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Priceless......... Truly


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A comment I made in another thread triggered a thought I would love to get comments about.


We have sailed HAL an incredible amount of cruises and I once told our PCC, he was never to tell me the amount of money we have paid HAL through the years. :D I am sure one key stroke on his computer could pull up that number. :eek:


To Us,,,,,, whatever we paid has been so much more than worth every penny.


Not every cruise was perfect, we were not always absolutely delighted with our whole on board experience and not always tip top A-1 thrilled with some of the pre-cruise planning but in looking back now (as well as looking forward to more cruises), HAL has so much more than provided us with what we could not get elsewhere.

We turned to cruising and our friends on the ships at many times during our lives and HAL never let us down.




How about you?

Has HAL, perhaps more than another cruise line, provided you with what you hoped for?

All our circumstances and situations are different but can you point to a cruise, a time when HAL was just what you needed to 'fix what ailed you'?

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Your post was perfect timing. HAL was just what we needed this year. In March my DH had an infected finger which we did all the "usual" remedies - soaking, antibiotic cream, etc. It appeared to be better and we thought nothing more of it. Late in March, the 26th to be exact, he told me it was really sore and swollen and agreed to a doctor visit. The doctor checked it out and figured it was an ingrown nail, did some digging, sent us away with antibiotics and we had an appointment on the 28th. The hand swelling went down but the finger swelling increased and by the time we got to the appointment DH didn't know who he was, who I was, etc. We were sent to the hospital, had tests (everything came back normal) and he was admitted. Saturday he went to the OR to have the finger drained and it ended up being amputated - strep infection. It was May 8 - his 73rd birthday before he came home. It involved 2 different hospital stays as well as a convalescent center and rehab. It was a very long 6 week "event" and when the doctor said he could travel we were in contact with our TA immediately.


We sailed on the Oosterdam on June 23rd and had a magical week away. We booked an SZ guarantee and took a very nominal upsell to an SA - our first time with the Neptune Suite. The weather cooperated and we did an amazing excursion with Allen Marine to Tracy Arm and Sawyer Glacier.


We were pampered, spoiled, and finally had time to just leave doctors, hospitals, and everything else behind us. HAL truly gave us a break from everything and a return to "normal". We also became 3-star mariners 3 days into the trip!



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While I've cruised on other lines I've only been on HAL ships twice. When I walked on the Volendam last summer it was instant love. When I walked on the Veendam last month, I knew I was home.


You got me HAL, not with perfection, but with warmth and comfort. As you can see we are scheduled for 2 more. Love those dam ships? You bet!

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We've only been on 15 HAL cruises, so it's a lot easier for me, but I do know approximately how much we've spent cruising. (Using a guesstimate for the first one.) Overall I think it was worth it. A couple of our more expensive (on a per-day basis) were less enjoyable than some cheaper ones. For me, the pleasure has more to do with the itinerary than the ship itself.


I also know approximately how many nautical miles we've sailed ... and dividing cost by miles I get $2.14 per mile! We've never had a suite or an Inside, though we once paid for an Inside and were given an OV. (I set up a spread sheet after about our 3rd cruise and just add one line to it after each cruise now.)

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indeed, sail, hal once provided me with all i expected and wanted; that's the reason hal became my 'line of choice.' but, sadly, no more, not in the past three or four years. higher prices, fewer amenities, reduced services, poorer shipboard environment, lower food standards in mdr and lido, and just an attitude of little 'caring,' and awful jr.high-level entertainment in the bars and show room, not to mention the absence of good live music on the decks, and the annoying and irritating cd-loops piped in everywhere, as many on this board have mentioned. maybe you don't notice these things in the rarified atmosphere of the elite, but a lot of us do, who love hal and are not so fortunate as you. please try to understand.

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indeed, sail, hal once provided me with all i expected and wanted; that's the reason hal became my 'line of choice.' but, sadly, no more, not in the past three or four years. higher prices, fewer amenities, reduced services, poorer shipboard environment, lower food standards in mdr and lido, and just an attitude of little 'caring,' and awful jr.high-level entertainment in the bars and show room, not to mention the absence of good live music on the decks, and the annoying and irritating cd-loops piped in everywhere, as many on this board have mentioned. maybe you don't notice these things in the rarified atmosphere of the elite, but a lot of us do, who love hal and are not so fortunate as you. please try to understand.






I don't often respond to such posts but choose to point out to you we all eat in the same MDR, the same Lido, hear the same music, see the same shows, have the same dining and cabin stewards, same irritating cd loops piping in everywhere and same higher prices and fewer amenities.


No reason to feel you are being 'single out'.

There is no reason for you to single me out and be insulting.


I truly am sorry for your disappointment and apparent anger with HAL and with us.



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indeed, sail, hal once provided me with all i expected and wanted; that's the reason hal became my 'line of choice.' but, sadly, no more, not in the past three or four years. higher prices, fewer amenities, reduced services, poorer shipboard environment, lower food standards in mdr and lido, and just an attitude of little 'caring,' and awful jr.high-level entertainment in the bars and show room, not to mention the absence of good live music on the decks, and the annoying and irritating cd-loops piped in everywhere, as many on this board have mentioned. maybe you don't notice these things in the rarified atmosphere of the elite, but a lot of us do, who love hal and are not so fortunate as you. please try to understand.


Actually I do understand and while I don't necessarily agree with each and every point I'd say on the whole you've captured a lot of our thoughts and feelings that have led us to different lines the past few years. That said our HAL cruises are, for the most part, cherished memories from our honeymoon to visiting new and different places to meeting and making friends with new and wonderful people. While we may have moved away from HAL for the most part we're still cruising.

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indeed, sail, hal once provided me with all i expected and wanted; that's the reason hal became my 'line of choice.' but, sadly, no more, not in the past three or four years. higher prices, fewer amenities, reduced services, poorer shipboard environment, lower food standards in mdr and lido, and just an attitude of little 'caring,' and awful jr.high-level entertainment in the bars and show room, not to mention the absence of good live music on the decks, and the annoying and irritating cd-loops piped in everywhere, as many on this board have mentioned. maybe you don't notice these things in the rarified atmosphere of the elite, but a lot of us do, who love hal and are not so fortunate as you. please try to understand.


Wouldn't it have been nicer to

1) just say HAL didn't work for you anymore

2) leave the personal insult to the OP out?

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indeed, sail, hal once provided me with all i expected and wanted; that's the reason hal became my 'line of choice.' but, sadly, no more, not in the past three or four years. higher prices, fewer amenities, reduced services, poorer shipboard environment, lower food standards in mdr and lido, and just an attitude of little 'caring,' and awful jr.high-level entertainment in the bars and show room, not to mention the absence of good live music on the decks, and the annoying and irritating cd-loops piped in everywhere, as many on this board have mentioned. maybe you don't notice these things in the rarified atmosphere of the elite, but a lot of us do, who love hal and are not so fortunate as you. please try to understand.

You had a reasonable post going until you poisoned it with the part I bolded. I'll add my voice to those who are tired of you doing this.

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what 'personal insult?' i don't give a healthy whatever who can afford what or what level they cruise in; i'm just tired of those who get the perks we enjoyed so many years ago ignoring that most of us are now being stripped of MOST of those perks. that's all. there is a 2-class society on hal; ok, admit it, but don't think the 'lower classes' have the same wonderful experience that the upper elite enjoys. once, yes, maybe. today, no way. that was my only point; the dolphin deck folks might see the cruise experience a bit differently than the neptune suite folks. and just how is referring to someone as 'elite' an insult? is there guilt here? hmmmmm. so, sail, relax. i love your posts for the most part, and i wish you penthouse sailing for ever. but you initiated this thread and invited input; that's always a risk, isn't it?

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indeed, sail, hal once provided me with all i expected and wanted; that's the reason hal became my 'line of choice.' but, sadly, no more, not in the past three or four years. higher prices, fewer amenities, reduced services, poorer shipboard environment, lower food standards in mdr and lido, and just an attitude of little 'caring,' and awful jr.high-level entertainment in the bars and show room, not to mention the absence of good live music on the decks, and the annoying and irritating cd-loops piped in everywhere, as many on this board have mentioned. maybe you don't notice these things in the rarified atmosphere of the elite, but a lot of us do, who love hal and are not so fortunate as you. please try to understand.


Somebody, Somebody please get this guy a job in the diplomatic corp.!!:D He really has a way with words!


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what 'personal insult?' i don't give a healthy whatever who can afford what or what level they cruise in; i'm just tired of those who get the perks we enjoyed so many years ago ignoring that most of us are now being stripped of MOST of those perks. that's all. there is a 2-class society on hal; ok, admit it, but don't think the 'lower classes' have the same wonderful experience that the upper elite enjoys. once, yes, maybe. today, no way. that was my only point; the dolphin deck folks might see the cruise experience a bit differently than the neptune suite folks.




While I can't agree with some of your word choices, I can agree with what I perceive to be your underlying sentiment.


We are "dolphin deck" folks most of the time. We have been fortunate to experience "the suite life" due to an upsell. So I can comment on both sides of the HAL cruise experience. There is an enormous difference between the Dolphin Deck experience and the suite life experience. Better cabin stewards, no arguments from Room Service if the wrong things are delivered, are two things that come to mind immediately. There are many more, but those two are illustrative IMHO.

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oh, bumper II, that is funny, really. if you only knew . . . when i got old, i gave up silly diplomacy, though i never mean to hurt anyone. i'm 'gentle ben.' i guess i just find great humor in those who get so 'fluffed up' about such minor issues, and my 'twain' sense of humor emerges. no harm intended. all flames need a 'poker' once in a while.

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Has HAL, perhaps more than another cruise line, provided you with what you hoped for?

All our circumstances and situations are different but can you point to a cruise, a time when HAL was just what you needed to 'fix what ailed you'?


I took a friend on an Alaska cruise one time because SHE needed to get what ailed her fixed ;) It was just what she needed, and she was plenty ready to deal with her kids and ex-husband and crazy job when she got home.


For me, my first-ever cruise after my DH died was not quite what I expected but it did affirm for me that I could continue on, on my own.

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I don't often respond to such posts but choose to point out to you we all eat in the same MDR, the same Lido, hear the same music, see the same shows, have the same dining and cabin stewards, same irritating cd loops piping in everywhere and same higher prices and fewer amenities.


No reason to feel you are being 'single out'.

There is no reason for you to single me out and be insulting.


I truly am sorry for your disappointment and apparent anger with HAL and with us.




what 'personal insult?' i don't give a healthy whatever who can afford what or what level they cruise in; i'm just tired of those who get the perks we enjoyed so many years ago ignoring that most of us are now being stripped of MOST of those perks. that's all. there is a 2-class society on hal; ok, admit it, but don't think the 'lower classes' have the same wonderful experience that the upper elite enjoys. once, yes, maybe. today, no way. that was my only point; the dolphin deck folks might see the cruise experience a bit differently than the neptune suite folks. and just how is referring to someone as 'elite' an insult? is there guilt here? hmmmmm. so, sail, relax. i love your posts for the most part, and i wish you penthouse sailing for ever. but you initiated this thread and invited input; that's always a risk, isn't it?



dr. dawg,

Kindly reread my post where in I reminded all of us eat in the same MDR from the same menu, we all go to the same Lido, same shows, listen to same CD read the Daily Program to us, hear the same CD's annoyingly looped...... we are all on the same ship with the same shows and the same cut backs.


As others have said, much of your post was appropriate and many agree with much of it.

You didn't need to add the ugly comment at the end.


Thank you to those who commented about the inappropriate comments addressed to me. I appreciate that kindness.




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sail, i'm sorry if that last commenent seemed to be addressed to you -- i didn't mean it that way, only to soooo many on this board that lord their fortunate situations over others, and i'm sure you know what i mean. again, i apologize to you; i guess it was just because you were/are the op. i am happy for anyone who can afford the best. continue to enjoy and happy cruisin'. my dad taught me that those who 'have it' don't need to brag about it; those who don't, flaunt what little they perceive they have. in this country, we are all so rich and so blessed in so many ways.

apologies again, if needed.

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Indeed I don't buy into the notion of an "elitist" class on HAL. While the benefits of a Penthouse or Neptune Suite are nice they have very little impact once outside of the cabin. Our experience goes back to before the Neptune Lounge and breakfast in the Pinnacle which to me are really the only truly exclusive, and I suppose exclusionary, benefits. Back in the day, so to speak, they did have a separate suite check-in line but quite frankly, and interestingly, we've opted for regular lines when they were shorter even if we were in a qualifying suite. For us it was and still is the size and comfort of the cabin.

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sail, i'm sorry if that last commenent seemed to be addressed to you -- i didn't mean it that way, only to soooo many on this board that lord their fortunate situations over others, and i'm sure you know what i mean. again, i apologize to you; i guess it was just because you were/are the op. i am happy for anyone who can afford the best. continue to enjoy and happy cruisin'. my dad taught me that those who 'have it' don't need to brag about it; those who don't, flaunt what little they perceive they have. in this country, we are all so rich and so blessed in so many ways.

apologies again, if needed.


Quick - while you can still edit. Take out the if needed. It was a decent post until then and........IMO it was needed

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Getting back to the original topic....


We cruise on HAL mostly because of the crew and staff. Many times over the years we have had a HAL employee go the extra mile for us and it made our vacation that much more enjoyable. So we stay loyal to HAL.



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There was an article in the paper today about cruising - a J.D. Power survey found Disney best, Royal Caribbean second and HAL third. I don't know who was surveyed - maybe families? I'm not sure where Cunard was! I think, personally, that Cunard is a little better than HAL, but not enough better to warrant the higher prices. I don't know the other lines. I do think HAL is great, I prefer their service over Cunard's. The article also said that almost everyone has the occasional complaint, even about their favourite line, so I think we have to believe we've got it pretty good when we cruise those dam ships! :) BTW - I'd rather be in a suite, but an inside is better than staying home!

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Getting back to the original topic....


We cruise on HAL mostly because of the crew and staff. Many times over the years we have had a HAL employee go the extra mile for us and it made our vacation that much more enjoyable. So we stay loyal to HAL.




I know I've said this before but to add to the hardy endorsement of the Holland America crew and staff I have to share a story. Last year we went on the Silversea Wind which in no way is connected with HAL or the Carnival family. Imagine my surprise, but certainly my delight, when we ventured out of our cabin to one of the bars for our first cocktail and were quickly grabbed and hugged by one of the staff. She quickly leaned over and whispered "Welcome back Dr. Randy!" I stepped back and realized it was a once server and eventual bar manager that we'd met and sailed with a number of times on Holland America. :) Silversea obviously recognizes quality when they see it.

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I know I've said this before but to add to the hardy endorsement of the Holland America crew and staff I have to share a story. Last year we went on the Silversea Wind which in no way is connected with HAL or the Carnival family. Imagine my surprise, but certainly my delight, when we ventured out of our cabin to one of the bars for our first cocktail and were quickly grabbed and hugged by one of the staff. She quickly leaned over and whispered "Welcome back Dr. Randy!" I stepped back and realized it was a once server and eventual bar manager that we'd met and sailed with a number of times on Holland America. :) Silversea obviously recognizes quality when they see it.



Surely, Not Twinkle? :eek:

We last saw her on Maasdam and it was a joy sailing with her again.

But it is no surprise for well trained, excellent crew to switch cruise lines IMO They go where they get the best contract, maybe they married and spouse is with the other line, maybe the schedule worked better for them, were promised they could sail a particular itinerary....... any number of reasons.


But I well can understand your joy to meet up with a crew friend on whichever ship. :)





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