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"Live from" ms Volendam to Alaska! My First HAL Experience

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I am so enchanted with your telling of your trip. You have a gift my dear, to make things come alive, and you have a great eye. If your ambitions include becoming a photojournalist, I believe you will be very successful and we'll be seeing your work through the years. Can't wait to read the rest.

Thank you (: That's so kind of you to say! Now all I need is for a cruise line to contact me, Haha ^^

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Since the dining room was pretty empty at the moment (everyone else is outside), I took this opportunity to take a shot of it!




We usually eat just left of this picture, in the middle of where the server stations meet.


Here's where we enjoyed lunch that day, having a table next to the window was simply a must (:


(Something we noticed, a LOT of 2 person tables since their target audience usually came as a pair)




As I was about to sit down, Mom & Dad told me to get up and run to the other side of the room and take their picture since their weren't any obstructions just yet (people). ^^'


Once that was done, I settled down and (since I had my landscape lens) took a shot of what my view for this afternoon would be:




(That's Mom sitting in front of me c:


Once Bro & Sis had wrapped up their game, they came and joined us. The server then handed us today's menu:






Notice how much more I could capture with the landscape lens? :D I actually got the whole menu in only 2 shots!


We finished ordering and I then proceeded to take my usual "waiting for food" shots ^^ :



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Promptly, our food arrived. The first was Dad, Bro and My Fusion Crab Cakes with Mango Slaw:




This was very delicious, tasted moist and flavorful and was just slightly crispy on the outside. I preferred this more than the crab cakes from the other night. The "salad" consisted of mangoes which were a bit sour covered in what appeared to be salad dressing.


I actually noticed that all the mangoes served throughout the cruise were all unripened and sour. A bit disappointing since it's one of my favourite fruits, but it was probably so that they'd be easier to handle?


Mom & Sis's appetizers arrived at the same time. They ordered the Sliced Orange with Watermelon Salsa. Mine would come after my crab cakes.




I was actually quite surprised by this one. While we were eating our appetizers, Sis suddenly said that her fruits were really spicy. o_o? Yeah. That's what I looked like LOL


Mom chimed in and agreed. Apparently the oranges were zingy and the watermelons were really spicy.


Once mine arrived, I saw for myself. First of all, the fruits were REALLY wet. There was a little pool of liquid on my plate. I found this to be common among fruit dishes. Secondly, OMG were the watermelon cubes spicy!! 0_0! To the point that immediately following my first bite of melon, I started coughing. The type of coughing you get what you accidentally choke on a piece of pepper. Before my reaction, Dad & Bro were skeptical. They were like: "Yeah right, >_> it's just fruit, how spicy can it be?" I was like that too. Not anymore! ^^'


Bro looked at me quizzically and reached over to try a bite. He raised an eyebrow and said "Yeah, they actually are pretty spicy!"


They were weirdly tangy and mouth burning. The kind of burn that makes you start breathing with your mouth open like a dog sticking his head out the window.


And I'm no girl who can't take spice. I eat a lot of south east Asian dishes that range from curries to hot chili dishes, spicy/kimchi noodles etc.

Those types of spicy food taste good. I didn't really like this type of spicy. I had the sour from the fruit, mixed with a spice that punched you in the face. I'm not getting that again :/


I finished the oranges and a bit of the melon, but left most of the spicy monster on my plate. Rachel & Mom finished all of theirs.


I can only handle the spice of something I really like. If I don't like the taste, why burn my mouth for it, right?


After that, Mom & Dad's soups arrived. First was Mom's Chilled Blackberry Soup:




I thought this one was pretty. It also tasted very milkshake-y, with all the liquid fruit and whipped cream-like topping. It was good!


At the same time, Dad's Green Chile and Corn Chowder. (We love chowder. Just saying c:)




I loved it~ Then again, I love most chowders as long as they aren't too watered down. It's usually the viscosity that makes all the difference.

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As we waited for the rest of our food, I looked over at my brother's side of the table and this was what I saw. There was an EMPTY PLATE with garnishing I did not recognize. O_O !! You know what this means? HE ATE SOMETHING AND I NEVER EVEN SAW IT. O.M.G. I looked at him in shock and asked what it was. He responded with: "the beef appetizer". O_O WHAT BEEF APPETIZER?! YOU MEAN THE BEEF APPETIZER I NEVER. GOT. A. PICTURE. OF?LET ALONE EVEN SAW?!


*sob* :,|


I asked him to order another one. He looked at my like I was nuts. He didn't understand! Since I had come on the boat, I had gotten a picture of EVERY single food anyone ate! Are you TRYING to destroy my track record?! :,(


Eventually, he agreed that he'd order another one if I ate half. I calculated my fullness and agreed that it was at an acceptable amount.


We actually got it while in the middle of our entrées but I''ll show it now. Here's the Roast Beef Rolls:




These were SO good. Totally worth filling my remaining stomach capacity :D The beef was soft and not chewy, and it was filled with a mix of cheese and something else.


*fast forward back to real life*


We waited a little more before our entrées arrived. First to arrive was Mom's New Zealand Salmon Wellington: (LOL I'm like, salivating in front of my computer. Doesn't help that I have to describe the food's deliciousness either ^^')




This was quite delicious. It was moist and flavourful. The only thing my parents noted was the fact the it was semi-filled with rice. Apparently normal "wellingtons" were supposed to be all meat. No filler. Meh, oh well.


At the same time, Sis and Bro's Mushroom Fontina Burger.




I recall that Sis said it was pretty good. A 7.5/10, good but the meat was somewhat dry. She said she still preferred hers over anyone else's entrée.


Then came Dad & My "Fragrant Lamb Curry":




I thought it was quite good, could have had more flavor though. I gave the nan bread to my siblings and left most of the beans :p.


Then came dessert. I can't believe this, but I didn't take a picture of the dessert menu 0_0. Either that or, it vanished. Still, here's what we had.


Sis had a Blackberry Sundae:




She said it was good, despite the fact that blackberries aren't really her thing.


Here was my Lemon Meringue Pie:




Merignue was good, but the actually yellow part just tasted like (again) dense jello :/ Ate 70% of it.

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Dad got a Chocolate Fudge Ice cream:




Bro got a Cookies N Cream ice cream:




and Mom got the Cream Puffs filled with Chantilly Cream:




After lunch, we headed to the Lido (as per my request) to take pictures of the scenery that would be seen at the back of the ship.


We first passed through the buffet:




and then I braced myself and ran outside (even though I was wearing very little; cardigan, jeans & flats) and went out to take pictures of the frozen .. well, everything.


Here's a shot of when I first came outside:




The abundant fog was still very apparent. I then climbed up the stairs to the upper deck (you wouldn't believe how fast I was moving :p), and then took a shot from looking down above.



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Here are my shots of the scenery from starboard side (up close and from the other side of the ship):






and likewise, for port side:






The way I remember is while earlier today when I was at the bow, a German gentleman mentioned a trick. Remember those German accented guys who were discussing the info the park ranger was providing? I overheard one man telling his friend, "Do you know how to remember port and starboard?" The man asked him how. He said: "Port, like "left" has 4 letters. So the other side (right) would be starboard! c:" Good trick, right?


Anyways, after taking some pictures, I headed back inside to the buffet. When I was about to go through the automatic doors; which by the way, NOTE* open WAY too slow. It's not all of them, but it's most of them. This includes the elevators. It's like, if I'm walking at a normal pace and didn't slow down, I'd smack face first, right into the door. This happened on several occasion.


So after going back down the stairs, I realized I needed to take some videos too! (I forgot!), so I ran back up the stairs and took videos from 3 different spots up there. (left, mid, right). Imagine how difficult it was for me to hold the camera steady as I was shaking like a leaf! I WAS SO COLD D;


Well after that was done, I bolted back down and ran inside the buffet. Here are some random shots of the buffet food before we headed back into the room.





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While we were heading back, I mentioned that I wanted to go to today's special Cupcake Tea. No one else wanted to go :( so Mom said she'd go with me.


We had about an hour and a half to kill so we went back to our respective rooms. Mom, Sis & I just lazed around for a bit.


Here's a shot I took out the window




before I wound up falling asleep. Sis took my camera and took some random shots (some of which were of me sleeping, those disappeared quite quickly :p):




You can see my jacket thrown on the chair c:


After I woke up, it was 2:45pm, almost time for tea! I told Mom and we made our way up to the MDR. We asked Sis to join us, but she decided the in-stateroom movie was more of a priority. We said alright and went up ourselves.


The line was pretty long, but we were seated promptly. Here were my shots of the first cupcake tray that came to our table. It had already had quite a few taken off it already. Here's when it was making its' way over. (It felt like the servers were moving around us and skipping us :/ took forever to come over)




and here are my first shots of the cupcake tray! (a lot of other people were taking pictures like me c:)






That one above looks weird, right? o_o it has a grape on it LOL.

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Hold it! Hold it! Between all the food photo's and landscape photo's I spotted a......Coach purse! All right!...this just keeps better and better :)


(I scored two nice ones in the outlet in Key West post-cruise and I am so in love with my pretties :D )

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Just to take that story one step further. If you are trying to remember the running lights colours remember that Port is close to Pink which is close to red, which is the colour for the port or left side! By deduction the other colour is the right or starboard side! Never wonder about a ships position agin!!

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Hold it! Hold it! Between all the food photo's and landscape photo's I spotted a......Coach purse! All right!...this just keeps better and better :)


(I scored two nice ones in the outlet in Key West post-cruise and I am so in love with my pretties :D )


LOL that's my mom's purse c: I'm actually a purse fanatic myself! I own ~20 bags, some call it obsession haha :D


I always buy my bags in the states too! They're better & cheaper than the ones I found in Canada :p

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Thanks for continuing to post your review and pictures. Lovely!


Can you tell me at what time the shows were? Trying to decide when to book our dinner time.


BTW. Was planning to book the Pinnacle for lunch on the first "sea" day, but after reading the menu you posted, have changed my mind. It looks just as good as the Pinnacle and we get the view thrown in. May book it for the last "sea" day after you post that menu - Ha Ha!


Do you have the daily schedule, by any chance, and could post them.



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We are all going to be bereft when you finally disembark! I feel totally immersed in the entire cruise. I'd live to try a review like this of my cruise in December but don't think it will be half tis riveting!


I've already ordered a new lens and a new memory card. I'm also taking my pocket camera (don't feel bad for me, it's a Leica) for the dining room/food shots.


What camera are you using?

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We are all going to be bereft when you finally disembark! I feel totally immersed in the entire cruise. I'd live to try a review like this of my cruise in December but don't think it will be half tis riveting!


I've already ordered a new lens and a new memory card. I'm also taking my pocket camera (don't feel bad for me, it's a Leica) for the dining room/food shots.


What camera are you using?


Haha, awwh (: how sweet, thanks! & I'm using a Canon EOS 60D!

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I got all giddy and looked at all the delicious looking cupcakes. As I was soaring, pretty much on Cloud 9, suddenly, something made me suddenly lose air o_o.


Mom: "You get one".


O_O ... HUH?


*glass shatters*


D,: whaat?


I looked carefully and chose one. While the server placed the cupcake on my plate, I took an ugly shot of my tea. (sorry, too many cupcakes made me lose focus :p)


Here's the cupcake I chose, Red Velvet c:




This was more moist than the Red Velvet Potato, but I found that pretty much everything red velvet, failed to meet expectations.


Sorry about the lighting. We were literally put in the spot with the worst lighting imaginable. The server stand was right next to us, blocking the window. I watched as other people basked in the glory of the sun D:


After a little while, I finished my cupcake (Mom didn't want one, but servers kept asking her if she did due to her empty plate). Another server came over to ask Mom if she wanted one and as she refused, I took some more pictures. This of a fresh and full tray of wonderfulness. :D






I stared at the plate, and then at my mom, and heart-achingly declined. Even this young server guy remembered me and my love of sweets. When he offered me the cupcakes, he asked if I wanted one of each. D; YES I DO. But I can't. Mom's convinced that I needed to be cut short of my sugar intake or else I'd get diabetes LOL


While sitting there, I yearned for a chocolate cupcake and asked my mom for it on 20 second intervals. Eventually I gave up. -_-


I sat there wanting more food before I saw that servers were bringing out milk or the regular, chocolate and strawberry variety. I held my camera up until all the blood had rushed out of my arms and they were getting numb. WHY WAS NO ONE COMING HERE? D:< I wanted a picture of all of them, but they just kept veering to the other tables! Eventually, Mom hailed a server and asked that he bring me a strawberry milk. Well, here it is:




It tasted okay. Not as sweet as I had hoped, but still the best cold drink I'd had so far >_>


I finished my milk and looked around for more food (yeah, this happens a lot :p). I then noticed that they were beginning to bring out the usual tea snacks. Yay! :D Here they come!




A quick shot as soon as the guy set the tray down on our table:



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Here's the one I chose. As usual, smoked salmon. I picked off the gross greens & capers on top of it before I realized I forgot to take a picture. I quick threw them back on and then took it ^^'




I looked up and saw that Mom had already chopped hers in half. o_o' Whatever. *snap*




As we gobbled up our little tart things, servers came over (as usual) with scones and real heavy cream. We politely declined and kept eating. I took a quick shot which wound up failing in focusing. Why camera? D: Why you focus on tin gravy boat? :,(




I then kept trying and trying until I got an okay shot. They were being offered to the table across from us.




I found that no one actually ate the scones. The other food offered was always better ^^' They persistently offered them every single day, I assume to try and get rid of them.


As I finished everything up, Mom suddenly called a server over.


Me: o_o?


Mom: "Excuse me, please get her a chocolate cupcake."


Me: :O ... :'D mom <3


I guess my persistence wasn't for naught. c:




This cupcake was SO good. SUPER moist and delicious :D


After our wonderful Cupcake Tea, we headed up to the Lido to get some food for Sis who probably hadn't eaten in a while.


Mom went to the drink station first to get her usual Cranberry Apple Tea (not bad) and I took this:




Oh yeah, did I mention that it's Formal Night #2 today? :D They already had some formal night food out.

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While Mom got her tea, I took some more food shots.


Bread Pudding!




And some random desserts:







The awesomely chewy cookies next to the ice cream man:




The sign of ice cream flavours that change every few hours, next to the ice cream man:




This was actually the most boring flavours so far. Vanilla was available daily, but usually was something cool.


Mom ordered a sandwich from the make-your-own bar. You could have it toasted like a panini and have potato chips on it. They also had bacon and sweet potato fries to the left very often. One of our favourite stalls (even though I don't really eat sandwiches) LOL.




I liked this server, he was part time ice cream man and part time sandwich man. He switched in and out with Dopey. It was hilarious because he'd look a little glum when he was making boring sandwiches, but be super happy when he was serving ice cream ^^

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