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MITSUGIRLYS JEWEL OF A CRUISE review and pictorial


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I think the reason we dislike the epic is the reason you like it. We no longer have young kids at home...or any kids at home for that matter. So when we travel we don't like having a lot of kids around and we are looking for grown up activities. Which is also why we can dine whenever we want. No kids programs to work around. When the kids were little vacations were plannned with them in mind..now its all grown up play this is also why we travel in the cusp times..just before or after a big holiday or school break.

though there was a time all those kids activities would have been a big draw for us.


But when we went on the Epic, we didn't take any kids with us. All the things the Epic has to offer where things we did and enjoyed. :D


Your daughter looks like Selena Gomez probably did 15 years ago. :D


Your husband better have a baseball bat ready to fend off the guys!


Well thanks, but I don't know about that. I don't think I looked like Selena at Selena's age...if I did then go me! :p If you take my pictures when I was little and put them beside Sakari's pictures, sometimes people can't tell the difference. She is a carbon copy of what I looked like young. I have actually posted pictures on my fb before and people thought it was Sakari. :eek:


All I can say is I hope she grows up to look like her. She's beautiful.






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So here we are...the end of our cruise. Insert the biggest sad face ever here AND the biggest happy face as well for a much needed cruise and break from life.


We woke up Sunday morning and headed out to the balcony in my undies. Oops, I forgot, we're in port. I darted back in quickly and got dressed.


Ok, starting over...out to the balcony. Everything looked wet like it had been raining. Well darn. This seems to happen whenever we return to NOLA from a Christmas cruise.





I looked the other way and it seemed as it the sun "might" be trying to come out in the distance.





Boy did I turned out to be wrong in this case.



The taxi's were all lined up and ready to make their $$.





I watched for awhile and reflected on what the day was to bring. Then I noticed this pulled up to the Jewel:






Anyone know what they were doing with it?



We decided to head up to the buffet for breakfast...our last breakfast. I felt like it was our last meal ever (or at least the last time we would be able to feast for a week like this any time in the near future).


We looked over the room one last time. The hubby double checked. We grabbed our bag and took one last look at our balcony and S-L-O-W-L-Y shut the door behind us. :tear:


We headed up to the buffet and it was hopping just like any other day and again without even more food. We leisurely ate our breakfast. We were not in any hurry to get off the ship since our flights didn't leave until after 3pm. It was raining by then.


Once we were done with breakfast, we decided even though it was raining, we were going to head out to the pool deck for a little while to relax one last time. It was very chilly. Then it started pouring...then the lighting and thunder started. I have to say it was probably the loudest thunder I have ever heard. I don't know if it was because it was bouncing off the high buildings down town, or because we were up high, or it was indeed actually the loudest storm ever.


We quickly headed inside and decided it was probably time to leave. We wanted to meet up with our Epic friends one last time and they had texted me that they were in the Fyzz lounge. We met up down there and talked for a little bit. Originally we had all thought about sending our luggage to the port and exploring a little more of NOLA. But with the weather spoiling the day, that wasn't going to happen obviously.


We decided to head down and be "escorted out" to the VIP line. Our friends followed. We were off the ship in no time and picking up our brightly colored luggage that's super easy to spot. We walked up to the port security, handed her our customs form and she smiled and said "Have a great day." I have never had customs go this quickly or this friendly. There were no desk to come up to with some intimidating person sitting behind it glaring at you as if you were a hard core criminal. They were just standing there and waving everyone goodbye. Wow. Best experience yet.


We said our goodbyes to our Epic, now Jewel friends and got a cab easily.


We checked into the airport and after standing in line forever, we were told it was too early to check in and the earliest you can check in prior to your flight would be 4 hours. I was thinking it was an hour, but it's 4 hours.


The airport was PACKED and what I hate about this airport in NOLA is that it's so huge in length and width, but yet hardly ANY chairs. They could add so many more chairs in these areas and it would we so much nicer and prevent people from having to sit (or sleep) on the floor. The chairs that they DO have are the most hideous looking, uncomfortable, worst designed chairs that ever existed. I felt sorry for this guy, he could only fit 1 butt cheek on it.





Our Epic now turned Jewel friends text me and we met up again in the airport. Their plane didn't leave until after 3 as well. So, it looked like it would be a day of just hanging out in the airport and chatting some more.


After several flights left, we were able to take possession of some comfortable chairs and Sakari sat around and played with her new big friend. They played and he was drawing pictures for her on her notebook to amuse and amaze her. After awhile, I think she wore him out because he fell asleep. She quietly sat beside him continuing to draw pictures.



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At one point our Epic/Jewel friend decided she wanted some coffee, which just happen to be at the OTHER end of the airport and in the opposite way of our flights. I had never been down that way before, so I was happy I went.


When we made it to that side, it looked really different. I couldn't believe how different it was. Now you know how I always carry my camera? Well of course I didn't think I was going to need to just to take a walk to get coffee with a friend.


The only back up would be my not so great phone. I know in this day and age people use their phone for pictures all of the time. However, for someone like me that is so into photography, a phone is a phone, a camera is a camera. I hate using a phone for pictures and the quality is horrible. But here's what you get anyhow.





They had a stage set up for music in a huge open area.













Around 3pm it was time for us to check in for our flight. Once again, we got to use the VIP line and whisk right to the other side with our shoes on and our computer in our bag still.


Once we arrived to our designation, we were informed that there was a delay because of the weather. The lighting and the storms were causing the planes to not be able to land...not only here but where our connecting flight was as well.


I have to say, the employees for Air Tran (which is who we were taking back) were very rude and cold. When I stood in line to ask a question she was really rude and instantly told me to sit down and wait because they had no idea how long the delay was. I told her all I wanted to know is if we had time to eat since we hadn't eaten since 8am. She mumbled something and shooed me away. We decided to go ahead and head back to Subway and grab a bite.


When we returned they started offering to reschedule people for the next morning flights because they had no idea how long it was going to be. We decided to wait it out. After all, it was pouring and nasty out so we wouldn't be able to do anything exciting if we were to get a room.


Luckily, our flight finally arrived a little over an hour late. We boarded the plane and hoped for the best. We were also informed (in the most negative way of course) that if we were to board the plane, it didn't necessarily mean that we were going anywhere and might sit on the runway not moving. Then of course once we made it to our connecting airport, we might be able to land...because of the same weather. So it was up to us. I understand they were being honest and giving us a choice, but it was just done in such a negative way and voice.


We were able to take off in between the lighting attacks and we were on our way. They did warn that there would be a lot of turbulence, but I didn't think it was bad other than when we were going through the clouds (which normally happens anyhow). It was beautiful once we made it above the clouds. It was like sitting on our balcony watching the sunset with the beautiful clouds and colors of the sun going away in the distance.


We were able to land with no problems and we remained on the plane for this connecting flight. I want to add that the staff on Air Tran doesn't hold a candle to the hilarious staff on Southwest. Southwest always has jokes and are some of the best people ever. Air Tran was dull and boring. No jokes, no anything. Sigh.


We were able to clear and we were off on our flight home. There was a time change (which I happened to ask one of the lovely flight attendants about if we had changed times yet... her reply, well first was to ignore me and the second time around was a "What are you talking about?!? Just what are you asking me?!?" Sigh. Ok nice lady, let me put it to you as simple as I can Blondie...It was ___ time when we left NOLA, WHAT TIME IS IT NOW??? Is that put easier for you to understand?" Yea, I'm a little agitated with her at this point and I wasn't afraid to let her know. (Other things occurred prior to this). So I got an affirmative on the time change and instead of coming in to our home town at 8:10pm, we were actually coming in at 10:30ish instead. Go us!


We arrived and was glad the day was over.


I will do one last post to summarize my thoughts of the Jewel and also of the cruise ports.


You are welcome to ask any questions and if I can answer them, I would be happy to of course.


I hope you have enjoyed my review as much as I liked sharing with you.

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great review and pics! I joined in at the mr sanchos part bc I saw your link in another thread while doing research for that place. I have 2 questions. What camera did you use under water? And do you know anything about the cabanas at mr sanchos? I love the sun but my husband likes some shade and a good place to keep our stuff.

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Another informative and excellent review.

I know many parents of young children will be happy you included so much detail of the kids club activities. They seem to be hard to come by.It looked like the kids all had a great time and that NCL did a great job keeping them entertained.

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Mitsugirly, this is the best review I have seen so far!

I loved all the pictures and so many details. I felt as if I was on the cruise with you! Thanks

We will be on the Jewel the last week of February and you have got me really excited with all of your pictures of the ship.

P.S. your daughter is so adorable!!

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Your animal may be a Small Asian Mongoose. They are much smaller than a regular mongoose and they are found in Jamaica. (I'm a little ocd when it comes to animals and finding out what they are) :)


I get that way when looking up the types of fish that I find while snorkeling. So, I completely understand. Thanks so much. :)


Loved it. Best review I've ever read and pics were excellent!! Thank you!


Thanks so much. I really appreciate it.

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great review and pics! I joined in at the mr sanchos part bc I saw your link in another thread while doing research for that place. I have 2 questions. What camera did you use under water? And do you know anything about the cabanas at mr sanchos? I love the sun but my husband likes some shade and a good place to keep our stuff.


I have an Olympus Tough point and shoot camera that I did most of these pictures with (and all of the underwater pics). The other camera I use as back up is a Canon D10 (used in some of the land pictures).


I don't know anything about the cabana's (if you are talking about the one's that are all white and look like a bed) other than what I have read online, which says they are like a romantic package you can purchase.


There's plenty of shade under the palapa's where the tables are at (as shown in a lot of my pictures) and there's also a huge building with a bunch of tables that people hang out at and also eat at. Then there's shade at the bars as well. :) I think you'll be ok with the shade issue.



Another informative and excellent review.

I know many parents of young children will be happy you included so much detail of the kids club activities. They seem to be hard to come by.It looked like the kids all had a great time and that NCL did a great job keeping them entertained.


Thank you so much. I know I have a lot of issues finding information regarding things with the childrens program as well and always try to include it in my reviews.

Edited by mitsugirly
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Glad you had a great trip. It appears you did not go to the Character Breakfast. Did you feel you had enough Spongebob ??!!


Thanks for sharing your trip with us. We took a vinyl version of our Elf in November as we did not think the elves were allowed on the ship and they sent the waterproof cousin in their place.


Wow, it is crazy to be a parent!

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One of the best reviews ever.


Thanks for taking the time to share!


Thanks so much for liking it and your kind comments.


I want to say thanks for a great trip! I feel as though I was there with you! I also followed your earlier Carribbean trip review as I am interested in snorkelling. Thanks again! Can't wait for the next cruise! Ken


Thanks so much for joining me. I appreciate it and hopefully helped some people along the way. :)

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Mitsugirly, this is the best review I have seen so far!

I loved all the pictures and so many details. I felt as if I was on the cruise with you! Thanks

We will be on the Jewel the last week of February and you have got me really excited with all of your pictures of the ship.

P.S. your daughter is so adorable!!


Thanks so much for the compliments. I tried my best but I'm sure I missed some details that I wanted to share and completely forgot.


Have a great cruise in February! Thanks for the compliments on my munchkin. :)


Glad you had a great trip. It appears you did not go to the Character Breakfast. Did you feel you had enough Spongebob ??!!


Thanks for sharing your trip with us. We took a vinyl version of our Elf in November as we did not think the elves were allowed on the ship and they sent the waterproof cousin in their place.


Wow, it is crazy to be a parent!


I felt like we had plenty of Nick time. There seemed to be something going on each and every day. Sakari definitely got her "fix" for the cruise. Honestly, I didn't even pay attention to when the Nick Breakfast was since there was so much more going on. I never really noticed it in the dailies and would have to even look it up to see when they even had it. I do know that I missed the Dora story-time, but it was no biggie and we wasn't sure in the beginning if we were even interested in going to that.


Just wondering why you would say that the elf wouldn't be allowed on the ship? :confused:

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I was so worried about the elf getting lost, dirty etc. Ours is really naughty and follows us around, climbs in trees etc. We were afraid of sand all over or another disaster. We had a lot of fun with the cousin that came because he could be touched by children. He too showed up on excursions, climbed the rock wall etc.... this was a year that was all about the Elf. much to my ten year olds dismay. My 8 year old loved it. me, I am tired of having to write notes with my left hand.


Happy New Year

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I know that you have cruised a lot with your daughter. We cruised the Dawn with both our kids for the first time a few weeks ago. They loved the kids club activities. I noticed that they were pretty similiar to what ours did. Do you know if they change often? Do they change from ship to ship or once a year? IE, has she ever been the tiger in the circus show before?

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I know that you have cruised a lot with your daughter. We cruised the Dawn with both our kids for the first time a few weeks ago. They loved the kids club activities. I noticed that they were pretty similiar to what ours did. Do you know if they change often? Do they change from ship to ship or once a year? IE, has she ever been the tiger in the circus show before?


She did the tiger show when we were on the Star last year. I think they started this when they rolled out the new kids splash program. I believe they now do it on ?all? the ships with the new program.


Sakari has been cruising with us since she was 3 and on the Spirit in Sept 2011. They seem to always have the pirate parade, the princess parade and so on, so that parts not new.

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I know that you have cruised a lot with your daughter. We cruised the Dawn with both our kids for the first time a few weeks ago. They loved the kids club activities. I noticed that they were pretty similiar to what ours did. Do you know if they change often? Do they change from ship to ship or once a year? IE, has she ever been the tiger in the circus show before?


They did the circus on the Sun December 2012. I am pretty sure it was fairly new then. Each time we go, the workers are different and from different countries, so that changes things up a bit. The features of the kids rooms vary among the ships. The Jewel had what they called the Jungle Gym, but the Sun did not have one of those. The games, movies, crafts vary a little for each cruise. If you look at dailies, they try to make the port you are visiting the theme on port days. The circus is a major theme throughout the cruises of course. The last night has been a pajama night as long as I can remember.

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Hi! A friend and I are going to the Western Caribbean in about 8 days on the Jewel and she wondered if the cabins have personal safes so I thought I would check in with someone who was just there!


Thanks for all the pics, so excited about our trip and you've inspired my picture taking.

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Hi! A friend and I are going to the Western Caribbean in about 8 days on the Jewel and she wondered if the cabins have personal safes so I thought I would check in with someone who was just there!



I was on the same cruise as Mitsugirly. Yes! It fit our laptop. It was not very tall but pretty deep.

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Hi! A friend and I are going to the Western Caribbean in about 8 days on the Jewel and she wondered if the cabins have personal safes so I thought I would check in with someone who was just there!


Thanks for all the pics, so excited about our trip and you've inspired my picture taking.



Yes, a picture of the safe on the shelf was included in part of my cabin review in this thread. :)

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When we returned to the room for the night Trixie had gotten herself into a mess. I guess either Mr Crab was hungry, or she tried to ride him like one of the other towel animals and he wasn't having it.



Just curious, did the room steward do all of these things with Trixie or did you do them?

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