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never EVER leave valuables in your bag!


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They collect the cash for your SS card at the terminal, I think.

I was wondering how they got on board without ID and a boarding pass?


Cash is collected once on the ship...you have to go to the pursers desk or guest services, depending on the cruiseline, but if you are paying cash, you do not give it to them at the terminal. Atleast not in NY anyway, not sure if they are all the same, but you would think they would be.

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Makes me wonder if those corny jokes they tell you on a cruise ship...i.e. "How can I tell which pictures are mine and "Does the elevator go to the front and the back of the ship" could possible be true and not jokes. The same person that leaves their cash in unattended luggage could possible be the one's that ask those questions???? jmo

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I have had some major brain farts in my time but wallets, passports, documents, cell phone, camera NEVER leave my body until final screening where I watch it go in and come out and no one touches it unless I am present. It is a hard lesson learned and maybe can be put down to NEVER having travelled before and not knowing or like I say a MAJOR BRAIN FART


As do I...you just get caught up in the moment and your mind goes racing and you don't think about it.


Last week we went to dinner at one of the casinos in AC and I had so much on my mind I totally left my purse sitting on the seat when I left...all of my cash, debit and credit cards, ID...everything was in there...luckily our waiter noticed and brought it out as we were walking away...and I didn't do it intentionally, I just did it. Maybe this person just had a moment...


I find it sad that we have to pack/put anything and everything of ANY value on us as people are so untrustworthy...it would make it so much easier to travel if we could actually pack some of our jewelry or cameras and such...

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Anyone can sue anyone for anything and I do not believe its any kind of stretch to make out a negligence or gross negligence claim against Carnival or the Baggage Handling company. They are entrusted the property of their passengers and have a duty to safeguard it. Making out a negligence case requires a showing of the existence of a duty, a breach of that duty, causation and damages. I think all the elements are met in this case.


Carnival has zero liability until the luggage is on the ship and Carnival's max liability is clearly stated in the cruise contract that all passengers agree to.

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NOW, I remember why I don't read on this forum very much.......anymore. Being uneducated on an activity or just simply stupid (to borrow a well used term here) is not a choice many people make. On the other hand, rude is a choice.

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Let's say the OP had a travel folder with passport and other documents in their hand, ready to board. In all the confusion, put the wallet in the carry-on, thinking they would be taking it on with them anyway. Fast forward...carrying the bag, gets to that first check point, and was told to check it. All excited, with that travel folder in hand, completely forgot about that wallet in the carry on. It's possible this is what happened. I hate to think they would have intentionally left that wallet in there.


Forgive me, but I always try to find another reason why/how something can happen, without jumping to conclusions. People do things in a moment of excitement they would not ordinarily do. I would love to hear his/her answer for how this came about.


No, I have not had it happen to me. :)


I totally agree,some who dont travel much and some who even travel more can get confused in unfamiliar surroundings especially when some sort of authority may be present.


Try going through an Asian airport like Bali without putting your carry on luggage through the same screener as your checked luggage,its not possible because the screening process starts outside the airport at the door.


Many seasoned travellers in Thailand have had their bags opened with stuff stolen while the carry on luggage is in the trunk of a tour bus for a short trip,we are used to wheeling around quite large carry on these days and they wont fit inside a bus in front of your seat. Thieves hide in the trunk!


The money/cash is inexcusable for me but how many women in a foreign port carry their valuables/cash in a shoulder bag without realising they must have the bag on the side "away" from the traffic flow at all times? snatch and grabs always happen on the traffic side for a clean get away.


How many men in a foreign port dont put their wallet or cash in a front pocket with a safety pin through the pocket to stop dipping?


How many people remove the plastic barrel lock cover on an in room safe!

the barrel lock is how you open key pad room safes when the battery is dead,

if the barrel is missing it only takes the removal of the plastic cover strip a finger and a press of the button inside the safe to open the door!


We can all say how stupid they were but thieves know all the tricks, we have to learn as we go along by our own or others mistakes.




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Sounds really fishy to me. I can't believe someone would do that....there are many "holes" in the story too..


anyone anywhere can make up a story and put it on the net for some drama or their own sense of "fun" or just to get attention


Years ago when people online were more "trusting" I was on a forum (not about cruises)...where a lady pretended to be terminally ill to get money. Another lady had a huge "fake" story about "mom and baby arrested"?>> she claimed she was put in jail and her toddler went to protective services when the baby opened a candy bar at Walmart checkout (I recall it was reese peanut butter LOL>> I have a great memory)


Sure enough she had a "fund" and asked for money


One picture she put up was of her with a "fake" (we thought) Jail number under her chin LOL>> like a fake "booking' shot haha


Another really weird one : a lady "died" and her "sister" came online to ask for donations

Some people were getting weirded out...and so they checked the whole state of West Virginia for obituaries, and could not find


The "sister" claimed that "we are pagans and druids and we had our burial ceremony in the woods, we did not use a funeral home"LOL


Some forum members were livid.....they began calling newspapers and funeral homes and even the police


Then the ladies "husband" came on and asked people to PLEASE not try to get his wife in trouble....."she is mentally ill and the family has put her in a mental hospitlal for help" LOL


then her account, sister, and "husband" went poof...bye bye


These were forums about 1) free stuff/coupons/bargains and 2) forums for facialists/ cosmetologists


seems like maybe people still like to play games


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I'm not disputing it was unwise to surrender the carry-ons at the pier, but this guy said what was stolen were things he had packed for traveling AFTER the cruise. Tablet, GPS, and a wallet.


Sounds like he had what he needed to board the ship in his possession.


I don't think he mentioned if the carry-on was locked. He did mention that the TSA opened one of the large bags, but not that anything was taken.


I'm guessing he and his wife had their carry-ons until the porter at the ship talked them into giving the bags up. So their stuff HAD TO have disappeared between the pier and the stateroom. The most likely suspects are the 3rd-party porters, who wave buh-bye and go home as their victims sail away. If the carry-on was unlocked (maybe the guy needed to get stuff out while traveling), it was child's play to slip out and hide those small items.


Yes, the guy learned the hard way, but his story isn't unbelievable. (PS: He writes as if English isn't his first language, so maybe there was a communication problem as well.) After having half his honeymoon ruined, the last thing he needs is a pile-on here.

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Well...I'm "an experienced" cruiser :), and experienced world traveler :)....

and my husband and I split the cash. Some in my pocketbook, some in his pocket...and some in the carry-ons.


The OP didn't know that he could carry on his carry-on when he was told that he had to check it. On his honeymoon...in the rush of things...with all the excitement.....


And he never said his passport was in there.........


Maybe the wife was carrying the passports (as most wives do)....and the credit cards (again, as most wives do).


I don't know why people keep repeating and repeating that it's his fault...blah blah blah....


The only thing he did wrong was hand the carry ons over to someone...which he thought was what he was supposed to do.


No...I don't hand my carry ons to someone. But I'm probably 3 times the OPs age....and have a lot more life experience.


I'm glad he didn't post on CC...imagine being flamed for sharing your bad experience!


Parents leave their most precious possession with strangers everyday...."the babysitter". IMHO a far more dangerous thing than leaving cash in a carry on.


Have a little sympathy.......


If all this is true, wifey has passport, credit cards etc.....than why spoil your vacation because his wallet was stolen? I'm a parent and I would never leave my child with a stranger...seriously?

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I feel bad for what happened to them, But don't understand one part of the story:


"TSA notice of baggage inspection inside clearly showing that they did open luggage and performed a manual inspection."


When did TSA start working at cruise terminals?



The poster did not mention when they flew in or whether the bags were opened after landing in San Juan. My guess is that they flew in the day of the cruise and that TSA did check the bags at their home town airport.


It's not fair to blame the poster for someone else stealing their belongings. I hate this mentality.


You are right but you are also wrong, because there is no excuse for turning your wallet over to a porter, no man would do that and I cannot believe a woman would hand her purse to a porter.

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I feel bad for what happened to them, But don't understand one part of the story:


"TSA notice of baggage inspection inside clearly showing that they did open luggage and performed a manual inspection."


When did TSA start working at cruise terminals?


Let alone a cruise terminal in San Juan???

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After reading the post on the Carnival site and this board, I thought about my own experiences. I am an experienced traveler (over 34 countries and 17 cruises.


I always wear a fanny pack so important stuff is close to me and a backpack for cameras, e-book and mp3 etc. On a cruise I bring on my luggage myself.


Yet I found myself in a similar situation in Bali. When I went to get my luggage a man with a uniform pointed to my duffel bag and asked if it was mine. Being somewhere unfamiliar with the country I said yes , then he picked up my duffel, and he told me to give him my backpack which I did. (I later found out he was a porter)

Once outside the luggage area he demanded money in order to get my stuff. I finally woke up and gave him a piece of my mind and grabbed my stuff. Another couple who were on my tour and had been to Bali before and had lived in Asia had the same thing happen to them. The couple had to give them money to get there stuff.


I know its not the same situation, but when one is in unfamiliar surroundings, its easy to have a lapse in judgement.

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If this story is true, it's unfortunate, but a lot of things do not add up....like the majority of the people said, how did u get on the ship without ID that i assume would be in your bag.....


If the person knew enough to post what happened on a message board, just my opinion, wouldn't he/she know they are allowed to bring a carryon (via research from the same message board)....


The poster stated they were told that all bags should be on the boat by 9pm....what time did the boat leave and if they "would be on the boat by 9", where else would they be and how long does it take to get bags on board.


When did customer service have hours??

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Question: When you arrive at the cruise terminal in puerto Rico, where/when do they take your luggage. I have never been too this terminal so just wondering. Regarding carry on luggage, I would NEVER let that out of my hands/sight, even when going through scanner/xray/security regardless of where I am I always keep an eye on my carry on bag. I'm not worried about my luggage as I never carry anything of value other than my clothes or shoes in my bag.

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mstabbycats, i did post to that poster on carnival in which i did sympathize that it happened. Even on my very first trip, and was excited as well as i am on any trip when i get to go away i NEVER put my money anywhere other than on my person.


from the forum on Funville:


jks336 replied on Thu Apr 26, 2012 at 11:58 AM


0-star.gif rated by 0 users



your first BIG mistake was to leave VALUABLES in a CARRYON and let it leave your possession. (sp) that was totally STUPID.





I guess when you tell mstabbycats that you "did sympathize" in your post, it was when you called him "STUPID."


Then you started this thread to make sure everyone else could share in your incredulity of his poor judgment. Happy?

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to all of you blaming the victim - what's it like to never have made a mistake or done something "stupid" ? yes, even though he should not have given his carry on bag, he still is VICTIM as someone did steal his property and theft is actually a real crime (vs being ignorant or "stupid").


really, don't you all have better things to do other than preach how you would never be so stupid to do such a thing? Everyone makes mistakes.

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to all of you blaming the victim - what's it like to never have made a mistake or done something "stupid" ? yes, even though he should not have given his carry on bag, he still is VICTIM as someone did steal his property and theft is actually a real crime (vs being ignorant or "stupid").


really, don't you all have better things to do other than preach how you would never be so stupid to do such a thing? Everyone makes mistakes.


Sorry, I think this person is a troll. On their bio he/she claims to have been on other cruises on the Victory and the Breeze but goes on to say in the post that is their first cruise. Nothing in this story adds up,

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Sorry, I think this person is a troll. On their bio he/she claims to have been on other cruises on the Victory and the Breeze but goes on to say in the post that is their first cruise. Nothing in this story adds up,


Everyone here thinks EVERYONE is a troll.. it's nuts! :eek:


If you really think the person is a troll, let the thread die. By everyone responding and saying "it doesn't add up" or "this person is a troll", you are doing exactly what a "troll" wants -- they want to stir up controversy. Let the thread die and the troll doesn't get what he wants.


But, just for a minute, suspend your belief that the poster is a troll for one second.. this person still does not deserved to be called stupid. People deserve the benefit of the doubt.

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Everyone here thinks EVERYONE is a troll.. it's nuts! :eek:


If you really think the person is a troll, let the thread die. By everyone responding and saying "it doesn't add up" or "this person is a troll", you are doing exactly what a "troll" wants -- they want to stir up controversy. Let the thread die and the troll doesn't get what he wants.


But, just for a minute, suspend your belief that the poster is a troll for one second.. this person still does not deserved to be called stupid. People deserve the benefit of the doubt.


Why don't you go back and read his complaint posting, then go back and look at his profile. He said it was his first cruise ever.

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Sorry, I think this person is a troll. On their bio he/she claims to have been on other cruises on the Victory and the Breeze but goes on to say in the post that is their first cruise. Nothing in this story adds up,


Breeze hasn't been put in service yet, so nobody has cruised on it yet.

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