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Carnival Security Is A Joke


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Thank goodness your daughter didn't throw a slice of pizza at someone. The people on this thread would have her tarred and feathered and sent to rehab by now. :D

So I guess whoever is on your cruises now know it's fine with you to throw pizzas at you, especially on elegant night, then we shall see if you still find it funny.;)

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I don't know if this makes me an optimist or a pessimist but on one hand, you didn't have any other problems with him that cruise, then security did their job. The wife was (I assume) alive and well and allowed him back in the room the remainder of the cruise...security did the best they could.


NO one can really judge what happened behind those closed doors. Maybe the head of security went and talked to them in the morning and handled things in a way that wasn't for every other passenger to see?


The fact that the wife got pizza thrown at her...I don't know if that guarantees an escalation like some people here are assuming. You really don't know the story...maybe he is allergic to peppers...wife goes to get pizza, get peppers on it. In exasperation husband sortof flips the slice of pizza in the air. Uncalled for? yes. Would an agry wife maybe say he threw a pizza at her? yes. Is that cause for people to talk about their abusive relationship? I don't think so. And yes, that is just one silly example...my point is, there are a million silly examples. how drunk was the wife? Did he walk in the stateroom, carrying a pizza and literally catch his wife in bed with someone else? Then yeah, I'd have thrown the pizza too.


I like your humor!:D I also like your take on the matter. Who knows what really happened between the two of them. I do know this, it would never have happened with the DH and me. First of all he doesn't drink except maybe one beer or a glass of wine to be sociable, second, he would never think of doing such a thing, third, he knows he would never get in that cabin again for the rest of the freaking trip!:eek:

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If the guy was getting rowdy or obnoxious while drinking, the bartender or bar service people should have cut him off, and alerted security to at least keep an eye on him. Since alcohol impairs a person's judgement, how can you realistically expect someone to act responsibly when they're drunk?


Yes, of course. If he getting rowdy or obnoxious at the bar, cut him off. Helps in some cases sure, but to blame Carnival or allude to them being at fault here is wrong without further info. The other poster "fishtaco" seemed to be alluding to Carnival being at fault for his drunkeness. Perhaps the guy, like many with a huge buzz on, was nothing but smiles and laughs as he ordered his drinks. For all the bartender knows, he was no problem. We don't know how this guy was before the incident. Heck maybe the guy was a much CC beloved smuggler and was serving himself all night? Is that Carnivals fault for not finding his booze in this bags? Or is it his fault for not handling himself properly?


Drunks are unpredictable but there isnt much a bartender can do unless its a big problem right there and then. Sure if the guy was acting violent at the bar, anyone would have cut him off and have security escort him away.


The only way to prevent such drunk shenanigans it to not let folks get drunk, period. Even if the guy was obnoxious and rowdy, by then it can be way more then too late. They are drunk already at that point and stupid behavior is not a surprise for some.


Folks all happy and buzzed saying "I love ya man." one moment, and 20 minutes later they are beating the crap out of a nun. I personal hardly drink and would rather have folks around me partake in glaucoma medicine. Worst they do is get the munchies and laugh like hyenas.


Anyway, I was just saying its foolish to blame the bartender or Cruiseline when we dont know all the facts.


edited to add. OMG like a Carnival cheerleader

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Carnival Security responded quickly to an episode we had on the Fantasy in 2009. The couple next door, whom we had seen earlier, began fighting and it sounded like they were throwing stuff (or each other) around their cabin. I called and reported and a few minutes later we heard security knocking at their door. Later everything was quiet. We saw the couple the next day and they were all lovey dovey with each other :)

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So a person gets drunk one night and gets very vocal in the hallway,what should security do:confused: I know lets take him away,lock him up for the night and kick both him and his wife off the ship first thing in the morning.


Or lets calm this person down tonight,have a stern word with him when he is sober and keep an eye on him for the rest of the cruise.



The shouting stopped and you heard no more for the rest of the cruise so in my mind the security did their job right,just not to your satisfaction.


Who sold him that much the booze in the first place?





hopefully he didn't beat his wife later and throw her overboard.


he certainly should not have been reunited with the wife if she was that afraid of him to keep the door locked. domestic violence/abuse does not take a vacation just because we do.


who cares who sold him the booze. lay the responsibility and blame where it should be on the man.

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hopefully he didn't beat his wife later and throw her overboard.


he certainly should not have been reunited with the wife if she was that afraid of him to keep the door locked. domestic violence/abuse does not take a vacation just because we do.


who cares who sold him the booze. lay the responsibility and blame where it should be on the man.


Either you live a very sheltered life or "Get carried away with the moment"


If you believe carnival security let a man loose who may at any time become violent with his wife or others, after they left then you are as much of a drama queen as the OP.


You should care who sold him booze as the people who did sell it care "Carnival" because they have a duty of care to all their passengers and the reason I would tend to think security did their job correctly.



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Sorry if this seemed like a short event, it went on for hours. He threw a pizza at her and she was terrified to be left alone with him. Plus neighboring cabins said he had been acting up before this, but we never heard it until then. I think security should have done more.

so the wife says she is "terrified" of her husband..begs security not to leave him alone with her...but they still do? Really now? OK:rolleyes:

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Anyone who has worked in law enforcement or emergency services (going on 29 years here) can tell you domestics can be sticky calls.


From what the OP reports the guy had a few drinks, threw a pizza and was yelling . Ok not socially acceptable behavior and of course needed to dealt with,, but not the crime of the century either.


There are three sides to every story . Yours , mine and the truth. Did the guy catch his wife "making fudge with another guy" ?


We here will never know.


Not every couple is Ozzie and Harriet , but that doesn't automatically make them Ike and Tina.


Again not knowing all the details . It sounds more like a noise complaint than a domestic. Security was called by neighbors because of the screaming. not by the wife. A pizza got thrown , OK it doesn't sound like there was a mark on either of them or any signs of struggle (ripped clothes )


In situations like this you try your best to calm both parties down, let them know they can do it the easy way or the hard way, and as long as there are no other circumstances , let him sleep it off.


I have been to calls for screaming matches between couples (again not physical) that made the walls shake and after a little cooling off and a little intervention , the couple were "making fudge " before the cop could get back to his squad car.

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For those asking what more security could have done, I'm thinking that the point the OP was making is that this incident was allowed to go on for hours, inconveniencing all of the guests in the surrounding cabins. I think we're all for security trying to calm down drunken passengers, but the fact that this didn't seem to work in a reasonable timeframe, makes me think that the next appropriate step would have been to take the passenger down to the lower level, to cool off (& give the rest of the passengers in the area some peace & quiet).

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What exactly is it that you expected Security to do? Shoot him in the head? Drag him away in irons? Tackle him to the ground and beat him to a pulp? Throw him overboard? :rolleyes:


It sounds to me they handled it the best they could have. If TPTB on the ship had concluded that he was a real threat to anyone I'm sure he would have been removed from the ship.


He sounds like just another rowdy drunk. Based on the number of threads about how much people drink, I'm surprised this isn't a daily occurrence!


Ok, I get it. There are people in this forum who love Carnival and they don't like to hear any negative comments about their beloved ship.


But come on!


Forget not removing him from the ship. That is not the issue!


If the incident went on for hours and it started around 11pm why did every cabin around them have to suffer. (Especially the young children next door who should be sleeping!) There wasn't a room below decks where they could have taken him to calm down?


I'm sorry, but this certainly was NOT the right way to handle it.

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Ok, I get it. There are people in this forum who love Carnival and they don't like to hear any negative comments about their beloved ship.


But come on! /quote]


I see the totally opposite happening...It's not that I love Carnival so much that they can do no wrong..

How I see it: a guy was out yelling in his hallway. Swearing even. Security came. All the neighbors went and stood in the hallway to watch this occur for HOURS. His wife had locked him out of the room. It took some time and patience but in the end it was all resolved peacefully and the couple *reunited. Security did okay. i wish it had been faster/quieter...but what can you do?


Some other POV: This abusive crazy man spent 4 hours in the swearing at the top of his lungs. his wife was terrrified of him (even though apparently no one actually spoke to her). He had thrown things at her in an attempt to harm her. The family next door begged for the man to be taken away. The wife begged for the man to be taken away. Carnival ignored the pleas of everyone else who stood in the hallways and watched this for hours. Carnival made threats about the couple being kicked from the ship. Finally, like a baby crying themselves to sleep, at some point everyone just exhausted themselves out and it was all resolved begrudgeingly. Security did NOT to their job because despite hearing nothing else from this couple the rest of the trip, he may have killed her and/or they shouldn've have been allowed to stay on the ship.

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Sadly there is not that much that can be done. Drunkenness has to wear off until they are sober. Moving that person away will mean a guard will have to next to him for a few hours


So what? That is surely the ship security's job??

While I agree that the whole thing was scary and yes domestic violence is awful to witness. But why should anyone have to? I think the whole point here is this..

I have paid for my cabin/cruise and I dont feel I should have to ever be woken or disturbed by drunken or unruly behaviour. And if I was I would expect it to be taken care of and quickly. Naive maybe but it is what I would expect. He should have been taken away right away and dealt with somewhere more suitable than the hallway.

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Anyone who has worked in law enforcement or emergency services (going on 29 years here) can tell you domestics can be sticky calls.


From what the OP reports the guy had a few drinks, threw a pizza and was yelling . Ok not socially acceptable behavior and of course needed to dealt with,, but not the crime of the century either.


There are three sides to every story . Yours , mine and the truth. Did the guy catch his wife "making fudge with another guy" ?


We here will never know.


Not every couple is Ozzie and Harriet , but that doesn't automatically make them Ike and Tina.


Again not knowing all the details . It sounds more like a noise complaint than a domestic. Security was called by neighbors because of the screaming. not by the wife. A pizza got thrown , OK it doesn't sound like there was a mark on either of them or any signs of struggle (ripped clothes )


In situations like this you try your best to calm both parties down, let them know they can do it the easy way or the hard way, and as long as there are no other circumstances , let him sleep it off.


I have been to calls for screaming matches between couples (again not physical) that made the walls shake and after a little cooling off and a little intervention , the couple were "making fudge " before the cop could get back to his squad car.


Voice of reason, thank you.

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We do not know the whole story but would appear the wife was cheating on the husband and they started yelling at each other.


Thinking that throwing a pizza is not exactly an assault.


Nowhere did I hear that yelling turned into hitting.


Since we do not know the whole story is it possible that security calmed everyone down, told them another outburst will remove them from the ship and passed by periodically during the rest of the evening to listen in?

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So what? That is surely the ship security's job??

While I agree that the whole thing was scary and yes domestic violence is awful to witness. But why should anyone have to? I think the whole point here is this..

I have paid for my cabin/cruise and I dont feel I should have to ever be woken or disturbed by drunken or unruly behaviour. And if I was I would expect it to be taken care of and quickly. Naive maybe but it is what I would expect. He should have been taken away right away and dealt with somewhere more suitable than the hallway.

I guess I'm on the exact opposite end of the spectrum. I paid for a cruise, and therefore expect that I'm often going to be disturbed by drunken or unruly behavior, it just comes with the territory. If the most important thing to me on this vacation was not being disturbed, I would have booked a cabin in the middle of the woods.

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I guess I'm on the exact opposite end of the spectrum. I paid for a cruise, and therefore expect that I'm often going to be disturbed by drunken or unruly behavior, it just comes with the territory. If the most important thing to me on this vacation was not being disturbed, I would have booked a cabin in the middle of the woods.

Well that's just sad. This our first Carnival cruise and I do hope not our last. I also hope my "expectations" are not too high:(

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Well that's just sad. This our first Carnival cruise and I do hope not our last. I also hope my "expectations" are not too high:(

I've cruised on just about every major line, and it happens on every one of them. It's no different than a large resort hotel, a shopping mall, a sporting event, etc. Anytime you assemble 3,000 people into one place, you're going to get some knuckleheads in the group. It is what it is. I just have realistic expectations of what I'm getting into.

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Actually, "assault" is the threat of violence, and may even apply to an unspoken but reasonable perception that the person means harm. "Battery" is the physical contact, often as minimal as poking a finger into someone's chest or shoving or grabbing. Loudly screaming at another person in anger easily falls under the legal definition of assault, and any cop in any city normally has the discretion to make the arrest, especially if the incident is prolonged. A judge may or may not drop the charge if it gets to court and there is no past history or other extenuating circumstances.


In my opinion - if the story is accurate - this drunk, drug addled idiot needed to be locked up and kicked off the ship. I personally have zero tolerance for the mentality, "Aww shucks, he's just drunk and needs to sleep it off." I can't stand drunks (even happy ones), and fools that scream violently at their spouses and act like uncivilized morons need to be firmly dealt with.

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Actually, "assault" is the threat of violence, and may even apply to an unspoken but reasonable perception that the person means harm. "Battery" is the physical contact, often as minimal as poking a finger into someone's chest or shoving or grabbing. Loudly screaming at another person in anger easily falls under the legal definition of assault, and any cop in any city normally has the discretion to make the arrest, especially if the incident is prolonged. A judge may or may not drop the charge if it gets to court and there is no past history or other extenuating circumstances.


In my opinion - if the story is accurate - this drunk, drug addled idiot needed to be locked up and kicked off the ship. I personally have zero tolerance for the mentality, "Aww shucks, he's just drunk and needs to sleep it off." I can't stand drunks (even happy ones), and fools that scream violently at their spouses and act like uncivilized morons need to be firmly dealt with.

Dead on!

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