen people started sinking near Alcatraz island in San Francisco Bay, but everyone aboard was safely rescued.

U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Pamela Boehland says the 40-foot boat the Neptune hit an unknown object in the bay Friday night, leaving it with a 1-foot gash.

Boehland says the boat began taking on water and sinking, but a Coast Guard boat happened to be nearby, taking on board most of the Neptune's 22 passengers and crew and summoning another Coast Guard boat that picked up the rest.

The boats took the passengers to San Francisco's Pier 39. There were no reports of injuries.

The Neptune's website, which advertises it as a "floating wine tasting room," says it holds 42 passengers for wine tasting. It was still sinking as rescue boats left.



Where is the outrage? Where is the angst?

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The report from the experts' panel on the Costa Concordia case, in Italian only, can be found at



Please note that today's hearing is not a full trial, but an "incidente probatorio". When during the investigation some evidence comes out, and the evidence may be overly difficult or impossible to replicate during the trial, any of the party involved can ask to "freeze" the evidence in a public hearing and any following trial may use that piece of information. This procedure is used as the work of the experts' panel was long and difficult, so there is no need to start it again during the trial; and some elements of evidence may be destroyed in the future, as the ship is being removed.

Edited by lachera
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From the latest work report:


Continue caretaking activities (management and maintenance yourself, it checks pollution), skimming activities within the flaw is not necessary; activities structural work on the deck of Micoperi 61; motion pontoon Vincenzo Cosentino area work; proceed leveling bottom for positioning anchor block number. 7. The pontoon Navalmare 2 continues drilling activities sull'anchor block number. 4 - during the day completed 8 micro-piles. Continue the second phase of grouting the anchor block 1; Pontoon Micoperi 30 in work area, drilling activities of platform no. 6 still suspended; Navalmare 1 pontoon moored at the pontoon Micoperi 30 for support; removed last section of the window covering central pool (macrodome); continue welding activities of the strengths of the left side of the Costa Concordia, continuous removal davits on the starboard side.


The drilling operations sea side continue slowly because of damage to the casing at the start of drilling operations: the casing has been recovered and maintained. The drilling operations are resumed in the early hours of October 13. It waits for the arrival of the two micropiles of greater diameter (75 mm), necessary for the completion of the anchor block number. 2: these micro-piles must be offset against the micro-pole abandoned due to the presence of sand in the underlayer

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The Times(UK) report had a quote from the captain "I want to be sure that the data from the black box will be interpreted correctly and that all the issues will be examined" He will not be permitted to speak at the hearing.


How long is all this going to take 5-10 years.



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Lawyers representing the victims' families said they wanted to look beyond Schettino.


"The reason these people died is not because of Captain Schettino, the reason these people died is because of the corporation, the negligence in their practices and safety procedures.

There was no reason for anyone to die," said Peter Ronai, a lawyer for the victims' families



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Lawyers representing the victims' families said they wanted to look beyond Schettino.


"The reason these people died is not because of Captain Schettino, the reason these people died is because of the corporation, the negligence in their practices and safety procedures.

There was no reason for anyone to die," said Peter Ronai, a lawyer for the victims' families



Thanks for the link Sid.


Makes sense the attorneys are going after the deeper pockets of Costa and Carnival Corp. The reality is if the buffoon (s) wouldn't have caused the accident in the first place, there would be no need to implicate at the corporate level.


Looks like this circus is going to last 3-6 days. I wonder how the lawsuits against Carnival will play out if there is a decision not to proceed with a trial for the 9 individuals being investigated.

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Lawyers representing the victims' families said they wanted to look beyond Schettino.


"The reason these people died is not because of Captain Schettino, the reason these people died is because of the corporation, the negligence in their practices and safety procedures.

There was no reason for anyone to die," said Peter Ronai, a lawyer for the victims' families




Of course, they go for the deep pockets. That at least is no different from over here.

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" Makes sense the attorneys are going after the deeper pockets of Costa and Carnival Corp. The reality is if the buffoon (s) wouldn't have caused the accident in the first place, there would be no need to implicate at the corporate level"


CT ... Have to agree with you on this.... could well be some time before an actual court case gets going.

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We leave in 48 hours.


For the next three weeks, you guys will be thinking of this:




While we are enjoying the 3 bedroom, 7000 SF Garden Villa

that we snagged in an upsale with our Aussie mates.


As they say in Italian: "La Dolce Vita" :p




Click On Photo To Enlarge









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