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What is NOT essential to pack

Scouter Wife

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I keep reading all these threads about what is essential to pack so I thought I'd start something different. What have you discovered to be NOT essential to take along?


For our first 2 cruises & I combed the boards to find out what people reccommended bringing along so I'd be prepared and the two things that I often see recommneded to bring that I personally found no use for was the over the door organizer and a travel mug.

I think since there were only 2 of us we found the counterspace in the bathroom to be more than adequate so my over the door organizer never left the packaging.

We also found it more of a hassle to cart our own travel mugs around and keep track of them so next time around they'll be left out.


So what WON'T you be packing for your next cruise??

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I keep reading all these threads about what is essential to pack so I thought I'd start something different. What have you discovered to be NOT essential to take along?


For our first 2 cruises & I combed the boards to find out what people reccommended bringing along so I'd be prepared and the two things that I often see recommneded to bring that I personally found no use for was the over the door organizer and a travel mug.

I think since there were only 2 of us we found the counterspace in the bathroom to be more than adequate so my over the door organizer never left the packaging.

We also found it more of a hassle to cart our own travel mugs around and keep track of them so next time around they'll be left out.


So what WON'T you be packing for your next cruise??


Agree on the organizer...even with 4 of us (DH, me, DD-19, DD Friend-18), we found that there was sufficient space in the bathroom on the 6 shelves (we each had 1 designated, and the other 2 had 'shared' stuff like toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, hand cream etc.)


As for the mug, my DH and I take along one of the reusable water (steel) containers to take into ports on excursions, but we do not use them on board.


What is important to some is not important at all to others...that's why there are so many variations to a packing list :)

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clothes for every day. I always packed the exact amount of clothing based on days... never went through it all, since I spent my time on the island in my bathings suit anyway, always came home with at least 2 sets of clean clothes. Worst case scenario, they have laundry service, save the room in your luggage for rumrunners.


Travlers Cheques.... on the boat, it's all SAS, on the islands, they want cash, they're so many faked cheques now, most stores won't take them anyway. IF you bring them, denominations of 50 and under only, No store wants to take a 100.00 one for a 10 dollar souvineer and give you 90 in cash, if they take them, and most retailers won't take any over 50 even in the US.

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We (2) would not cruise without the organizer. It's not so much about saving space, but being organized. Some of the items are left in it from cruise to cruise.

We did bring our Bubba Kegs a few times, but decided they really weren't a necessity for us.

To each his own. ;)

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Some things I do not bring that are often on the "recommended" packing lists for cruises:


Duct tape

Pop-up clothes hamper

Power strip

Marker (to mark things to do in the daily paper)

Over-the-door organizer



Just haven't ever found a need for them in 40 years of cruising. YMMV.

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As a frequent traveler, I've learned that you only need clothes, meds, money and a passport ;)


In reality, for a cruise, add those with toiletries, sunglasses, camera and a swimsuit and I simply don't see what else. I've cruised and vacationed perfectly fine with nothing more whatsoever, as hard as it may be for many of the CC over packers to believe ;)

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After reading these boards, I bought one of those organizers, took it on a cruise, never used it, and donated it to Goodwill when we got home.


We also have never taken (or needed) duct tape, a power strip, or a clothes hamper.


I don't like to over pack, but need to take enough clothes for the whole trip, as I'm allergic to fabric softener, so am reluctant to use public washers & dryers.


We don't take bottled water, but do bring our water bottles and fill them on the ship for taking on shore.


We don't take our laptops on a cruise, but DH brings a very small CD burner for transferring pictures from the camera each evening.

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I don't bring any electronics other than a camera so I don't need a power cord for a phone, laptop, etc. that I do not bring.


I have found that if I do need duct tape, etc., that can easily be provided by any ship or airline employee.


I like taking just a carry-on suitcase - all those extras are things I never need and don't want to keep track of.

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Travlers Cheques.... on the boat, it's all SAS, on the islands, they want cash, they're so many faked cheques now, most stores won't take them anyway. IF you bring them, denominations of 50 and under only, No store wants to take a 100.00 one for a 10 dollar souvineer and give you 90 in cash, if they take them, and most retailers won't take any over 50 even in the US.


We always take Travelers Checks but we get cash for them as needed at the front desk of the ship. We never try using them in ports.

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Jewelry. Last cruise packed jewelry to match outfits and pulled out one necklace and earrings one night. The rest never saw daylight. So less jewelry next time--maybe just selection of earrings.


Fine tuning my packing list and it was almost perfect this last trip. Brought clothes for three days casual (shirts/shorts/sundress) and cardigans/scarves/black slacks to dress up that outfit for dinner. Plus what I traveled in. Did a couple of loads of laundry on the ship. Did not wear three items I brought (one was a rain jacket and no rain).

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Interesting thread, turning around the packing perspective.


Like others have said, I don't pack any of the odd-ball "MUST" pack items, like over-the-door organizers, duct tape or pop-up hamper. I pack a garbage bag which I toss in the closet for my dirty clothes. Like K&P, I pack a reusable water bottle for the islands, but I have been known to use it on the ship to keep water close at hand on sea days by the pool. That's actually something I would consider fairly essential to avoid having to BUY water at inflated rates.


Beyond the obvious (passport, bathing suits, etc.), my family will tell you that my essential is my cruise binder! I used to wing it, tossing essential documents into a big manila envelope. Now...I don't know how I lived without my binder! It has folders for each category of documents: airline, hotel, cruise-ship and each port of call. It makes it easy to put my hands on what I need at any time. The attached ruled pad allows me to include notes - generally gathered here at CC. (For example: Which nights are expected to be formal. What time to expect muster drill to be held. Entertainment options not to miss.)

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Things I don't bring: over the door organizer, pop up laundry, highlighter, sticky notes, nightlight, clips for swimsuits/towels, duct tape...

I'm sure there are more.


I mostly take the same things no matter what kind of trip (obviously the clothes change depending on the weather). The only thing I really struggle with is shoes. I like lots of shoe options but also like traveling with a carry-on only, so that's a constant battle.

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I never bought into the items like over-the-door organizers, or bubba kegs, or power strips, or magnets for the doors.


But there are a few general areas where I have really cut down my packing:

- toiletries - things that I think I'll use, but I never do (like special hair gels, or different types of lotions, or many kinds of makeup). I have a drawer full of this stuff and always figured I'd have time to use it on a cruise. Nada.

- as another mentioned, jewellery. I never use it all and it winds up taking up space in the safe!

- workout clothes. I always have great intentions but don't get to the gym every day. Now I bring three sets of clothes & hand wash items.

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The more you cruise, the more you are able to hone your packing list. Even on a driving vacation, I pack a power strip because it's a must for my family but I realize it's not for everyone.


My husband uses a CPAP so we take a power strip as well as an extension cord. Occasionally the cord on the power strip is long enough to supplement the CPAP cord so we don't need to use the extension cord.


When we did the AK cruise, since we could use our cell phones in ports for no extra charge, we needed to charge them each evening, so the power strip was definitely needed them.


I agree with the OP about the 'over the door' hanger -- we've never needed it.


We always take a small roll of duct tape and have used it several times for a variety of things, but I realize not everyone has a use for it.


I do not take a lot of the things that are suggested on those packing lists.

For example, we've never taken a clock and don't plan to.


We've also never taken a flashlight, even when we had an inside room,and have never needed one, but we're taking a small one this next cruise.

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Agree on the organizer...even with 4 of us (DH, me, DD-19, DD Friend-18), we found that there was sufficient space in the bathroom on the 6 shelves (we each had 1 designated, and the other 2 had 'shared' stuff like toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, hand cream etc.)


As for the mug, my DH and I take along one of the reusable water (steel) containers to take into ports on excursions, but we do not use them on board.


What is important to some is not important at all to others...that's why there are so many variations to a packing list :)


Depends on the ship. Last cruise we had 1 thin shelf in the bathroom. The 6pocket organizer heped when there were three in the cabin.

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Hats off to those of you who travel with just a carry-on. How do you do that with formal wear?


Over the span of 52 cruises, I developed a personal packing list. What is essential to me may not be so to others but we try not to over pack. Between the two of us we usually end up with two medium suitcases and a garment bag for a two week cruise (we don't do anything less than 14 days and usually more or with plans before and after the cruise).


There have been things like duct tape that I would never consider essential but power strips--oh yes. We are big into our electronics partly because of my writing and partly because the length of our travel time. We need to be able to take care of bills, etc. back home.


We met a couple one time at the airport who were cruising with one small suitcase each. Their secret they said was to put a safety pin on each item of clothing. If they never wore it the pin would still be there when they got home. Anything with a pin left on it didn't get packed the next time.


To each his own.

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We almost always drive to port so our views on packing are not influenced by trying to jam everything into a few carry ons. When we drive right up to the curb and offload onto a porter's cart, what's another bag or 2? If flying I might limit a few things to get my bags to the 50 pound limit.


I pack about the same clothes every time. Sometimes I am down to my last change, sometimes I have 2 days worth left unworn. Every cruise is different so I'd prefer not to have to fool with laundry or smelling my clothes to see what is still wearable for the last day(s). Doesn't kill me to not wear every single item every time.


Un-needed items: never found use so far for a hamper, duct tape or post-it notes.


However, I love our over the door organizer. Its not just bath stuff you can put in there. Cameras, ties, wrinkle releaser, suntan lotion, and on and on. Can't stand clutter laying everywhere. I could live without one, but it makes the week in a small space much more manageble for us. Also use our power strip and clock/nite light on every trip. For emergencies we always pack the recommended first aid supplies, eye glass repair kit, and flashlight. Hope to never need those, but I've been glad to have them all from time to time and even shared with other cruisers who were in need.

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I keep reading all these threads about what is essential to pack so I thought I'd start something different. What have you discovered to be NOT essential to take along?


For our first 2 cruises & I combed the boards to find out what people reccommended bringing along so I'd be prepared and the two things that I often see recommneded to bring that I personally found no use for was the over the door organizer and a travel mug.

I think since there were only 2 of us we found the counterspace in the bathroom to be more than adequate so my over the door organizer never left the packaging.

We also found it more of a hassle to cart our own travel mugs around and keep track of them so next time around they'll be left out.


So what WON'T you be packing for your next cruise??


I have never understood the need for an over-the-door organizer. We did it once and that was it. It kept swinging back and forth. There was plenty of space in the bathroom and we had four sharing a cabin.

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I have never understood the need for an over-the-door organizer. We did it once and that was it. It kept swinging back and forth. There was plenty of space in the bathroom and we had four sharing a cabin.


I don't know what you had hanging on your door, but I've never had a problem with it swing back and forth. The one I have is quite small, and AGAIN it's not about lack of space, it's about being organized. :rolleyes:

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I don't know what you had hanging on your door, but I've never had a problem with it swing back and forth. The one I have is quite small, and AGAIN it's not about lack of space, it's about being organized. :rolleyes:


If it works for you, great. Didn't for us. And I am the most organized person you would ever meet.

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A power strip is an absolute 'must-pack' for us - it seems inevitable that both phones, both cameras and a laptop will all need charging at the same time! Also, we can then manage with one US to UK adaptor. Obviously we are careful about safety issues, and don't overload the circuits.


We always take a pop up hamper, and find it helps keep the place tidy. The rest of the family (including DH) have some coordination problems and it just helps if there is a 'firm' place to lob the laundry rather than trying to contain it in a slippery rubbish sack which keeps trying to escape from its designated place!


Last time was the first time we took an over-the-door thingy, and we were very pleased we did. There was a tiny corner shelf (just a few inches) in the shower, and you couldn't reach the bathroom shelves without soaking the floor, but we could get toiletries from behind the door. It was very cheap and is very light, not a packing problem.


We've never taken, and never needed, things like duct-tape, and I'm sure the ship's staff would help out if that was needed.


I have put one of those tiny sewing kits to good news and mended a pair of dress sandals on formal night on the QM2. Amazing what you can do with limited resources if you put your mind to it. So, one of those (measuring about 2 x 1 x 0.3 inches) slips into the case!


I think some of the packing lists are amazing. If you took all the supposedly 'essential' add-ons you would have no room for clothes in your cases :D

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