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Which walkie talkies work best?


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Seriously..like how do people not expect you to listen in? Public domain!


I never understand why people can't do things the way they used to before technology..agree to meet at a certain place at a certain time, etc. It worked before..I mean, seriously..


Seriously? You say this on an internet message board?

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Thanks to all you that offered help.:) I understand that some of you really has distaste for walkie talkies. I have cruised 6 times and I can't remember a single time where a person using w.t. have been a disturbance to me or my family. I am going under the impression that those who posted unhelpful comments most of had a bad experience.


The idea of Cruise Critic for me is to learn from past experiences of others and base my decision on those fellow travelers. I am wonder if those who post disparaging comments have nothing new to learn in life and are the glass half empty types.


And really, if I was told that I was bothering a person or group with my w.t. on the ship I would gladly turn off the device or move away. Wouldn't you do the same?

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the best walkie talkies are the ones you leave at home....


no help :mad:


wow most of you have a very sour outlook on life. the people with rude comments i have nothing nice to say to you.


I understand that some of you really has distaste for walkie talkies. I have cruised 6 times and I can't remember a single time where a person using w.t. have been a disturbance to me or my family. I am going under the impression that those who posted unhelpful comments most of had a bad experience.


The idea of Cruise Critic for me is to learn from past experiences of others and base my decision on those fellow travelers. I am wonder if those who post disparaging comments have nothing new to learn in life and are the glass half empty types.


And really, if I was told that I was bothering a person or group with my w.t. on the ship I would gladly turn off the device or move away. Wouldn't you do the same?



I often read posts here asking for advice only to learn that the person asking has no intention of taking that advice. You mention that the idea of CC is to learn from past experience from others. But, when you were given information from some people based on their past experience, if it wasn't what you wanted to hear, you in turn started passing judgement on those people. Not very open minded of you, and not very gracious as well.


My advice to you: when you ask for advice, be mature enough to not insult people who give you advice that doesn't support what you have already decided you wanted to hear.

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We ordered some from Walmart online - I believe they were the Trisquare TRX (or something like that) - they have a text feature that we used all the time so as not to disturb our fellow passengers. It worked pretty well - we did have a couple time we had to use the talk feature because the sending person didn't get the text reply. Next cruise we'll probably take them again only because our kids would be getting/sending far too many texts from/to their friends and it would cost way too much money (our youngest sends about 1000 texts/month - thank goodness for unlimited texting!)

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I often read posts here asking for advice only to learn that the person asking has no intention of taking that advice. You mention that the idea of CC is to learn from past experience from others. But, when you were given information from some people based on their past experience, if it wasn't what you wanted to hear, you in turn started passing judgement on those people. Not very open minded of you, and not very gracious as well.


My advice to you: when you ask for advice, be mature enough to not insult people who give you advice that doesn't support what you have already decided you wanted to hear.


I have to side with swsfrail on this. You asked for advice on what walkie-talkies worked best. Some people advised not to use them because they can be intrusive. Nothing wrong with pointing that out - it's a simple fact. People are sometimes bothered by their use.


I don't cruise often. On my last cruise on a sea day I found a good spot in the shade (I'm prone to skin cancer so must stay out of the sun) and proceeded to enjoy a good book. After about an hour the lounger next to me became vacant and soon a young lady about half my age sat down and instantly began using her device to chat with her girlfriend somewhere else on the ship. After about 10 minutes of constant chatter, which included that %&@($%&$ "BLEEP" every time she let go of the talk button, I politely asked if she could refrain from using her device as it was interrupting an otherwise quiet location. She pretty much to me where to go, and proceeded to describe to her friend what a "total tool" she was sitting next to. Not once did she attempt to be a good neighbor. After several more minutes of this rudeness, I gave up, left my perfect spot, and went back to my room.


And that is why I don't like them, and will advise someone to leave them at home. Rudeness more often than not comes from people who insist on being the center of the universe, doing whatever they want, and expecting the rest of us to "deal with it".

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People next to you are talking to each other or people next to you are talking to someone on a walkie. What's the difference?


As I said before we mainly use ours to find each other on land... in particularly on private islands. On the ship we usually leave notes or voicemails.

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People next to you are talking to each other or people next to you are talking to someone on a walkie. What's the difference?


As I said before we mainly use ours to find each other on land... in particularly on private islands. On the ship we usually leave notes or voicemails.


The difference is that with a walkie talkie, people have a tendency to talk louder than normal conversations. Think of how much louder many people talk when using their cell phones. Plus, as one poster mentioned, the "bleep" at the end of every transmission gets pretty darned annoying when you hear it over and over again.


On our one and only Disney cruise, my wife and I had a balcony cabin next to a family of four. On sea days the parents would sit on their balcony all day while the kids explored the ship. The parents used walkie talkies to keep in touch with the kids. I don't think 10 minutes would go by without them calling each other, all day long. I think I would have preferred smokers next door than that constant "Where you at now? BLEEP", "Go find your brother. BLEEP", "Stay out of the buffet. BLEEP", "Get your butts back here now to get ready for dinner. BLEEP", etc.


I thought I would go out of my BLEEPING mind! :(

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Radios today are virtually all FMRS and GMRS band compatible, get those.


In the USA you do need a FCC license to operate them, and it can be processed online. Don't sweat doing this before your cruise, even the ship sells them in the gift shop.


The lower channels are one watt of power and compatible with the FMRS band. The upper channels are GMRS, switch the radio to 5 watts of power and are best for use aboard ship. Don't be mislead by the claims of 20 miles or so, those are based on flat, open land and rarely accurate.


Speaking of being mislead; some post above makes a claim about being illegal in Mexico. That's just not true. All of the USA and Central America use the same FCC frequency set for GMRS and FMRS radios. The ports you visit will have them for sale there in some of the shops, with radio frequency ranges that match. In Canada the GMRS frequencies are different, so you've been warned for operation there.


Use the vibrate feature, they are much less a pain and work very well. We use them for cabin to cabin talk, and finding one another after a run and shower in the morning.


I chuckle at the post about someone wanting to throw them overboard. If someone were to do that then they had better be a good swimmer, they are headed over the rail after the radio. :eek:


A little noise from a walkie-talkie aboard a noisy cruise ship isn't going to ruin someones day. If it does then they need a nap. Use them sparingly in the inside areas of the ship, and good judgement is my advice.


Our actual experience has been great with them. We've used them on small ships, medium ones and the Freedom of the Seas with little or no problems.


Buy them local, get familiar with them before the cruise, and be prepared to search for a open channel.


Enjoy your trip.



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Seriously people?


Yes, seriously! Since you are a user, I am not surprised that you are unable to understand that some of us have been bothered by these devices. If you haven't been bothered by them, then bravo for you - take a victory lap, you win! But, not everyone has been as fortunate as you. They indeed can be bothersome if used indiscriminately by those that don't give a darn about anyone else's comfort, much like a loud stereo in the car next to you at the stop light. And there is a pretty good chance that some users will not bother with being considerate of others.


Be responsible, and I don't care. Used in such away that interrupts my enjoyment of my cruise, then I do care.

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Yes, seriously! Since you are a user, I am not surprised that you are unable to understand that some of us have been bothered by these devices. If you haven't been bothered by them, then bravo for you - take a victory lap, you win! But, not everyone has been as fortunate as you. They indeed can be bothersome if used indiscriminately by those that don't give a darn about anyone else's comfort, much like a loud stereo in the car next to you at the stop light. And there is a pretty good chance that some users will not bother with being considerate of others.


Be responsible, and I don't care. Used in such away that interrupts my enjoyment of my cruise, then I do care.


Exactly! Reminds me of the time hubby took me to a nice restaurant for my birthday, and we got stuck next to a family with two small children. "Oh great," I thought. The kids were great. It was mommy that was the problem. Loudly asking the kids every two minutes "Do you need to go pooppoop?" "Do you need to go peepee in the potty? Tell mommy so you don't pooppoop on your seat!" Didn't affect her dinner one bit. Mine was not so great.

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It is ridiculous to say that because some people seem to be incapable of using W/Ts politely or discreetly (i.e., with earphones, and speaking at a normal conversation level), no one should use them. W/T's are fully capable of being used without causing offense or annoyance to others. (In fact, WTs transmit considerably less effectively when spoken into at elevated volumes).


If someone is using a W/T inappropriately and it bothers you, handle it as you would any "live" conversation that you might find offensive or annoying: politely ask them to end the conversation or relocate; if they choose not to do so, either 1) relocate yourself, 2) report them, or 3) tolerate it.


In my experience, comments from posters who politely ask/encourage passengers to please use W/Ts courteously and with discretion are typically received graciously. But to expect snark, judgementalism and rudeness to be received with deference is unrealistic, and arrogant.

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Exactly! Reminds me of the time hubby took me to a nice restaurant for my birthday, and we got stuck next to a family with two small children. "Oh great," I thought. The kids were great. It was mommy that was the problem. Loudly asking the kids every two minutes "Do you need to go pooppoop?" "Do you need to go peepee in the potty? Tell mommy so you don't pooppoop on your seat!" Didn't affect her dinner one bit. Mine was not so great.


Precisely - discretion is the point; the device is not the issue.

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I often read posts here asking for advice only to learn that the person asking has no intention of taking that advice. You mention that the idea of CC is to learn from past experience from others. But, when you were given information from some people based on their past experience, if it wasn't what you wanted to hear, you in turn started passing judgement on those people. Not very open minded of you, and not very gracious as well.


My advice to you: when you ask for advice, be mature enough to not insult people who give you advice that doesn't support what you have already decided you wanted to hear.


Well, if this thread were a poll asking whether or not people found W/T use annoying, you would have a point. To imply that the OP is somehow immature because he rejects unsolicited "advice" is disingenuous, and itself insulting.

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You completely missed the point - it's hearing someone else's walkie-talkie that we don't like. Just like flatulence, everybody is fine with their own aroma, but not the aroma of the other people around them. :rolleyes:


There is a solution to the walkie talkie problem besides grabbing the offending item and tossing it overboard. Bring one of your own, try to figure out what channel they are transmitting on, and whistle loudly into yours. That way, they will not be able to hear their message and may give up. If you have a really bad singing voice as I do, you could even sing into it.



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Radios today are virtually all FMRS and GMRS band compatible, get those.


In the USA you do need a FCC license to operate them, and it can be processed online. Don't sweat doing this before your cruise, even the ship sells them in the gift shop.


The lower channels are one watt of power and compatible with the FMRS band. The upper channels are GMRS, switch the radio to 5 watts of power and are best for use aboard ship. Don't be mislead by the claims of 20 miles or so, those are based on flat, open land and rarely accurate.


Speaking of being mislead; some post above makes a claim about being illegal in Mexico. That's just not true. All of the USA and Central America use the same FCC frequency set for GMRS and FMRS radios. The ports you visit will have them for sale there in some of the shops, with radio frequency ranges that match. In Canada the GMRS frequencies are different, so you've been warned for operation there.


Would you like to clarify exactly where I misled you?



There are two distinct bands, FRS and GMRS.


FRS, ½ watt channels 1-14:


  • do not need a license and are legal in both Mexico and Canada as well as the United States; and do not require a license in any of these countries
  • However, most people have reported (and it makes sense), they lack the power to be effective on a ship.


GMRS, 5 watt, channels 15-22:


  • Legal in the United States, but require a license from the FCC
  • Illegal in Canada (max power is 2 watts in Canada, hence a US 5w is illegal)
  • Illegal in Mexico

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Surely the broader point here is the tendency these days for people to feel they NEED to be in constant electronic communication every minute of every day. Is it really so vitally important to know exactly where your travel companions are and what they are doing at all times? Surely a cruise is a perfect opportunity to "switch off" in every sense of the word which is why these devices can be so intrusive. I know that many parents use WTs as electronic "babysitters" which is no doubt very convenient but if kids need to be monitored so closely then perhaps they need the supervision of a parent instead of a machine anyway.


I'm not anti-WT as such, but their sometimes very inconsiderate owners do give them this negative reputation. Even the biggest mega-ships are still a comparatively small and crowded space which we all have to share. Something to bear in mind?

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Would you like to clarify exactly where I misled you?



There are two distinct bands, FRS and GMRS.


FRS, ½ watt channels 1-14:


  • do not need a license and are legal in both Mexico and Canada as well as the United States; and do not require a license in any of these countries
  • However, most people have reported (and it makes sense), they lack the power to be effective on a ship.


GMRS, 5 watt, channels 15-22:


  • Legal in the United States, but require a license from the FCC
  • Illegal in Canada (max power is 2 watts in Canada, hence a US 5w is illegal)
  • Illegal in Mexico


Additionally, many of the Caribbean Islands prohibit them. Many, many articles on the web for research. Lots of info on the ham radio websites also. I've not found them in cruise ship gift shops. For those that are interested in following the law while at sea and when visiting a foreign country, don't use them, for those that don't care, do what you feel is good for you.

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Wow... this thread is starting to remind me of the car commercial airing right now where everyone is whispering and tiptoeing around. Craziness. Noise is going to happen in a public space people. Yelling children, loud adults, drunk people, walkie talkies, etc. are part life. Anyway... it's the loud, obnoxious people's vacation too. If you can't live with loud noises or annoying people maybe stay in your cabin? As for me I'll be at the pool talking on my Walkie Talkie at an appropriate level and responsibly with my Mother who is more likely than not lost somewhere on the ship.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So did we get in idea of which walkie talkies are the best???? I have kids and want to keep in touch. Im getting the ones with ear pieces so not everyone can hear my conversations. At this point im still doing my research. :cool:


What everyone is talking about is people themselves are annoying... just depends on the people.

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You completely missed the point - it's hearing someone else's walkie-talkie that we don't like. Just like flatulence, everybody is fine with their own aroma, but not the aroma of the other people around them. :rolleyes:


Terrific answer! May I quote you?

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