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NOW I'm really nervous about sailing Royal

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[quote=sunlovingirl;35148600 You just have to shake your head and say "thank God (or whomever you believe in) that I am not like THAT" and just go on and enjoy your day :)


It takes all kinds... the grumpy ones are just here for us to laugh about.


I agree wholeheartedly!!!

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Well, there are some crusty, grumpy people on board as well. :rolleyes:



Two instances spring to mind:



1) A D+ couple on Oasis that hated the ship because the boardwalk was a 'tenement' and they had to look at it from the concierge lounge! :D



2) A Pinnacle couple on Liberty that were pissed off because they never got free upgrades anymore. They felt that once they hit pinnacle they were ignored. AND, to make matters worse, when Richard Fain had his dinner for pinnacles he had the audacity to schedule it for when they were at sea so they wouldn't be able to go! Geez, c'mon, you're pinnacle! You're always at sea! :cool:



Anyways, 99% of the people I meet board are wonderful people and quite a few of them are close friends now.



So don't worry about your cruise, go and have fun. If you meet someone grumpy, crusty folks just blow them off and still enjoy yourself! :)


All those people will be in the CL...so if OP avoids that, they will avoid them.


Honestly, OP...if you look at your Roll Call maybe there are 100 people signed up, that's less than 1%. Out of those only a small percentage are real "meanies"; some dont even sail that much, they just hit and run...their problem, not yours.

A lot of the people you may read on CC are just our own lovable resident cranks (ahem, Johneeo? Bark is worse than his bite;) Everyone who has sailed with him has very nice things to say)

I agree that this board tends to encourage some nastiness, largely because of the " anonymity". On another board i frequent for a much smaller line; it's always very civil, and even when a rare fisticuffs erupts, everyone apologizes and makes nice because the board is too tight to leave it unsaid.


My advice: just ignore it! Go on your cruise and have fun!

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The only people I have ever met on a cruise ship that were cruise critic members were the ones I met at the Meet & Mingle. They have always been a bunch of friendly people anxious to share a cruise with you. BTW there are a lot of CC members that lurk and rarely post.


As someone mentioned before there are some sensitive hot topics on this board that will unleash some strong emotional responses. Passion sometimes comes across as rude. For your benefit ignore those threads and posts.


There are also some threads and posts here that are intentionally designed to create controversy. They also need to be filtered out.



Will you come across some rude people on your cruise? Probably. But I doubt that they will be Cruise Critic members who truly enjoy cruising.

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And don't forget ... we Philly guys make those NY wimps look like angels.:eek:


I can attest to that...assuming that Eagles fans are representative of "Philly guys" in general. :) HTTR


I actually agree with what one of the first posters said...it's easy to be nasty on-line, when others don't know who you are. It's quite another thing to be nasty or rude in person. I've found that people are almost always pleasant and I've enjoyed meeting new folks on all of my RCCL cruises. I don't think it's the cruise line itself that attracts mean spiritedness; it's the nature of some people in an on-line forum environment.

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Look ... if you are going to bring up past accomplishments, let's get it straight.


This Santa Claus instance happened at an Eagles game, Veterans Stadium.


Santa Claus was too far away to spit on, so we threw snowballs at him. Luckily, they confiscated our guns at the entrance, or we would have shot him.:eek:


Yooz got a problem wit dat?


Okay, that was funny.

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I have cruised before on Princess and Celebrity and wasn't nervous about trying RCL. But I have to say that after spending some time on the RCL boards here on Cruise Critic, I am NOW very nervous. Not about the cruise (Alaska) itself, but about the folks who will be cruising with us. Some of the comments that I have been reading are just down right mean and ugly. At first I thought maybe just one or two ships attract grumpy travelers, but it's consistent. Please don't get me wrong, not all nor a majority of the comments are rude, mean, demeaning or ugly but there are enough to make me reconsider my cruise. The lastest one really was the "OMG maybe I should cancel" comment. ('You nor your little lapdog bandwagon amuse me.' ) Please tell me that once on the cruise that the mean, ugly and disparaging talk disappears and folks are just happy that unlike a majority of the world they get to go on a fab vacation with few worries about where their next meal is coming from. Pretty please....


Totally understand what you are saying!:eek:


I totally understand too but there is a very big chance that you won't even run into these unhappy cruisers.

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I have cruised before on Princess and Celebrity and wasn't nervous about trying RCL. But I have to say that after spending some time on the RCL boards here on Cruise Critic, I am NOW very nervous. Not about the cruise (Alaska) itself, but about the folks who will be cruising with us. Some of the comments that I have been reading are just down right mean and ugly. At first I thought maybe just one or two ships attract grumpy travelers, but it's consistent. Please don't get me wrong, not all nor a majority of the comments are rude, mean, demeaning or ugly but there are enough to make me reconsider my cruise. The lastest one really was the "OMG maybe I should cancel" comment. ('You nor your little lapdog bandwagon amuse me.' ) Please tell me that once on the cruise that the mean, ugly and disparaging talk disappears and folks are just happy that unlike a majority of the world they get to go on a fab vacation with few worries about where their next meal is coming from. Pretty please....


Remember only a very small number of people who cruise are on CC....


I have seen some very rude people on the ships – just as I see very rude people at the grocery store.


Join your roll call and you will meet some nice people and you can chat about your up-coming cruise together and get in a better frame of mind and be excited again!


Enjoy your cruise!;)

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OP, I get what you are saying. I've been on CC less than a year. Took my first cruise this past March. To me, CC is a lot like Facebook - there will always be someone who has nothing but negative, uneducated, rude, crass, annoying things to post ... and they are my "friends" :eek: I've learned when I see posts by those people to just skip over and go to the next. Same here on CC.


I can honestly say I only know of two instances on our cruise where we saw very rude behavior. The first was some dude chewing out the person who takes your name/reservations outside the MDR because he wanted the exact same table, at the exact same time, with the exact same head waiter that he had always had. He would not accept the very polite and calm explanation and apology from the employee and was "royally" (excuse the pun) showing his @$$. :mad:


The other came when we were actually disembarking and in line at customs. A lady was being very snarky, rude, belittling and mean to her own family. She was apparently one of those people who are never happy with anyone or anything. :rolleyes:


Everyone else on the cruise was wonderful and friendly and having fun like us.


So keep reading CC, take most of it with a pound of salt, use what is helpful and ignore the rest, and HAVE A GREAT CRUISE ON ROYAL CARIBBEAN !!! We did !!!! :)

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My first RCCL cruise was on Rhapsody in Alaska. I found the staff very personable. I found the passengers equally personable. The children were all well behaved. I can't think of a single time I witnessed any rude passengers.


Now my last Carnival Western Caribbean cruise, Lord, I can still remember all of the rude people on board. :eek: I don't know if it is an east coast/west coast thing or differences in the two cruise companies, or I just hit the jackpot of having been lucky enough to been around so many rude people.


Don't cancel.

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maybe they are grumpy because they have not cruised in a while and probably will not be cruising for a long time and are envious of the once that do have a cruise booked - or maybe they are just plain angry at the world and are venting here


Just go on the cruise and make the best of it and ignore the rude people - I am sure you can find people that are rude everywhere on RC or Princess or CC or where ever- in your hometown Mall, Grocery Store etc......

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I think it's more the personalites of obsessive internet forum readers than the cruisers of any particular line. I frequent a popular Disney Forum and there are plenty of ugly nasty comments there. Funny enough, I rarely read any trip reports from any of these people. Makes you wonder if they ever really cruise.

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Like society in general, there are some angry and grumpy people everywhere. In all of my 17 RCL cruises I've occasionally met these types, but in general the cruising population is generally friendly and helpful, especially the CC board. Just enjoy whichever cruise you eventually take.:)

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I have cruised before on Princess and Celebrity and wasn't nervous about trying RCL. But I have to say that after spending some time on the RCL boards here on Cruise Critic, I am NOW very nervous. Not about the cruise (Alaska) itself, but about the folks who will be cruising with us. Some of the comments that I have been reading are just down right mean and ugly. At first I thought maybe just one or two ships attract grumpy travelers, but it's consistent. Please don't get me wrong, not all nor a majority of the comments are rude, mean, demeaning or ugly but there are enough to make me reconsider my cruise. The lastest one really was the "OMG maybe I should cancel" comment. ('You nor your little lapdog bandwagon amuse me.' ) Please tell me that once on the cruise that the mean, ugly and disparaging talk disappears and folks are just happy that unlike a majority of the world they get to go on a fab vacation with few worries about where their next meal is coming from. Pretty please....


Let me say something....you and only you can determine if RCI will meet your expectations. Comments good or bad can be highly subjective. Do you really think RCI would still be in business if it offered an inferior product? They would be out of business a long time ago. I've been sailing with RCI for a long while and I wouldn't necessily call myself a RCI cheer leader as I like Princess and Celebrity. But I do know what my experiences have been with RCI...incredible. My first cruise was 1980 on Song of Norway and my last cruise was two years ago on Mariner of the Seas and although the product has change over the years RCI still offers a very outstanding product. Their ships are works of art, the service outstanding, shows fantastic and food very good to outstanding. It is mass market cruising catering to wide variety of taste. No, their food isn't gourmet...never has been. But whatever the case some people come on board with unrealistic exceptions with white gloves and champagne and caviar tastes paying beer and pretzel cruise prices and expecting a 5 star luxury cruise. Nope, sorry, not going to happen. Yes, some people do have legitimate complaints and I do believe RCI does try hard to fix problems; but not all problems can be resolve to satisfaction. Remember RCI is not considered a luxury cruise product although still considered an extreme good product for the price. Please go on your cruise and have a great time, come back and write a review and please don't worry. You are going to have a great time. If you don't then next time try another cruise line. You are going on vacations; not having brain surgery. :)


Oh by the way...did you know RCI owes Celebrity cruises. It's all the same company just different cruise products. :)

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I learned a valuable lesson long ago in life:


"People only push your buttons if you let them."


I don't get rattled by anything I read on here. I too have read a lot of negative posts but I pay not attention to it. One poster was so bad, I simply used the 'block' feature on here (OMG..I love that, it's the best! LOL). :p


Go on your cruise, and have a wonderful time. I've done it 6 times now and I've enjoyed every RC cruise I've ever taken and so has my family.


RC does treat you wonderfully, and their ships are full of superb employees as well as cruisers. As a matter of fact, some of our best friends were discovered on a cruise ship 4 years ago. We still plan cruises with them today.


We expect a full review upon your return!:D Enjoy...

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Go have fun!:D


(Man, we love to cruise! Get to know our servers, talk to them, meet more of the staff, meet other cruisers at things, and meet them ALL OVER the place, as if the ship is tiny, but never feel that the ship is crowded. Cant' wait!!!!)

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I have cruised before on Princess and Celebrity and wasn't nervous about trying RCL. But I have to say that after spending some time on the RCL boards here on Cruise Critic, I am NOW very nervous. Not about the cruise (Alaska) itself, but about the folks who will be cruising with us. Some of the comments that I have been reading are just down right mean and ugly. At first I thought maybe just one or two ships attract grumpy travelers, but it's consistent. Please don't get me wrong, not all nor a majority of the comments are rude, mean, demeaning or ugly but there are enough to make me reconsider my cruise. The lastest one really was the "OMG maybe I should cancel" comment. ('You nor your little lapdog bandwagon amuse me.' ) Please tell me that once on the cruise that the mean, ugly and disparaging talk disappears and folks are just happy that unlike a majority of the world they get to go on a fab vacation with few worries about where their next meal is coming from. Pretty please....


I felt the same way the first time I booked RCCL. Thankfully the real people on the ship were just like me - nice. But, I know exactly what you are talking about - there are some pretty snippy people on the RCCL boards. I guess I didn't sail with them or their attitudes are different in person.

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You are right on!


As a surly old miserable curmudgeon, I prefer to sail with those of like personalities, so I always opt for RCI.:rolleyes:


I just thought that I would point out that I don't think you are helping.:p:eek:

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I'm sure you've heard the old expresion to "take it with a grain of salt." That's exactly the approach one should use when reading message boards. Annonimity permits folks to vent, gripe and make comments - whether constructive or not - and unfortunately in many cases posts can be less than polite.


I've found that for basic information these boards are very useful. The rub comes when asking about somthing that is subjective, like the food, service, potential cruisers, etc.


In almost 30 years of cruising, I can count on one hand the people I've come in contact with that were just downright jerks. The vast majority of people I've encountered on RCI - and all other lines - are pleasant; onboard to have a good time.


Relax and don't let any negativity get to you.

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