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Are we being snobs?? :)


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Always bring Crystal Light packets with us!


Yeah this will be our 2nd and 3rd cruise coming up, and had only thought of bringing Splenda Coke or Hansen soda on board, which are bulky. I'm glad I discovered this thread, and just got into Crystal Light and Lipton punch teas. I won't personally bring them into the MDR, I honestly prefer water to fully taste the yummy food ;)

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Over the years -- with many cruises under our belt -- we have seen a lot of strange things.

Like the woman who brought her own mustard and jellies onto the ship and pulled them out of a bag she always carried.

We just laugh it off.


that is so funny. my friend from England brings his own strawberry jam to tea time for his scones because the ship doesn't have it.

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I meet family and friends twice a week at a restaurant/bar. I realized that I drink the first drink quickly (like in 20-30 minutes) so I've got in the habit of bringing powder vitamin mix and pop it in the water as my first drink. That way I don't get drunk quickly. My next two drinks take much longer to drink. The servers know I do this and when they see my water gone they then order my actual drink. I don't see a big deal with doing this and wouldn't care if someone else did it either. p.s. the restaurant doesn't lose any money from my drinking water. Lots of people get water with their orders. I just drink them separately.

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We recently returned from a Hawiian cruise where my wife had brought along her MIO drops for her water. One morning while at breakfast she put the drops in the water and after 30 seconds or so the waiter wants to take her water away saying he was so sorry that he had pored her a bad glass of water. It was more fun watching my wife explain to him there was nothing wrong with the water. (light gray in color) I think my wife was trying to get away from the diet cokes while on the cruise. I thought this incident was rather funny. A sign of a great waiter. Tim

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I don't think "snob" is the right description in this instance. But at any rate....I wouldn't care less if someone brought along and added something to their food or beverage, as what it is and why they are using it is none of my business and I certainly wouldn't expect them to offer to share it with tablemates.

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Thanks for your replies... I really wasn't emphasizing the sharing... that is neither here nor there... just thought it was a bit tacky-- to pull it out at dinner in the MDR... but maybe I am being snobbish! :) As stated, I can see at the buffet etc.--- but I also don't like seeing t-shirts and jeans at dinner in the MDR either.. lol! To each their own! :D


I would not call you "snobbish" but but I cannot imagine why you would care.


You know nothing about the person, maybe they just like it, maybe they can't drink anything else, who cares.


I have to carry powdered Gatorade at all times, and sometimes need to add it to my water regardless of where I am. It is my health issue and no one elses business.

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Will try to reply to questions: Nope-- don't think Mio is cheap... it costs more than the dollar store drink mixes I use for my water bottles!:) I was in a hurry in my original post, but should have included how she went on loud enough for us to hear a couple tables away that the drinks on the ship were just too expensive etc. Never heard it was a health or allergy issue... but I certainly could be wrong and just being too judgmental. re: jeans and t-shirts-- only was saying that it was a personal preference...not directly related to putting mio in water on formal night! lol :D Thanks again.... I think we can close this one off now!


It sounds to me like defensive snobbery. If she was being loud enough that you couldn't tune her out, that can offend people. So you get annoyed, and start looking for other things she's doing wrong. But all you find is something you find a little odd and lump it in with the tacky loudness. Then the whole picture becomes tacky in your mind. But really the only thing even remotely tacky is talking so loudly about how expensive the drinks are - everybody on board already knows how expensive the drinks are and it would have sounded like a criticism of the establishment she was eating in (which isn't very nice).


But here's a little perspective, she probably felt weird bringing her Mio into the main dining room and felt she had to explain - hence the loud talking about expensive drinks. As for the Mio itself - no, nothing tacky there. Others have already explained there are lots of reasons people use it. We're just so hard-wired against bringing food/drink into an establishment that serves food/drink that even when it's justified and allowed it still feels odd.

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It sounds to me like defensive snobbery. If she was being loud enough that you couldn't tune her out, that can offend people. So you get annoyed, and start looking for other things she's doing wrong...


I don't think this ever happened. It's extremely unlikely that someone would be loud (even in an exaggerated retelling) about what they were putting in their drink. Has anyone actually experienced this in a restaurant? "Hey everyone, I'm putting Splenda in my Tea! I'm PUTTING SPLENDA IN MY TEA!!!" Someone would have to be drunk or unstable, which in any case they would likely be loud about everything. "I'm eating my steak! My husband just coughed!"


What's more likely is that the OP has revised the story from all the heat in response. At best they sat at the same table, and heard an answer to an inquiry. If the 2nd version of the story where true, then loud disruptive behavior would have overshadowed MIO in the original post, not the fact that they did not share.

Edited by Stateroom_Sailor
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I don't think this ever happened. It's extremely unlikely that someone would be loud (even in an exaggerated retelling) about what they were putting in their drink. Has anyone actually experienced this in a restaurant? "Hey everyone, I'm putting Splenda in my Tea! I'm PUTTING SPLENDA IN MY TEA!!!" Someone would have to be drunk or unstable, which in any case they would likely be loud about everything. "I'm eating my steak! My husband just coughed!"


You may be right. But some people are just loud. And such people do get louder when they try to mask something like insecurity or discomfort.


And some people are also more sensitive to loud talkers than others. It's possible she could have been talking loud enough to annoy the OP from two tables away without bother the people at the table in the middle at all.


I suppose I'm more sensitive to such things because I'm at the opposite extreme - very quiet.


But I do feel the need to give the OP the benefit of the doubt. Just as she should have given that lady the benefit of the doubt.

Edited by jrose1982
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You may be right. But some people are just loud. And such people do get louder when they try to mask something like insecurity or discomfort.


And some people are also more sensitive to loud talkers than others. It's possible she could have been talking loud enough to annoy the OP from two tables away without bother the people at the table in the middle at all.


I suppose I'm more sensitive to such things because I'm at the opposite extreme - very quiet.


But I do feel the need to give the OP the benefit of the doubt. Just as she should have given that lady the benefit of the doubt.


Well if we heard the perspective of the "Mio loudmouth", it might just come down to the standard saying, "there's your side, my side, and then there's the truth."

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To the OP: no, you're not being snobs! You have every right to be offended by anything you want. If you think it's tacky to bring Mio in and then be loud about it (which I DO believe could happen), then it's tacky to you and that's ok (one man's garbage, etc…).


I'm surprised at all of the posters on here saying "why did it offend you at all?" That to me seems like someone asking whether they should get a dog or a cat, and having people respond "why do you want a pet at all?" Clearly the OP cared, so asking why they're caring is not, in my view, constructive.


Anyway, I'm sure I'll find things that are tacky on my cruise next year and I'll have that opinion with pride even if no one shares it :)

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When I was dieting Mio was something I used often, I haven't had it in awhile. My husband though still uses it- he gets the tangerine flavor with B vitamins and energy . She could be using it for health reasons. I carry stevia most places I go because I think most sweeteners other than stevia are unhealthy. Would you judge me if I put my own stevia in my coffee ? I don't

get the issue. It's really such a first world problem. Can you only imagine what hungry people would think of people wealthy enough to cruise upset ruby such silliness ? I dunno I like the lesson to pick my battles. There are plenty of things on cruises like rude people etc to get upset about but a beverage sweetener ? I don't think that's the best battle to pick


It's Christimas think of Elf will ferrel carrying his maple syrup everywhere and putting it on his spaghetti, and lighten up


Happy holidays !

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To the OP: no, you're not being snobs! You have every right to be offended by anything you want. If you think it's tacky to bring Mio in and then be loud about it (which I DO believe could happen), then it's tacky to you and that's ok (one man's garbage, etc…).


I'm surprised at all of the posters on here saying "why did it offend you at all?" That to me seems like someone asking whether they should get a dog or a cat, and having people respond "why do you want a pet at all?" Clearly the OP cared, so asking why they're caring is not, in my view, constructive.


Anyway, I'm sure I'll find things that are tacky on my cruise next year and I'll have that opinion with pride even if no one shares it :)


I agree that we all have the right to be offended at whatever we want, even if it's irrational, nit picky, or just personal. Your :) may offend me, and that's ok. Actually come to think of it, I had a stalker on Skype over that Icon, claiming it was a symbol of "being in love", so it happens! Oklahoma Police just recently threw a fit over some glitter falling from a banner. When things like glitter, Mio, and icons get under our skin (and I've got my quirks too don't kid yourself), you're going to face social pressure when you complain about them. Maybe that's not fair, but that's how it is.


It's no different here on this thread. If you said, "this post hurt my feelings because I use Mio in the MDR", there's nothing wrong with that, but you may get mocked saying it.


I don't think your parallel makes sense, maybe it just needs to be tweaked. The OP said that A. Someone used Mio in the MDR, B. Did not share, and C. was loud. They then went on to ask if they were a snob, a personal adjective. Many when on to ask why they care about that woman, a noun.


This is not the same as someone asking if they should get a dog or cat. Deciding between two choices, and asking if an adjective describes one's self, are not the same. "Should I get a Ford or Chevy" is not a parallel to "am I tall?" Likewise answering "Why get a truck" is not the same answer as, "Why do you care how short your sister is?"

Edited by Stateroom_Sailor
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I did it myself because the tea isn't so great and I don't drink alcohol and I wanted something other than water with my dinner.


I've read on these boards that some bring horseradish from home to eat with their steaks bc the ships horseradish is too mild for them. I say to each their own BUT I did ask before my cruise what other's thought of it bc I didn't want to do something that was considered tacky in the MDR. It worked out fine or so I thought :).

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I'm with you on this. I have to watch my sugar intake and so take diet flavored ice tea options with me.


Mio does make a great Peach Ice Tea flavor, They also make a "Sweet Tea" Flavor. Without sugar.


They also have a couple of Energy Drink flavors that have some really weird colors.


Green Apple Energy Mio is a Fluorescent Green. Berry Energy Mio is a brilliant magenta color.


There are a bunch of flavors and we usually get ours at the 99Cent Stores out here in the west rather than pay $3.99 per bottle.

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I did it myself because the tea isn't so great and I don't drink alcohol and I wanted something other than water with my dinner.


I've read on these boards that some bring horseradish from home to eat with their steaks bc the ships horseradish is too mild for them. I say to each their own BUT I did ask before my cruise what other's thought of it bc I didn't want to do something that was considered tacky in the MDR. It worked out fine or so I thought :).


Ask for Grated Horseradish rather than the cream junk they usually bring. Fresher and more flavorful. I think they actually have it raw in the back and grate it when requested.


(as an aside, watching a Canadian TV Show "How is it Made" did a segment on Horseradish. And Horseradish loses its "bite" after 7 months out of the ground. So fresh is always better.)

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I don't know why you would care. This does not seem very offensive to me.


Perhaps she was on a low calorie, low carb diet and that's what she could drink. Why would you expect her to "share" this? When someone orders a bottle of wine at dinner that they pay for, would you expect them to share it with everyone at the table?


I don't see it as a problem.

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Having recently just logged back into cruise critic, I'm finding this thread entertaining, so I'll add my 2 cents worth. I would personally never be offended by someone bringing MIO into a dining room on formal night, but I find myself empathetic with the both the original poster and the person who offended her. I would call it more of a pet peeve though...I drink tea several times a day and prefer my favorite flavors as well, one herbal blend in the morning and another at night. Neither of which I have ever seen offered as options while on vacations, so I take them with me. Easy to pack. I've never taken them into a dining room, but that's only because I will generally drink whatever is offered in the am, and drink my nighttime blend in my room before I go to bed, that's the one I'm most picky about anyway.

On the other hand, I'm a nurse. I can tolerate any amount of blood, vomit, feces, difficult procedure, or basically (sometimes literally) anything that can be thrown at me; but the one thing in my career that I can't stand to do (and only often had to when I worked in a nursing home with the elderly) is to clip fingernails. Sounds stupid, but the click-click noise drives me crazy, it's like fingernails on a chalk-board to me. But, I would call it more of a pet peeve...it's my silly little quirk, and I know it. In those days that I worked in a long term facility I would bargain and beg others to clip nails for me. My husband and son will clip their nails outside on the deck in order to be out of earshot of me...so if observing a preferential drink in the dining room is annoying to her, or a silly quirk, or pet peeve...I get it. But, I also get the offendee, the MIO drinker in the beginning, that's her preference too. Our differences, and sometimes silly little quirks can make this world a little more interesting anyway. And on a personal note, I'm extremely thankful for people that can tolerate clipping finger nails. :)

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