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LOST LUGGAGE ** Please help!!!**


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Still no news....


On Friday, Flower at Celebrity will deem it lost. I have started to inventory everything that was in both bags which is easy as I had an excell spreadsheet made up with all our outfits and shoes in order not to over pack and make sure we used the laundry service on the right days. So I know every single item that is in there excluding souvenirs which they won't cover anyway.


If it's less than 6 months old I must produce receipts to get the full value back. They won't be too happy to see almost everything was new. I would say 25% of our clothes/shoes were old and 75% were new and purchased for this trip. We'd been trying to lose weight and needed new summer clothes (my story and I am sticking to it). So now I'm pulling out receipts and matching them to what is in the bags. Tedius to say the least.


The older things will be reimbursed at a depreciated value which upsets Ken. Yes our luggage which I got for an amazing price of $150 is 18 mths old, but its only been used 3-4 times and whatever we get for it won't come close to replacing it. Same with older items like my 2 formal dresses and my bathing suits - both not an easy task to replace.


But it looks like we will get the "value" of most of our stuff back. The souvenirs are a complete loss as are our Bose headphones if they lable them as electronics. That's $700 gone. And I haven't even let myself worry if they have a limit per bag - that would just push me over the edge right now. If they try to cap us at $500 a bag or something ridiculous like that when I can prove the value of our goods - well.....let's not go there just yet. :mad:


And after all of that is settled many of you have suggested further compensation - a discount or voucher or something. I think that is what it will take to get us on a Celebrity ship again. Yes we may get our money back but the inconvenience, the hassle, the stress and not to mention the lack of compassion from Celebrity - who by the way still maintains a fellow passenger must have taken it - what is that worth? To date they have not once admitted THEY lost my luggage. Its either I lost my luggage or someone took my luggage. Frustrating.

Anyone besides me going to self disembark from their next cruise?! :confused:


Hi Mel, Well, at least you have your list, if this were me I'd be s**t out of luck! Who is compensating you, your travel insurance???

And yes, you should go after Celebrity for something big! Remind them you have posted this story...bad publicity for them if they do nothing for you!


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After your sad story, we certainly will self disembark on our Nov. cruise. if you have homeowners insurance, take a look at it to see if you can get any help. We just got our renewal and there was some information about lost luggage reimbursement. It pays after the public carrier pays. A large cruise credit is in order, I would think. You should be compensated for all the time and money you have spent trying to track down your luggage, time spent gathering the info that Celebrity is asking for, time it will take to replace everything and so on.


A Celebrity rep reads these boards and posts from time to time. Hope they see this thread and realize you have not been treated with compassion and kindness. Again, I am very sorry. Thank you for posting because you have certainly helped others to realize the risk we take when we allow the cruise line to be responsible for our luggage.

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Celebrity will be compensating me...they are the ones that lost my luggage.


I was so hoping someone would come through for you. Yes, we always self disembark since our almost lost bag. I have been checking every day for good news. I feel sick about it. I can't imagine how you feel. Please let us know the outcome of the reimbursement from celebrity.

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[quote name='SusieV']I thought I read somewhere that they had a maximum coverage of $300 per lost bag. Hopefully I am wrong and they are compensating you for the full amount?[/quote]

SusieV.....I certainly hope that is not the case - my blood pressure just spiked reading that. That would be an insult to us and not even come close to replacing what we have lost.

I feel like I have a fight on my hands......sigh.
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I feel your pain for sure. However, I'd keep expectations realistic and not get all knotted up about documenting it all to the penny....it may prove an exercise in futility. At least ask X what their maximum liability would be so you have an idea if its worth it or not.

Airlines limit liability to something like pennies per POUND of luggage. Often they do better than that, but that's their legal limit. I'd imagine cruise limes have a similar approach.

As for celebrity losing/stealing your luggage, I doubt highly that's the likely issue here, and it's far more likely someone did walk off with your luggage by mistake. It's happened to me 2 times ver the years at the airport. Really, what would you think X would do with your 2 suitcases....think of the flow, its not like an airport where it gets mingled with many other planes and destinations, it's a cart full of your and other luggage makes its way to the luggage hall and is dumped.

I'd just tack this up to things happen, I really don't blame cruise for the loss at all, and would appreciate any effort they make, but it is quite likely someone grabbed the wrong luggage, got home and just didn't want to deal with returning it. It's part of the adventure of travel!
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[quote name='SusieV']I thought I read somewhere that they had a maximum coverage of $300 per lost bag. Hopefully I am wrong and they are compensating you for the full amount?[/QUOTE]

Years ago I did Luggage Valet in FLL. One of my bags went missing along the way. The value limit for reimbursement on my travel insurance was $1200. If it was more I had to have receipts. So I just made a list of what was in my suitcase, provided catalog pictures for the items (same or similar) and made the value just slightly less than $1200. They cut a check no problem. I didn't have receipts for my old stuff... like my formal wear since I'd had it so long. The $ was good to get, but honestly not worth it because there are some favorite things I've still never been able to replace.

I hope your compensation is sufficient. You have MY sympathies!
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[quote name='SusieV']I thought I read somewhere that they had a maximum coverage of $300 per lost bag. Hopefully I am wrong and they are compensating you for the full amount?[/QUOTE]

Assuming you paid with your credit card, see if the card also offers lost luggage protection.
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While it is possible that someone took the bags by mistake, wouldn't that result in their bags being left behind? I think the OP said that there were no bags remaining. I would like to see some sort of cross check as one leaves the port/airport to make sure that the bag ID matches the person's ID. Don't suppose this will happen any tine soon!
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Mel & Ken,
I just saw this thread and you hopefully will have a satisfactory resolution to the replacement.

About four years ago, Celebrity was loading luggage at the Fort Lauderdale pier in the cargo bay, and dropped several suitcases into the water. One of my family member's pieces was not recovered.

Celebrity paid full price on any recent clothing if he could provide the purchase price either by credit card or store receipt. The major department store where he bought those items was more than happy to look up and print a copy of the sales receipt for him when he returned from the cruise. He had a new tux and suit, which were covered, as well as some dress shoes. As to other items, they did not pay full price but a discounted amount. They also paid a discounted amount for the suitcase. He got his check within three weeks of submitting the claim.

As a gesture of goodwill, they also gave him a credit to be used on his next Celebrity voyage. They also gave him a free tux rental for the outfit and shoes since the cruise was just starting. I'm thankful that no electronics were in his bag as none of that was covered.

Hopefully, when you submit your claim form, Celebrity's resolution department will respond quickly and be fair. I am sorry for all that you went through, and I hope your next cruise vacation is wonderful.
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[quote name='purduemom1']While it is possible that someone took the bags by mistake, wouldn't that result in their bags being left behind? I think the OP said that there were no bags remaining. I would like to see some sort of cross check as one leaves the port/airport to make sure that the bag ID matches the person's ID. Don't suppose this will happen any tine soon![/QUOTE]

Possible porter took too many bags for a group, maybe mom said "that's my bag grab it" and then dad did same to another porter while all were searching and minding the kids and Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Maimie in her motor scooter.... possible they all then got slammed on a tour bus going to someplace then....got unloaded at hotel....then hotel sat on them thinking a guest was coming on later bus when not immediately claimed...then luggage dude is off for 2 day weekend.... then someone thinks Oh whats that bag seems like its been around a while...oh I think it came in on XYZ bus, a couple weeks ago maybe they know give it to them.....and round and round and no one even bothers to read the name tag as happened to my AIRLINE luggage lost for 9 weeks arrived with original tags intact.

(I've worked in hotels for several years in the past and saw all kinds of similar issues arise....)

Maybe even some scumbag who liked the brand of luggage and just plain ole stole it. Possible same by an X staffer, but would think they monitor complaints of this nature in particular ports and quickly stop this kind of activity if known.

And maybe it fell overboard on the gangplank and they really did lose it ....!

We'd all throw such a hissy fit if they required us all to match luggage tags on the way out......airlines don't do it anymore unless there is a HUGE problem someplace.

Imagine the lines to check all the tags to bags....but you're right it WOULD solve the problem :D

But it's true there aren't even claim checks or anyway possible to prove the number of bags you have the way luggage is handled....I've wondered about that too myself.

Many here already complain about how long it takes to board let alone adding luggage check on the way out!
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[quote name='kk99']Mel & Ken,
I just saw this thread and you hopefully will have a satisfactory resolution to the replacement.

About four years ago, Celebrity was loading luggage at the Fort Lauderdale pier in the cargo bay, and dropped several suitcases into the water. One of my family member's pieces was not recovered.

Celebrity paid full price on any recent clothing if he could provide the purchase price either by credit card or store receipt. The major department store where he bought those items was more than happy to look up and print a copy of the sales receipt for him when he returned from the cruise. He had a new tux and suit, which were covered, as well as some dress shoes. As to other items, they did not pay full price but a discounted amount. They also paid a discounted amount for the suitcase. He got his check within three weeks of submitting the claim.

As a gesture of goodwill, they also gave him a credit to be used on his next Celebrity voyage. They also gave him a free tux rental for the outfit and shoes since the cruise was just starting. I'm thankful that no electronics were in his bag as none of that was covered.

Hopefully, when you submit your claim form, Celebrity's resolution department will respond quickly and be fair. I am sorry for all that you went through, and I hope your next cruise vacation is wonderful.[/QUOTE]

Wow, this is great service, of course in this case, there is no doubt of blame.....they dumped it in the drink!

Will be good to see how the reaction in thse times will be....
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[quote name='Mel&Ken']SusieV.....I certainly hope that is not the case - my blood pressure just spiked reading that. That would be an insult to us and not even come close to replacing what we have lost.

I feel like I have a fight on my hands......sigh.[/quote]

Is there any new information? I'm keeping hope alive that Celebrity will resolve this to your satisfaction. I loved my Celebrity cruise and booked another. I don't want to be mad at them about this!! We all understand accidents and mistakes happen, but I do hope they make everything right again, and hurry up about it so you can get busy planning your next cruise. :)
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[FONT=Arial]Just an update on our luggage for those of you who asked….It is officially “lost”. :mad:[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]I called Flower (my rep) on Friday as I hadn’t heard anything and Friday was three weeks that it has been missing. “Princess” answered my call (these really have to be code names) and said she could help me. After placing me on hold she came back and informed me that Flower had called me back on Oct.1st to tell me that our luggage was lost and to itemize everything we lost, attach receipts and send it in to get reimbursed.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]I about lost my mind. I received no such call – obviously or I wouldn’t be calling on the 11th to check the status of my bags! [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]I told Princess that I had called and spoke to Rose on Sept.30th as I knew the Reflection was back in port that day. Later that same day I had a voicemail from Flower saying she heard I called and that they were still looking and she would call me if they had any news. That was the last I heard from anyone at Celebrity. But Princess insisted that Flower called me 10 days ago – “it says so here in her notes”. Ugh.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]After we got past that hurdle Princess gave me the drill – itemize all your belongings, provide receipts of anything bought within the last 6 months as anything older is depreciated at a rate of 40% or 25% depending and don’t include electronics, jewelry, alcohol or cigarettes. She did say souvenirs were included whereas Flower said earlier they were not.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]Then the punch to the stomach….”we cover a max of $300 per bag”. I laughed. Was she kidding? My suitcase is worth more than that. My shoes alone are worth more than that. $300???!!! I immediately asked to be transferred to a manager or supervisor. I do not accept $300 as reimbursement for a bag containing all my clothes, shoes, purses and souvenirs for a three week vacation. She would not transfer me. She explained that in order to dispute the amount, I first had to file my claim and be offered the money – only then would I be able to either accept it or fight it. Fair enough – I guess. :rolleyes:[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]So I spent the weekend gathering receipts – I had a spreadsheet of everything we packed so itemizing was easy, receipts are pretty much in place although I am missing a few and now I have to decide do I contact these stores and work to get a reprint or just take the loss? I already know I have a fight on my hands. One suitcase is coming in at $1300 and the other almost $2000 with receipts. I know whatever I end up with will be less than that.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]I will fax it all over today and then wait again to hear from them. This has been so frustrating. I said right at the start that it would all come down to how Celebrity handled the situation – whether we would cruise with them again. So far, they do not impress me at all. And the sad part of it all is that it only hurts me. We love Celebrity, it’s our favourite line, and if they don’t settle this to our satisfaction we won’t cruise with them again. Will it hurt them – no. That’s where we have no leverage.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]I want to point out that we’ve been on three cruises in 18 mths, that our ship account was almost as much as the cruise itself (Ken bought me a ring in the jewelry store for our anniversary) that we’re now members of the Blue Chip club in the casino and have been told we’ll receive offers for “free” cruises. We spend money on our cruises – they should want us to cruise again. But then I think it shouldn’t be about money – who cares what we spent – shouldn’t it be just the right thing to do? Is that just naïve on my part???[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]So that’s where we stand – I will continue to keep you posted. I was telling someone the other day that the disembarkment package that you fill out to select your time should say right on it in bold red ink – [COLOR=red][B]leave bags at your own risk, lost bags are only reimbursed to a max of $300[/B][/COLOR]. I wonder how many people would still put their bags out the night before? :eek:[/FONT]
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Oh, so sad. Actually I did know that about the $300, ridiculous as that will basically cover the cost of the bag itself and not any contents! Not to mention all the time and mental agony you've experienced.

I have to say that I think you have been very magnanimous in your dealings--not ranting and raving, being patient, giving X the benefit of the doubt. I think they need to rethink how they are treating you--this just isn't right on any level.

AND I bet it does show up one of these days when you're least expecting it!

AND another thought, you may want to check with your homeowner's insurance company to see if they have any ideas/coverage. Edited by CathyCruises
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I am trying to stay cool - I know you get more bees with honey than with vinegar! ;) Its not always easy - like when they say they called you 10 days ago and you know they didn't!

I will call my insurance broker now to see what our home coverage includes - I am sure I will have to be settled with Celebrity first before I go that route.

I too keep thinking it will just turn up someday - what a pleasant surprise that will be. :D

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[quote name='Mel&Ken'][FONT=Arial]Just an update on our luggage for those of you who asked….It is officially “lost”. :mad:[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]I called Flower (my rep) on Friday as I hadn’t heard anything and Friday was three weeks that it has been missing. “Princess” answered my call (these really have to be code names) and said she could help me. After placing me on hold she came back and informed me that Flower had called me back on Oct.1st to tell me that our luggage was lost and to itemize everything we lost, attach receipts and send it in to get reimbursed.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]I about lost my mind. I received no such call – obviously or I wouldn’t be calling on the 11th to check the status of my bags! [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]I told Princess that I had called and spoke to Rose on Sept.30th as I knew the Reflection was back in port that day. Later that same day I had a voicemail from Flower saying she heard I called and that they were still looking and she would call me if they had any news. That was the last I heard from anyone at Celebrity. But Princess insisted that Flower called me 10 days ago – “it says so here in her notes”. Ugh.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]After we got past that hurdle Princess gave me the drill – itemize all your belongings, provide receipts of anything bought within the last 6 months as anything older is depreciated at a rate of 40% or 25% depending and don’t include electronics, jewelry, alcohol or cigarettes. She did say souvenirs were included whereas Flower said earlier they were not.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]Then the punch to the stomach….”we cover a max of $300 per bag”. I laughed. Was she kidding? My suitcase is worth more than that. My shoes alone are worth more than that. $300???!!! I immediately asked to be transferred to a manager or supervisor. I do not accept $300 as reimbursement for a bag containing all my clothes, shoes, purses and souvenirs for a three week vacation. She would not transfer me. She explained that in order to dispute the amount, I first had to file my claim and be offered the money – only then would I be able to either accept it or fight it. Fair enough – I guess. :rolleyes:[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]So I spent the weekend gathering receipts – I had a spreadsheet of everything we packed so itemizing was easy, receipts are pretty much in place although I am missing a few and now I have to decide do I contact these stores and work to get a reprint or just take the loss? I already know I have a fight on my hands. One suitcase is coming in at $1300 and the other almost $2000 with receipts. I know whatever I end up with will be less than that.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]I will fax it all over today and then wait again to hear from them. This has been so frustrating. I said right at the start that it would all come down to how Celebrity handled the situation – whether we would cruise with them again. So far, they do not impress me at all. And the sad part of it all is that it only hurts me. We love Celebrity, it’s our favourite line, and if they don’t settle this to our satisfaction we won’t cruise with them again. Will it hurt them – no. That’s where we have no leverage.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]I want to point out that we’ve been on three cruises in 18 mths, that our ship account was almost as much as the cruise itself (Ken bought me a ring in the jewelry store for our anniversary) that we’re now members of the Blue Chip club in the casino and have been told we’ll receive offers for “free” cruises. We spend money on our cruises – they should want us to cruise again. But then I think it shouldn’t be about money – who cares what we spent – shouldn’t it be just the right thing to do? Is that just naïve on my part???[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]So that’s where we stand – I will continue to keep you posted. I was telling someone the other day that the disembarkment package that you fill out to select your time should say right on it in bold red ink – [COLOR=red][B]leave bags at your own risk, lost bags are only reimbursed to a max of $300[/B][/COLOR]. I wonder how many people would still put their bags out the night before? :eek:[/FONT][/quote]

I apologize that I didn't read every post in this thread, but did you purchase travel insurance? I always purchase it with my trips and the limit per lost bag through many of these insurance programs is $1200 - $1500. Also, if you used certain credit cards to book your trip, call them and you may have travel protection through the card company for lost luggage. It's worth the call to find out.
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Sorry your luggage didn't make it home. This thread got me to thinking. I'd have trouble having receipts. I keep them for a little while but not long term. Even the ones I find that are not recent I sometimes don't remember what the item/s were.

I've always thought of myself as being organized...but maybe not. How does everyone else rememeber who/what/where and when????
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[quote name='packedandready']Sorry your luggage didn't make it home. This thread got me to thinking. I'd have trouble having receipts. I keep them for a little while but not long term. Even the ones I find that are not recent I sometimes don't remember what the item/s were.

I've always thought of myself as being organized...but maybe not. How does everyone else rememeber who/what/where and when????[/QUOTE]

No real reason to keep them. Just keep the one for the suitcase which may be close to $300 all on its own depending on brand and size.

I learned just like this with British Air. I had over $2,000 in luggage and luggage accessories alone missing let alone what was inside. Only reason I ended up getting any satisfaction was I had made their elite program relatively quickly that year and was flying business most times, so they accommodated me. Otherwise it was pennies per pound. :-(

I still don't buy insurance, instead I choose to "self-insure".
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I did not pay for the entire cruise with the same credit card so any coverage that comes with the card does not apply. I used one card to get points as my deposit and then a different card for the balance.

As for receipts...it was pure luck as I too throw away receipts for clothes once I know they fit and I am keeping them. This time there were two major shopping days specifically for cruise prep so when we got home all the receipts got shoved in a drawer until we had a chance to go through everything and ensure we were keeping all our purchases. Only because I didn't come across them again before the cruise did they stay there all folded together - otherwise I would have tossed them for sure! A lucky break for once. :rolleyes:
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I think as cle-guy has said - you learn from these experiences. Ken and I both agree we will not be putting our luggage out the night before ever again. It's really not a big deal to carry your own luggage off the ship and we now realize it is NOT worth the risk to us.

I also think I will leave anything with sentimental value home from now on. My mother died last year and I had a pair of her pyjamas that I wore in our luggage. Certainly nothing valuable in any way, they weren't a family heirloom, but an item that was very comforting to me and can't ever be replaced. I also had 2 costume jewelry rings that I bought in Paris 2 years ago. Again no value at all but I loved them and wore them quite often out to dinners or functions.

So I think my packing will now involve the question - will I be upset if this were to go missing? If the answer is yes, I think it will get left at home. It could be because its just too fresh right now, I mean after all what are the odds this would happen again, but right now I think I would err on the side of caution.
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I am so sorry that you have had to go through all this, and I too think you have been incredibly balanced and positive in your approach to everything.

I am really hoping that Celebrity will do the right thing here and look forward to hearing good news from you soon.
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The emphasis is on Celebrity "doing the right thing", but where does their responsibility end? Once the luggage is off the ship in the baggage area, why should Celebrity be liable if someone steals or walks off with it? Just the devil's advocate here because this could really be a bucket of worms!
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