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Children in the steakhouse


Age restrictions in the steakhouse?  

582 members have voted

  1. 1. Age restrictions in the steakhouse?

    • No age restrictions, everyone is welcome
    • No babies under 2
    • Only 12 and older allowed
    • Only 16 and older allowed

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I am new to all this so can I ask what you mean by John Healds page is famous for getting something for nothing. He will be the entertainment director on our cruise an he seems to be a topic of conversation lo here. Thanks


So many of the posts on John's page are from people complaining about things in the hopes of getting him to "fix" it with fruit baskets or onboard credit. They know he will apologize and try to make them happy, no matter how ridiculous those complaints are.


How does money make up for the baby crying through their dinner? If it was so unbearable that they didn't want to pay, then they should have left themselves and not been charged for the meal. But they stayed, they ate all that food and now want to be paid for listening to a baby cry.

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From what I read on FB, he did go to Carnival and asked them to say something...they didn't.


Since we all know some parents are crappy parents (sad but true)... the restaurant manager should have stepped-up here... shame on him/her.

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I'm taking my baby to the steakhouse on my next cruise (she's 9 months) . She's young enough that she'll fall asleep in her seat the whole time...




if she cries, I'll feed her. If she still cries, I'll take her outside - I won't sit there and let her cry.


and, if she won't stop crying after feeding her, I'll take my food to go...


I think that's just doing the responsible thing.


If more people took care to tend to their little ones when they acted up, we wouldn't be having this discussion :)


And to those that suggested parents who bring babies to the steakhouse "couldn't leave their babies alone for 2 hours" -- tell me - who am I supposed to leave my baby with?? Babies (under 2) can't go to any of the carnival kids clubs. They have babysitting but only after 10:30 pm or something so that wouldn't work for dinner.

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It is not just babies . A baby crying is understandable . I have been out to dinner with children six, eight and ten years old that were awful . Their parents ignored the tantrums , the whining and the misbehavior . Limit the steakhouse to adults after 8 PM.

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My kids are 2, 4, and 6, and I would never expect a couple paying $70 for a meal to listen to them at dinner. It is not an appropriate place for children.


I am a middle school teacher, so I know exactly the maturity of 12 year olds. My students would be able to handle a quiet, polite dinner appropriately. I would support a 12 and older requirement.


As a society, we have become so PC that no one wants to tell parents their "precious angels" are not welcome, and not wanted. Your baby may be adorable to you, but to me, he is an annoyance and distraction to my otherwise quiet dinner. It is rude to subject others to your children at fancy events, IMO. Part of good manners is knowing when you need to get a sitter. Think to yourself...if I was paying a sitter, and someone else had their noisy kids at this event, would I be annoyed? And if the answer is yes, leave your children somewhere else.


Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices as parents. And if you don't have a sitter for your 9 month old on the cruise, then the sacrifice you make is to not go to the steakhouse this trip. There will be other cruises to visit it when kiddo is old enough to go in the kids club.

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I'm taking my baby to the steakhouse on my next cruise (she's 9 months) . She's young enough that she'll fall asleep in her seat the whole time...




if she cries, I'll feed her. If she still cries, I'll take her outside - I won't sit there and let her cry.


and, if she won't stop crying after feeding her, I'll take my food to go...


I think that's just doing the responsible thing.


If more people took care to tend to their little ones when they acted up, we wouldn't be having this discussion :)


And to those that suggested parents who bring babies to the steakhouse "couldn't leave their babies alone for 2 hours" -- tell me - who am I supposed to leave my baby with?? Babies (under 2) can't go to any of the carnival kids clubs. They have babysitting but only after 10:30 pm or something so that wouldn't work for dinner.


Take your kids and enjoy it!!! I wouldn't leave my baby with a stranger on a ship anyway.

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I'm one who has been taking my kids (now teenagers) to restaurants of all kinds since they were very young. As a result, at a young age, they knew what behavior was expected and since they both love to eat and try new foods, we never had a problem and always enjoyed their company at neighborhood chain restaurants as well as upscale establishments.


However, not every kid loves to eat or enjoys the experience of a lengthy meal at a restaurant. Its up to the parents to know their child's limits and make plans accordingly.


And since there are no age restrictions at Carnival's steakhouse, it is not rude to simply bring a child to dinner there as it sounds like some people are suggesting. The mere presence of well-behaved children should not affect your experience at all. It IS rude if a child becomes unruly and a parent does not remove the child.

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On our first cruise there was a mother and a young child (about 5 or 6) who were at a table for two by us. That young child was such a pleasure to be near with wonderful manners and behavior. I spoke to her mother about how nice it was to see such behavior. She said they had been cruising since the girl was a baby and she would practice at home and show her the proper way to do things. That young girl should be welcome anywhere. Had a mother who understood what being a parent involved.


Yes, it would upset me to have a baby crying with nothing being done by parent or manager. I would feel the same way about older children misbehaving or adults disturbing my dinner. The manager dropped the ball on this one. I do not feel the diner who ate his meal should receive any compensation unless he left early and not eaten his meal.

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Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices as parents. And if you don't have a sitter for your 9 month old on the cruise, then the sacrifice you make is to not go to the steakhouse this trip. There will be other cruises to visit it when kiddo is old enough to go in the kids club.


Hope this wasn't directed at ME , since I just posted I was taking my 9 month old, and I did not have a sitter.

I also stated if the baby cried I'd leave with her.. is that not good enough for you?

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We eat in the steakhouse often , at least twice on a seven day

I think I have heard a baby cry once , which the adults tool care of it immediately

I'm not sure where people dine , but I don't know many places that are open to the general public that do not allow children

The real issue is manners which really has no age requirement

It's carnival

I bet the one who are complaining are the same peeps who want to tell tell peeps on how to dress in the mdr

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Thanks for all the replies. According to the non-scientific poll, just shy of 18% of cc people think there should be no age restrictions. All the rest feel there should be some kind of age restriction.


I do like the idea of family hours.


My kids are 16 and 20 now. To be honest, when they were young, we really weren't able to enjoy a fancy dinner with them. Not because they weren't well behaved (when they were babies and toddlers of course there were some issues--they were babies and toddlers and no one can expect them to be good ALL the time), but because we were worried they would spill something, cry, be loud, etc. I wouldn't go to the steakhouse just because I think it would be stressful to worry about all those things. By the time they were 5, we rarely had a issue, but still, sitting for 2 hours would not have been fun for THEM. They really don't care about a $35 meal.


We are going to be making reservations in the steakhouse for all of us for the first time this cruise. They are very excited. My DS is bringing his GF with us, so it will be wonderful. I love the age they are at. We are able to have really fun, interesting conversations. My son is in college, so we don't need time away from them...we need time with them :(. Oh, they grow up so fast.

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I bet the one who are complaining are the same peeps who want to tell tell peeps on how to dress in the mdr



No, I bet they are the ones that will flame a person who asks about taking a video game (volume turned off) for their child to play with at the diner table.




I'm usually one of those people who can make up her mind and take a side. I'm having trouble with this one. I guess I'm not for any age limits. I'm tired of one person ruining things for others.


I think the manager should have taken care of it.


I liked the idea of starting to film the disrespectful parents & poor crying child. Sometimes people will act differently if being filmed. Although I doubt it with people who would let their child cry on and on. I wonder if they read the child care books on letting your child "cry it out" to get them to be better sleepers:rolleyes:.


I think this is a very hard topic and can see why John Heald has asked the people on his Facebook page for their oppinion. I'm still not sure.:o

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Thanks for all the replies. According to the non-scientific poll, just shy of 18% of cc people think there should be no age restrictions. All the rest feel there should be some kind of age restriction.


I do like the idea of family hours.


My kids are 16 and 20 now. To be honest, when they were young, we really weren't able to enjoy a fancy dinner with them. Not because they weren't well behaved (when they were babies and toddlers of course there were some issues--they were babies and toddlers and no one can expect them to be good ALL the time), but because we were worried they would spill something, cry, be loud, etc. I wouldn't go to the steakhouse just because I think it would be stressful to worry about all those things. By the time they were 5, we rarely had a issue, but still, sitting for 2 hours would not have been fun for THEM. They really don't care about a $35 meal.




I must be the odd parent. I've enjoyed my daughters company since the moment she's arrived. And certainly can't imagine enjoying a meal and not having her there.


In my experience, there are so many more well behaved kids out there than the so called brats, and the well behaved should not be carted off to the camps just for that reason. In fact, DD has never even seen the inside of a camp in 9 cruises.


But her $35 holds no less than anyone else's $35. And that fee goes to share a room, not a private experience.


But anyone of ANY age that is misbehaving should be asked to remove themselves if the are disruptive, in the steakhouse, the MDR, and even the show lounge.

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I voted with the majority, over 12.


Allowing children at the steakhouse is one of the reasons we're not willing to fork over $35 each to have dinner there, and potentially have an unpleasant dinner because of someone's child crying, screaming, acting up, etc. etc. and the parents not immediately taking the child out of the room.

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I completely agree that Carnival should have asked the parents to take the child out, but why would you ever take a baby there in the first place? It's more than a 2 hour meal. What baby would enjoy sitting for that long? I don't mind at all when they are in the MDR...they have every right to be there and most of the time parents have taken their babies out when they have acted up...but to pay for a nice meal with that kind of ambiance? I'd be upset.



We have taken our kids everywhere with us. Yes, babies and young kids to fancy places to eat. Why? Because we can! Our kids are also well behaved and we as parents never would have let our child cry in any restaurant.


My 11 year old wants to go with us and the 8 year old does not. I told him no because I'm not paying the $35 extra for him though I bet he would eat more than me!

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Fancy steak restaurants is no place for babies or anyone under 16. Nobody who is going to spend $$$ wants to hear a baby crying or be around children acting like goats. There is the Lido buffet where they can eat or other places besides the steakhouse.

If I had been in that man's place I would have said something to a Carnival .

Seriously???? :rolleyes:


I must be the odd parent. I've enjoyed my daughters company since the moment she's arrived. And certainly can't imagine enjoying a meal and not having her there.




In my experience, there are so many more well behaved kids out there than the so called brats, and the well behaved should not be carted off to the camps just for that reason. In fact, DD has never even seen the inside of a camp in 9 cruises.




But her $35 holds no less than anyone else's $35. And that fee goes to share a room, not a private experience.




But anyone of ANY age that is misbehaving should be asked to remove themselves if the are disruptive, in the steakhouse, the MDR, and even the show lounge.


PERFECT response!




Just took our 3 week old grandaughter out for her first lunch yesterday...chose a restaurant we could exit from quickly. My DD fed her prior to leaving the house. The baby slept through the entire meal.


We'll work our way up the restaurant * chain as she grows.


Did the same with my kids....my girls could have chowed down some steak happily from the CCL steak house at a very young age and you'd have never known they were in there. They would have requested their steak medium rare too... ;)


If they had acted up, I'd have left...like most parents do.


No one likes to listen to a baby crying in a restaurant or anywhere else for that matter...most parents do understand this.

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So ultimately no, an age policy doesn't make sense. A policy against disruptive behavior does.


This is the samrtest thing I have read ont his thread! I believe that the age is not the problem but the restaurant manager. Possibly when people make a reservation at the steakhouse, they receive an e-mail confirming reservations and have a statement in there that saying something like...."while the steahouse welcomes your children, we do ask that you be considerate of other diners if your children become disruptive. If the situation persists then you will be asked by the restaurant manager to leave and we will gladly pack up your meal for take-out."


Now, I am sure it could possibly be worded better, but the point is to make it known to anyone making reservations that their children are welcome, but if the parents don't take responsibility then the restaurant manager will. This seems more proactive instead of reactive and if they even put up some sort of nice sign then the parents cannot say they have not been warned.


ETA: I don't like having "family hours" because of a couple of reasons. First of all, lots of seniors like to eat early (everyone knows the jokes), and if I am going for a 2 hour meal, I sure as heck don't want to start it at 8:30 or 9:00. With that heavy of food, I would never be able to lie down and sleep! I am sure not everyone would have that problem but it does exist.


This would basically give the manager authority to ask the family to leave, but also allow them to take their meal with them. It makes more sense than asking others to deal with entitled parents and the parents will have no one to blame but themselves as they have been forwarned. Heck - put it at the bottom of the menu if you have to!

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My daughter was 8 last year and did just fine. She has been dining in the specialty restaurants since age 6. If I felt for any reason she would be disruptive and wouldn't behave, I wouldn't bring her.


And she can easily eat a 6 oz to 8 oz filet and eat dessert. She an active gymnast and has luckily gotten my spouses quick metabolism. Who cares about the cost, as long as she enjoys it.

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I have to stick up for the manager.

If, that manager asked the family to leave this would be a totally different thread. It would be on how terrible the family was treated because of a crying baby! This is a no win situation for the manager.

I voted for 12 and up. I have children, I like when things are appreciated. JMHO.

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Just took our 3 week old grandaughter out for her first lunch yesterday...chose a restaurant we could exit from quickly. My DD fed her prior to leaving the house. The baby slept through the entire meal.


We'll work our way up the restaurant * chain as she grows.


Did the same with my kids....my girls could have chowed down some steak happily from the CCL steak house at a very young age and you'd have never known they were in there. They would have requested their steak medium rare too... ;)


If they had acted up, I'd have left...like most parents do.


No one likes to listen to a baby crying in a restaurant or anywhere else for that matter...most parents do understand this.


Good for you


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Children should not be in there, period. If I paid a cover for a meal and was seated with or near a child after I went out of my way to secure childcare then I would be ticked. It has nothing to do with wether they are well behaved or not. When my child is not with me and I am spending time with my husband, the last thing I want to hear is someone elses child. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have an adult conversation in an adult restuarant.


And yes I am a mother of a beautiful six year old who goes to camp or with someone else when I want to enjoy a nice meal with my husband. My child has never missed a meal or had to down grade her food on a cruise, she was always well fed and happy.

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Children should not be in there, period. If I paid a cover for a meal and was seated with or near a child after I went out of my way to secure childcare then I would be ticked. It has nothing to do with wether they are well behaved or not. When my child is not with me and I am spending time with my husband, the last thing I want to hear is someone elses child. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have an adult conversation in an adult restuarant.


And yes I am a mother of a beautiful six year old who goes to camp or with someone else when I want to enjoy a nice meal with my husband. My child has never missed a meal or had to down grade her food on a cruise, she was always well fed and happy.


I disagree. Nowhere does it say it's an adult setting only. If it did then fine but it does not.

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I have to stick up for the manager.

If, that manager asked the family to leave this would be a totally different thread. It would be on how terrible the family was treated because of a crying baby! This is a no win situation for the manager.

I voted for 12 and up. I have children, I like when things are appreciated. JMHO.


What she said.

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I just saw a post on Facebook from John Heald stating a man was upset because he went for a nice dinner at the steakhouse and there was a baby crying and nothing was done. So, would you have a minimum age requirement? Disney had that when we cruised with them and it was wonderful. I would not be happy to pay $35/pp and have to listen to that. IMHO, that is no place for a small baby.


Mother of 4 kids here. Babies cry, kids act up, but WHY do people feel it's the "kids" that are a problem? Wake up - it's the parents who sit there ignoring an issue ... we all know those type of parents, we've seen them too. Bottom line - majority of parents know in a situation like that, remove the child.


Not sure this is any worse though then seeing / hearing / or being near a stumbling drunk adult.


And I vote for no age restriction - IF we're going to have certain standards for kids, we need to start at the adult level. And btw, my "kids" are grown now, but I always had taken them into such places (and removed them if needed).

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Children should not be in there, period. If I paid a cover for a meal and was seated with or near a child after I went out of my way to secure childcare then I would be ticked. It has nothing to do with wether they are well behaved or not. When my child is not with me and I am spending time with my husband, the last thing I want to hear is someone elses child. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have an adult conversation in an adult restuarant.




Just because they are a child? Wow!


Sorry. Some of us enjoy our children.


And here's the good thing. Children are allowed in there. Maybe those that don't like kids can choose lines that prohibit them. There's plenty out there.


Meanwhile, as Carnival moves the good food out of the MDR and into the Ponderosa, we will be eating in the Ponderosa when we want the quality meal.

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