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Eastern time zone to New Zealand - jet lag


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aint that the truth, I dont know why they call it first class on the domestic US runs...


I think more pay the price of 12000, than 3500 for first class Qantas.

If that was the price everyone would want do it.

I wish I knew where you could get that price...we have paid that for premium economy Brisbane to LA.


My girlfriend and husband travel to Europe first class from Australia..on Emirates, or Malaysian airlines, and pay around 16,000 each....:eek:




This is for all a classic case in point on why you save airline miles for the international long haul routes and pay for the short ones.



I saved a lot of miles ...(over 7 figures) and the result is I save tens of thousands of dollars every year. As an example I just booked a first class trip to Hong Kong for$30 and 50,000 miles rather than pay $9000pp for the 13 hour trip. However flying between Hawaii and California for 5 hours pay the $500 rather than give up 40,000 miles


Many times airlines have un-published z fares I think they call them, where they will match a lower price carrier to get your business....IF you are a long term steady customer or past corporate account traveler...they may extend to you courtesy rates even though you are no longer working and retired. For example flying Hawaii to Hong Kong in Business class can be had for $1700 on one airline to $3800 on an other. Deals can be done.


For me I stick and have stuck with only one airline for 20 years..I dont go for price I go for loyality. And it has paid off for us both.


For all you planning a long flight..start saving today... you will be glad you did after a few years.


Lots of smoke and mirors in the air.

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Dallas to Brisbane... is a Quantas 747-400 long reach A totaly reconfigured plane. The pride of the fleet.


Since you are in Business I see no big porblems The seats are 24 inch wide, and recline into a flat bed 6 ft 6 long, with dividers for privacy.

The rows are 6 feet apart. you will have 156 different programs on demand. Food will be excellent and you will have choices of many beverages at no charge.:D



Rather than fear this flight..I think it will be a wonderful and stress free experience. You might not want to get off ! ;)


Silly me I thought you were flying coach


International Business class is head and shoulders above the best US domestic First Class.. You will be shocked. Anythign from toasted sanwitches for snacks to specialitie coffee. and cappuccinos Restauraunt quality served on china and real glasses.


I suggest you book the upper deck as it is way more restful. It has higher humidity and has the freshest nicest air


Just live you normal schedule according to that time in the zone you are headed


Others have written about coach..17 to 17.5 inch wide seats 31-23 inches apart. and they recline a whopping 2.5 inches That is HELL.



As to John in OZ... yup the list price is $12,000 for the trip list... but with the right agent and that can come down to about $3500 to$ 4500. Nobody pay the $12K

Money is a tool however. You can always get more of it, you cant get more time

Use both well



Oh, I'm really looking forward to my long journey in coach now, even more so with two kids :eek:. Not worried about the jet lag, it's the HELL you mention that concerns me more :rolleyes:. At least the 17.5" will seem huge to the kids :D. And the 9hr flight next year will seem like a breeze after NZ!

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I saved a lot of miles ...(over 7 figures) and the result is I save tens of thousands of dollars every year. .

not everyone gets to fly that often, to accrue over 1,000,000 points.

if you ... as you quote "save tens of thousands of dollars every year."

well, you must be in the air a lot....most normal "joes' don't.

we have two long overseas trips every year, and have a long way to go...

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Flying Business Class you should have access to airline lounges. Take advantage of the meals, beverages, showers. I do not know what airline you are flying, but check in and see if they have sleeping areas in their lounges. I fly from San Diego to Christchurch every 8 weeks. The lounges in LAX, AKL and CHC have shower facilities. A shower before the 12-14 hour flight relaxes you. I small wine in the airline lounge would not hurt. I take an over the counter sleep aid. Meals before take off will allow you to sleep through the airline meal service. More than likely you will transit either LAX or SFO so departure is around 10pm, normal sleep time. The odd occasion I have gone thru Syndey, they did have sleeping areas. Take advantage of the facilities your airfare affords you.


Check with your airline and see if you can change the flights, transiting BNE does not make sense.


Edit: Just saw you were flying Qantas. No experience, I refuse to fly them. Air NZ is my choice. Still take advantage of the facilities. Sit upstairs, meals on demand.

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Since you are flying business, it is likely that you will be provided with noise-cancelling headsets. We've found them wonderful, and bought some to carry when we are going coach (which is most of the time). They aren't a big deal for a couple hours, but for transAtlantic or transPacific, we've found they really let us arrive much less tired. The drone is really tiring (though not nearly as bad as the back of a C1300! For what it may be worth, we went with Bose==pricier, but (I think) better.

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not everyone gets to fly that often, to accrue over 1,000,000 points.

if you ... as you quote "save tens of thousands of dollars every year."

well, you must be in the air a lot....most normal "joes' don't.

we have two long overseas trips every year, and have a long way to go...


Janna, Savings I only take now about 1 long haul every 8 months and about3 short 5 to 7 hour ones. I use, and my wife uses our airline credit card for every single expence from taxes to groceries anything costing over 1$ with bonuses and specials you can easily get 80 to 100 K miles a year saved!

I am making a RT in Jan to Buenos and Santiago... pubished fare $7290 in first It cost me 80,000 miles and $63. Then in October to Hong Kong published fare $8990, for 50,000 miles and $22...thats a saving of $16,195 pp.x 2= $32,390.00 USD and thats just for the next 12 months;)


It is not hard to get lots of miles..you dont have to fly a lot...and take the first 2 years to save. them. You will be suprised at how fast they build doing just normal stuff, not out of the ordinary. I am not rich and am on a fized income/retired.. but I saved for this time.;);)


Noise: Flying in business, top deck, you wont even hear the engines except at take off. It is quiet and serene.:D You will be made to feel like you are in a private club.:cool:. plenty of pilows and blankets... and very attentive service. They will provide you with excellent head sets, not that you will need it and all manner of libations and extras:o.

And yes they may offer you a shower in Brisbane as well as a comfortable lounge with sofas and a open bar/buffet to snack on. While it is not first class, it will be a wonderful experience;unlike any flight you have ever taken. I envy you

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I agreee that flying through BNE is going the long way around, but the OP has stated the reason which is completely understandable. I live in Aus, and when flying to Europe and the Mid East I have taken some crazy routes just to get the class I want and the best airline and aircraft. I won't tell you the mad routing we took just to stay off Egypt Air. Qantas is an awesome airline to fly and their business class is fantastic. You should be able to get some sleep on the flight from Dallas. I always take an OTC sleep aid to help me stay asleep longer, but no matter what you will be exhausted by the time you get to AKL. Just try to stay awake until 9PM or so and take another sleep aid to keep you asleep and you should be right by the next day.

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I'm wondering...can anyone recommend specific pillows/cushions/backrests that can be carried along to make those horrible economy seats even just a bit more comfortable (are specific recommendations even allowed in these forums)? I'm so eager to make the long distance flight from here on the west coast to either New Zealand or Australia to then catch a cruise, but I don't know if my body can endure the trials and tribulations of sitting for so long. I suffer on a five hour flight to Hawaii, yikes! I'm willing to fork out the additional money for "economy plus" seats, but wouldn't even consider going for business or first class. Needless to say, I'm just a tad bit envious of those of you who have that kind of cash in your pockets.

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I agreee that flying through BNE is going the long way around, but the OP has stated the reason which is completely understandable.

After reading some of the OPs other posts about her husbands health requirements, I don't understand them takng the long way around one little bit...it will just add to her problems with him.

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I'm wondering...can anyone recommend specific pillows/cushions/backrests that can be carried along to make those horrible economy seats even just a bit more comfortable (are specific recommendations even allowed in these forums)? I'm so eager to make the long distance flight from here on the west coast to either New Zealand or Australia to then catch a cruise, but I don't know if my body can endure the trials and tribulations of sitting for so long. I suffer on a five hour flight to Hawaii, yikes! I'm willing to fork out the additional money for "economy plus" seats, but wouldn't even consider going for business or first class. Needless to say, I'm just a tad bit envious of those of you who have that kind of cash in your pockets.



Boy. if you think the little zip to Hawaii is bad.... you need to get Business

The Hawaiian trip as about 4.5 to 5.2 hours on the norm from LAX or SFO.

From LAX your talking 10.5 hours to AKL :rolleyes:


We do that for the weekend here in Hawaii ( I know that sounds nuts but since it costs only $100 more to fly to LA 2500 miles than Honolulu 167 miles, we do it for shopping)


Withour question go economy plus you will get 34 to 36 inches pitch rather than 32. Yes thats a big deal. A U shaped pillow is all I ever take. A problem with adding a seat cushion or back cushion is that it reduces the distance you have while getting more comfort.


If you dont have any miles on United, Which it sounds like your flying with Economy Plus ( they are the only ones who have it) Have you considered getting their credit card, with 40,000 miles for sign up then charging your cruise and a lot of everyday stuff and getting 50 to 60 thousand miles. You can then up grade to a sleeper business class seat for 50,000 miles and $500. as I recall.


You wont have to pay the list price. Look , I am retired on a fixed income. I learned how to travel and how to build miles for very few

dollars. :D You can too if you apply yourself is my point... but you have to focus on one card, one airline and stick to it. The time to start is NOW. There is time. Work smarter, travel smarter....:rolleyes:

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Ok...here is a plan

1. you want to go to Australia on the 14.5 hour one way flight. You dont want to pay the $4500 rt Business fare. I can understand it.

You want to so maybe next year or the next 2014 , even better.


Here is what you do:

1 join Uniteds milage plus...you dont have to fly


2.Then you sign up for their credit card ( free the first year) and get 30,000 miles after you spend 1000.. You get it for only your self even if married. Your siginificant other then does the same. now each of you has in a month or so 30,000 miles.

3. say you spend 1000 each a month on groceries, gas, anybody who will take the card. in 12 months thats another 12,000 miles each. You pay off the card monthly. You just use it rather than cash.

4. The time comes and you want to pay for a cruise... great. you payfor it with the card and get anther 5000 miles each

you each will now have 47,000 miles each

5. then you buy a united ticket for about $1800. and double miles for the charge thats another 3600 miles you are both at 50,600 in 12 months.

6 if your short a few miles then for $350 you can buy 10,000 miles

BINGO... you now have 60,000 miles.

7 you call United and ask for a milage plus up grade to business 60,000 miles and $500 each way. or at 30,000 miles and $500 you can get a 1 way up grade to business from PDX to SyD ( better than nothing)


So, for 1800 for the regular ticket +1000 for up grades=2800 for a $4500 ticket !

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I think more pay the price of 12000, than 3500 for first class Qantas.

If that was the price everyone would want do it.

I wish I knew where you could get that price...we have paid that for premium economy Brisbane to LA.


My girlfriend and husband travel to Europe first class from Australia..on Emirates, or Malaysian airlines, and pay around 16,000 each....:eek:


Agree - dunno where someone is getting $4500 in first class from ( in their dreams). I was paying $6000 in business 5 years ago....to/from the USA.


Tbh - if it was only $4500 to fly first class Qantas via USA everyone would be doing it........instead of Qantas pulling first class ( and many other airlines) from its schedules. Even in Business you would be pushing to get that unless it was Crapola Airlines....or United.


Edit: Opps I see it was United.

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Agree - dunno where someone is getting $4500 in first class from ( in their dreams). I was paying $6000 in business 5 years ago....to/from the USA.


Tbh - if it was only $4500 to fly first class Qantas via USA everyone would be doing it........instead of Qantas pulling first class ( and many other airlines) from its schedules. Even in Business you would be pushing to get that unless it was Crapola Airlines....or United.


Edit: Oops I see it was United.

No ,see below he WAS talking about Qantas and I still dont think you can get Qantas first class for $3500...points are a different matter, I know I dont have a spare 100,000 points lying around;)


Dallas to Brisbane... is a Quantas 747-400 long reach * A totaly reconfigured plane. The pride of the fleet.


As to John in OZ... yup the list price is $12,000 for the trip list... but with the right agent and that can come down to about $3500 to$ 4500. *Nobody pay the $12K

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jUST A NOTE: QUANTAS does not offer first class in this route. The Buisiness class seat they offer is not a true 180 degree lie flat seat. It only reclines 167 degrees and is at a tilt. Great for resting but not very good for sleeping as you 13 degrees off of level as you slide down slowly..

Lufthansa had the same and Aisiana too.... not the same as totaly flat seats


I checked Quantas and this trip/ round trip is being offered at $4200 approx , pp in Business; there is no first class, but 60 seats .

Coach seats are 17.2 wide with 31 inch pitch....(nasty)

Quanta does not offer a true lie flat seat in business.


If possible, I would take United on this route... way better from personal experience. My prior information said that Quantas has lie flat seats ...they do not only the tilted/angle seats that are not anywhere as good


please consider this with my prior tout. I thought Quantas changed...they did not

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Disagree about paying for Business Class or First Class.

The cost is prohibitive for me. Sure, I have the cash to pay for it but the cost is way too much.

Using points is not really an option. We booked flights from JAX to Australia and I had enough points for a tourist seat, but still paid $2200 for DW's seat. We did upgrade to Economy Comfort.

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I'm wondering...can anyone recommend specific pillows/cushions/backrests that can be carried along to make those horrible economy seats even just a bit more comfortable.


As someone that flies in coach on long haul flights. You need at least a neck pillow, the blow up kind, so you can adjust it. The airline will provide a small pillow which I put at my lower back. I also make a pouch from some of my travelling clothes this I lay against the wall of my window.


The only way for me to sleep a bit is to turn towards the window and lie on only one bum, stack pillow and blanket behind against arm rest to keep body in that position. Put head on pouch like on a pillow and put feet on top of bag on floor. I keep the neck pillow on as well and have something support me (like an extra blanket or jumper) under my leaning arm.


Then every time I go to the toilet I walk to the back of the plane and stay in one of the w.c area's and do walking on the spot, leg swings, anything to keep blood circulating in my legs.


You must also make sure to keep yourself entertained as much as possible, so choose an airline with a good video screen. Take i-pad, book, magazines, Sudoku etc. for in the beginning of the flight. Watch movies later on when you get more tired, as you might drift off to sleep.


You will also live from meal to meal. Make sure you do a toilet stop as soon as you see that the meals are coming, then enjoy having the meal. As one that flies from NZ to Europe which means TWO flights of 11 hours in a row, you are soooo happy to see that last breakfast coming.:):):)


P.S. Do check beforehand on a Seat Guru site that your seat reclines and pick the airline with the most leg room and/or premium economy seat.

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Disagree about paying for Business Class or First Class.

The cost is prohibitive for me. Sure, I have the cash to pay for it but the cost is way too much.

Using points is not really an option. We booked flights from JAX to Australia and I had enough points for a tourist seat, but still paid $2200 for DW's seat. We did upgrade to Economy Comfort.


Did you consider using the points for a free coach seat and applying them to a paid ticket for an upgrade business? Flying for GA to Australia is 19 hours in the air and 12 hours in time zone changer.


THis can leave you totaly zonked for 3 to 5 days after the flight. You only have one life. You can always get more money... you cant get more time is my point


Again to anyone without miles....this is a prime example of why to start saving them.

To the NZ fellow...flying to back to back 11 hour flights in coach is beyoud torture, inless your 10 years old. Coach seats today are only on a 30-31 inch pitch on the long hauls

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To the NZ fellow...flying to back to back 11 hour flights in coach is beyoud torture, inless your 10 years old. Coach seats today are only on a 30-31 inch pitch on the long hauls


Tell me about it!

Happily I did have a premium seat on second stretch going over, but it did have a lot of space between seat and wall, so was a bit hard to lean against the wall.


On the way back did not have a premium seat and on the first leg the plane was so crowded that it could not leave, because there was not enough space to store all the hand luggage.

The seat on this flight has been the smallest I ever had. I could not even put the pouch against the wall, as I totally squeezed against the wall and the window was halfway in the seat of the passenger in front of me.

The configuration was three seats instead of two and there was a girl in the middle who had flown from the US and was already worn out, lying with her head on the pull out tray. So, gave her my pouch to lay her head on.

Then she slept for 6 hours and I could not get out:eek: This was a KLM flight to Kuala Lumpur.


Next flight was a Malaysian Airline and thought Oh, dear it is such an old plane (came over in one) but compared to the KLM flight, found that there was a lot more room. Could easily stretch out and it also was a two seater configuration.


Next year I am flying Singapore Airlines where you usually get one newer plane (nice seats with good recline) and then an older plane (hard thin seats with little recline). But on the way back we will be staying at airport Hotel in Singapore for a 12 hr break.

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I am a Kiwi. I live in Bermuda at the moment but have also been living in Canada and the UK. This means I have had many 20 plus hour flights over the last 30 years - somewhere between 15 and 20 of them.


My first observation is that flights on any of the Pacific rim airlines (QANTAS, Air New Zealand, Singapore Airlines, Thai etc. etc.) are so much better than you are used to in the USA. I would suggest business and even first class domestic US flights are on par with the coach flights for the trans-Pacific airlines.


Next, and I know this might be a little controversial, I suggest drinking a decent amount of alcohol when the flight starts... after a couple of meals and a couple of movies, enjoying the complementary drinks, you will sleep. When you wake drink water and juice to recover.


Then the most important factor, and it has been suggested before, you MUST make yourself stay awake at your destination until something like 11pm (local time). You'll wake up at a reasonable local time and jet lag will be a non-event.


My last observation is that, for some inexplicable reason, I notice jet lag is always much worse flying back to the continental US from NZ or Australia. The same methodology (above) helps but it just doesn't seem to work so well.

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  • 10 months later...

A psychiatrist with whom I work who is conservative and doesn't prescribe benzodiazepines suggests taking melatonin when it is time to go to sleep, wherever you are, whenever it's bedtime, no matter how much or little sleep you've had. He said it helps to reset your internal clock.

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