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Pregnant and Doctor won't sign forms...help!


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Visited my OBGYN today and mentioned I would be cruising next month and asked him to sign the obligatory cruise line forms and he refused!


He didn't refuse because I will be too far along... only 16 weeks at cruise time

He didn't refuse because of a health reason... all of my tests have been fine

He didn't say we'll check you out at your next visit and if no issues I 'll sign then.


He said he absolutely wouldn't sign anything because he didn't want the liability on him. He said "Just don't tell them." Meaning don't tell the cruise line I'm pregnant. Well thanks, too late cause I already did. I had to get the forms from them in the first place.


So now what?! I don't have a family doctor, I was referred to him by a walk in clinic.


Anyone have any thoughts to help me out!!




PS... Incase it matters I live in Ontario

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WOW - what a poor attitude, and lack of bedside manner. I wouldn't go back to him, or feel comfortable trusting him with the rest of my pregnancy or delivery. Is there another ob in the area that you can switch to?


Maybe the walk-in clinic physician would be willing to fill out the form for you?

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Visited my OBGYN today and mentioned I would be cruising next month and asked him to sign the obligatory cruise line forms and he refused!


He didn't refuse because I will be too far along... only 16 weeks at cruise time

He didn't refuse because of a health reason... all of my tests have been fine

He didn't say we'll check you out at your next visit and if no issues I 'll sign then.


He said he absolutely wouldn't sign anything because he didn't want the liability on him. He said "Just don't tell them." Meaning don't tell the cruise line I'm pregnant. Well thanks, too late cause I already did. I had to get the forms from them in the first place.


So now what?! I don't have a family doctor, I was referred to him by a walk in clinic.


Anyone have any thoughts to help me out!!




PS... Incase it matters I live in Ontario


Find another doctor. You found this one by going to a walk-in clinic; go back to the walk-in clinic, ask for another referral. You might not want to tell them why you want a different doctor; just make up some excuse about not being comfortable with this one, and could they refer to another one. Good luck.

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Before I opened the thread I was ready to roll my eyes thinking the doctor had a good reason, but I stand corrected.

Find a new doc, I'm not sure I'd want this guy deliverying my baby anyway. Get the new doctor to sign the papers and have a great vacation!

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if you are going to walk ups for this sig' you may as well just forge one . . . do you really think they (cruise lines) check?


After all, what's the worst that can happen . . .

ala Big Bang Theory ... is that sarcasm?


I don't have a family doctor, I was referred to him by a walk in clinic.


aka this doctor has no history of you?


I don't fault this Dr at all .... not in this day and age of litigation.

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Boy, when I asked my OB-GYN about going on a cruise, he was enthusiastic, even though I was further along (about 4-1/2 months along) and 43 at the time. Of course, he's fond of going on cruises so it was a no-brainer for him (plus he knew I was going to take care of myself). At that time (1997), I don't recall seeing anything in the Carnival paperwork about needing the doctor's signoff on a form, but obviously I would have obtained the siggy if needed, even though I wasn't showing then (in fact, my tablemates were stunned when they found out, when I turned down a glass of wine, patting my tummy).

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In this 'sue crazy society', a doctor that barely knows the patient might be inclined to limit their exposure. He may not know much about cruises or care you could receive in an emergency, seems he has no or very little relationship with OP.....


I 'sort of' see his point but am disappointed for you.

It doesn't seem he is going to change his mind so you have choices to make.


All best wishes with your cruise and most importantly with your baby. :)


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Find another doctor. You found this one by going to a walk-in clinic; go back to the walk-in clinic, ask for another referral.


she will not get another appointment within the month ...sometimes it may take a few months to get in if you already have a doctor

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Ask your Ob for a copy of your prenatal record. This is the info that is always recorded on a specific document that is given to the hospital close to your delivery. It includes test info, weight, gestation ( in weeks) and other stuff. It should satisfy the cruise line. And he can NOT refuse you that information as it is a part of your chart.


Hope this helps



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Ask your Ob for a copy of your prenatal record. This is the info that is always recorded on a specific document that is given to the hospital close to your delivery. It includes test info, weight, gestation ( in weeks) and other stuff. It should satisfy the cruise line. And he can NOT refuse you that information as it is a part of your chart.


Hope this helps





Do you think the person checking guests in at the terminal will read a patients' medical chart? Not to mention, that really is rather private. No matter how much a woman wishes to cruise, she may think that is too much info given to people who don't need to have it.


I see OP does not list where she is from so we don't know if Canada or U.S. or another country. Maybe where she lives, she can get an appointment, soon, with another doctor?


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Do you think the person checking guests in at the terminal will read a patients' medical chart? Not to mention, that really is rather private. No matter how much a woman wishes to cruise, she may think that is too much info given to people who don't need to have it.


I see OP does not list where she is from so we don't know if Canada or U.S. or another country. Maybe where she lives, she can get an appointment, soon, with another doctor?


In the last line of her original post, she states she lives in Ontario...:)

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In the last line of her original post, she states she lives in Ontario...:)



Thanks. I didn't see that.


I still wonder how many women would want to share their whole medical record in order to cruise?


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I see OP does not list where she is from so we don't know if Canada or U.S. or another country. Maybe where she lives, she can get an appointment, soon, with another doctor?



You need to be referred in Ontario to a specialist & it can take months to get in

We have so many walk in clinics here because there is a shortage of doctors ...you do not have your own GP you just see whoever is there that day

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Thanks for explaining. Seeing a woman is only pregnant for a set number of months, I thought perhaps there was some sort of 'urgency'.


Yes sorry I meant that she has a OBGYN so to get to see another one she may have to wait

I am sure they try to get pregnant women into the the OBGYN's early in the pregnancy as possible

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He said he absolutely wouldn't sign anything because he didn't want the liability on him. He said "Just don't tell them." Meaning don't tell the cruise line I'm pregnant.

If this doctor doesn't want the liability, what might he do/not do down the road because he doesn't want the liability. If he is telling you to omit, such as in lying, what kind of trustworthy doctor is he? I would find a different doctor. He can't be trusted.

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I'm not sure why this is complicated. I am interested in more information to better give advice or an opinion.


I thought when you are pregnant your supposed to have monthly prenatal visits with a doctor or regular medical practice.


If he's not your doctor treating your pregnancy..why would he want that responsibility of signing off on a complete stranger he doesn't treat regularly?


Sorry but he's a smart doctor...he needs to protect his liability. He's just a walk in clinic doctor that may see you one time and then something happens and he doesn't want to be liable. He's not an idiot for doing that.


Why don't you just pay cash to a regular doctor and not someone in some sort of clinic and have them sign off?


After reading your post, it confirms to me why I don't want socialized medicine in our country. Good luck!




Visited my OBGYN today and mentioned I would be cruising next month and asked him to sign the obligatory cruise line forms and he refused!


He didn't refuse because I will be too far along... only 16 weeks at cruise time

He didn't refuse because of a health reason... all of my tests have been fine

He didn't say we'll check you out at your next visit and if no issues I 'll sign then.


He said he absolutely wouldn't sign anything because he didn't want the liability on him. He said "Just don't tell them." Meaning don't tell the cruise line I'm pregnant. Well thanks, too late cause I already did. I had to get the forms from them in the first place.


So now what?! I don't have a family doctor, I was referred to him by a walk in clinic.


Anyone have any thoughts to help me out!!




PS... Incase it matters I live in Ontario

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I'm not sure why this is complicated. I am interested in more information to better give advice or an opinion.


I thought when you are pregnant your supposed to have monthly prenatal visits with a doctor or regular medical practice.


If he's not your doctor treating your pregnancy..why would he want that responsibility of signing off on a complete stranger he doesn't treat regularly?


Sorry but he's a smart doctor...he needs to protect his liability. He's just a walk in clinic doctor that may see you one time and then something happens and he doesn't want to be liable. He's not an idiot for doing that.


Why don't you just pay cash to a regular doctor and not someone in some sort of clinic and have them sign off?

After reading your post, it confirms to me why I don't want socialized medicine in our country. Good luck!


Wow, no kidding! Is this the doctor you're going to be "stuck with"? One that you'll see every month, then week for the next year (including follow-up)? The one that will bring your precious child into the world? I surely want to know that if I don't have a good rapport with my doctor, I'm free to change until I find one that I do like and trust.


But back to your point.... Can you get a private physician to see you, make sure that everything is fine with the baby and your health is good? Who will then sign a form to that effect?

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After reading your post, it confirms to me why I don't want socialized medicine in our country. Good luck!


Wow, no kidding! Is this the doctor you're going to be "stuck with"? One that you'll see every month, then week for the next year (including follow-up)? The one that will bring your precious child into the world? I surely want to know that if I don't have a good rapport with my doctor, I'm free to change until I find one that I do like and trust.




Don't kid yourselves that it is so easy to change doctors in the US either, especially if we are talking about a practicing OB, of which there is a shortage. Many have given up their obstetrics practice due to the extremely high cost of the medical malpractice insurance they must maintain (for whoever mentioned our litigious society).


Plus quite a few employer-offered medical plans, for those lucky enough to have one, do not make it easy to pick and choose a doctor if he/she is not in network or in a particular HMO or whatever..... It is a frequent topic of conversation at my workplace among pregnant colleagues and those who hope to be soon.


Even when I had my son, 20 years ago, my employer switched medical plans halfway through my pregnancy. I had to switch doctors midstream and had virtually no choice as to who my new obgyn would be. (A few would not even consider accepting a woman mid-pregnancy, even one who had been receiving regular prenatal care.) :cool:


To the original poster: Perhaps you could try to explain to your doctor that the form is for information only. You could ask him, instead of filling out the form, to write a strictly factual note giving the specifics the cruiseline needs and adding some wording about the fact that he is not providing an opinion on the safety of travel, merely giving the information as required?

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Wow, I didn't expect so many replies in such a short time!!


Thanks so much to everyone for weighing in. My husband and I have decided on a two part approach:


Go back to walk-in doctor and hopefully have him sign the paperwork. It's a small clinic and I have seen this doctor several times over the past year or so.


Also find a new OBGYN. I don't want to see my old one again! It was my second appointment and sure we don't have a history together, but you should still be willing to sign your name to my health, especially when you are telling me everything is proceeding fine and my tests are good.


The form questions are pretty simple: Will I be more than 25 weeks at sailing? (No) In your(doctors) opinion no obstetrical related contraindictions currently exist nor are expected to develope for this patient to sail? (None that he has told me of)


Very frustrating! I will update as I progress.


Thanks again everyone!!

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Specialists here are not seen on a "walk in " basis unless they are doing their "on call" stint at the hospital


As for a GP if you go to the same Walk In clinic you may see the same doctor if he /she is then when you go or worst case they have your medical records for any doctor that is there to view


To the OP

The form sounds pretty simple & your GP should be able to sign for you


Good luck

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Don't kid yourselves that it is so easy to change doctors in the US either, especially if we are talking about a practicing OB, of which there is a shortage. Many have given up their obstetrics practice due to the extremely high cost of the medical malpractice insurance they must maintain (for whoever mentioned our litigious society).


Plus quite a few employer-offered medical plans, for those lucky enough to have one, do not make it easy to pick and choose a doctor if he/she is not in network or in a particular HMO or whatever..... It is a frequent topic of conversation at my workplace among pregnant colleagues and those who hope to be soon.


Even when I had my son, 20 years ago, my employer switched medical plans halfway through my pregnancy. I had to switch doctors midstream and had virtually no choice as to who my new obgyn would be. (A few would not even consider accepting a woman mid-pregnancy, even one who had been receiving regular prenatal care.) :cool:


To the original poster: Perhaps you could try to explain to your doctor that the form is for information only. You could ask him, instead of filling out the form, to write a strictly factual note giving the specifics the cruiseline needs and adding some wording about the fact that he is not providing an opinion on the safety of travel, merely giving the information as required?



That is mostly the point of what the cruise line wants to know....... Is it safe for Mom to be traveling? Is there special risk to Mom or baby for being on the ship? Emergency OB care or premature birth cannot be well managed in the infirmaries that exist on most of the ships. They simply are not equipped to care for such an emergency and risk to Mom and baby could be extreme.


The cruise lines are correct IMO to request these forms from doctors and to bar pregnant women from sailing once they reach a point in their pregnancy where an early birth could produce a viable chance for baby to survive if provided excellent NICU care.


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