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Fascination Man Overboard 8-27-12? (MERGED THREADS)


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Well, it may not be a perspective YOU would take but others find humor lightens up heavy situations. I am a person who has been a victim of very serious violent crime(S) over the past year and it's much easier for me to deal with by laughing at preposterous statements than talk about the crises. It doesn't mean I am disrespecting the situation, it means I am surviving. You may or may not understand, however that does not mean that others need to express themselves in the same way you or some others might.

I have to ask you... would you feel the same if it was your incident of being a victim of a very serious crime, that everyone here was laughing at... being a victim does not make this a funny thing.. it is as sick as those that want to make jokes about those that died on the Concordia... perhaps you also laugh at jokes about the 911 victims?? No difference ya know, lives were lost, familys were torn apart... not so funny....

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So ban anyone that posts something you dislike or don't agree with? :confused:


Some people use humor as a way to deal with tragedy, just as some people use sadness.


People deal with different situations in different ways.


Do the people here complaining about the "jokesters" HONESTLY feel sorry for each and every person that dies on this planet every day?


Thousands of people die on this planet every day for a myriad of reasons...but you never hear about them...does this make their deaths any less "important" than some random guy you didn't even know existed until this event happened?


If it was in fact a suicide...in my eyes, this person was a selfish POS for doing this to his loved ones.

You obviously don't understand or know the mean of depression. People are first to say it was selfish... but when a person is depressed in this state of mind, they are so wrapped up in their loss or whatever caused the depression, they don't think straight... When my mom lost my dad, she went into depression. She tried to take her life by slitting her wrists. My brother found her. She is fine today, and I didn't know about this until years later after her depression left her. But my Mom is far far from being selfish or a piece of crap. She loves her kids so much.... the loss was just so painful to her... she was truly lost... it is hard to bring someone out of depression... when they look right through you and don't even realize you are sitting beside them telling them how much you love them... so don't judge someone who is suicidal... it is not an act against their loved ones.. it is just pain that is so deep, they don't want to wake up anymore... and don't know any other way to stop that...

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Its not Carnivals fault.. Its the "class" or type of passenger the company attracts.. Its a "budget" cruiseline.. Sorry if I sound offensive or mean.. But its true.


Really? You can tell all of that by which cruiseline someone chooses to sail with? Care to explain what my "class" or "type" is??


I can tell YOU what your comment says about your "class" or lack thereof. :rolleyes:

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It doesn' really matter what the cause... a man died... his family is suffering... and people are actually saying.. the ones they feel sorry for are those that missed their port?? Really?? If I was on that ship, the last thing I would be thinking is... damn, we missed our port! I would instead be thinking of this man and wondering what happened that caused the end of his life? And I would be wondering... how sad his family must be.. did he have children?

For those that say it is stupid to feel sadness for the loss of a STRANGER.. did you not feel sadness on the tradgedy of 911?? I didn't know a soul that lost their life that day... but I was on a cruise... on an island... Antigua... when I heard the news... even the islanders were feeling the sadness... stopping us and asking us if we were from America... when we said yes we are, their eyes would tear up and they would say ... I am so sorry to hear about your country mon. Yes... totally totally strangers... and still had hearts. On the ship, at dinner, when our maitre d said "We represent 47 different countries, but today we are all Americans"... when the waiters sang "God Bless America" and EVERYONE in the dining room was standing and singing with them... and everyone in that room had tears flowing... Some had family in those towers... we didn't know them... but we cried for them and all of those other STRANGERS that lost their lives...

We all have our cruise memories, and this is one that touched my heart and will always be in my heart... such a warm feeling of everyone trying to support each other in the time of grief... and feeling the love for our country and family and friends...

Where do people find such cold hearts as some on this thread? it is so sad to see...

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You obviously don't understand or know the mean of depression. People are first to say it was selfish... but when a person is depressed in this state of mind, they are so wrapped up in their loss or whatever caused the depression, they don't think straight... When my mom lost my dad, she went into depression. She tried to take her life by slitting her wrists. My brother found her. She is fine today, and I didn't know about this until years later after her depression left her. But my Mom is far far from being selfish or a piece of crap. She loves her kids so much.... the loss was just so painful to her... she was truly lost... it is hard to bring someone out of depression... when they look right through you and don't even realize you are sitting beside them telling them how much you love them... so don't judge someone who is suicidal... it is not an act against their loved ones.. it is just pain that is so deep, they don't want to wake up anymore... and don't know any other way to stop that...

Thank you Cruzen, that was so well explained. Hugs to you and your mom!!


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Really? You can tell all of that by which cruiseline someone chooses to sail with? Care to explain what my "class" or "type" is??


I can tell YOU what your comment says about your "class" or lack thereof. :rolleyes:

Your class is the classiest and your type is the Grade A!!

I think people that talk about class and type in putting people down are just trying to feel better about themselves.

It's a normal phenomenia explained by basic sociology, why some hate a different color or religion, sexual orientation. They just are so unconfident about themselves they have to put others down to make themselves feel higher, sad huh???

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It doesn' really matter what the cause... a man died... his family is suffering... and people are actually saying.. the ones they feel sorry for are those that missed their port?? Really?? If I was on that ship, the last thing I would be thinking is... damn, we missed our port! I would instead be thinking of this man and wondering what happened that caused the end of his life? And I would be wondering... how sad his family must be.. did he have children?

For those that say it is stupid to feel sadness for the loss of a STRANGER.. did you not feel sadness on the tradgedy of 911?? I didn't know a soul that lost their life that day... but I was on a cruise... on an island... Antigua... when I heard the news... even the islanders were feeling the sadness... stopping us and asking us if we were from America... when we said yes we are, their eyes would tear up and they would say ... I am so sorry to hear about your country mon. Yes... totally totally strangers... and still had hearts. On the ship, at dinner, when our maitre d said "We represent 47 different countries, but today we are all Americans"... when the waiters sang "God Bless America" and EVERYONE in the dining room was standing and singing with them... and everyone in that room had tears flowing... Some had family in those towers... we didn't know them... but we cried for them and all of those other STRANGERS that lost their lives...

We all have our cruise memories, and this is one that touched my heart and will always be in my heart... such a warm feeling of everyone trying to support each other in the time of grief... and feeling the love for our country and family and friends...

Where do people find such cold hearts as some on this thread? it is so sad to see...


I feel sympathy for you for the loss of your dad, I lost my dad early and I can understand your loss. I also feel sympathy for what your mom went through as my mom is still dealing with it.



But, lets get real, equating a man jumping off of a cruise ship in an attempt to elude security with 9/11? That's reaching a little bit. I was in the Pentagon that day and while I didn't know anybody that died I know plenty of people that were affected. Do I feel the loss of everyone that died that day? Of course I do. But those lives were not lost through anything that THEY did. They were lost through the actions of a small group of idiots. Millions of people were affected by the actions of a few.



And that's what happened yesterday. Thousands of people were affected by the actions of one. I don't know what was going through his head and I don't know what his family is dealing with, but he took it upon himself to grab a life-ring and to depart that vessel.



I work in the defense industry and I FEEL the loss of everyone serviceman and civilian that are fighting for US overseas and stationed in the states. I grieve along with the families that lost loved ones in the Aurora shooting. I grieve along with the victims families in the Sikh temple shooting.



If this man from the Carnival ship were truly a suicide or an accident then I would have empathy, and if it turns out to be so then I will feel suitably ashamed of my words, however I will not get myself worked up over an act of stupidity.

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I'm sorry. I ignored the joke or not arguments for as long as I could, but when you talk about banning someone because you disagree with his humor? That's going too far. We have this thing in America called Freedom of Speech. They can use their right to make jokes; you can use your rights to say jokes are disgusting. And, CC has this cool feature called ignore. You can actually boycott posters you don't agree with.


Sincerely, Sambelina's Galaxy.

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A new day. Several new pages. A lot of name calling. And still no answers.


Sorry OB. I have a feeling CCL is taking measures to protect themselves right now, and my compadres on scene are keeping tight-lipped with the media. We may have to wait until Fascination returns to JAX for more to be released. I just don't want to get myself in hot water by saying too much too early.


Cruise Law is starting to ask relevant questions though:



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I'm sorry. I ignored the joke or not arguments for as long as I could, but when you talk about banning someone because you disagree with his humor? That's going too far. We have this thing in America called Freedom of Speech.


This is not America.


This is Cruise Critic.


Such "freedoms" do not exist here .... take it from someone that knows.:rolleyes:

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Sorry OB. I have a feeling CCL is taking measures to protect themselves right now, and my compadres on scene are keeping tight-lipped with the media. We may have to wait until Fascination returns to JAX for more to be released. I just don't want to get myself in hot water by saying too much too early.


Cruise Law is starting to ask relevant questions though:





He's sourcing your posts.


Hopefully we find out what really happened.

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Sorry OB. I have a feeling CCL is taking measures to protect themselves right now, and my compadres on scene are keeping tight-lipped with the media. We may have to wait until Fascination returns to JAX for more to be released. I just don't want to get myself in hot water by saying too much too early.


Cruise Law is starting to ask relevant questions though:




Really interesting -- thank you.

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Sorry OB. I have a feeling CCL is taking measures to protect themselves right now, and my compadres on scene are keeping tight-lipped with the media. We may have to wait until Fascination returns to JAX for more to be released. I just don't want to get myself in hot water by saying too much too early.


Cruise Law is starting to ask relevant questions though:




Thanks for the link. And I would never want you to compromise yourself in anyway. My comment about "no answer yet" was in no way directed at you. I only meant in in general terms.


I do find it interesting that the Cruise Critic boards seem to get mentioned fairly frequently in various articles. These boards seem to be read by many people in very different places.

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Sorry OB. I have a feeling CCL is taking measures to protect themselves right now, and my compadres on scene are keeping tight-lipped with the media. We may have to wait until Fascination returns to JAX for more to be released. I just don't want to get myself in hot water by saying too much too early.


Cruise Law is starting to ask relevant questions though:




As I read this article by Jim Walker I found I quickly fell out of his grasp of my attention as he spends so much time referring over and over again to CCL as the "booze cruise". Seems he's more interested in his personal opinions then he is the story. Mr Walker will not be receiving any more of my attention.


Thanks for posting the link though!

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As I read this article by Jim Walker I found I quickly fell out of his grasp of my attention as he spends so much time referring over and over again to CCL as the "booze cruise". Seems he's more interested in his personal opinions then he is the story. Mr Walker will not be receiving any more of my attention.


Thanks for posting the link though!


No problem. Yea, I figured that part wouldn't resonate well with folks here....hopefully folks can just overlook that part. Or at least, maybe the short itineraries could have been the focus of his comments instead of the entire line. Either way, I'd say the relevant part was early in the article when he questions the coincidence of security being right there when he jumped.

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Thanks for the link. And I would never want you to compromise yourself in anyway. My comment about "no answer yet" was in no way directed at you. I only meant in in general terms.


I do find it interesting that the Cruise Critic boards seem to get mentioned fairly frequently in various articles. These boards seem to be read by many people in very different places.



But apparently not always by the news writers at Cruise Critic. I'm surprised they don't have a story published yet with at least the little information that is publicly available.

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As I read this article by Jim Walker I found I quickly fell out of his grasp of my attention as he spends so much time referring over and over again to CCL as the "booze cruise". Seems he's more interested in his personal opinions then he is the story. Mr Walker will not be receiving any more of my attention.


Thanks for posting the link though!


While I agree that Mr. Walker seams to be attempting to bash CCL. He does bring attention to a very imporant question. That being why was man attempting to avoid security or why was security attempting to detain him.

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No problem. Yea, I figured that part wouldn't resonate well with folks here....hopefully folks can just overlook that part. Or at least, maybe the short itineraries could have been the focus of his comments instead of the entire line. Either way, I'd say the relevant part was early in the article when he questions the coincidence of security being right there when he jumped.


While I agree that Mr. Walker seams to be attempting to bash CCL. He does bring attention to a very imporant question. That being why was man attempting to avoid security or why was security attempting to detain him.


Agreed on both accounts.


Aquahound, appreciate you sharing info!

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Funny thing I just read cruise law and few things have enterted my mind yesterday.....that I kept hush didn't want to speculate but since aquahound has to stay in sidelines and not release any info to us which I understand in his position I going to state what I BELIEVE could of happened:


1- This does not appear to be a suicide attempt, grabbing a life preserver upon jumping is not suicide....then again I need this info confirmed because on news stories they state people threw life preservers to him, if this is true, there were witnesses present...people call media cell phones work...people call friends and family when issues such as these happens and news does get out...but nothing. Did the guy grab the life preserver or did the security guard throw it over to him....ships cameras will tell all and would this info be released to the public is another question.


2- Carnival does have security but oddly happens to be this security person just happened to be near this passenger at that very same moment? Did the security officer have a good reason for being near this guy or perhaps following him for good reason?...Was there a chase for some reason...was the security guard watching him for a reason and thought that was proper opportunity to approach the passenger which might of lead to the passenger fleeing the guard? Was the passenger on some type of wanted list and was being approached to being arrested or questioned? Was there a brawl between officer and passenger?


3- If this passenger had a serious argument with somebody he knew and was angry to lets say jump off, wouldn't there be a scene or yelling somewhere to get other people's attention? No reports of any of this so far.


4- No word whether this passenger was travelling alone or with others.


5- I find it puzzling how so many vessels were sent out to find this passenger, but just maybe it was because the ship was 25 miles from shoreline? Coast guard did have many ships trying to find him not sure of the coast guard procedure is in these cases?


6- Cruise ship crime is real, was this passenger a victim?



Will we ever have answers there is a good chance I believe we that we won't, many situations remain hush in the cruise industry for various reasons. :confused:

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As I read this article by Jim Walker I found I quickly fell out of his grasp of my attention as he spends so much time referring over and over again to CCL as the "booze cruise". Seems he's more interested in his personal opinions then he is the story. Mr Walker will not be receiving any more of my attention.


Thanks for posting the link though!


I only read the reference to the "Booze cruise" once. I thought the article was pretty good. I know what you mean though about the personal opinions. I guess we will all have them, and no one will really know what happened that night.

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